The value of slavery?

Native Americans are the only race that should be given any money by the Government. They are the only race that the Government directly destroyed. Slaves were owned by individuals.
And who created and enforced the laws that made it legal for white individuals to enslave, abuse and violate the human rights of other human beings of African descent (but not white human beings), including the Fugitive Slave Act? That's government created, sanctioned and enforced abuse.

One of the primary concerns after the slaves were freed was compensation to the slave owners for the "loss" of their "property". Hopefully that should tell you something.

It wasn't the US government, that's for sure. Slavery existed for thousands of years before the US government existed, or the colonies for that matter.
The US government codified it into law and was complicit in continuing the practice after much of the civilized world banned it. Laws come from governments.

So what? You apparently missed the point. Everyone everywhere thought slavery was fine. Everyone.

Let's pretend for a moment that in 100 years, human being progress to the point that we accept that drugs we use today are destructive and dangerous.

From that perspective they would assume that our government is evil for allowing drug companies to sell all these drugs, and that we should pay reparations to all the people who have been harmed by the drugs we have today.

But here, now, today..... it's perfectly normal. How can you condemn something that everyone today believes is normal and acceptable? Can you really judge hundreds of millions of people, that are going based on their best information they have today?

Whether you like it or not, hundreds of years ago, no one thought there was anything wrong with slavery. Even the slaves themselves didn't think it was wrong. It was accepted throughout the world.

Now we have a Christian view of human beings, that all people are made by their creator equal. But to say that people 200 years ago, should have the same views we have today, is ridiculous.

Why are you not demanding the Mayans in south America, pay reparations for the millions of children they slaughtered to their 'gods'?

How many other groups throughout the world, would you expect reparations from?

And by the way.... contrary to Holywood films, white people did not go throughout Africa randomly kidnapping people, and making slaves out of them. White people purchased existing slaves, from black slave owners. Should those nations in Africa be forced to pay reparations to American slaves? After all, they codified it into law, just like everyone else.

Again.... slavery was a normal and accepted policy EVERYWHERE. It wasn't just America. Or just whites. Or just anyone. It was everyone.

Honestly, to me, this is the same as when I talk to Christians, and they expect pagans to follow Christian teaching, when they don't even know Christian teaching. I think those Christians are just as crazy.
Roosevelt, Uniondale and Hempstead
And the few successful Blacks want nothing to do with the $500.90 sneaker wearers.

In otherwords...blacks are not a monolithic culture. About time folks started to figure that out.

I am black, grew up in a black neighborhood and worked in them. Independent really needs to be quiet like he's an expert on blacks because he's seen 3 black neighborhoods. Most of those so called successful blacks this fool talks about are from the same neighborhoods he claims they want nothing to do with.
Because Black neighborhoods in the suburbs should be more successful and aren’t.
I also grew uo in Brooklyn and I am fully aware of the low standards expected in Black Communities.

What you are is a white racist who imagines there are low standards expected in black communities.
Give me an example of a successful Black area in NYC.
Give me an example of a successful Black area in Nassau County.
I'll wait.

Until you can discuss racist policy that creates the problems you will wait.

City to Settle Discrimination Claim in Brooklyn Housing Plan

An eight-year legal fight over racial discrimination by New York City in a proposed Brooklyn development is expected to be settled on Monday, after community groups and the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio agreed on a new plan for affordable housing for the site.

The court battle, which began in 2009 and included consideration by the judge of racial segregation, concerned city-owned land in a triangular area at the border of Williamsburg, Bedford-Stuyvesant and Bushwick — rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods with large communities of Hasidic, Hispanic and black residents.

City to Settle Discrimination Claim in Brooklyn Housing Plan

The lingering effects of NYC's racist city planning

New York City was famously shaped by the powerful urban planner Robert Moses who, along with being a visionary, was demonstrably racist. Hopes&Fears takes a look at how his decisions, and those of his successors, still affect access and opportunity for minorities today. NYC is just one example of how systemic oppression affects the planning of cities across the country.

The fair housing laws passed in the last half-century have forced racists to devise whole new methods of discrimination, subtler but serving the same purpose: to keep people of color out of "white" spaces. The villains in these cases—landlords, brokers and neighbors—are often tough to identify, but, once exposed, are easy to loathe. It's harder to find fault with a sidewalk or a highway; when some feature of the city has seemingly always been there, you can lose sight of the fact that it was once new, conceived and constructed by people with their own inbuilt prejudices. But a city's landscape can exclude as effectively as any policy or person, in subtle but sinister ways.

The lingering effects of NYC's racist city planning
Native Americans are the only race that should be given any money by the Government. They are the only race that the Government directly destroyed. Slaves were owned by individuals.
And who created and enforced the laws that made it legal for white individuals to enslave, abuse and violate the human rights of other human beings of African descent (but not white human beings), including the Fugitive Slave Act? That's government created, sanctioned and enforced abuse.

One of the primary concerns after the slaves were freed was compensation to the slave owners for the "loss" of their "property". Hopefully that should tell you something.

It wasn't the US government, that's for sure. Slavery existed for thousands of years before the US government existed, or the colonies for that matter.
The US government codified it into law and was complicit in continuing the practice after much of the civilized world banned it. Laws come from governments.

So what? You apparently missed the point. Everyone everywhere thought slavery was fine. Everyone.

Let's pretend for a moment that in 100 years, human being progress to the point that we accept that drugs we use today are destructive and dangerous.

From that perspective they would assume that our government is evil for allowing drug companies to sell all these drugs, and that we should pay reparations to all the people who have been harmed by the drugs we have today.

But here, now, today..... it's perfectly normal. How can you condemn something that everyone today believes is normal and acceptable? Can you really judge hundreds of millions of people, that are going based on their best information they have today?

Whether you like it or not, hundreds of years ago, no one thought there was anything wrong with slavery. Even the slaves themselves didn't think it was wrong. It was accepted throughout the world.

Now we have a Christian view of human beings, that all people are made by their creator equal. But to say that people 200 years ago, should have the same views we have today, is ridiculous.

Why are you not demanding the Mayans in south America, pay reparations for the millions of children they slaughtered to their 'gods'?

How many other groups throughout the world, would you expect reparations from?

And by the way.... contrary to Holywood films, white people did not go throughout Africa randomly kidnapping people, and making slaves out of them. White people purchased existing slaves, from black slave owners. Should those nations in Africa be forced to pay reparations to American slaves? After all, they codified it into law, just like everyone else.

Again.... slavery was a normal and accepted policy EVERYWHERE. It wasn't just America. Or just whites. Or just anyone. It was everyone.

Honestly, to me, this is the same as when I talk to Christians, and they expect pagans to follow Christian teaching, when they don't even know Christian teaching. I think those Christians are just as crazy.

Incorrect, nor does it excuse what happened in America.
In otherwords...blacks are not a monolithic culture. About time folks started to figure that out.

I am black, grew up in a black neighborhood and worked in them. Independent really needs to be quiet like he's an expert on blacks because he's seen 3 black neighborhoods. Most of those so called successful blacks this fool talks about are from the same neighborhoods he claims they want nothing to do with.
Because Black neighborhoods in the suburbs should be more successful and aren’t.
I also grew uo in Brooklyn and I am fully aware of the low standards expected in Black Communities.

