The Very Worst Racist

No, you moron, you didn't,

I wrote at the start that he died in '73.

Strike one.

I never suggested he be considered for Attorney General

Strike two.

Doubling down on your mistake.

You're out.

Here is your typical Blather of an OP:
1. "Eugene "Bull" Connor

Obama might as well pick Al Sharpton as his next racist Attorney General.
And his choices show his bias.

Is there a point here other than your usual display or robotically efficient stupidity?

Jeeze, politicians were racist between 1897 and 1973?

No shit Sherlock! Any more startling news? Is water still wet?

None of your blithering idiocy has anything to do with who Obama would pick as the next attorney general.

You wrote " realize this guy died in 1973 right?" though it was some sort of revelation.

I posted it at the top of the OP, offal.

Do you even know why that's relevant?

Lemme walk you through it:

Being Dead, "Bull" probably not had much to do with politics for the past 41 years.

Its like having a discussion with an amphibian. How's your 3000 brother and sisters doing, dim-wit?

Are you pretending to be stupid....or are you actually so?

This thread will show Eric Holder to be a worse racist than even Bull Connor.

They are brothers under the skin.

Stay tuned.

Bull Connor was a hard core far right Conservative like Political Chic.

He was a Democrat, you lying moron.....
Caught you in another lie, huh?
He was an honest Democrat, not recognizable today. That's why Jake knew his lie would have legs

He was a Conservative politician. Flat fact.

Democrat, just like you, Jakal.

'He was a Conservative politician.' Just like PC. 'Flat fact.' Neither Connor nor PC would have anything to do with the Dems or the mainstream GOP today.
You know if you keep digging that hole you're in, you're going to add one more to the list of things you're in over your head about.

I'm guessing you should stop at about 4' 8".


Are you counting the point on her head?

Bull Connor was a hard core far right Conservative like Political Chic.

He was a Democrat, you lying moron.....
Caught you in another lie, huh?
He was an honest Democrat, not recognizable today. That's why Jake knew his lie would have legs

He was a Conservative politician. Flat fact.

Democrat, just like you, Jakal.

'He was a Conservative politician.' Just like PC. 'Flat fact.' Neither Connor nor PC would have anything to do with the Dems or the mainstream GOP today.

"'He was a Conservative politician.' ....about as much as Bill Clinton, and you, Jakal.
The funniest part here is that the RWnuts go on and on making this argument that there were once conservative segregationist Democrats in the conservative southern wing of the party,

and NO ONE DISAGREES WITH YOU!!! Get it? Understand?

YES, I can safely say that we all agree that there was once a conservative Southern segregationist, RACIST if you will, wing of the Democratic Party.

They are gone now. The party moved to the left and left them behind remember? You'd think you idiots would know that,

because you can't stop reminding everyone how the Democratic party has moved so far to the left in the past half century or more.

Yes, that's what happens when a party moves to the left. They stop being states rights anti-civil rights segregationists.

Last I checked, liberals run the education system. Obama did try to do away with charter schools in Washington, but failed because minorities raised hell. So jake, what party wants minorities uneducated?

Republicans are funny. Its almost as if they dont even exist. Liberals run everything and poor cons are just subjected to everything......orrrrr Republicans blame everything on a boogey man
Lol, bullshit republicans want school choice, liberals don't. Liberals want to keep the system that allows them to shape little minds to hate America as much as you do.

I know those darn liberals run the media, hollywood, Education, Bingo, Science, Economy, hoola hoop contests, Business, Earth, Time, Space etc.

Poor republicans cant and have never ever had their hands on any of those things and thats why the US is in such turmoil. :itsok:
He was a Democrat, you lying moron.....
Caught you in another lie, huh?
He was an honest Democrat, not recognizable today. That's why Jake knew his lie would have legs

He was a Conservative politician. Flat fact.

Democrat, just like you, Jakal.

'He was a Conservative politician.' Just like PC. 'Flat fact.' Neither Connor nor PC would have anything to do with the Dems or the mainstream GOP today.

"'He was a Conservative politician.' ....about as much as Bill Clinton, and you, Jakal.

Strong supporter of states rights, ardent anti-communist. And he wasn't a conservative?

