The Very Worst Racist

I have a feeling PC will see a butterfly and call it a caterpillar forever. She doesnt seem to understand that the parties of then are very different today.

Well actually I think she does thats why her proof consists of op-eds and other bunk
I understand why you want to point to the Ike Brown case as proof of Holder's racism. You are copying and pasting from a site that says it, and the reason the site says it boils down to a "no decision" letter sent to Brown's people when they were requesting changes be made to allow for a closed democratic primary. of course, the reason the letter was sent had nothing to do with whether or not the changes were acceptable, but rather was notification that while under the court's injunction the DoJ was not the proper authority from which to request such an authorization.

sites, such as the one you are surely copying, use that letter to claim Holder didn't want to do anything to prevent Brown from disenfranchising white voters, when in fact they used that very request as evidence in their filing for the extension of the injunction.

so... do you see how completely wrong you are? will you acknowledge that you were fooled by a hack site that was using your confirmation bias to sell you a stack of lies?


It is the position of Liberals to ignore discrimination if it was against whites.
Public pressure caused the case to be brought....with a wink and a nod, and the surprise was the court decided against Ike Brown.

Just as the Bush DoJ brought the case against the Philadelphia New Black Panthers...and it was dropped AFTER IT WAS WON, by Holder....

....the same plan would have ensued had not Ike Brown laughed at the charges, and made his hubris public.

1. United States v. Ike Brown Brown was the head of the Democratic Party in Noxubee County, a majority black county. The party ran the Democratic primaries, which served as de facto general elections, and Brown made no secret about his desire to see every government office in the county held by a black officeholder. “You ain’t dealing with Mississippi law, this is Ike Brown’s law,” was his motto. Brown organized teams of notary publics to roam the county collecting absentee ballots, the notaries regularly cast the ballots themselves instead of the voters.

a. During one election, teams of federal observers counted hundreds of verified examples of illegal assistance. Brown lawlessly disqualified white candidates from running for office. Ike Brown institutionalized racial lawlessness, and brazenly victimized white voters during the 2003 and 2007 elections. And yet, many in the Voting Section never wanted the Department even to investigate the matter.

b. Hostility pervaded the Voting Section…Some said that unless whites were victims of historic discrimination, they shouldn’t be protected….Because whites were better off than blacks in Mississippi, no lawsuit should be allowed to protect whites, they argued.

c. Before the trial, article after article appeared in the New York Times and other newspapers critical of the decision to bring the Ike Brown case. ABC News presented it as a classic man-bites-dog story. Even National Public Radio traveled to Noxubee to do a story suspicious of the Bush administration’s decision to sue Ike Brown. The benefit of hindsight makes the national media effort to demean the case, and the hostility from the civil rights community, look laughable and petty. We won the case, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the decision in two historic opinions.—-unequal-law-enforcement-reigns-at-obamas-doj-pjm- exclusive/4/


Nothing you've posted provides even the slightest evidence that Holder made any Legal decision based on his race.

Keep trying.

Watching the village idiot is entertaining.
The funniest part here is that the RWnuts go on and on making this argument that there were once conservative segregationist Democrats in the conservative southern wing of the party,

and NO ONE DISAGREES WITH YOU!!! Get it? Understand?

YES, I can safely say that we all agree that there was once a conservative Southern segregationist, RACIST if you will, wing of the Democratic Party.

They are gone now. The party moved to the left and left them behind remember? You'd think you idiots would know that,

because you can't stop reminding everyone how the Democratic party has moved so far to the left in the past half century or more.

Yes, that's what happens when a party moves to the left. They stop being states rights anti-civil rights segregationists.

you are assuming a lot here.
The funniest part here is that the RWnuts go on and on making this argument that there were once conservative segregationist Democrats in the conservative southern wing of the party,

and NO ONE DISAGREES WITH YOU!!! Get it? Understand?

YES, I can safely say that we all agree that there was once a conservative Southern segregationist, RACIST if you will, wing of the Democratic Party.