What you are is a white racist who imagines there are low standards expected in black communities.
Give me an example of a successful Black area in NYC.
Give me an example of a successful Black area in Nassau County.
I'll wait.

Until you can discuss racist policy that creates the problems you will wait.

City to Settle Discrimination Claim in Brooklyn Housing Plan

An eight-year legal fight over racial discrimination by New York City in a proposed Brooklyn development is expected to be settled on Monday, after community groups and the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio agreed on a new plan for affordable housing for the site.

The court battle, which began in 2009 and included consideration by the judge of racial segregation, concerned city-owned land in a triangular area at the border of Williamsburg, Bedford-Stuyvesant and Bushwick — rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods with large communities of Hasidic, Hispanic and black residents.

City to Settle Discrimination Claim in Brooklyn Housing Plan

The lingering effects of NYC's racist city planning

New York City was famously shaped by the powerful urban planner Robert Moses who, along with being a visionary, was demonstrably racist. Hopes&Fears takes a look at how his decisions, and those of his successors, still affect access and opportunity for minorities today. NYC is just one example of how systemic oppression affects the planning of cities across the country.

The fair housing laws passed in the last half-century have forced racists to devise whole new methods of discrimination, subtler but serving the same purpose: to keep people of color out of "white" spaces. The villains in these cases—landlords, brokers and neighbors—are often tough to identify, but, once exposed, are easy to loathe. It's harder to find fault with a sidewalk or a highway; when some feature of the city has seemingly always been there, you can lose sight of the fact that it was once new, conceived and constructed by people with their own inbuilt prejudices. But a city's landscape can exclude as effectively as any policy or person, in subtle but sinister ways.

The lingering effects of NYC's racist city planning
So in other words you can’t answer a simple question. Just because you post a couple paragraphs that support your narrative from a single source doesn’t make it conclusive. DeBlasio is an idiot that rolls over for any group that his silly liberal guilt has harmed. Your little tired is hardly conclusive.
Native Americans are the only race that should be given any money by the Government. They are the only race that the Government directly destroyed. Slaves were owned by individuals.
And who created and enforced the laws that made it legal for white individuals to enslave, abuse and violate the human rights of other human beings of African descent (but not white human beings), including the Fugitive Slave Act? That's government created, sanctioned and enforced abuse.

One of the primary concerns after the slaves were freed was compensation to the slave owners for the "loss" of their "property". Hopefully that should tell you something.

It wasn't the US government, that's for sure. Slavery existed for thousands of years before the US government existed, or the colonies for that matter.
The US government codified it into law and was complicit in continuing the practice after much of the civilized world banned it. Laws come from governments.

So what? You apparently missed the point. Everyone everywhere thought slavery was fine. Everyone.

Let's pretend for a moment that in 100 years, human being progress to the point that we accept that drugs we use today are destructive and dangerous.

From that perspective they would assume that our government is evil for allowing drug companies to sell all these drugs, and that we should pay reparations to all the people who have been harmed by the drugs we have today.

But here, now, today..... it's perfectly normal. How can you condemn something that everyone today believes is normal and acceptable? Can you really judge hundreds of millions of people, that are going based on their best information they have today?

Whether you like it or not, hundreds of years ago, no one thought there was anything wrong with slavery. Even the slaves themselves didn't think it was wrong. It was accepted throughout the world.

Now we have a Christian view of human beings, that all people are made by their creator equal. But to say that people 200 years ago, should have the same views we have today, is ridiculous.

Why are you not demanding the Mayans in south America, pay reparations for the millions of children they slaughtered to their 'gods'?

How many other groups throughout the world, would you expect reparations from?

And by the way.... contrary to Holywood films, white people did not go throughout Africa randomly kidnapping people, and making slaves out of them. White people purchased existing slaves, from black slave owners. Should those nations in Africa be forced to pay reparations to American slaves? After all, they codified it into law, just like everyone else.

Again.... slavery was a normal and accepted policy EVERYWHERE. It wasn't just America. Or just whites. Or just anyone. It was everyone.

Honestly, to me, this is the same as when I talk to Christians, and they expect pagans to follow Christian teaching, when they don't even know Christian teaching. I think those Christians are just as crazy.

Incorrect, nor does it excuse what happened in America.
Your arguments get thinner every time you post. You’re a racist that can come to grips with reality and responsibility.
Next time someone says, “But Africans sold themselves into slavery!”, send this article to them

The following except from pages 47-50 of Overturning the Culture of Violence, written by Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee and printed by Burning Spear Publications, debunks the cynical and anti-black argument that “Africans enslaved themselves.” This argument points to the presence of Africans who collaborated with the European slave masters and “sold” Africans to them in order to shift the responsibility for the slave trade off the shoulders of the European colonial slavemaster and onto the backs of the colonized and enslaved African.

Today, as the voice of the enslaved African community asserts itself in the world and lifts up the demand for reparations, the blame-shifting “African collaborator” argument can be seen gaining traction in universities and bourgeois historical publications, not as an historical argument but as a political defense against the legitimacy of the reparations demand. As an organization of white people working under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party to organize white people in solidarity with the African struggle for liberation and reparations, we in the Uhuru Solidarity Movement find it timely to publish this excerpt here:

HUMAN BONDAGE: Page 47-50, Overturning the Culture of Violence

The terrible impact that slavery has had on the continent of Africa cannot be calculated: the destruction of magnificent civilizations, the break-up of family and kinship circles, the massive depopulation, forced impoverishment, famine and starvation, the ravishing of an environment which had been so conducive to human civilization for millennia. From open, educated, prosperous and democratic societies, African people now lived in sheer terror, never knowing when their village or town would be raided for human loot by these white invaders.

Some North American people cynically place the blame for the enslavement of African people on the shoulders of African collaborators who participated in the kidnapping of their own people. Impacted by the social destruction wreaked by invading Europeans, a tiny minority of the conquered people did find their own survival by participating in this treachery.

The setting up of collaborators among the colonized population has been a successful tool of domination in every instance of European colonialism around the world. Africa is no exception. Europeans attack societies in Africa, Asia, or the Americas, destroying their traditional economies and long-standing social relationships. A unilateral colonial economy, which starves the people and creates the dependency on the colonial power, is militarily enforced.

The European invader gets richer and richer through his bloodsucking relationship, and offers resources, guns and special status to a minority sector of the oppressed population. The selected “elite” or the colony can themselves become enslaved or carry out the will of white power. If they take any stand independent of the colonizer as have, say, Panama’s Noriega or Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in today’s world, white power spares them none of its wrath.

This plan has worked well over the centuries. A few people in every colony have participated in the devious imperialist schemes of slavery, genocide, torture and exploitation of their own people, a collaboration which benefits no one more than the European or North American “mother” country.

The statement that “Africans enslaved their own people” separates out African people from other colonial subjects, all of whom have had their share of betrayal among their ranks. It is a statement of imperialism’s historic need to mobilize public opinion against African people.