Well let's ask a question I know you can't give a straight answer to:

Who were the conservatives in 1950?
He was a Democrat, you lying moron.....
Caught you in another lie, huh?
He was an honest Democrat, not recognizable today. That's why Jake knew his lie would have legs

He was a Conservative politician. Flat fact.

Democrat, just like you, Jakal.

'He was a Conservative politician.' Just like PC. 'Flat fact.' Neither Connor nor PC would have anything to do with the Dems or the mainstream GOP today.

"'He was a Conservative politician.' ....about as much as Bill Clinton, and you, Jakal.
no, he was extremely conservative. segregation was the order of the day. progressing beyond that mindset was a liberal idea.
Last I checked, liberals run the education system. Obama did try to do away with charter schools in Washington, but failed because minorities raised hell. So jake, what party wants minorities uneducated?

Republicans are funny. Its almost as if they dont even exist. Liberals run everything and poor cons are just subjected to everything......orrrrr Republicans blame everything on a boogey man
Lol, bullshit republicans want school choice, liberals don't. Liberals want to keep the system that allows them to shape little minds to hate America as much as you do.

I know those darn liberals run the media, hollywood, Education, Bingo, Science, Economy, hoola hoop contests, Business, Earth, Time, Space etc.

Poor republicans cant and have never ever had their hands on any of those things and thats why the US is in such turmoil. :itsok:

Liberals now run all those things only because it became a bit too distasteful to claim the Jews did.
Bull Connor was a hard core far right Conservative like Political Chic.

Yeah, right.

Back in reality, the Left is in a perpetual feeding frenzy to keep black poor and contained in the urban ghetto plantation.

Anytime a black person becomes a successful conservative, the Left does a virtual lynch job.

Right, Connoer was hard right Conservative as they came. An awful, awful person.

Your second statement is much a lie as the Right wants to starve the poor.

Your third statement is false, but compare it to what the far right has done to Obma.

No skittles and beer for you tonight.
Yeah that's why conservatives in church's feed the poor, and don't rely on government to do it.
I see the "liberal" churches in this town run the pantries, food banks, and soup kitchens.
A liberal church? You mean one of those new atheist Sunday gatherings? They would be more interested in environmental issues, being able to control more people's lives. Like liberals control minorities, through welfare. A liberal church, lol.
The funniest part here is that the RWnuts go on and on making this argument that there were once conservative segregationist Democrats in the conservative southern wing of the party,

and NO ONE DISAGREES WITH YOU!!! Get it? Understand?

YES, I can safely say that we all agree that there was once a conservative Southern segregationist, RACIST if you will, wing of the Democratic Party.

They are gone now. The party moved to the left and left them behind remember? You'd think you idiots would know that,

because you can't stop reminding everyone how the Democratic party has moved so far to the left in the past half century or more.

Yes, that's what happens when a party moves to the left. They stop being states rights anti-civil rights segregationists.

Actually, the funniest thing on here is you, behaving exactly like a Bigot.

I thought this thread was going to be about the current Racism of the Obama followers, I then read the OP and see its not, then I start reading the posts. NO information or facts, all just Bigoted attacks, and I see all the people like NYcarbineer for who they are, NCcarbineer and the rest of you in this thread are who you accuse others of being.

Funny how you fools will look in the mirror but never see yourself, the fool.

Now go back to the incredible job Obama built for you, I am sure you all are packing for your next Luxury Vacation n the Bahamas, I mean you are doing incredibly well for yourself under Obama.

I am kind of surprised you all ain't outside waxing your Ferrari, I mean things are that good.
Of all who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the most important political figure among them was Republican Barry Goldwater,

the Father of Modern American Conservatism.
The funniest part here is that the RWnuts go on and on making this argument that there were once conservative segregationist Democrats in the conservative southern wing of the party,

and NO ONE DISAGREES WITH YOU!!! Get it? Understand?

YES, I can safely say that we all agree that there was once a conservative Southern segregationist, RACIST if you will, wing of the Democratic Party.

They are gone now. The party moved to the left and left them behind remember? You'd think you idiots would know that,

because you can't stop reminding everyone how the Democratic party has moved so far to the left in the past half century or more.

Yes, that's what happens when a party moves to the left. They stop being states rights anti-civil rights segregationists.

Actually, the funniest thing on here is you, behaving exactly like a Bigot.

