The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

Spain is one of the most antisemitic countries in Europe.

King Felipe VI of Spain speaks during a ceremony on granting Spanish citizenship to Sephardic Jews

So? what is your point? BTW---I have relatives thru marriage who STILL speak Spanish at home----even though
their HOMES have not been in any Spanish speaking country
for the past 500 years. The current move in Spain giving citizenship to some communities they murdered and pillaged
and expelled 500 years ago actually is based on Spain's fear
of being overrun by MUSLIMS
The Spanish fear nothing.

Machismo is passed mother to son-----the subject is treated
in books on Developmental Psychology and Sociology ---as an
I read a book once.

good-----you have probably exceeded most of your kith and kin. There are MANY MANY works in the subject of developemental psychology and sociology. I have read only a few------neither psychology nor sociology is my major
field of study
What are you so uptight about?
The list would require the forum owner to rent a larger server.

Who are you to assume the monopoly on annoyance with others? Given your own provocative material.
Come on. This was general.

You expect me to read your mind?
No but as I said before, the list would be long.

so ---cut it down to the ten MOST SIGNIFICANT
As one poster said - there are many faces to antisemitism. .

Yours is certainly one of the ugliest.

At least a couple of the other antisemites are up front about it to some degree. You play the vile game of claiming to support one thing, but ALWAYS taking the side of those who persecute Jews.

Coming from someone who habitually trawls hate sites for information your (lack of) any credibility is noted.

Scapegoating innocent people is evil, yes?

I think so. I don't think you do.
As one poster said - there are many faces to antisemitism. .

Yours is certainly one of the ugliest.

At least a couple of the other antisemites are up front about it to some degree. You play the vile game of claiming to support one thing, but ALWAYS taking the side of those who persecute Jews.

Coming from someone who habitually trawls hate sites for information your (lack of) any credibility is noted.

Scapegoating innocent people is evil, yes?

I think so. I don't think you do.

could you define "scapegoating" as you use it? In my lexicon ---ie how I use the word refers to SPECIFIC claims-----like an accusation of rape against a black male in the south
to satisfy some perversions of white southern males----generally LIBELS related to ONGOING social problems or
issues or tensions.
What are you so uptight about?
The list would require the forum owner to rent a larger server.

Who are you to assume the monopoly on annoyance with others? Given your own provocative material.
Come on. This was general.

You expect me to read your mind?
No but as I said before, the list would be long.

In other words caught out again without the evidence to support your claims so you deflect and derail.

How big do you think the Server is, as my personal one has the capacity to handle the whole of the USMB 10 times over. It is based around a 5th generation intel processor running Linux. It sits under my desk in an old tower case and allows the whole house to be linked by ethernet at 10/100 protocols. It uses two IDE hard drives that are swapped out every week, with a third as backup in case of failure. I am currently working on a raspberry pi server to miniaturise the system even more, I would reccomend you look up the raspberry pi computer that has taken Europe by storm and is being used to teach children programming skills.
As one poster said - there are many faces to antisemitism. .

Yours is certainly one of the ugliest.

At least a couple of the other antisemites are up front about it to some degree. You play the vile game of claiming to support one thing, but ALWAYS taking the side of those who persecute Jews.

Coming from someone who habitually trawls hate sites for information your (lack of) any credibility is noted.

Scapegoating innocent people is evil, yes?

I think so. I don't think you do.

So why do you see no problem in scapegoating the Jews and try to blame them for everything. They did not start the problems in the world, that was down to the religions that came after
As one poster said - there are many faces to antisemitism. .

Yours is certainly one of the ugliest.

At least a couple of the other antisemites are up front about it to some degree. You play the vile game of claiming to support one thing, but ALWAYS taking the side of those who persecute Jews.

Coming from someone who habitually trawls hate sites for information your (lack of) any credibility is noted.

Scapegoating innocent people is evil, yes?