Like the general white attitude toward the government-imposed drugs and dependent drug economy in today’s African communities, this statement lets the parasitic colonial economic system off the hook. It is an anti-black expression of unity with the oppression of African people, saying, “They did it to themselves.” Meanwhile all white people everywhere still benefit from the parasitic economic system which has as its foundation the enslavement and continued exploitation of African people.

Most Africans resisted enslavement with all of their energy. Rebellions on slave ships were common. According to one source, “Many deaths on slave journeys across the Atlantic derived from violence, brawls, and above all, rebellions. There was probably at least one insurrection every eight to ten journeys.”

For example, Africans successfully rebelled in 1532 aboard the Portueguese slave ship the Misericordia. The 109 Africans on board “rose and murdered all the crew except for the pilot and two seaman. Those survivors escaped in a longboat. But the Misericordia was never heard of again.”

Slave ship owners often three Africans off the ships just to collect the insurance money. One famous case was that of a ship owned by William Gregson and George Case (both former mayors of Liverpool, England). The captain threw 133 Africans into the sea because if Africans were to die naturally, the owners would lose money, but if the African people were “thrown alive into the sea,” supposedly for the safety of the crew, “it would be the loss of the underwriters.”

So many African people died en route that it has been said that sharks followed slave ships all the way from Africa to the Americas.

Africans who survived the notoriously brutal middle passage, as the Atlantic crossing was known, reached the Americas barely alive. If they were too ill, they were left to die on the shore. They were sold like animals on public auction blocks, naked or in rags, weakened and emaciated, having survived the months below deck with disease and malnutrition, not to mention the emotional ravage sof such an experience. Many Africans committed suicide to avoid enslavement, a practice otherwise unknown in African culture.

White buyers came to the market for slaves, “feeling the Africans’ limbs and bodies much as butchers handled calves. The slaves were often asked, as they had been told to do before leaving Africa, to show their tongues and teeth, or to stretch their arms.”

In the Americas, Africans were “broken in” by submitting them to inhuman terror in an attempt to crush out any resistance. The “breaking” process was psychological as well as physical, and included being forced to learn a version of a European language and to take a European name, something many Africans militantly resisted.

Under the domination of their white slave masters, African people of all ages were branded, women on the breasts. Africans were whipped until they were deeply scarred, and their ears or ear lobes were cut off. People were slashed in the face, and their hands and feet were cut off to prevent them from running away. Men were castrated; women were raped. Women’s babies were cut out of their bellies for “punishment” and any man, woman or child could be forced to wear iron collars on their necks for life.

Under such brutal conditions, normal human relationships between men and woman or parents and children were interrupted and nearly impossible. Mothers were forced to work the full nine months of pregnancy, often giving birth in the field. They were then forced to abandon their children, as they had to keep on working or nurse the children of the slave master.

Next time someone says, "But Africans sold themselves into slavery!", send this article to them


If you hate it here so much, leave. Republicans fought to set you free, make the most of it
He always quotes obscure articles authored by racist like him that want to rewrite history. The fact of the matter is Natiins in Africa have been selling slaves for thousands of years. But in this guys world he thinks the pyramids were built by union masons.
IM2 said:
Some whites are real funny about declaring what's successful when the success their communities had have
is dependent upon government funding from every level.
Is That Right ??
I Live In A Major Metropolitan Area In The Heartland
Could You Give Me A Lead On How That Is ??
In Your Eyes...
Whites are real good at understanding why their communities have problems but when the same things happen in black communities then the problem turns to blacks/black culture
Could You Be Specific
With Examples Of What You Say Is Identical
and things like factory closings and economic downturns are ignored.
Oh, No
Our Pay-Checks Don't Grow On Trees Either
We Know When We Are Layed Off
This along with the ability for whites to just "forget" makes these discussions difficult.
Maybe We Just Buck-It-Up
And Move On To Seek Other Opportunities

Maybe It's Just How You View Things
What Is The First Thing You See In This:


It's called federal, State and local funding. I've mentioned specific things an I'm not going into more detail with a person who makes comments and doesn't do what I'm being asked now. Whites don't buck up. Whites like you and some others here are cowards who don't want to discuss the truth about how they have done things.

And that's not how I view things.
And who created and enforced the laws that made it legal for white individuals to enslave, abuse and violate the human rights of other human beings of African descent (but not white human beings), including the Fugitive Slave Act? That's government created, sanctioned and enforced abuse.

One of the primary concerns after the slaves were freed was compensation to the slave owners for the "loss" of their "property". Hopefully that should tell you something.

It wasn't the US government, that's for sure. Slavery existed for thousands of years before the US government existed, or the colonies for that matter.
The US government codified it into law and was complicit in continuing the practice after much of the civilized world banned it. Laws come from governments.

So what? You apparently missed the point. Everyone everywhere thought slavery was fine. Everyone.

Let's pretend for a moment that in 100 years, human being progress to the point that we accept that drugs we use today are destructive and dangerous.

From that perspective they would assume that our government is evil for allowing drug companies to sell all these drugs, and that we should pay reparations to all the people who have been harmed by the drugs we have today.

But here, now, today..... it's perfectly normal. How can you condemn something that everyone today believes is normal and acceptable? Can you really judge hundreds of millions of people, that are going based on their best information they have today?

Whether you like it or not, hundreds of years ago, no one thought there was anything wrong with slavery. Even the slaves themselves didn't think it was wrong. It was accepted throughout the world.

Now we have a Christian view of human beings, that all people are made by their creator equal. But to say that people 200 years ago, should have the same views we have today, is ridiculous.

Why are you not demanding the Mayans in south America, pay reparations for the millions of children they slaughtered to their 'gods'?

How many other groups throughout the world, would you expect reparations from?

And by the way.... contrary to Holywood films, white people did not go throughout Africa randomly kidnapping people, and making slaves out of them. White people purchased existing slaves, from black slave owners. Should those nations in Africa be forced to pay reparations to American slaves? After all, they codified it into law, just like everyone else.

Again.... slavery was a normal and accepted policy EVERYWHERE. It wasn't just America. Or just whites. Or just anyone. It was everyone.

Honestly, to me, this is the same as when I talk to Christians, and they expect pagans to follow Christian teaching, when they don't even know Christian teaching. I think those Christians are just as crazy.

Incorrect, nor does it excuse what happened in America.
Your arguments get thinner every time you post. You’re a racist that can come to grips with reality and responsibility.

YAWN! You know nothing about either term. You have no argument relative to his mater.
Which slaves are we referring to? Plenty of people have been enslaved in the last 2000+ years. From the ancient Greeks to Modern Africa. Thing about this is, how far out , how far back can be anyone to held responsible? It's a fun abstraction to argue about. I can demand a million shekels from modern Egyptians because I might be the descendant of a ancient Jewish slave. Not because I am greedy or anything.
Last edited:
Next time someone says, “But Africans sold themselves into slavery!”, send this article to them

The following except from pages 47-50 of Overturning the Culture of Violence, written by Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee and printed by Burning Spear Publications, debunks the cynical and anti-black argument that “Africans enslaved themselves.” This argument points to the presence of Africans who collaborated with the European slave masters and “sold” Africans to them in order to shift the responsibility for the slave trade off the shoulders of the European colonial slavemaster and onto the backs of the colonized and enslaved African.

