The value of slavery?

toobfreak said:
EXACTLY RIGHT. I doubt few here KNOWS they are descended from slaves
My Wife Watches That Gate's Ancestry Show On PBS
Just About Everyone Seems To Share African Blood

So Who Is Going To Be Responsible For Paying Reparations
If Gate's Average Research Is True ??
Next time someone says, “But Africans sold themselves into slavery!”, send this article to them

The following except from pages 47-50 of Overturning the Culture of Violence, written by Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee and printed by Burning Spear Publications, debunks the cynical and anti-black argument that “Africans enslaved themselves.” This argument points to the presence of Africans who collaborated with the European slave masters and “sold” Africans to them in order to shift the responsibility for the slave trade off the shoulders of the European colonial slavemaster and onto the backs of the colonized and enslaved African.

Today, as the voice of the enslaved African community asserts itself in the world and lifts up the demand for reparations, the blame-shifting “African collaborator” argument can be seen gaining traction in universities and bourgeois historical publications, not as an historical argument but as a political defense against the legitimacy of the reparations demand. As an organization of white people working under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party to organize white people in solidarity with the African struggle for liberation and reparations, we in the Uhuru Solidarity Movement find it timely to publish this excerpt here:

HUMAN BONDAGE: Page 47-50, Overturning the Culture of Violence

The terrible impact that slavery has had on the continent of Africa cannot be calculated: the destruction of magnificent civilizations, the break-up of family and kinship circles, the massive depopulation, forced impoverishment, famine and starvation, the ravishing of an environment which had been so conducive to human civilization for millennia. From open, educated, prosperous and democratic societies, African people now lived in sheer terror, never knowing when their village or town would be raided for human loot by these white invaders.

Some North American people cynically place the blame for the enslavement of African people on the shoulders of African collaborators who participated in the kidnapping of their own people. Impacted by the social destruction wreaked by invading Europeans, a tiny minority of the conquered people did find their own survival by participating in this treachery.

The setting up of collaborators among the colonized population has been a successful tool of domination in every instance of European colonialism around the world. Africa is no exception. Europeans attack societies in Africa, Asia, or the Americas, destroying their traditional economies and long-standing social relationships. A unilateral colonial economy, which starves the people and creates the dependency on the colonial power, is militarily enforced.

The European invader gets richer and richer through his bloodsucking relationship, and offers resources, guns and special status to a minority sector of the oppressed population. The selected “elite” or the colony can themselves become enslaved or carry out the will of white power. If they take any stand independent of the colonizer as have, say, Panama’s Noriega or Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in today’s world, white power spares them none of its wrath.

This plan has worked well over the centuries. A few people in every colony have participated in the devious imperialist schemes of slavery, genocide, torture and exploitation of their own people, a collaboration which benefits no one more than the European or North American “mother” country.

The statement that “Africans enslaved their own people” separates out African people from other colonial subjects, all of whom have had their share of betrayal among their ranks. It is a statement of imperialism’s historic need to mobilize public opinion against African people.

Like the general white attitude toward the government-imposed drugs and dependent drug economy in today’s African communities, this statement lets the parasitic colonial economic system off the hook. It is an anti-black expression of unity with the oppression of African people, saying, “They did it to themselves.” Meanwhile all white people everywhere still benefit from the parasitic economic system which has as its foundation the enslavement and continued exploitation of African people.

Most Africans resisted enslavement with all of their energy. Rebellions on slave ships were common. According to one source, “Many deaths on slave journeys across the Atlantic derived from violence, brawls, and above all, rebellions. There was probably at least one insurrection every eight to ten journeys.”

For example, Africans successfully rebelled in 1532 aboard the Portueguese slave ship the Misericordia. The 109 Africans on board “rose and murdered all the crew except for the pilot and two seaman. Those survivors escaped in a longboat. But the Misericordia was never heard of again.”

Slave ship owners often three Africans off the ships just to collect the insurance money. One famous case was that of a ship owned by William Gregson and George Case (both former mayors of Liverpool, England). The captain threw 133 Africans into the sea because if Africans were to die naturally, the owners would lose money, but if the African people were “thrown alive into the sea,” supposedly for the safety of the crew, “it would be the loss of the underwriters.”

So many African people died en route that it has been said that sharks followed slave ships all the way from Africa to the Americas.

