The Very Worst Racist

Democrat, just like you, Jakal.

'He was a Conservative politician.' Just like PC. 'Flat fact.' Neither Connor nor PC would have anything to do with the Dems or the mainstream GOP today.

"'He was a Conservative politician.' ....about as much as Bill Clinton, and you, Jakal.
no, he was extremely conservative. segregation was the order of the day. progressing beyond that mindset was a liberal idea.

Don't forget that Jim Crow was an example of Democrat liberal big government in action.

Jim Crow was an example of states rights and was eventually dismantled BY liberal big government.

Try to get one fact right today. Please?
she didn't copy and paste that from somewhere else. it was a PC original thought.

it was bound to be garbage.
This thread will show Eric Holder to be a worse racist than even Bull Connor.

They are brothers under the skin.

Stay tuned.



It is like waiting for a train wreck: Is it possible for you to exceed the level of ludicrous stupidity you've already demonstrated?

Please, please try. Your Entertainment value should not be underestimated.

The growth of the broad based coalition of USMB'ers who have reached the conclusion that PC is an imbecile is indeed a heartening spectacle to witness.
1. "Eugene "Bull" Connor
"Negroes and whites will not segregate together as long as I am Commissioner." Colored Reflections - The Sixties Eugene Bull Connor

2. "Bull Connor was a Democrat. As the public safety commissioner of Birmingham, Alabama, it was at his command that civil rights protesters were attacked by dogs and beaten back by high-powered streams from fire hoses. One did not have to fabricate evidence that he was a racist.

Bull Connor was also a member of the Democratic National Committee. That’s the governing board of the national Democratic Party, the one currently chaired by Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Connor was active in the Democratic Party at the same time that Senators Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Albert Gore, Sr. of Tennessee were leading the opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Connor was no doubt pleased that 80 percent of the “no” votes on that bill in the U.S. Senate, and 75 percent of the opposition in the House, came from Democrats." Remembering Bull Connor 8230 accurately The Daily Caller

Bull Connor....officer of the law.....responsible for seeing that justice be done.

3. "Since the 15th century, Lady Justice has often been depicted wearing a blindfold. The blindfold represents objectivity, in that justice is or should be meted out objectively, without fear or favour, regardless of identity, money, power, or weakness; blind justice and impartiality." Lady Justice - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Peeking under the blindfold and using skin color to decide what justice is cannot be considered as less than malfeasance.

4. What a horror, to have the man in charge of upholding the law, one who could see no farther than the color of a man's skin.

And, even higher then Bull Connor....what a horror to have as the Attorney-General of the United States a man as focused on skin color as Bull Connor.
.... a modern day Bull Connor, another Democrat....Eric Holder.

5. "It's one thing to watch race hustlers like the Rev. Al Sharpton bellowing, "No justice, no peace." But when the attorney general of the United States makes false but racially incendiary claims about today's alleged "pernicious racism," we are in uncharted territory.

Holder complains about different prison rates, different school expulsion rates and longer prison sentences for black boys and men compared to white boys and men. He equates "equal rights" with "equal results." Eric Holder A More Dangerous Race-Card Hustler Than Al Sharpton RealClearPolitics

Obama might as well pick Al Sharpton as his next racist Attorney General.
And his choices show his bias.
That would be "No jusiss, no peafs" in the modern day vernacular of da Bruhs...who the the trough.
Bull Connor was a hard core far right Conservative like Political Chic.

He was a Democrat, you lying moron.

Exactly the same kind of Democrat that another Democrat with a racist history is..

Let's take a look at the most popular Democrat today, and see how your "conservative" slander holds up.

a. Governor Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.
  1. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

    (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton s Confederacy Hypocrisy The Gateway Pundit

Gee....'til 1992,....21 years ago

(BTW...Orval Eugene Faubus, attended Bill Clinton’s 1979 gubernatorial inauguration, where the two pols hugged, as Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial page editor Paul Greenberg recalls.)
Know who Faubus was?
Yup...he used the National Guard to prevent blacks from going to school

c. Bill Clinton wrote his first letter, dated June 21, 1994, of congratulations to the UDC [Untied Daughters of the Confederacy] celebrating their 100th anniversary. Later Clinton wrote a letter September 8, 1994 letter of congratulation to the Georgia Division of the UDC celebrating their 100th anniversary, then August 9, 1995 welcoming to Washington, D.C. for their 1995 national convention. Each letter was given a full page with Clinton’s picture in the United Daughters of the Confederacy Magazine (UDC Magazine) giving legitimacy to the UDC.

