The Very Worst Racist

Having slain most of the Democrat apologists, let's continue as we trample the weak and hurtle the dead!

Eric Holder was worse than Bull Connor, another Democrat who judge people based on the color of their skin, simply because Holder is in a more powerful position.

Here, insight into the racist thinking of Eric holder:

5. "For much of his life, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. carried around something peculiar…an old clipping of a quote from Harlem preacher Reverend Samuel D. Proctor. Holder put the clipping in his wallet in 1971, when he was studying history at Columbia University, and kept it in wallet after wallet over the ensuing decades. What were Proctor’s words that Holder found so compelling?

“Blackness is another issue entirely apart from class in America. No matter how affluent, educated and mobile [a black person] becomes, his race defines him more particularly than anything else.”…

When asked to explain the passage, Holder replied, “It really says that… I am not the tall U.S. attorney, I am not the thin United States Attorney. I am the black United States attorney. And he was saying that no matter how successful you are, there’s a common cause that bonds the black United States attorney with the black criminal or the black doctor with the black homeless person.”…It may seem shocking to hear these racialist views ascribed to America’s top law enforcement officer. But to people who have worked inside the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice, these attitudes are perfectly familiar."
DOJ Whistleblower J. Christian Adams Releases New Book | Video | DOJ s Whistleblower in New Black Panther Case Releases Book Video

a. Has anyone asked Holder what exactly is the “common cause” that binds the black attorney general and the black criminal? More important, what should the black attorney general do about this common cause? Should the black criminal feel empathy for the black attorney general or more likely, do the favors only flow in one direction?

Holder’s explanation of Proctor’s quote offers some key insights into our attorney generals’ worldview. First, being “more particular” than anything else, skin color limits and defines Americans- in other words, race comes first for Holder.

Second, despite Americans’ widespread belief in trans-racial principles such as individual liberty and equal protection, blacks are expected to show solidarity with other blacks.

And third, black law enforcement officers are expected to show this solidarity toward their racial compatriots, including black criminals.”
J. Christian Adams, “Injustice: Exposing The Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department,” p. 2.

While one might quibble as to which Democrat is a worse racist.....Holder or Connor.... is clear that both found skin color the most important factor in interpreting the law.

If you voted for Obama....this is what you voted for.

I'll ignore the stupid reference to "Bull" who died in 1973 and has nothing...., even consciousness on the do with Holder other than both being Democrats.

Once again, cutting through your editorial bullshit, we find ONE QUOTE:

Holder replied, “It really says that… I am not the tall U.S. attorney, I am not the thin United States Attorney. I am the black United States attorney. And he was saying that no matter how successful you are, there’s a common cause that bonds the black United States attorney with the black criminal or the black doctor with the black homeless person."

You think the fact that he knew he was black was "the most important factor in interpreting the law."

In fact, you think it is "CLEAR."

Um, do you have one example during the past 6 years when Holder interpreted the law based primarily on his skin color?
the question that the op will avoid, because she will have no answer.
Um, do you have one example during the past 6 years when Holder interpreted the law based primarily on his skin color?

The failure to pursue the black panthers in the obvious voter intimidation case...and the testimony from a former DOJ official who said that they were told they would not pursue minority voter violations as they did other cases...
See, the problem is that the left in this country believes in government control of the people....if you look at democrats in the south at the time of racism and slavery, and the jim crow laws, they needed government to implement their racist policies...jim crow...since without the government enforcing jim crow...there would have been people who wouldn't have segregated on the basis of the old democrats share with modern democrats the love of government control...which is the tie that binds them together and their desire to control the lives of black Americans now extends to their desire to control the lives of all Americans...

The democrat party has gone from the party of racism to become the party that wants to control all races..and racism is just one tool in their tool box to achieve that end...
again to jim crow - jim crow laws were state laws. it took the federal government to put an end to them.
are you seriously claiming that the states were enacting jim crow laws against the will of their constituents, or are you saying that anarchy would be preferable to any form of government?

Poor liberals. I could swear they are calling Eisenhower, Nixon, the Republicans in1964, Reagan, Bush and the other Bush liberals or democrats.

I already know they will never get that patronizing minorities is racism.

You stupid morons.
1973 ?

and what is it the RW's complain about when anyone even mentions Bush ?
isn't it something about the PAST being PAST, time to MOVE ON !
The funniest part here is that the RWnuts go on and on making this argument that there were once conservative segregationist Democrats in the conservative southern wing of the party,

and NO ONE DISAGREES WITH YOU!!! Get it? Understand?

YES, I can safely say that we all agree that there was once a conservative Southern segregationist, RACIST if you will, wing of the Democratic Party.