They are gone now. The party moved to the left and left them behind remember? You'd think you idiots would know that,

because you can't stop reminding everyone how the Democratic party has moved so far to the left in the past half century or more.

Yes, that's what happens when a party moves to the left. They stop being states rights anti-civil rights segregationists.

you are assuming a lot here.

I think half of them are genuinely stupid enough not to know any better,

and the other half know better but are still stupid enough to think it's a good trolling device.
Nothing you've posted provides even the slightest evidence that Holder made any Legal decision based on his race.

Riiiiiiiight :bsflag:

OOOOOOOOOoooooo.......OK, that's all the evidence I need.

A drooling moron with a smilie must suspect something!!!
He's a weasel without much intelligent to say, trust me, he's guaranteed to not add much to the conversation.

Did I mention he's a weasel?
Nothing you've posted provides even the slightest evidence that Holder made any Legal decision based on his race.

Riiiiiiiight :bsflag:

OOOOOOOOOoooooo.......OK, that's all the evidence I need.

A drooling moron with a smilie must suspect something!!!
He's a weasel without much intelligent to say, trust me, he's guaranteed to not add much to the conversation.

Did I mention he's a weasel?

Sarcasm is not always easy to convey in writing.
I understand why you want to point to the Ike Brown case as proof of Holder's racism. You are copying and pasting from a site that says it, and the reason the site says it boils down to a "no decision" letter sent to Brown's people when they were requesting changes be made to allow for a closed democratic primary. of course, the reason the letter was sent had nothing to do with whether or not the changes were acceptable, but rather was notification that while under the court's injunction the DoJ was not the proper authority from which to request such an authorization.

sites, such as the one you are surely copying, use that letter to claim Holder didn't want to do anything to prevent Brown from disenfranchising white voters, when in fact they used that very request as evidence in their filing for the extension of the injunction.

so... do you see how completely wrong you are? will you acknowledge that you were fooled by a hack site that was using your confirmation bias to sell you a stack of lies?


It is the position of Liberals to ignore discrimination if it was against whites.
Public pressure caused the case to be brought....with a wink and a nod, and the surprise was the court decided against Ike Brown.
public pressure on whom? the charges were made in 2005
Just as the Bush DoJ brought the case against the Philadelphia New Black Panthers...and it was dropped AFTER IT WAS WON, by Holder....
also weird.
FindLaw Voting Rights - New Black Panther Party Figure Shabazz x27 s We
that's a link to the court ruling against the new black panther party from may of 2009
....the same plan would have ensued had not Ike Brown laughed at the charges, and made his hubris public.

1. United States v. Ike Brown Brown was the head of the Democratic Party in Noxubee County, a majority black county. The party ran the Democratic primaries, which served as de facto general elections, and Brown made no secret about his desire to see every government office in the county held by a black officeholder. “You ain’t dealing with Mississippi law, this is Ike Brown’s law,” was his motto. Brown organized teams of notary publics to roam the county collecting absentee ballots, the notaries regularly cast the ballots themselves instead of the voters.

a. During one election, teams of federal observers counted hundreds of verified examples of illegal assistance. Brown lawlessly disqualified white candidates from running for office. Ike Brown institutionalized racial lawlessness, and brazenly victimized white voters during the 2003 and 2007 elections. And yet, many in the Voting Section never wanted the Department even to investigate the matter.

b. Hostility pervaded the Voting Section…Some said that unless whites were victims of historic discrimination, they shouldn’t be protected….Because whites were better off than blacks in Mississippi, no lawsuit should be allowed to protect whites, they argued.

c. Before the trial, article after article appeared in the New York Times and other newspapers critical of the decision to bring the Ike Brown case. ABC News presented it as a classic man-bites-dog story. Even National Public Radio traveled to Noxubee to do a story suspicious of the Bush administration’s decision to sue Ike Brown. The benefit of hindsight makes the national media effort to demean the case, and the hostility from the civil rights community, look laughable and petty. We won the case, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the decision in two historic opinions.—-unequal-law-enforcement-reigns-at-obamas-doj-pjm- exclusive/4/

again, the case was brought about in 2005, ruled on in 2007, appealed, and the appeal denied five weeks after Obama was sworn in, hardly giving Eric Holder's Jusitce Department to do anything - anything that is except to file for an extension of the injunction based upon a letter Brown sent to the DoJ looking to sidestep the court's ruling.

is it time that's giving you trouble? 2003,2005,2007 - those are all years that preceded 2009. Meaning they happened before. Meaning Holder wasn't the AG.

meaning you have no clue what you're talking about.
Nothing you've posted provides even the slightest evidence that Holder made any Legal decision based on his race.