Today, as the voice of the enslaved African community asserts itself in the world and lifts up the demand for reparations, the blame-shifting “African collaborator” argument can be seen gaining traction in universities and bourgeois historical publications, not as an historical argument but as a political defense against the legitimacy of the reparations demand. As an organization of white people working under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party to organize white people in solidarity with the African struggle for liberation and reparations, we in the Uhuru Solidarity Movement find it timely to publish this excerpt here:

HUMAN BONDAGE: Page 47-50, Overturning the Culture of Violence

The terrible impact that slavery has had on the continent of Africa cannot be calculated: the destruction of magnificent civilizations, the break-up of family and kinship circles, the massive depopulation, forced impoverishment, famine and starvation, the ravishing of an environment which had been so conducive to human civilization for millennia. From open, educated, prosperous and democratic societies, African people now lived in sheer terror, never knowing when their village or town would be raided for human loot by these white invaders.

Some North American people cynically place the blame for the enslavement of African people on the shoulders of African collaborators who participated in the kidnapping of their own people. Impacted by the social destruction wreaked by invading Europeans, a tiny minority of the conquered people did find their own survival by participating in this treachery.

The setting up of collaborators among the colonized population has been a successful tool of domination in every instance of European colonialism around the world. Africa is no exception. Europeans attack societies in Africa, Asia, or the Americas, destroying their traditional economies and long-standing social relationships. A unilateral colonial economy, which starves the people and creates the dependency on the colonial power, is militarily enforced.

The European invader gets richer and richer through his bloodsucking relationship, and offers resources, guns and special status to a minority sector of the oppressed population. The selected “elite” or the colony can themselves become enslaved or carry out the will of white power. If they take any stand independent of the colonizer as have, say, Panama’s Noriega or Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in today’s world, white power spares them none of its wrath.

This plan has worked well over the centuries. A few people in every colony have participated in the devious imperialist schemes of slavery, genocide, torture and exploitation of their own people, a collaboration which benefits no one more than the European or North American “mother” country.

The statement that “Africans enslaved their own people” separates out African people from other colonial subjects, all of whom have had their share of betrayal among their ranks. It is a statement of imperialism’s historic need to mobilize public opinion against African people.

Like the general white attitude toward the government-imposed drugs and dependent drug economy in today’s African communities, this statement lets the parasitic colonial economic system off the hook. It is an anti-black expression of unity with the oppression of African people, saying, “They did it to themselves.” Meanwhile all white people everywhere still benefit from the parasitic economic system which has as its foundation the enslavement and continued exploitation of African people.

Most Africans resisted enslavement with all of their energy. Rebellions on slave ships were common. According to one source, “Many deaths on slave journeys across the Atlantic derived from violence, brawls, and above all, rebellions. There was probably at least one insurrection every eight to ten journeys.”

For example, Africans successfully rebelled in 1532 aboard the Portueguese slave ship the Misericordia. The 109 Africans on board “rose and murdered all the crew except for the pilot and two seaman. Those survivors escaped in a longboat. But the Misericordia was never heard of again.”

Slave ship owners often three Africans off the ships just to collect the insurance money. One famous case was that of a ship owned by William Gregson and George Case (both former mayors of Liverpool, England). The captain threw 133 Africans into the sea because if Africans were to die naturally, the owners would lose money, but if the African people were “thrown alive into the sea,” supposedly for the safety of the crew, “it would be the loss of the underwriters.”

So many African people died en route that it has been said that sharks followed slave ships all the way from Africa to the Americas.

Africans who survived the notoriously brutal middle passage, as the Atlantic crossing was known, reached the Americas barely alive. If they were too ill, they were left to die on the shore. They were sold like animals on public auction blocks, naked or in rags, weakened and emaciated, having survived the months below deck with disease and malnutrition, not to mention the emotional ravage sof such an experience. Many Africans committed suicide to avoid enslavement, a practice otherwise unknown in African culture.

White buyers came to the market for slaves, “feeling the Africans’ limbs and bodies much as butchers handled calves. The slaves were often asked, as they had been told to do before leaving Africa, to show their tongues and teeth, or to stretch their arms.”

In the Americas, Africans were “broken in” by submitting them to inhuman terror in an attempt to crush out any resistance. The “breaking” process was psychological as well as physical, and included being forced to learn a version of a European language and to take a European name, something many Africans militantly resisted.

Under the domination of their white slave masters, African people of all ages were branded, women on the breasts. Africans were whipped until they were deeply scarred, and their ears or ear lobes were cut off. People were slashed in the face, and their hands and feet were cut off to prevent them from running away. Men were castrated; women were raped. Women’s babies were cut out of their bellies for “punishment” and any man, woman or child could be forced to wear iron collars on their necks for life.

Under such brutal conditions, normal human relationships between men and woman or parents and children were interrupted and nearly impossible. Mothers were forced to work the full nine months of pregnancy, often giving birth in the field. They were then forced to abandon their children, as they had to keep on working or nurse the children of the slave master.

Next time someone says, "But Africans sold themselves into slavery!", send this article to them


If you hate it here so much, leave. Republicans fought to set you free, make the most of it
He always quotes obscure articles authored by racist like him that want to rewrite history. The fact of the matter is Natiins in Africa have been selling slaves for thousands of years. But in this guys world he thinks the pyramids were built by union masons.

That might be where you think the pyramids were built but the argument you present has nothing to do with what happened in America. This is no obscure article and the fact is things just didn't happen as you white racists want to claim.
In otherwords...blacks are not a monolithic culture. About time folks started to figure that out.

I am black, grew up in a black neighborhood and worked in them. Independent really needs to be quiet like he's an expert on blacks because he's seen 3 black neighborhoods. Most of those so called successful blacks this fool talks about are from the same neighborhoods he claims they want nothing to do with.
Because Black neighborhoods in the suburbs should be more successful and aren’t.
I also grew uo in Brooklyn and I am fully aware of the low standards expected in Black Communities.

What you are is a white racist who imagines there are low standards expected in black communities.
Give me an example of a successful Black area in NYC.
Give me an example of a successful Black area in Nassau County.
I'll wait.

Until you can discuss racist policy that creates the problems you will wait.

City to Settle Discrimination Claim in Brooklyn Housing Plan

An eight-year legal fight over racial discrimination by New York City in a proposed Brooklyn development is expected to be settled on Monday, after community groups and the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio agreed on a new plan for affordable housing for the site.

The court battle, which began in 2009 and included consideration by the judge of racial segregation, concerned city-owned land in a triangular area at the border of Williamsburg, Bedford-Stuyvesant and Bushwick — rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods with large communities of Hasidic, Hispanic and black residents.

City to Settle Discrimination Claim in Brooklyn Housing Plan

The lingering effects of NYC's racist city planning

New York City was famously shaped by the powerful urban planner Robert Moses who, along with being a visionary, was demonstrably racist. Hopes&Fears takes a look at how his decisions, and those of his successors, still affect access and opportunity for minorities today. NYC is just one example of how systemic oppression affects the planning of cities across the country.