For reference, the UDC magazine includes " a Ku Klux Klan praising book, not just the Klan of Reconstruction but the Klan of the 1920s, a book which recommends the racist books of Thomas Dixon, “The Clansman” ...
Anti-Neo-Confederate: Bill Clinton Enables Neo-Confederates & Betrays Carol Moseley-Braun: UPDATED

Gee....that's 18 years ago....

d. "Clinton praised Arkansas’ late Democratic senator J. William Fulbright, a notorious segregationist who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He also signed the Southern Manifesto, which denounced the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown vs. Board of Education school desegregation decision in 1954. Clinton called Fulbright “My mentor, a visionary, a humanitarian.”Dems Need to Houseclean - Deroy Murdock - National Review Online


e. Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills. 1993, Bill Clinton gave the Medal of Freedom award to a lifelong segregationist, Democrat Wm. J. Fulbright. And another life-long segregationist, Democrat Albert Gore, Sr. was in attendance.

20 years ago.

Hey...didn't Bill Clinton just recently speak at the Democrat National Convention?


That wasn't "50 or 100" years ago....was it?


f. … President Bill Clinton

argued that Colin Powell, promoted

to brigadier general during Mr.

Alexander’s tenure, was the product

of an affirmative action program.

Bill Clinton In Past Obama Would Be Carrying Our Bags

Bull Connor....Bill easy to confuse the two.

Caught you in another lie, huh?
All you need to do is listen to the liberals on this forum about black conservatives. Then you see racism at it's worse.
Well stated!
Democrat, just like you, Jakal.

'He was a Conservative politician.' Just like PC. 'Flat fact.' Neither Connor nor PC would have anything to do with the Dems or the mainstream GOP today.

"'He was a Conservative politician.' ....about as much as Bill Clinton, and you, Jakal.
no, he was extremely conservative. segregation was the order of the day. progressing beyond that mindset was a liberal idea.

Don't forget that Jim Crow was an example of Democrat liberal big government in action.
actually, Jim Crow laws were made at the state level, as an exercise of "state's rights"

it took big government action on the part of the federal government to put a stop to it.

now, who would people say is the party that champions states rights today?

And thats why when people say states rights other people get nervous. Just another example of Big Govt getting in the way of freedom they'll say
Bull Connor was a hard core far right Conservative like Political Chic.
Define "conservative" as it applies to this person...

Strong support for states rights, for starters.

'He was a Conservative politician.' Just like PC. 'Flat fact.' Neither Connor nor PC would have anything to do with the Dems or the mainstream GOP today.

"'He was a Conservative politician.' ....about as much as Bill Clinton, and you, Jakal.
no, he was extremely conservative. segregation was the order of the day. progressing beyond that mindset was a liberal idea.

Don't forget that Jim Crow was an example of Democrat liberal big government in action.

Jim Crow was an example of states rights and was eventually dismantled BY liberal big government.

Try to get one fact right today. Please?
she didn't copy and paste that from somewhere else. it was a PC original thought.

it was bound to be garbage.

It's a fairly recent rightwing myth that they manufactured as a last ditch effort to deny that segregation was all about conservatism.
Having slain most of the Democrat apologists, let's continue as we trample the weak and hurtle the dead!

Eric Holder was worse than Bull Connor, another Democrat who judge people based on the color of their skin, simply because Holder is in a more powerful position.

Here, insight into the racist thinking of Eric holder:

5. "For much of his life, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. carried around something peculiar…an old clipping of a quote from Harlem preacher Reverend Samuel D. Proctor. Holder put the clipping in his wallet in 1971, when he was studying history at Columbia University, and kept it in wallet after wallet over the ensuing decades. What were Proctor’s words that Holder found so compelling?