Africans who survived the notoriously brutal middle passage, as the Atlantic crossing was known, reached the Americas barely alive. If they were too ill, they were left to die on the shore. They were sold like animals on public auction blocks, naked or in rags, weakened and emaciated, having survived the months below deck with disease and malnutrition, not to mention the emotional ravage sof such an experience. Many Africans committed suicide to avoid enslavement, a practice otherwise unknown in African culture.

White buyers came to the market for slaves, “feeling the Africans’ limbs and bodies much as butchers handled calves. The slaves were often asked, as they had been told to do before leaving Africa, to show their tongues and teeth, or to stretch their arms.”

In the Americas, Africans were “broken in” by submitting them to inhuman terror in an attempt to crush out any resistance. The “breaking” process was psychological as well as physical, and included being forced to learn a version of a European language and to take a European name, something many Africans militantly resisted.

Under the domination of their white slave masters, African people of all ages were branded, women on the breasts. Africans were whipped until they were deeply scarred, and their ears or ear lobes were cut off. People were slashed in the face, and their hands and feet were cut off to prevent them from running away. Men were castrated; women were raped. Women’s babies were cut out of their bellies for “punishment” and any man, woman or child could be forced to wear iron collars on their necks for life.

Under such brutal conditions, normal human relationships between men and woman or parents and children were interrupted and nearly impossible. Mothers were forced to work the full nine months of pregnancy, often giving birth in the field. They were then forced to abandon their children, as they had to keep on working or nurse the children of the slave master.

Next time someone says, "But Africans sold themselves into slavery!", send this article to them
This ended 150 years ago.

Rather than focusing in it why not focus on the problems of today? Reparations won’t fix any problems, aren’t truly just in that they don’t go to those who were actually enslaved, and will only exacerbate racial hate because there will be those who will see it as just another entitlement reserved for blacks?

This is in response to what people are saying. Reparations will fix many of the problems if not all. I'd certainly like to see all these entitlements blacks have and are reserved for us? Coyote do you not understand that entitlements have been allowed mainly for whites? I believe you are a fair minded person, so can you explain to me why whites are so willing to ignore everything they have been given and continue getting in order to complain about basically non existent entitlements for blacks?

What exactly will reparations fix and for whom?

You don’t even have a reasonable way of determine who should get it and none of the projected recipients were directly affected by slavery.

It will provide the necessary capital to revitalize black communities, provide venture capital to aspiring back entrepreneurs, increase financial assistance for people wanting post secondary and adult education and training. You really are not thinking wen you make your opinions Coyote. Hate to tell you but we are descendants of slaves and are owed for that labor. But you see Coyote those who are actively researching the matter are not just limiting this to slavery nor did the U.N. These entities are talking about reparations from at least 1776 until right now. You don't know even how we are taking about using the reparation money much less trying to tell me what and how we don't have this and that.

Now would you show me the courtesy to answer my questions?

I'd certainly like to see all these entitlements blacks have and are reserved for us? Coyote do you not understand that entitlements have been allowed mainly for whites? I believe you are a fair minded person, so can you explain to me why whites are so willing to ignore everything they have been given and continue getting in order to complain about basically non existent entitlements for blacks?
Native Americans are the only race that should be given any money by the Government. They are the only race that the Government directly destroyed. Slaves were owned by individuals.
And who created and enforced the laws that made it legal for white individuals to enslave, abuse and violate the human rights of other human beings of African descent (but not white human beings), including the Fugitive Slave Act? That's government created, sanctioned and enforced abuse.

One of the primary concerns after the slaves were freed was compensation to the slave owners for the "loss" of their "property". Hopefully that should tell you something.

It wasn't the US government, that's for sure. Slavery existed for thousands of years before the US government existed, or the colonies for that matter.
The US government codified it into law and was complicit in continuing the practice after much of the civilized world banned it. Laws come from governments.
My statement stands the only race worthy of considerations is the Native Americans. Blacks have equal footing today because of policies put forth, they have financial opportunities specifically for them as well as employment opportunities. That is reparations enough.

Totally incorrect.
Native Americans are the only race that should be given any money by the Government. They are the only race that the Government directly destroyed. Slaves were owned by individuals.
And who created and enforced the laws that made it legal for white individuals to enslave, abuse and violate the human rights of other human beings of African descent (but not white human beings), including the Fugitive Slave Act? That's government created, sanctioned and enforced abuse.