They are gone now. The party moved to the left and left them behind remember? You'd think you idiots would know that,

because you can't stop reminding everyone how the Democratic party has moved so far to the left in the past half century or more.

Yes, that's what happens when a party moves to the left. They stop being states rights anti-civil rights segregationists.

Actually, the funniest thing on here is you, behaving exactly like a Bigot.

I thought this thread was going to be about the current Racism of the Obama followers, I then read the OP and see its not, then I start reading the posts. NO information or facts, all just Bigoted attacks, and I see all the people like NYcarbineer for who they are, NCcarbineer and the rest of you in this thread are who you accuse others of being.

Funny how you fools will look in the mirror but never see yourself, the fool.

Now go back to the incredible job Obama built for you, I am sure you all are packing for your next Luxury Vacation n the Bahamas, I mean you are doing incredibly well for yourself under Obama.

I am kind of surprised you all ain't outside waxing your Ferrari, I mean things are that good.
what bigoted attacks?
you're claiming that people are making bigoted attacks.
what bigoted attacks have been made?
I did not make a claim, I stated it. The attacks that have been made have been Bigoted, look up the word, you seem to lack understanding.
enacting jim crow laws against the will of their constituents,

I am saying that not everyone was on board with discriminating because of race...the only way the democrat racists could ensure that blacks would be kept down was to enact those that it was illegal not to discriminate...they weren't happy with just the racists treating blacks poorly, they had to make sure that everyone did...
The funniest part here is that the RWnuts go on and on making this argument that there were once conservative segregationist Democrats in the conservative southern wing of the party,

and NO ONE DISAGREES WITH YOU!!! Get it? Understand?

YES, I can safely say that we all agree that there was once a conservative Southern segregationist, RACIST if you will, wing of the Democratic Party.

They are gone now. The party moved to the left and left them behind remember? You'd think you idiots would know that,

because you can't stop reminding everyone how the Democratic party has moved so far to the left in the past half century or more.

Yes, that's what happens when a party moves to the left. They stop being states rights anti-civil rights segregationists.

Actually, the funniest thing on here is you, behaving exactly like a Bigot.

I thought this thread was going to be about the current Racism of the Obama followers, I then read the OP and see its not, then I start reading the posts. NO information or facts, all just Bigoted attacks, and I see all the people like NYcarbineer for who they are, NCcarbineer and the rest of you in this thread are who you accuse others of being.

Funny how you fools will look in the mirror but never see yourself, the fool.

Now go back to the incredible job Obama built for you, I am sure you all are packing for your next Luxury Vacation n the Bahamas, I mean you are doing incredibly well for yourself under Obama.

I am kind of surprised you all ain't outside waxing your Ferrari, I mean things are that good.
what bigoted attacks?
you're claiming that people are making bigoted attacks.
what bigoted attacks have been made?
I did not make a claim, I stated it. The attacks that have been made have been Bigoted, look up the word, you seem to lack understanding.
if you state something as a fact, you are claiming it. it is a claim you have made.
i'm asking you to back up your claim. which posts were bigoted attacks?
enacting jim crow laws against the will of their constituents,

I am saying that not everyone was on board with discriminating because of race...the only way the democrat racists could ensure that blacks would be kept down was to enact those that it was illegal not to discriminate...they weren't happy with just the racists treating blacks poorly, they had to make sure that everyone did...
so you'll agree then that it's a good thing the federal government stepped in and put an end to it, right? i mean you'll agree that big government saved the day on that one?
so you'll agree then that it's a good thing the federal government stepped in and put an end to it, right?

Yes, of course, the government is their to protect the Constitutional rights of the citizens...that is one of the specific, and limited powers of the federal government...but don't think that means the government therefore needs to be massive, all controlling and telling the citizens everything they need to do with their lives....which is what the left believes...

Limit the government to what it is given permission to do by the Constitution, and that's about it...

Today, you have the opposite situation...the Federal Government is trampling on the rights of American citizens...violating their religious freedom and discriminating based on race....and so the States will have to step in and put a check on the Federal Government...right?

A true balancing of powers and checks and balances in action...rght?
i mean you'll agree that big government saved the day on that one?

No, limited government would have handled the job just as well...because you don't need a bloated, massive bureacracy, ruled by greedy, corrupt politicians to do the job given to the federal government in the no..."Big" government didn't do it...just government...

And it could be a lot smaller and still achieved the same result...
Q: What ideology actively works to discriminate, and has historically worked to discriminate against blacks, including enslaving them:

[ ] A. Liberal

[ ] B. Conservative

Answer is B.

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