“Blackness is another issue entirely apart from class in America. No matter how affluent, educated and mobile [a black person] becomes, his race defines him more particularly than anything else.”…

When asked to explain the passage, Holder replied, “It really says that… I am not the tall U.S. attorney, I am not the thin United States Attorney. I am the black United States attorney. And he was saying that no matter how successful you are, there’s a common cause that bonds the black United States attorney with the black criminal or the black doctor with the black homeless person.”…It may seem shocking to hear these racialist views ascribed to America’s top law enforcement officer. But to people who have worked inside the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice, these attitudes are perfectly familiar."
DOJ Whistleblower J. Christian Adams Releases New Book | Video | DOJ s Whistleblower in New Black Panther Case Releases Book Video

a. Has anyone asked Holder what exactly is the “common cause” that binds the black attorney general and the black criminal? More important, what should the black attorney general do about this common cause? Should the black criminal feel empathy for the black attorney general or more likely, do the favors only flow in one direction?

Holder’s explanation of Proctor’s quote offers some key insights into our attorney generals’ worldview. First, being “more particular” than anything else, skin color limits and defines Americans- in other words, race comes first for Holder.

Second, despite Americans’ widespread belief in trans-racial principles such as individual liberty and equal protection, blacks are expected to show solidarity with other blacks.

And third, black law enforcement officers are expected to show this solidarity toward their racial compatriots, including black criminals.”
J. Christian Adams, “Injustice: Exposing The Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department,” p. 2.

While one might quibble as to which Democrat is a worse racist.....Holder or Connor.... is clear that both found skin color the most important factor in interpreting the law.

If you voted for Obama....this is what you voted for.
conservative definition - Google Search

  1. 1.
    holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
    traditionalist, traditional, conventional, orthodox, old-fashioned, dyed-in-the-wool, hidebound, unadventurous, set in one's ways; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
    • noun
  1. 1.
    a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
    synonyms:right-winger, reactionary, rightist, diehard; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
The funniest part here is that the RWnuts go on and on making this argument that there were once conservative segregationist Democrats in the conservative southern wing of the party,

and NO ONE DISAGREES WITH YOU!!! Get it? Understand?

YES, I can safely say that we all agree that there was once a conservative Southern segregationist, RACIST if you will, wing of the Democratic Party.

They are gone now. The party moved to the left and left them behind remember? You'd think you idiots would know that,

because you can't stop reminding everyone how the Democratic party has moved so far to the left in the past half century or more.

Yes, that's what happens when a party moves to the left. They stop being states rights anti-civil rights segregationists.

Actually, the funniest thing on here is you, behaving exactly like a Bigot.

I thought this thread was going to be about the current Racism of the Obama followers, I then read the OP and see its not, then I start reading the posts. NO information or facts, all just Bigoted attacks, and I see all the people like NYcarbineer for who they are, NCcarbineer and the rest of you in this thread are who you accuse others of being.

Funny how you fools will look in the mirror but never see yourself, the fool.

Now go back to the incredible job Obama built for you, I am sure you all are packing for your next Luxury Vacation n the Bahamas, I mean you are doing incredibly well for yourself under Obama.

I am kind of surprised you all ain't outside waxing your Ferrari, I mean things are that good.

Do you want to debate whether or not Bull Connor was a conservative?

Do you want to debate whether or not Bull Connor bolted the Democratic Party in 1948 because of party's move to support civil rights?

What is it you wish to contest?
You want to debate, I jumped into what is a flame war your side started, now you pretend you are here to debate?

Nope I don't want to debate, I want you to go wash your face in the mirror and see yourself for who you are, you could of opened your response to me with that debate or simply began your posts in this thread with those points,what, do I have to say yes to see you begin, to debate?

This will result in failure, as it has here, in any objective discussion.