One of the primary concerns after the slaves were freed was compensation to the slave owners for the "loss" of their "property". Hopefully that should tell you something.

It wasn't the US government, that's for sure. Slavery existed for thousands of years before the US government existed, or the colonies for that matter.
The US government codified it into law and was complicit in continuing the practice after much of the civilized world banned it. Laws come from governments.
My statement stands the only race worthy of considerations is the Native Americans. Blacks have equal footing today because of policies put forth, they have financial opportunities specifically for them as well as employment opportunities. That is reparations enough.

Totally incorrect.
Totally correct.

I’ve been wondering about a couple of your statements and underlying premise.
You say that you ran organizations, retired at 52 and get paid handsomely for lending guidance.

You also claim that Blacks don’t have the same opportunities as Whites and need special consideration.

Which one of your statements is false? Or both?
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I think reparations are a fine line. For instance not all states legalized slavery. Reparation should really be for survivors not descendents hundreds of years later.

Government programs designed to address racial inequality and discrimination really are a form of reparation and an attempt to address longstanding policies and attitudes that targeted blacks.

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
Your ancestors sold family members; you can't handle that? Tough.
You've had equal rights since the 1960s and you still can't live without going to the bar and getting a daily dose of under the panties satisfaction.
If you can't straighten out your act don't expect others to give you hand outs that you''ll simply spend on clothes and use to upgrade from BMWs to Roll Royces.

Since none of that happened you just show yourself to be another dumb white person.
You do realize that Whitey and Hispaniky are well aware that Blacks are revising history.
Did We Sell Each Other Into Slavery: Misconceptions About the African Involvement in the Slave Trade
By Dwayne Wong (Omowale)

There are many misconceptions about African history and nowhere is this more true than the topic of the slave trade. Very often I see comments by people who argue that Africans sold each other into slavery. There is some element of truth to this, but to speak of the slave trade solely as Africans selling each other t is a gross oversimplification of what was a complex historical event. This also seems to be an attempt to shift the burden of the slave trade on the victims of that very trade. In How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Walter Rodney mentions how the white author of a book on the slave trade admitted that he was encouraged by other scholars to blame the slave trade solely on the Africans. This narrative helps to lessen European guilt by making Africans seem just as or even more guilty of being involved in the slave trade. This piece is not an attempt to ignore the African role in the slave trade or to absolve those that were involved, but to to provide a more complete picture of the African involvement in slave trade.

In the first place, the Portuguese initiated what eventually became the Trans-Atlantic slave trade mainly through slave raids along the coasts of Africa. The first of these raids came in 1444 and was led by Lançarote de Freitas. The problem with raiding for slaves was that it was extremely dangerous. For instance, the slave trader Nuno Tristão was killed during an ambush. Slave raiding proved to be an extremely dangerous way to obtain slaves, but buying slaves was much safer and took less effort on the part of the Europeans. Therefore, the first phase of the slave trade began not with a trade, but with a series of raids. This point is especially important because although the slave trade was on some levels based on a partnership between European buyers and African traders, the slave trade did not begin as such.

Moreover, the partnership between the traders and buyers was an uneasy one. The European slave traders often betrayed those who supplied them with slaves. A famous case of this was the African slave trader Daaga who was tricked and captured by slave traders. He was taken to Trinidad where he would eventually lead a mutiny. Another example is given by Anne Bailey in her book African Voices in the Atlantic Slave Trade. She mentions the story of Chief Ndorkutsu who had been providing captives to the European traders. Eventually some of the Ndorkutsu’s own relatives were tricked into boarding a slave ship and then taken as slaves to Cuba. In some cases, such as that of Madam Tinubu in Nigeria and Afonso of the Kongo Kingdom, those Africans that initially gave African captives to the Europeans came to resist the slave trade. Tinubu had a change of heart when she realized how inhumanely the slaves were treated. Afonso was almost assassinated by the Portuguese after he demanded an end to the slave trade in his kingdom.

Typically wars in West Africa were relatively short affairs that left a small number of causalities. The introduction of European weapons made these wars more drawn out and destructive affairs. Moreover, the only way Africans could acquire these firearms was through the trade of slaves. A king of Dahomey once requested that Europeans establish a firearms factory in his nation, but this request went ignored. Firearms became necessary for African nations to defend themselves both from African rivals as well as from European intrusion, but the only way to acquire these weapons was through the slave trade. This situation only benefited the competing European powers that were able to play Africans against each other.