The fair housing laws passed in the last half-century have forced racists to devise whole new methods of discrimination, subtler but serving the same purpose: to keep people of color out of "white" spaces. The villains in these cases—landlords, brokers and neighbors—are often tough to identify, but, once exposed, are easy to loathe. It's harder to find fault with a sidewalk or a highway; when some feature of the city has seemingly always been there, you can lose sight of the fact that it was once new, conceived and constructed by people with their own inbuilt prejudices. But a city's landscape can exclude as effectively as any policy or person, in subtle but sinister ways.

The lingering effects of NYC's racist city planning

Robert Moses was no more racist that LBJ or FDR.
Next time someone says, “But Africans sold themselves into slavery!”, send this article to them

The following except from pages 47-50 of Overturning the Culture of Violence, written by Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee and printed by Burning Spear Publications, debunks the cynical and anti-black argument that “Africans enslaved themselves.” This argument points to the presence of Africans who collaborated with the European slave masters and “sold” Africans to them in order to shift the responsibility for the slave trade off the shoulders of the European colonial slavemaster and onto the backs of the colonized and enslaved African.

Today, as the voice of the enslaved African community asserts itself in the world and lifts up the demand for reparations, the blame-shifting “African collaborator” argument can be seen gaining traction in universities and bourgeois historical publications, not as an historical argument but as a political defense against the legitimacy of the reparations demand. As an organization of white people working under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party to organize white people in solidarity with the African struggle for liberation and reparations, we in the Uhuru Solidarity Movement find it timely to publish this excerpt here:

HUMAN BONDAGE: Page 47-50, Overturning the Culture of Violence

The terrible impact that slavery has had on the continent of Africa cannot be calculated: the destruction of magnificent civilizations, the break-up of family and kinship circles, the massive depopulation, forced impoverishment, famine and starvation, the ravishing of an environment which had been so conducive to human civilization for millennia. From open, educated, prosperous and democratic societies, African people now lived in sheer terror, never knowing when their village or town would be raided for human loot by these white invaders.

Some North American people cynically place the blame for the enslavement of African people on the shoulders of African collaborators who participated in the kidnapping of their own people. Impacted by the social destruction wreaked by invading Europeans, a tiny minority of the conquered people did find their own survival by participating in this treachery.

The setting up of collaborators among the colonized population has been a successful tool of domination in every instance of European colonialism around the world. Africa is no exception. Europeans attack societies in Africa, Asia, or the Americas, destroying their traditional economies and long-standing social relationships. A unilateral colonial economy, which starves the people and creates the dependency on the colonial power, is militarily enforced.

The European invader gets richer and richer through his bloodsucking relationship, and offers resources, guns and special status to a minority sector of the oppressed population. The selected “elite” or the colony can themselves become enslaved or carry out the will of white power. If they take any stand independent of the colonizer as have, say, Panama’s Noriega or Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in today’s world, white power spares them none of its wrath.

This plan has worked well over the centuries. A few people in every colony have participated in the devious imperialist schemes of slavery, genocide, torture and exploitation of their own people, a collaboration which benefits no one more than the European or North American “mother” country.

The statement that “Africans enslaved their own people” separates out African people from other colonial subjects, all of whom have had their share of betrayal among their ranks. It is a statement of imperialism’s historic need to mobilize public opinion against African people.

Like the general white attitude toward the government-imposed drugs and dependent drug economy in today’s African communities, this statement lets the parasitic colonial economic system off the hook. It is an anti-black expression of unity with the oppression of African people, saying, “They did it to themselves.” Meanwhile all white people everywhere still benefit from the parasitic economic system which has as its foundation the enslavement and continued exploitation of African people.

Most Africans resisted enslavement with all of their energy. Rebellions on slave ships were common. According to one source, “Many deaths on slave journeys across the Atlantic derived from violence, brawls, and above all, rebellions. There was probably at least one insurrection every eight to ten journeys.”

For example, Africans successfully rebelled in 1532 aboard the Portueguese slave ship the Misericordia. The 109 Africans on board “rose and murdered all the crew except for the pilot and two seaman. Those survivors escaped in a longboat. But the Misericordia was never heard of again.”

Slave ship owners often three Africans off the ships just to collect the insurance money. One famous case was that of a ship owned by William Gregson and George Case (both former mayors of Liverpool, England). The captain threw 133 Africans into the sea because if Africans were to die naturally, the owners would lose money, but if the African people were “thrown alive into the sea,” supposedly for the safety of the crew, “it would be the loss of the underwriters.”

So many African people died en route that it has been said that sharks followed slave ships all the way from Africa to the Americas.

Africans who survived the notoriously brutal middle passage, as the Atlantic crossing was known, reached the Americas barely alive. If they were too ill, they were left to die on the shore. They were sold like animals on public auction blocks, naked or in rags, weakened and emaciated, having survived the months below deck with disease and malnutrition, not to mention the emotional ravage sof such an experience. Many Africans committed suicide to avoid enslavement, a practice otherwise unknown in African culture.

White buyers came to the market for slaves, “feeling the Africans’ limbs and bodies much as butchers handled calves. The slaves were often asked, as they had been told to do before leaving Africa, to show their tongues and teeth, or to stretch their arms.”

In the Americas, Africans were “broken in” by submitting them to inhuman terror in an attempt to crush out any resistance. The “breaking” process was psychological as well as physical, and included being forced to learn a version of a European language and to take a European name, something many Africans militantly resisted.

Under the domination of their white slave masters, African people of all ages were branded, women on the breasts. Africans were whipped until they were deeply scarred, and their ears or ear lobes were cut off. People were slashed in the face, and their hands and feet were cut off to prevent them from running away. Men were castrated; women were raped. Women’s babies were cut out of their bellies for “punishment” and any man, woman or child could be forced to wear iron collars on their necks for life.

Under such brutal conditions, normal human relationships between men and woman or parents and children were interrupted and nearly impossible. Mothers were forced to work the full nine months of pregnancy, often giving birth in the field. They were then forced to abandon their children, as they had to keep on working or nurse the children of the slave master.

Next time someone says, "But Africans sold themselves into slavery!", send this article to them


If you hate it here so much, leave. Republicans fought to set you free, make the most of it
He always quotes obscure articles authored by racist like him that want to rewrite history. The fact of the matter is Natiins in Africa have been selling slaves for thousands of years. But in this guys world he thinks the pyramids were built by union masons.

That might be where you think the pyramids were built but the argument you present has nothing to do with what happened in America. This is no obscure article and the fact is things just didn't happen as you white racists want to claim.
So, YOU define who's a victim according to your arbitrary constraints? And you feel free to slander people in such a hateful manor, as well. Aren't you a piece of work.
Next time someone says, “But Africans sold themselves into slavery!”, send this article to them

The following except from pages 47-50 of Overturning the Culture of Violence, written by Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee and printed by Burning Spear Publications, debunks the cynical and anti-black argument that “Africans enslaved themselves.” This argument points to the presence of Africans who collaborated with the European slave masters and “sold” Africans to them in order to shift the responsibility for the slave trade off the shoulders of the European colonial slavemaster and onto the backs of the colonized and enslaved African.