"Eric Holder was worse than Bull Connor, another Democrat who judge people based on the color of their skin, simply because Holder is in a more powerful position."
conservative definition - Google Search

  1. 1.
    holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
    traditionalist, traditional, conventional, orthodox, old-fashioned, dyed-in-the-wool, hidebound, unadventurous, set in one's ways; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
    • noun
  1. 1.
    a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
    synonyms:right-winger, reactionary, rightist, diehard; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

Here, let me correct that for you:

1) Conservatives believe that there are moral truths, right and wrong, and that these truths are permanent. The result of infracting these truths will be atrocities and social disaster. Liberals believe in a privatization of morality so complete that no code of conduct is generally accepted, practically to the point of ‘do what you can get away with’. These beliefs are aimed at the gratification of appetites and exhibit anarchistic impulses.

2) Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

3) Liberals are impulsive, and imprudent. They believe in quick changes, and risk new abuses worse than the ‘evils’ that they would sweep away, since remedies are usually not simple. Plato said that prudence is the mark of the statesman. There should be a balance between permanence and change, while liberals see ‘progress’ as some mythical direction for society.

4) Conservatives believe in the principle of variety, while liberal perspectives result in a narrowing uniformity. Conservatives believe in choice of healthcare, education, religion, and various other areas. Under conservative principles, there will be differences in class, material condition and other inequalities. Equality will be of opportunity, not necessarily of result. The only uniformity will be before the law. Society will not be perfect. Consider the results of the rule of ideologues of the last century.

5) Freedom and property are linked. Private property results in a more stable and productive society. Private property and retaining the fruits of one’s labor has been proven successful from the Puritan’s Bradford, to the Stakhanovite Revolution!

6) Conservatives believe in voluntary community and charity, based on duties to each other, with the assumption that each person must do whatever he could to avoid requiring assistance, as opposed to involuntary collectivism, as in “let the government do it..” Burke's understanding that the "little platoon" - family, neighborhood, professional organizations etc - is the "first principle" of society has been consistently identified as providing the necessary inspiration for conservativism. And explains why conservatives give more to charity than liberals.

7) Conservatives view people as both good and bad, and for this reason believe on restraints on power, as in checks and balances, while liberals see power as a force for good, as long as the power is in their hands.

8) Liberals and Conservatives differ in the way to proceed. For Conservatives, data informs policy. (“More Guns, Less Crime” and “Mass murderers apparently can’t read, since they are constantly shooting up ‘gun-free zones.’”- Coulter) We use Conservative principles to the best of our ability, but when confronting new and original venues, we believe in testing, and analysis of the results of the tests. For liberals, feeling passes for knowing; it is based on emotion often to the exclusion of thinking.

9) Conservatives view results differently from Liberals. Liberals respond to success and material wealth with envy and hostility, encourage class warfare and an attempt to obviate any chance that it might happen again. The exception is when it is a Liberal with the wealth. Conservatives see success as the validation and culmination of the application of Conservative principles, most prominently Liberty.

10)Since Liberals see their view as a higher calling that that of Conservatives, they mistakenly believe that it is entirely appropriate for then to use, not logic, facts, nor accepted debating techniques, but ad hominem attacks on the physical appearance, personal history, or imaginary mental defects. Notice how the Liberal replaces intellect with emotion. This is, no doubt, based on a medieval concept of recognizing witches and demons. In fact, Liberals attempt to deal with opponents in similar fashion: recall Clarence Thomas’ “High Tech Lynching.”
Having slain most of the Democrat apologists, let's continue as we trample the weak and hurtle the dead!

Eric Holder was worse than Bull Connor, another Democrat who judge people based on the color of their skin, simply because Holder is in a more powerful position.

Here, insight into the racist thinking of Eric holder:

5. "For much of his life, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. carried around something peculiar…an old clipping of a quote from Harlem preacher Reverend Samuel D. Proctor. Holder put the clipping in his wallet in 1971, when he was studying history at Columbia University, and kept it in wallet after wallet over the ensuing decades. What were Proctor’s words that Holder found so compelling?