Finally, the slave trade left a negative legacy on both sides of the Atlantic. The Africans that were brought to the Americas were forced to labor as slaves, while enduring some of the most inhumane treatment imaginable. Those who remained, however, were left to mourn the lost of their friends and relatives that were taken away. A handful of African traders and rulers may have gained some wealth from the slave trade, but overall it was a very negative event for Africa. There were African kingdoms, such as the Kongo Kingdom, that eventually fell due to the onslaught brought about by the slave trade. We often think of the negative impact that the slave trade had on those who were captured, but the slave trade was also devastating for those who escaped being captured as well.

Some Africans did play a role in the slave trade and the trade could not have been as large as it was without cooperation from Africans. With that being said, I think many people who have not properly studied the slave trade have a tendency to overstate how involved Africans were in a misguided attempt to shift the blame of the slave trade on Africans.

Dwayne is the author of several books on the history and experiences of African people, both on the continent and in the diaspora. His books are available through Amazon. You can also follow Dwayne on Facebook.

Did We Sell Each Other Into Slavery: Misconceptions About the African Involvement in the Slave Trade | HuffPost

oh----ok ----the very BEST you could do "some people overstate how involved Africans were....." ? ----<<< really impressive. Your citation is silly---it dates the INCEPTION OF THE CONCEPT OF SLAVERY to
1444 AD<<<<<<<<< ROFLMAO

Some will do anything to deny the truth. You are really dumb. Learn how to read.

"In the first place, the Portuguese initiated what eventually became the Trans-Atlantic slave trade mainly through slave raids along the coasts of Africa. The first of these raids came in 1444 and was led by Lançarote de Freitas. "

It is apparent to anyone who can read that the author was referring to the Trans Atlantic slave trade. Your excuse laden argument about things happening 10,000 yeas ago is quite frankly, ignorant.
It just occurred to me...
When are you going to organize a rally against all the current slavery of Blacks in Africa by Black African War Lords and the Arab World by non-White Arabs?
You're so full of crap.
Compliance assumes there is a theory yes. In reality, most people are brutally broken.

"We are all dying ... But not all of us will die today"

It's always a choice ... Not a matter of theory, statistics nor odds ... :thup:
The results are reality ... Whether they consist of desire or simply consequence.

Reparations are another story and judged on a completely different scale.​

Next time someone says, “But Africans sold themselves into slavery!”, send this article to them

The following except from pages 47-50 of Overturning the Culture of Violence, written by Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee and printed by Burning Spear Publications, debunks the cynical and anti-black argument that “Africans enslaved themselves.” This argument points to the presence of Africans who collaborated with the European slave masters and “sold” Africans to them in order to shift the responsibility for the slave trade off the shoulders of the European colonial slavemaster and onto the backs of the colonized and enslaved African.

Today, as the voice of the enslaved African community asserts itself in the world and lifts up the demand for reparations, the blame-shifting “African collaborator” argument can be seen gaining traction in universities and bourgeois historical publications, not as an historical argument but as a political defense against the legitimacy of the reparations demand. As an organization of white people working under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party to organize white people in solidarity with the African struggle for liberation and reparations, we in the Uhuru Solidarity Movement find it timely to publish this excerpt here:

HUMAN BONDAGE: Page 47-50, Overturning the Culture of Violence

The terrible impact that slavery has had on the continent of Africa cannot be calculated: the destruction of magnificent civilizations, the break-up of family and kinship circles, the massive depopulation, forced impoverishment, famine and starvation, the ravishing of an environment which had been so conducive to human civilization for millennia. From open, educated, prosperous and democratic societies, African people now lived in sheer terror, never knowing when their village or town would be raided for human loot by these white invaders.

Some North American people cynically place the blame for the enslavement of African people on the shoulders of African collaborators who participated in the kidnapping of their own people. Impacted by the social destruction wreaked by invading Europeans, a tiny minority of the conquered people did find their own survival by participating in this treachery.

The setting up of collaborators among the colonized population has been a successful tool of domination in every instance of European colonialism around the world. Africa is no exception. Europeans attack societies in Africa, Asia, or the Americas, destroying their traditional economies and long-standing social relationships. A unilateral colonial economy, which starves the people and creates the dependency on the colonial power, is militarily enforced.

