The View's "progressive" non-White Sunny Hostin discovers her ancestors enslaved Africans

Hate to break it to her but most blacks are probably descended from slavers. Shit loads of blacks enslaved their own people and sold them, even like blacks in Barbary enslaved whites. Even one time American black slaves turned around and became owners of black slaves themselves like William Ellison. Blacks are shitty people also.

But really, who cares?

I could find out I am the descendant of a rapist baby killer Nazi drug dealer and it wouldn't matter to me. That has nothing to do with who I am.

Blacks obsession with slavery and racism is beyond ridiculous. It's also ridiculous to get so hung up on what happened hundreds of years ago.

Blacks obsession with slavery and racism is beyond ridiculous. It's also ridiculous to get so hung up on what happened hundreds of years ago.

Completely wrong. If the situations of today are entirely equal in the terms of civil rights, that is only half of the argument. The other half lies with an imbalance of wealth and power that is markedly different between black and white and persists today.
Sunny is a beautiful woman on the outside, not so much on the inside, extremely fragile and the very definition of a snowflake (textbook) and it is entertaining to hear her talk, as she is a bona fide, dyed in the wool Limousine Liberal of the highest caliber.
She called White suburban women "Roaches" and has said similar vile things about White people. She is the epitome of Black privilege in America.
Completely wrong. If the situations of today are entirely equal in the terms of civil rights, that is only half of the argument. The other half lies with an imbalance of wealth and power that is markedly different between black and white and persists today.

Then how come through the entire history of mankind across the entire globe blacks have always been the bottom of the barrel?

In Africa when everyone else was building ships, sailing across the oceans, setting up trade routes and so on blacks were sitting in huts with dirty balls enslaving their own people to sell.

There has never been a first world black country, ever. There has barely been a second world one.

Out of all of mankinds progress made in aerospace, engineering, science, medicine, physics, space travel, architecture, electrical and so on blacks have contributed very little. Even down to efforts like the aglet for shoelaces.

We're talking across the world throughout history they have consistently been the poorest performers, even in their own countries among their own people. You can't blame American history on that.

Even in today's society where blacks can be racist but whites can't, they get to get jobs based on their skin color when whites can't, they get admitted into colleges based on their skin color, they get special treatment and consideration for being black, all media is full of them, companies demand diversity quotas, even BLM can loot and riot for years under the banner of blacks and virtually nothing happens to them. But yet they still are in last place in America?

No, I am completely correct. You just won't look at observable realistic facts and admit the truth.

Not all blacks are inferior, Thomas sowell proves that, but the majority of them are. Nothing wrong with last place, someone has to be. But all you have to do is look at the world and you'll see not everyone is equal despite every opportunity and centuries of time to be equal.
Sunny is a beautiful woman on the outside, not so much on the inside, extremely fragile and the very definition of a snowflake (textbook) and it is entertaining to hear her talk, as she is a bona fide, dyed in the wool Limousine Liberal of the highest caliber.
she has said a lot of stupid things....

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