Today, as the voice of the enslaved African community asserts itself in the world and lifts up the demand for reparations, the blame-shifting “African collaborator” argument can be seen gaining traction in universities and bourgeois historical publications, not as an historical argument but as a political defense against the legitimacy of the reparations demand. As an organization of white people working under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party to organize white people in solidarity with the African struggle for liberation and reparations, we in the Uhuru Solidarity Movement find it timely to publish this excerpt here:

HUMAN BONDAGE: Page 47-50, Overturning the Culture of Violence

The terrible impact that slavery has had on the continent of Africa cannot be calculated: the destruction of magnificent civilizations, the break-up of family and kinship circles, the massive depopulation, forced impoverishment, famine and starvation, the ravishing of an environment which had been so conducive to human civilization for millennia. From open, educated, prosperous and democratic societies, African people now lived in sheer terror, never knowing when their village or town would be raided for human loot by these white invaders.

Some North American people cynically place the blame for the enslavement of African people on the shoulders of African collaborators who participated in the kidnapping of their own people. Impacted by the social destruction wreaked by invading Europeans, a tiny minority of the conquered people did find their own survival by participating in this treachery.

The setting up of collaborators among the colonized population has been a successful tool of domination in every instance of European colonialism around the world. Africa is no exception. Europeans attack societies in Africa, Asia, or the Americas, destroying their traditional economies and long-standing social relationships. A unilateral colonial economy, which starves the people and creates the dependency on the colonial power, is militarily enforced.

The European invader gets richer and richer through his bloodsucking relationship, and offers resources, guns and special status to a minority sector of the oppressed population. The selected “elite” or the colony can themselves become enslaved or carry out the will of white power. If they take any stand independent of the colonizer as have, say, Panama’s Noriega or Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in today’s world, white power spares them none of its wrath.

This plan has worked well over the centuries. A few people in every colony have participated in the devious imperialist schemes of slavery, genocide, torture and exploitation of their own people, a collaboration which benefits no one more than the European or North American “mother” country.

The statement that “Africans enslaved their own people” separates out African people from other colonial subjects, all of whom have had their share of betrayal among their ranks. It is a statement of imperialism’s historic need to mobilize public opinion against African people.

Like the general white attitude toward the government-imposed drugs and dependent drug economy in today’s African communities, this statement lets the parasitic colonial economic system off the hook. It is an anti-black expression of unity with the oppression of African people, saying, “They did it to themselves.” Meanwhile all white people everywhere still benefit from the parasitic economic system which has as its foundation the enslavement and continued exploitation of African people.

Most Africans resisted enslavement with all of their energy. Rebellions on slave ships were common. According to one source, “Many deaths on slave journeys across the Atlantic derived from violence, brawls, and above all, rebellions. There was probably at least one insurrection every eight to ten journeys.”

For example, Africans successfully rebelled in 1532 aboard the Portueguese slave ship the Misericordia. The 109 Africans on board “rose and murdered all the crew except for the pilot and two seaman. Those survivors escaped in a longboat. But the Misericordia was never heard of again.”

Slave ship owners often three Africans off the ships just to collect the insurance money. One famous case was that of a ship owned by William Gregson and George Case (both former mayors of Liverpool, England). The captain threw 133 Africans into the sea because if Africans were to die naturally, the owners would lose money, but if the African people were “thrown alive into the sea,” supposedly for the safety of the crew, “it would be the loss of the underwriters.”

So many African people died en route that it has been said that sharks followed slave ships all the way from Africa to the Americas.

Africans who survived the notoriously brutal middle passage, as the Atlantic crossing was known, reached the Americas barely alive. If they were too ill, they were left to die on the shore. They were sold like animals on public auction blocks, naked or in rags, weakened and emaciated, having survived the months below deck with disease and malnutrition, not to mention the emotional ravage sof such an experience. Many Africans committed suicide to avoid enslavement, a practice otherwise unknown in African culture.

White buyers came to the market for slaves, “feeling the Africans’ limbs and bodies much as butchers handled calves. The slaves were often asked, as they had been told to do before leaving Africa, to show their tongues and teeth, or to stretch their arms.”

In the Americas, Africans were “broken in” by submitting them to inhuman terror in an attempt to crush out any resistance. The “breaking” process was psychological as well as physical, and included being forced to learn a version of a European language and to take a European name, something many Africans militantly resisted.

Under the domination of their white slave masters, African people of all ages were branded, women on the breasts. Africans were whipped until they were deeply scarred, and their ears or ear lobes were cut off. People were slashed in the face, and their hands and feet were cut off to prevent them from running away. Men were castrated; women were raped. Women’s babies were cut out of their bellies for “punishment” and any man, woman or child could be forced to wear iron collars on their necks for life.

Under such brutal conditions, normal human relationships between men and woman or parents and children were interrupted and nearly impossible. Mothers were forced to work the full nine months of pregnancy, often giving birth in the field. They were then forced to abandon their children, as they had to keep on working or nurse the children of the slave master.

Next time someone says, "But Africans sold themselves into slavery!", send this article to them


If you hate it here so much, leave. Republicans fought to set you free, make the most of it
He always quotes obscure articles authored by racist like him that want to rewrite history. The fact of the matter is Natiins in Africa have been selling slaves for thousands of years. But in this guys world he thinks the pyramids were built by union masons.

That might be where you think the pyramids were built but the argument you present has nothing to do with what happened in America. This is no obscure article and the fact is things just didn't happen as you white racists want to claim.
You have no cognitive skills. You said over and over that no black sold another black. You are categorically wrong. It’s been done for thousands of years. That was an example but your little brain can’t grasp it. You call me a white racist. You are a black racist. Your post prove it. Mine only point out the false hood of your narrative. Stop being a victim and do something of importance.
I am black, grew up in a black neighborhood and worked in them. Independent really needs to be quiet like he's an expert on blacks because he's seen 3 black neighborhoods. Most of those so called successful blacks this fool talks about are from the same neighborhoods he claims they want nothing to do with.
Because Black neighborhoods in the suburbs should be more successful and aren’t.
I also grew uo in Brooklyn and I am fully aware of the low standards expected in Black Communities.

What you are is a white racist who imagines there are low standards expected in black communities.
Give me an example of a successful Black area in NYC.
Give me an example of a successful Black area in Nassau County.
I'll wait.

Until you can discuss racist policy that creates the problems you will wait.

City to Settle Discrimination Claim in Brooklyn Housing Plan

An eight-year legal fight over racial discrimination by New York City in a proposed Brooklyn development is expected to be settled on Monday, after community groups and the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio agreed on a new plan for affordable housing for the site.

The court battle, which began in 2009 and included consideration by the judge of racial segregation, concerned city-owned land in a triangular area at the border of Williamsburg, Bedford-Stuyvesant and Bushwick — rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods with large communities of Hasidic, Hispanic and black residents.