The European invader gets richer and richer through his bloodsucking relationship, and offers resources, guns and special status to a minority sector of the oppressed population. The selected “elite” or the colony can themselves become enslaved or carry out the will of white power. If they take any stand independent of the colonizer as have, say, Panama’s Noriega or Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in today’s world, white power spares them none of its wrath.

This plan has worked well over the centuries. A few people in every colony have participated in the devious imperialist schemes of slavery, genocide, torture and exploitation of their own people, a collaboration which benefits no one more than the European or North American “mother” country.

The statement that “Africans enslaved their own people” separates out African people from other colonial subjects, all of whom have had their share of betrayal among their ranks. It is a statement of imperialism’s historic need to mobilize public opinion against African people.

Like the general white attitude toward the government-imposed drugs and dependent drug economy in today’s African communities, this statement lets the parasitic colonial economic system off the hook. It is an anti-black expression of unity with the oppression of African people, saying, “They did it to themselves.” Meanwhile all white people everywhere still benefit from the parasitic economic system which has as its foundation the enslavement and continued exploitation of African people.

Most Africans resisted enslavement with all of their energy. Rebellions on slave ships were common. According to one source, “Many deaths on slave journeys across the Atlantic derived from violence, brawls, and above all, rebellions. There was probably at least one insurrection every eight to ten journeys.”

For example, Africans successfully rebelled in 1532 aboard the Portueguese slave ship the Misericordia. The 109 Africans on board “rose and murdered all the crew except for the pilot and two seaman. Those survivors escaped in a longboat. But the Misericordia was never heard of again.”

Slave ship owners often three Africans off the ships just to collect the insurance money. One famous case was that of a ship owned by William Gregson and George Case (both former mayors of Liverpool, England). The captain threw 133 Africans into the sea because if Africans were to die naturally, the owners would lose money, but if the African people were “thrown alive into the sea,” supposedly for the safety of the crew, “it would be the loss of the underwriters.”

So many African people died en route that it has been said that sharks followed slave ships all the way from Africa to the Americas.

Africans who survived the notoriously brutal middle passage, as the Atlantic crossing was known, reached the Americas barely alive. If they were too ill, they were left to die on the shore. They were sold like animals on public auction blocks, naked or in rags, weakened and emaciated, having survived the months below deck with disease and malnutrition, not to mention the emotional ravage sof such an experience. Many Africans committed suicide to avoid enslavement, a practice otherwise unknown in African culture.

White buyers came to the market for slaves, “feeling the Africans’ limbs and bodies much as butchers handled calves. The slaves were often asked, as they had been told to do before leaving Africa, to show their tongues and teeth, or to stretch their arms.”

In the Americas, Africans were “broken in” by submitting them to inhuman terror in an attempt to crush out any resistance. The “breaking” process was psychological as well as physical, and included being forced to learn a version of a European language and to take a European name, something many Africans militantly resisted.

Under the domination of their white slave masters, African people of all ages were branded, women on the breasts. Africans were whipped until they were deeply scarred, and their ears or ear lobes were cut off. People were slashed in the face, and their hands and feet were cut off to prevent them from running away. Men were castrated; women were raped. Women’s babies were cut out of their bellies for “punishment” and any man, woman or child could be forced to wear iron collars on their necks for life.

Under such brutal conditions, normal human relationships between men and woman or parents and children were interrupted and nearly impossible. Mothers were forced to work the full nine months of pregnancy, often giving birth in the field. They were then forced to abandon their children, as they had to keep on working or nurse the children of the slave master.

Next time someone says, "But Africans sold themselves into slavery!", send this article to them
This ended 150 years ago.

Rather than focusing in it why not focus on the problems of today? Reparations won’t fix any problems, aren’t truly just in that they don’t go to those who were actually enslaved, and will only exacerbate racial hate because there will be those who will see it as just another entitlement reserved for blacks?

This is in response to what people are saying. Reparations will fix many of the problems if not all. I'd certainly like to see all these entitlements blacks have and are reserved for us? Coyote do you not understand that entitlements have been allowed mainly for whites? I believe you are a fair minded person, so can you explain to me why whites are so willing to ignore everything they have been given and continue getting in order to complain about basically non existent entitlements for blacks?

What exactly will reparations fix and for whom?