“Blackness is another issue entirely apart from class in America. No matter how affluent, educated and mobile [a black person] becomes, his race defines him more particularly than anything else.”…

When asked to explain the passage, Holder replied, “It really says that… I am not the tall U.S. attorney, I am not the thin United States Attorney. I am the black United States attorney. And he was saying that no matter how successful you are, there’s a common cause that bonds the black United States attorney with the black criminal or the black doctor with the black homeless person.”…It may seem shocking to hear these racialist views ascribed to America’s top law enforcement officer. But to people who have worked inside the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice, these attitudes are perfectly familiar."
DOJ Whistleblower J. Christian Adams Releases New Book | Video | DOJ s Whistleblower in New Black Panther Case Releases Book Video

a. Has anyone asked Holder what exactly is the “common cause” that binds the black attorney general and the black criminal? More important, what should the black attorney general do about this common cause? Should the black criminal feel empathy for the black attorney general or more likely, do the favors only flow in one direction?

Holder’s explanation of Proctor’s quote offers some key insights into our attorney generals’ worldview. First, being “more particular” than anything else, skin color limits and defines Americans- in other words, race comes first for Holder.

Second, despite Americans’ widespread belief in trans-racial principles such as individual liberty and equal protection, blacks are expected to show solidarity with other blacks.

And third, black law enforcement officers are expected to show this solidarity toward their racial compatriots, including black criminals.”
J. Christian Adams, “Injustice: Exposing The Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department,” p. 2.

While one might quibble as to which Democrat is a worse racist.....Holder or Connor.... is clear that both found skin color the most important factor in interpreting the law.

If you voted for Obama....this is what you voted for.
that's it? that's your evidence that holder is a giant racist? that he recognized that no matter his accomplishments or failings people would first and foremost see him as a black man? that he wanted to work against that kind of thinking?

Bull Connor was a hard core far right Conservative like Political Chic.

He was a Democrat, you lying moron.

And both you and the murderous Kim Jong-Un are Korean.

Should we be starting ridiculous threads about that?

He shoots! He Scores!!!

Interestingly, the Koreans as a culture have a long well-established history of racism. One might almost argue that it's in their blood.

Funny though you never see PC starting a thread about that, especially given her obsession with racism in other cultures.
The cultures of other nations do not apply to the US.
This is a classic case of liberal obfuscation.
Since you opened the door.
It is true that nations with largely homogeneous populations lack the experience and exposure to people not of their race or culture may be distrustful of others.
In Japan Caucasians are referred to as "gaijin"...A foreigner, outsider, barbarian...Guess what? It is THEIR country. They can do whatever they want. Who the hell are WE to tell them how things should be in THEIR country.
The funniest part here is that the RWnuts go on and on making this argument that there were once conservative segregationist Democrats in the conservative southern wing of the party,

and NO ONE DISAGREES WITH YOU!!! Get it? Understand?

YES, I can safely say that we all agree that there was once a conservative Southern segregationist, RACIST if you will, wing of the Democratic Party.

They are gone now. The party moved to the left and left them behind remember? You'd think you idiots would know that,

because you can't stop reminding everyone how the Democratic party has moved so far to the left in the past half century or more.

Yes, that's what happens when a party moves to the left. They stop being states rights anti-civil rights segregationists.

Actually, the funniest thing on here is you, behaving exactly like a Bigot.

I thought this thread was going to be about the current Racism of the Obama followers, I then read the OP and see its not, then I start reading the posts. NO information or facts, all just Bigoted attacks, and I see all the people like NYcarbineer for who they are, NCcarbineer and the rest of you in this thread are who you accuse others of being.

Funny how you fools will look in the mirror but never see yourself, the fool.

Now go back to the incredible job Obama built for you, I am sure you all are packing for your next Luxury Vacation n the Bahamas, I mean you are doing incredibly well for yourself under Obama.

I am kind of surprised you all ain't outside waxing your Ferrari, I mean things are that good.
what bigoted attacks?
The funniest part here is that the RWnuts go on and on making this argument that there were once conservative segregationist Democrats in the conservative southern wing of the party,

and NO ONE DISAGREES WITH YOU!!! Get it? Understand?

YES, I can safely say that we all agree that there was once a conservative Southern segregationist, RACIST if you will, wing of the Democratic Party.

They are gone now. The party moved to the left and left them behind remember? You'd think you idiots would know that,

because you can't stop reminding everyone how the Democratic party has moved so far to the left in the past half century or more.

Yes, that's what happens when a party moves to the left. They stop being states rights anti-civil rights segregationists.

Actually, the funniest thing on here is you, behaving exactly like a Bigot.