City to Settle Discrimination Claim in Brooklyn Housing Plan

The lingering effects of NYC's racist city planning

New York City was famously shaped by the powerful urban planner Robert Moses who, along with being a visionary, was demonstrably racist. Hopes&Fears takes a look at how his decisions, and those of his successors, still affect access and opportunity for minorities today. NYC is just one example of how systemic oppression affects the planning of cities across the country.

The fair housing laws passed in the last half-century have forced racists to devise whole new methods of discrimination, subtler but serving the same purpose: to keep people of color out of "white" spaces. The villains in these cases—landlords, brokers and neighbors—are often tough to identify, but, once exposed, are easy to loathe. It's harder to find fault with a sidewalk or a highway; when some feature of the city has seemingly always been there, you can lose sight of the fact that it was once new, conceived and constructed by people with their own inbuilt prejudices. But a city's landscape can exclude as effectively as any policy or person, in subtle but sinister ways.

The lingering effects of NYC's racist city planning

Robert Moses was no more racist that LBJ or FDR.

Well it doesn't matter what you think about Robert Moses his works speak for him.
The laws concerning slavery came from the government - the federal government and state governments prior to the confederacy.
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
It isn’t debatable. The army
The laws concerning slavery came from the government - the federal government and state governments prior to the confederacy.
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
the genicide isn’t debatable. And she se the specific targeting and killing of human beings by a Government is more detestable than the slavery issue.

They are equally detestable - slavery and the subsequent daily degradations of racist law, is just another death. Many slaves were killed and died.
Slaves were not killed as a directive of the Government. There in lies the difference.
Was there a government directive to kill all Indians?
IM2 said:
Some whites are real funny about declaring what's successful when the success their communities had have
is dependent upon government funding from every level.
Is That Right ??
I Live In A Major Metropolitan Area In The Heartland
Could You Give Me A Lead On How That Is ??
In Your Eyes...
Whites are real good at understanding why their communities have problems but when the same things happen in black communities then the problem turns to blacks/black culture
Could You Be Specific
With Examples Of What You Say Is Identical
and things like factory closings and economic downturns are ignored.
Oh, No
Our Pay-Checks Don't Grow On Trees Either
We Know When We Are Layed Off
This along with the ability for whites to just "forget" makes these discussions difficult.
Maybe We Just Buck-It-Up
And Move On To Seek Other Opportunities

Maybe It's Just How You View Things
What Is The First Thing You See In This:


It's called federal, State and local funding. I've mentioned specific things an I'm not going into more detail with a person who makes comments and doesn't do what I'm being asked now. Whites don't buck up. Whites like you and some others here are cowards who don't want to discuss the truth about how they have done things.

And that's not how I view things.
Racist prick. You are a miserable excuse for a human . It is you who won’t admit what the real issues are. You think you are superior. You are the most ignorant human I have ever come across. You lie about who you are, what you’ve done and what each race is.

You are the racist. I don't think I am superior to anyone. But your little tantrum here shows your insecurity. I know the real issues and I know whites like you have a problem facing them. I say this because I know far more whites who don't have your problem.
I have no problem. My life is great, good family and nice weather. My black friends don’t share your victimhiod. They are productive secure and teach their kids values. I have no idea what your deal is other than being an angry racist.
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
It isn’t debatable. The army
And have thusly been changed. However no law ever existed and no directive was ever gussied or given to engage in genocide against Blacks as it Was to every tribe of Native Americans. Again I say apples and oranges.

Yes, as have laws regarding Native Americans. Whether it is enslavement and all it's associated abuses or "genocide" (which is debatable that was an actual government policy) - it's all pretty horrible and neither is better or worse than the other. This isn't a zero sum equation.
the genicide isn’t debatable. And she se the specific targeting and killing of human beings by a Government is more detestable than the slavery issue.

They are equally detestable - slavery and the subsequent daily degradations of racist law, is just another death. Many slaves were killed and died.
Slaves were not killed as a directive of the Government. There in lies the difference.
Was there a government directive to kill all Indians?
The Indian wars which was directed by Andrew Jackson.
IM2 said:
Some whites are real funny about declaring what's successful when the success their communities had have
is dependent upon government funding from every level.
Is That Right ??
I Live In A Major Metropolitan Area In The Heartland
Could You Give Me A Lead On How That Is ??
In Your Eyes...
Whites are real good at understanding why their communities have problems but when the same things happen in black communities then the problem turns to blacks/black culture
Could You Be Specific
With Examples Of What You Say Is Identical
and things like factory closings and economic downturns are ignored.
Oh, No
Our Pay-Checks Don't Grow On Trees Either
We Know When We Are Layed Off
This along with the ability for whites to just "forget" makes these discussions difficult.
Maybe We Just Buck-It-Up
And Move On To Seek Other Opportunities

Maybe It's Just How You View Things
What Is The First Thing You See In This:


It's called federal, State and local funding. I've mentioned specific things an I'm not going into more detail with a person who makes comments and doesn't do what I'm being asked now. Whites don't buck up. Whites like you and some others here are cowards who don't want to discuss the truth about how they have done things.

And that's not how I view things.
Racist prick. You are a miserable excuse for a human . It is you who won’t admit what the real issues are. You think you are superior. You are the most ignorant human I have ever come across. You lie about who you are, what you’ve done and what each race is.

You are the racist. I don't think I am superior to anyone. But your little tantrum here shows your insecurity. I know the real issues and I know whites like you have a problem facing them. I say this because I know far more whites who don't have your problem.
Kiddo, lay off the unprovable pejorative nouns, please? The "r" word. 'Cause, I can call you a tax evader or Brony. Unprovable slanders, and it just makes you sound like a small minded control freak.
In otherwords...blacks are not a monolithic culture. About time folks started to figure that out.

I am black, grew up in a black neighborhood and worked in them. Independent really needs to be quiet like he's an expert on blacks because he's seen 3 black neighborhoods. Most of those so called successful blacks this fool talks about are from the same neighborhoods he claims they want nothing to do with.
Because Black neighborhoods in the suburbs should be more successful and aren’t.
I also grew uo in Brooklyn and I am fully aware of the low standards expected in Black Communities.

What you are is a white racist who imagines there are low standards expected in black communities.
Give me an example of a successful Black area in NYC.
Give me an example of a successful Black area in Nassau County.
I'll wait.

Until you can discuss racist policy that creates the problems you will wait.

City to Settle Discrimination Claim in Brooklyn Housing Plan

An eight-year legal fight over racial discrimination by New York City in a proposed Brooklyn development is expected to be settled on Monday, after community groups and the administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio agreed on a new plan for affordable housing for the site.

The court battle, which began in 2009 and included consideration by the judge of racial segregation, concerned city-owned land in a triangular area at the border of Williamsburg, Bedford-Stuyvesant and Bushwick — rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods with large communities of Hasidic, Hispanic and black residents.

City to Settle Discrimination Claim in Brooklyn Housing Plan

The lingering effects of NYC's racist city planning

New York City was famously shaped by the powerful urban planner Robert Moses who, along with being a visionary, was demonstrably racist. Hopes&Fears takes a look at how his decisions, and those of his successors, still affect access and opportunity for minorities today. NYC is just one example of how systemic oppression affects the planning of cities across the country.