You don’t even have a reasonable way of determine who should get it and none of the projected recipients were directly affected by slavery.

It will provide the necessary capital to revitalize black communities, provide venture capital to aspiring back entrepreneurs, increase financial assistance for people wanting post secondary and adult education and training. You really are not thinking wen you make your opinions Coyote. Hate to tell you but we are descendants of slaves and are owed for that labor. But you see Coyote those who are actively researching the matter are not just limiting this to slavery nor did the U.N. These entities are talking about reparations from at least 1776 until right now. You don't know even how we are taking about using the reparation money much less trying to tell me what and how we don't have this and that.

Actually I am thinking.

First off, you've been talking about reparations - payments made to individuals. Historically that has not translated into capital improvements of any kind - witness what people did when they got lump sum tax payments. They spend it on themselves - usually goods, vacations, debt. How much went into community development?

You are not all descendents of slaves - many also immigrated here post slavery. Note: not all of us are descendents of slave owners either.

You, individually are not owed for labor - none of you, because you were not slaves and you have been paid for your labor, you have no right to be paid for other people's labor.

It sounds like you are talking about massive OPEN ENDED where is all that money going to come from?

Now would you show me the courtesy to answer my questions?

I have always tried to answer your questions.

I'd certainly like to see all these entitlements blacks have and are reserved for us?

Affirmative action has benefited blacks and women, you can't deny that. And though legally it must be race neutral, has it benefited white males in any way? At the very least it LOOKS that way to many Americans.

Coyote do you not understand that entitlements have been allowed mainly for whites? I believe you are a fair minded person, so can you explain to me why whites are so willing to ignore everything they have been given and continue getting in order to complain about basically non existent entitlements for blacks?

What "entitlements" are only allowed mainly for whites?
I think reparations are the wrong way to go about rectifying old wrongs - it is impossible to apply them in a just way because none of the people alive today were either enslaved or slavers.

It seems it would be better to look at what actually needs to be addressed rather than payments to individuals:
Neighborhood deterioration
Home ownership

Grants can be given to communities to empower them. Grants can be given to individual entrepeneurs who come up with good ideas. Education in failing areas can be opened to entrepeneural ideas by the people who actually live there. I don't know but that seems like a better way of handling it.
toobfreak said:
EXACTLY RIGHT. I doubt few here KNOWS they are descended from slaves
My Wife Watches That Gate's Ancestry Show On PBS
Just About Everyone Seems To Share African Blood

So Who Is Going To Be Responsible For Paying Reparations
If Gate's Average Research Is True ??

Exactly - it's overly broad, we can't even define who should be getting it.
IM2 said:
It will provide the necessary capital to revitalize black communities, provide venture capital to aspiring back entrepreneurs, increase financial assistance for people wanting post secondary and adult education and training.
That's All A Very Noble Ideal

I Think It's More Likely
That Each Subsequent Generation Will Continue To Make Demands
Because I Don't See An Overall Inprovement
Based On The Stewardship Of Resources They Already Have

What Seems To Be Oppressing Blacks The Most
Is Apathy With An Expectation Of Failure
And Excuses Compounded By A Culture Of Victim-Hood

Something Needs To Be Done
About The Near 75% Illegitimate Birth Rate
And Return Of The Fathers To The Family

No One Else Can Fix That For Them
oh----ok ----the very BEST you could do "some people overstate how involved Africans were....." ? ----<<< really impressive. Your citation is silly---it dates the INCEPTION OF THE CONCEPT OF SLAVERY to
1444 AD<<<<<<<<< ROFLMAO

Some will do anything to deny the truth. You are really dumb. Learn how to read.

"In the first place, the Portuguese initiated what eventually became the Trans-Atlantic slave trade mainly through slave raids along the coasts of Africa. The first of these raids came in 1444 and was led by Lançarote de Freitas. "

It is apparent to anyone who can read that the author was referring to the Trans Atlantic slave trade. Your excuse laden argument about things happening 10,000 yeas ago is quite frankly, ignorant.
It just occurred to me...
When are you going to organize a rally against all the current slavery of Blacks in Africa by Black African War Lords and the Arab World by non-White Arabs?
You're so full of crap.
Reading im2’s posts are like watching a train wreck. You know you shouldn’t but you just can’t look away for fear you will miss something. In both cases that something we will see is either abhorrent or foolish.
I often wonder if IM2 and AssLips are the same psycho.
Reading the posts is like watching an accident. You know you shouldn’t but you can’t help yourself. You can’t help but think what’s next?
I wonder what happens Whitey runs out of money?
Whitey become slaves!
Native Americans are the only race that should be given any money by the Government. They are the only race that the Government directly destroyed. Slaves were owned by individuals.
And who created and enforced the laws that made it legal for white individuals to enslave, abuse and violate the human rights of other human beings of African descent (but not white human beings), including the Fugitive Slave Act? That's government created, sanctioned and enforced abuse.