I thought this thread was going to be about the current Racism of the Obama followers, I then read the OP and see its not, then I start reading the posts. NO information or facts, all just Bigoted attacks, and I see all the people like NYcarbineer for who they are, NCcarbineer and the rest of you in this thread are who you accuse others of being.

Funny how you fools will look in the mirror but never see yourself, the fool.

Now go back to the incredible job Obama built for you, I am sure you all are packing for your next Luxury Vacation n the Bahamas, I mean you are doing incredibly well for yourself under Obama.

I am kind of surprised you all ain't outside waxing your Ferrari, I mean things are that good.
what bigoted attacks?
you're claiming that people are making bigoted attacks.
what bigoted attacks have been made?
Having slain most of the Democrat apologists, let's continue as we trample the weak and hurtle the dead!

Eric Holder was worse than Bull Connor, another Democrat who judge people based on the color of their skin, simply because Holder is in a more powerful position.

Here, insight into the racist thinking of Eric holder:

5. "For much of his life, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. carried around something peculiar…an old clipping of a quote from Harlem preacher Reverend Samuel D. Proctor. Holder put the clipping in his wallet in 1971, when he was studying history at Columbia University, and kept it in wallet after wallet over the ensuing decades. What were Proctor’s words that Holder found so compelling?

“Blackness is another issue entirely apart from class in America. No matter how affluent, educated and mobile [a black person] becomes, his race defines him more particularly than anything else.”…

When asked to explain the passage, Holder replied, “It really says that… I am not the tall U.S. attorney, I am not the thin United States Attorney. I am the black United States attorney. And he was saying that no matter how successful you are, there’s a common cause that bonds the black United States attorney with the black criminal or the black doctor with the black homeless person.”…It may seem shocking to hear these racialist views ascribed to America’s top law enforcement officer. But to people who have worked inside the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice, these attitudes are perfectly familiar."
DOJ Whistleblower J. Christian Adams Releases New Book | Video | DOJ s Whistleblower in New Black Panther Case Releases Book Video

a. Has anyone asked Holder what exactly is the “common cause” that binds the black attorney general and the black criminal? More important, what should the black attorney general do about this common cause? Should the black criminal feel empathy for the black attorney general or more likely, do the favors only flow in one direction?

Holder’s explanation of Proctor’s quote offers some key insights into our attorney generals’ worldview. First, being “more particular” than anything else, skin color limits and defines Americans- in other words, race comes first for Holder.

Second, despite Americans’ widespread belief in trans-racial principles such as individual liberty and equal protection, blacks are expected to show solidarity with other blacks.

And third, black law enforcement officers are expected to show this solidarity toward their racial compatriots, including black criminals.”
J. Christian Adams, “Injustice: Exposing The Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department,” p. 2.

While one might quibble as to which Democrat is a worse racist.....Holder or Connor.... is clear that both found skin color the most important factor in interpreting the law.

If you voted for Obama....this is what you voted for.

I'll ignore the stupid reference to "Bull" who died in 1973 and has nothing...., even consciousness on the do with Holder other than both being Democrats.

Once again, cutting through your editorial bullshit, we find ONE QUOTE:

Holder replied, “It really says that… I am not the tall U.S. attorney, I am not the thin United States Attorney. I am the black United States attorney. And he was saying that no matter how successful you are, there’s a common cause that bonds the black United States attorney with the black criminal or the black doctor with the black homeless person."

You think the fact that he knew he was black was "the most important factor in interpreting the law."

In fact, you think it is "CLEAR."

Um, do you have one example during the past 6 years when Holder interpreted the law based primarily on his skin color?
See, the problem is that the left in this country believes in government control of the people....if you look at democrats in the south at the time of racism and slavery, and the jim crow laws, they needed government to implement their racist policies...jim crow...since without the government enforcing jim crow...there would have been people who wouldn't have segregated on the basis of the old democrats share with modern democrats the love of government control...which is the tie that binds them together and their desire to control the lives of black Americans now extends to their desire to control the lives of all Americans...

The democrat party has gone from the party of racism to become the party that wants to control all races..and racism is just one tool in their tool box to achieve that end...

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