The fair housing laws passed in the last half-century have forced racists to devise whole new methods of discrimination, subtler but serving the same purpose: to keep people of color out of "white" spaces. The villains in these cases—landlords, brokers and neighbors—are often tough to identify, but, once exposed, are easy to loathe. It's harder to find fault with a sidewalk or a highway; when some feature of the city has seemingly always been there, you can lose sight of the fact that it was once new, conceived and constructed by people with their own inbuilt prejudices. But a city's landscape can exclude as effectively as any policy or person, in subtle but sinister ways.

The lingering effects of NYC's racist city planning
Because that's the only Black neighborhood in Brooklyn.
Try harder.
You've got all of NYC and Nassau County at your disposal.
Your excuses are pathetic.

And by the way, there was a time when neighborhoods didn't let Jews in.
So we moved into slums and turned the slums into places where everybody, including Blacks, wanted to live.
Next time someone says, “But Africans sold themselves into slavery!”, send this article to them

The following except from pages 47-50 of Overturning the Culture of Violence, written by Penny Hess, Chairwoman of the African People’s Solidarity Committee and printed by Burning Spear Publications, debunks the cynical and anti-black argument that “Africans enslaved themselves.” This argument points to the presence of Africans who collaborated with the European slave masters and “sold” Africans to them in order to shift the responsibility for the slave trade off the shoulders of the European colonial slavemaster and onto the backs of the colonized and enslaved African.

Today, as the voice of the enslaved African community asserts itself in the world and lifts up the demand for reparations, the blame-shifting “African collaborator” argument can be seen gaining traction in universities and bourgeois historical publications, not as an historical argument but as a political defense against the legitimacy of the reparations demand. As an organization of white people working under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party to organize white people in solidarity with the African struggle for liberation and reparations, we in the Uhuru Solidarity Movement find it timely to publish this excerpt here:

HUMAN BONDAGE: Page 47-50, Overturning the Culture of Violence

The terrible impact that slavery has had on the continent of Africa cannot be calculated: the destruction of magnificent civilizations, the break-up of family and kinship circles, the massive depopulation, forced impoverishment, famine and starvation, the ravishing of an environment which had been so conducive to human civilization for millennia. From open, educated, prosperous and democratic societies, African people now lived in sheer terror, never knowing when their village or town would be raided for human loot by these white invaders.

Some North American people cynically place the blame for the enslavement of African people on the shoulders of African collaborators who participated in the kidnapping of their own people. Impacted by the social destruction wreaked by invading Europeans, a tiny minority of the conquered people did find their own survival by participating in this treachery.

The setting up of collaborators among the colonized population has been a successful tool of domination in every instance of European colonialism around the world. Africa is no exception. Europeans attack societies in Africa, Asia, or the Americas, destroying their traditional economies and long-standing social relationships. A unilateral colonial economy, which starves the people and creates the dependency on the colonial power, is militarily enforced.

The European invader gets richer and richer through his bloodsucking relationship, and offers resources, guns and special status to a minority sector of the oppressed population. The selected “elite” or the colony can themselves become enslaved or carry out the will of white power. If they take any stand independent of the colonizer as have, say, Panama’s Noriega or Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in today’s world, white power spares them none of its wrath.

This plan has worked well over the centuries. A few people in every colony have participated in the devious imperialist schemes of slavery, genocide, torture and exploitation of their own people, a collaboration which benefits no one more than the European or North American “mother” country.

The statement that “Africans enslaved their own people” separates out African people from other colonial subjects, all of whom have had their share of betrayal among their ranks. It is a statement of imperialism’s historic need to mobilize public opinion against African people.

Like the general white attitude toward the government-imposed drugs and dependent drug economy in today’s African communities, this statement lets the parasitic colonial economic system off the hook. It is an anti-black expression of unity with the oppression of African people, saying, “They did it to themselves.” Meanwhile all white people everywhere still benefit from the parasitic economic system which has as its foundation the enslavement and continued exploitation of African people.

Most Africans resisted enslavement with all of their energy. Rebellions on slave ships were common. According to one source, “Many deaths on slave journeys across the Atlantic derived from violence, brawls, and above all, rebellions. There was probably at least one insurrection every eight to ten journeys.”

For example, Africans successfully rebelled in 1532 aboard the Portueguese slave ship the Misericordia. The 109 Africans on board “rose and murdered all the crew except for the pilot and two seaman. Those survivors escaped in a longboat. But the Misericordia was never heard of again.”

Slave ship owners often three Africans off the ships just to collect the insurance money. One famous case was that of a ship owned by William Gregson and George Case (both former mayors of Liverpool, England). The captain threw 133 Africans into the sea because if Africans were to die naturally, the owners would lose money, but if the African people were “thrown alive into the sea,” supposedly for the safety of the crew, “it would be the loss of the underwriters.”

So many African people died en route that it has been said that sharks followed slave ships all the way from Africa to the Americas.

Africans who survived the notoriously brutal middle passage, as the Atlantic crossing was known, reached the Americas barely alive. If they were too ill, they were left to die on the shore. They were sold like animals on public auction blocks, naked or in rags, weakened and emaciated, having survived the months below deck with disease and malnutrition, not to mention the emotional ravage sof such an experience. Many Africans committed suicide to avoid enslavement, a practice otherwise unknown in African culture.

White buyers came to the market for slaves, “feeling the Africans’ limbs and bodies much as butchers handled calves. The slaves were often asked, as they had been told to do before leaving Africa, to show their tongues and teeth, or to stretch their arms.”

In the Americas, Africans were “broken in” by submitting them to inhuman terror in an attempt to crush out any resistance. The “breaking” process was psychological as well as physical, and included being forced to learn a version of a European language and to take a European name, something many Africans militantly resisted.

Under the domination of their white slave masters, African people of all ages were branded, women on the breasts. Africans were whipped until they were deeply scarred, and their ears or ear lobes were cut off. People were slashed in the face, and their hands and feet were cut off to prevent them from running away. Men were castrated; women were raped. Women’s babies were cut out of their bellies for “punishment” and any man, woman or child could be forced to wear iron collars on their necks for life.

Under such brutal conditions, normal human relationships between men and woman or parents and children were interrupted and nearly impossible. Mothers were forced to work the full nine months of pregnancy, often giving birth in the field. They were then forced to abandon their children, as they had to keep on working or nurse the children of the slave master.

Next time someone says, "But Africans sold themselves into slavery!", send this article to them


If you hate it here so much, leave. Republicans fought to set you free, make the most of it
He always quotes obscure articles authored by racist like him that want to rewrite history. The fact of the matter is Natiins in Africa have been selling slaves for thousands of years. But in this guys world he thinks the pyramids were built by union masons.

That might be where you think the pyramids were built but the argument you present has nothing to do with what happened in America. This is no obscure article and the fact is things just didn't happen as you white racists want to claim.
So, YOU define who's a victim according to your arbitrary constraints? And you feel free to slander people in such a hateful manor, as well. Aren't you a piece of work.
When they have a history of racist posts. Yes

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