One of the primary concerns after the slaves were freed was compensation to the slave owners for the "loss" of their "property". Hopefully that should tell you something.

It wasn't the US government, that's for sure. Slavery existed for thousands of years before the US government existed, or the colonies for that matter.
The US government codified it into law and was complicit in continuing the practice after much of the civilized world banned it. Laws come from governments.
My statement stands the only race worthy of considerations is the Native Americans. Blacks have equal footing today because of policies put forth, they have financial opportunities specifically for them as well as employment opportunities. That is reparations enough.

Totally incorrect.

Agree with that. If people must be deemed "worthy" of reparations, then that cast's a whole different (and not very palatable) light on it. If Native Americans should receive reparations today, then so should blacks and so should women come to think of it.

And no, I disagree with your assertion that Native Americans got reparations.
And who created and enforced the laws that made it legal for white individuals to enslave, abuse and violate the human rights of other human beings of African descent (but not white human beings), including the Fugitive Slave Act? That's government created, sanctioned and enforced abuse.

One of the primary concerns after the slaves were freed was compensation to the slave owners for the "loss" of their "property". Hopefully that should tell you something.

It wasn't the US government, that's for sure. Slavery existed for thousands of years before the US government existed, or the colonies for that matter.
The US government codified it into law and was complicit in continuing the practice after much of the civilized world banned it. Laws come from governments.
My statement stands the only race worthy of considerations is the Native Americans. Blacks have equal footing today because of policies put forth, they have financial opportunities specifically for them as well as employment opportunities. That is reparations enough.

Totally incorrect.

Agree with that. If people must be deemed "worthy" of reparations, then that cast's a whole different (and not very palatable) light on it. If Native Americans should receive reparations today, then so should blacks and so should women come to think of it.

And no, I disagree with your assertion that Native Americans got reparations.
I never asserted that Native Americans were given reparations.
The Native Americans were allowed to open their well run casinos and many have made a fortune.
The Native Americans were allowed to open their well run casinos and many have made a fortune.
Unfortunately not all tribes have been recognized. The ones that haven’t are not allowed the same opportunities.
The Native Americans were allowed to open their well run casinos and many have made a fortune.
Unfortunately not all tribes have been recognized. The ones that haven’t are not allowed the same opportunities.
Not every member of every segment of society can get their act together.
Being an Observant Jew I know that not every Jew is a millionaire...I'm not.
I know Jews with a zero IQ who are literally billionaires and Jews who are geniuses and are poor.
The Native Americans were allowed to open their well run casinos and many have made a fortune.
Unfortunately not all tribes have been recognized. The ones that haven’t are not allowed the same opportunities.
Not every member of every segment of society can get their act together.
Being an Observant Jew I know that not every Jew is a millionaire...I'm not.
I know Jews with a zero IQ who are literally billionaires and Jews who are geniuses and are poor.
I agree. The Native injustice is close to me since my wife is 100%. Just as the atrocities perpetrated to Jews are close to you.
It wasn't the US government, that's for sure. Slavery existed for thousands of years before the US government existed, or the colonies for that matter.
The US government codified it into law and was complicit in continuing the practice after much of the civilized world banned it. Laws come from governments.
My statement stands the only race worthy of considerations is the Native Americans. Blacks have equal footing today because of policies put forth, they have financial opportunities specifically for them as well as employment opportunities. That is reparations enough.

Totally incorrect.

Agree with that. If people must be deemed "worthy" of reparations, then that cast's a whole different (and not very palatable) light on it. If Native Americans should receive reparations today, then so should blacks and so should women come to think of it.

And no, I disagree with your assertion that Native Americans got reparations.
I never asserted that Native Americans were given reparations.

IM2 has, he was who I was responding to.

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