I thought this thread was going to be about the current Racism of the Obama followers, I then read the OP and see its not, then I start reading the posts. NO information or facts, all just Bigoted attacks, and I see all the people like NYcarbineer for who they are, NCcarbineer and the rest of you in this thread are who you accuse others of being.

Funny how you fools will look in the mirror but never see yourself, the fool.

Now go back to the incredible job Obama built for you, I am sure you all are packing for your next Luxury Vacation n the Bahamas, I mean you are doing incredibly well for yourself under Obama.

I am kind of surprised you all ain't outside waxing your Ferrari, I mean things are that good.
what bigoted attacks?
If only a Republican could become POTUS just once...The US would be a better place *single tear*
This thread will show Eric Holder to be a worse racist than even Bull Connor.

They are brothers under the skin.

Stay tuned.



It is like waiting for a train wreck: Is it possible for you to exceed the level of ludicrous stupidity you've already demonstrated?

Please, please try. Your Entertainment value should not be underestimated.
He was an honest Democrat, not recognizable today. That's why Jake knew his lie would have legs

He was a Conservative politician. Flat fact.

Democrat, just like you, Jakal.

'He was a Conservative politician.' Just like PC. 'Flat fact.' Neither Connor nor PC would have anything to do with the Dems or the mainstream GOP today.

"'He was a Conservative politician.' ....about as much as Bill Clinton, and you, Jakal.
no, he was extremely conservative. segregation was the order of the day. progressing beyond that mindset was a liberal idea.

Don't forget that Jim Crow was an example of Democrat liberal big government in action.
The funniest part here is that the RWnuts go on and on making this argument that there were once conservative segregationist Democrats in the conservative southern wing of the party,

and NO ONE DISAGREES WITH YOU!!! Get it? Understand?

YES, I can safely say that we all agree that there was once a conservative Southern segregationist, RACIST if you will, wing of the Democratic Party.

They are gone now. The party moved to the left and left them behind remember? You'd think you idiots would know that,

because you can't stop reminding everyone how the Democratic party has moved so far to the left in the past half century or more.

Yes, that's what happens when a party moves to the left. They stop being states rights anti-civil rights segregationists.

Actually, the funniest thing on here is you, behaving exactly like a Bigot.

I thought this thread was going to be about the current Racism of the Obama followers, I then read the OP and see its not, then I start reading the posts. NO information or facts, all just Bigoted attacks, and I see all the people like NYcarbineer for who they are, NCcarbineer and the rest of you in this thread are who you accuse others of being.

Funny how you fools will look in the mirror but never see yourself, the fool.

Now go back to the incredible job Obama built for you, I am sure you all are packing for your next Luxury Vacation n the Bahamas, I mean you are doing incredibly well for yourself under Obama.

I am kind of surprised you all ain't outside waxing your Ferrari, I mean things are that good.

Do you want to debate whether or not Bull Connor was a conservative?

Do you want to debate whether or not Bull Connor bolted the Democratic Party in 1948 because of party's move to support civil rights?

What is it you wish to contest?
He was a Conservative politician. Flat fact.

Democrat, just like you, Jakal.

'He was a Conservative politician.' Just like PC. 'Flat fact.' Neither Connor nor PC would have anything to do with the Dems or the mainstream GOP today.

"'He was a Conservative politician.' ....about as much as Bill Clinton, and you, Jakal.
no, he was extremely conservative. segregation was the order of the day. progressing beyond that mindset was a liberal idea.

Don't forget that Jim Crow was an example of Democrat liberal big government in action.

Jim Crow was an example of states rights and was eventually dismantled BY liberal big government.

Try to get one fact right today. Please?
He was a Conservative politician. Flat fact.

Democrat, just like you, Jakal.

'He was a Conservative politician.' Just like PC. 'Flat fact.' Neither Connor nor PC would have anything to do with the Dems or the mainstream GOP today.

"'He was a Conservative politician.' ....about as much as Bill Clinton, and you, Jakal.
no, he was extremely conservative. segregation was the order of the day. progressing beyond that mindset was a liberal idea.

Don't forget that Jim Crow was an example of Democrat liberal big government in action.
actually, Jim Crow laws were made at the state level, as an exercise of "state's rights"

it took big government action on the part of the federal government to put a stop to it.

now, who would people say is the party that champions states rights today?

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