Riiiiiiiight :bsflag:

OOOOOOOOOoooooo.......OK, that's all the evidence I need.

A drooling moron with a smilie must suspect something!!!
He's a weasel without much intelligent to say, trust me, he's guaranteed to not add much to the conversation.

Did I mention he's a weasel?

Sarcasm is not always easy to convey in writing.
I figured that. It was just an opportunity to give you a heads up to a newby poster I've long known as being on par in the brain-fail department (lower, actually) as PC here - and to twist his stupid weasel-ass.

<back to thread>
Nothing you've posted provides even the slightest evidence that Holder made any Legal decision based on his race.

Riiiiiiiight :bsflag:

OOOOOOOOOoooooo.......OK, that's all the evidence I need.

A drooling moron with a smilie must suspect something!!!
He's a weasel without much intelligent to say, trust me, he's guaranteed to not add much to the conversation.

Did I mention he's a weasel?

LOL what are you in 5th grade. No Family.
Last edited by a moderator:
With the panthers thing, its for the states to enforce rules preventing unfair/prohibited campaigning and intimidation. The DOJ acts when there's some systemic, or even state govt, effort to disenfranchise or benefit one candidate. I disagree with Holder on his attempts to keep states under the DOJ's preapproval of redistricting in the voting rights act. But the Philly Panther thing was laughably a RW distraction ... which btw didn't help on the actual criticism of Holder's position on voting.
Nothing you've posted provides even the slightest evidence that Holder made any Legal decision based on his race.

Riiiiiiiight :bsflag:

OOOOOOOOOoooooo.......OK, that's all the evidence I need.

A drooling moron with a smilie must suspect something!!!

Calm yourself lib we are just pointing out how out of touch with reality your assessment of Holder is.

Speaking of being "out of touch with reality."


You and your "BS Flag" smilie?
Nothing you've posted provides even the slightest evidence that Holder made any Legal decision based on his race.

Riiiiiiiight :bsflag:

OOOOOOOOOoooooo.......OK, that's all the evidence I need.

A drooling moron with a smilie must suspect something!!!

Calm yourself lib we are just pointing out how out of touch with reality your assessment of Holder is.

Speaking of being "out of touch with reality."


You and your "BS Flag" smilie?

Says the guy with 5 cartoons in his signature, irony.
Nothing you've posted provides even the slightest evidence that Holder made any Legal decision based on his race.

Riiiiiiiight :bsflag:

OOOOOOOOOoooooo.......OK, that's all the evidence I need.

A drooling moron with a smilie must suspect something!!!

Calm yourself lib we are just pointing out how out of touch with reality your assessment of Holder is.

Speaking of being "out of touch with reality."


You and your "BS Flag" smilie?
the "fifth grade" retort was effective too (-:
Nothing you've posted provides even the slightest evidence that Holder made any Legal decision based on his race.

Riiiiiiiight :bsflag:

OOOOOOOOOoooooo.......OK, that's all the evidence I need.

A drooling moron with a smilie must suspect something!!!

Calm yourself lib we are just pointing out how out of touch with reality your assessment of Holder is.

Speaking of being "out of touch with reality."


You and your "BS Flag" smilie?

Says the guy with 5 cartoons in his signature, irony.

Yes "we all" think you are an idiot.

I took a poll and it was unanimous.
If PC is Korean, I can understand her preference for Conservatives; all during the cold war they were the most reliable opponent of the communist. The Koreans appreciate the value freedom being that the communist hell hole of North Korea is just over the border.

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