I think so. I don't think you do.

Damn, you sure don't stray from the electronicintifada agitprop program, do you?

I learned history at a major university, the likes of which you stood absolutely no chance of entering, and I also watched it unfold before me.

I have scapegoated no innocent people here. You are simply a repulsive lair with a subversive agenda.
See you ignore the truth and go for islamonazi propaganda instead. The LoN ( not Europe) gave the inhabitants of the former Ottoman empire the nations they wanted based on historic borders. They are not "artificial states" other than Jordan and palestine that never existed in antiquity
Been reading a very interesting article that's almost a short book, on the origins of the conflicts in the modern middle east. Maybe you should read a bit before you spew your crap.

coyote---please try to make a point------"i have read" does not
work on a messageboard.
That would require starting a new topic.

wtf? No, you already referenced it. It would require you supporting the hateful crap you spew, and you won't do that. I don't know if you're too stupid, or too evil. Maybe both.

I referenced it in response to another person's quote and don't want to derail this topic further. If you want to discuss the origins of the conflicts in the ME today - start a topic and I'll join in. Much of it started with WW1 and the carving up of the Ottoman Empire into states that would not have naturally existed forcing different people's together who historically did not get along, and creating a situation where only strongman dictators could hold those states together. Following the European system of "divide and conquor" they invested minorities with power because they knew the minorities would have to remain loyal to them or their existence would be threatened. Why are the Christians in Syria in so much trouble? They were closely linked to the ruling Syrian group, also a minority, and now the civil war has given power, and vengeance, to the oppressed majorities. That's NOT a defense of anything - just a very simplistic explanation of the history behind it. It's fascinating and dreadful, and similar played out in Africa.

States don't "naturally exist" :eusa_eh:
So why do you see no problem in scapegoating the Jews and try to blame them for everything. They did not start the problems in the world, that was down to the religions that came after

She is simply indulging in a form of agitprop developed by the Nazis. Later writers call it "turnspeak", in which those attacking accuse those defending of doing what they are actually doing. Just as Hitler's excursions were always portrayed as defensive measures geared towards liberating the local inhabitants of the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, etc, so, too does this repulsive creature try to portray those who AREN'T using the electronicintifada type hate sites she frequents as the the ones who are actually scapegoating.

It's as transparent as all get up to anybody with a functioning brain.
Been reading a very interesting article that's almost a short book, on the origins of the conflicts in the modern middle east. Maybe you should read a bit before you spew your crap.

coyote---please try to make a point------"i have read" does not
work on a messageboard.
That would require starting a new topic.

wtf? No, you already referenced it. It would require you supporting the hateful crap you spew, and you won't do that. I don't know if you're too stupid, or too evil. Maybe both.

I referenced it in response to another person's quote and don't want to derail this topic further. If you want to discuss the origins of the conflicts in the ME today - start a topic and I'll join in. Much of it started with WW1 and the carving up of the Ottoman Empire into states that would not have naturally existed forcing different people's together who historically did not get along, and creating a situation where only strongman dictators could hold those states together. Following the European system of "divide and conquor" they invested minorities with power because they knew the minorities would have to remain loyal to them or their existence would be threatened. Why are the Christians in Syria in so much trouble? They were closely linked to the ruling Syrian group, also a minority, and now the civil war has given power, and vengeance, to the oppressed majorities. That's NOT a defense of anything - just a very simplistic explanation of the history behind it. It's fascinating and dreadful, and similar played out in Africa.

States don't "naturally exist" :eusa_eh:
Lots of "states" in the Mid east -----EXISTED as----PLACES
sorta called LANDS----long before the Ottoman empire existed and they exist still. Iraq is the BABYLON of old----
Syria is approximately ASSYRIA. Lebanon is still Lebanon
after more then 3000 years. Egypt is still Egypt. Sudan
was Sudan thousands of Years ago-----well Morocco was
Morocco for at least 1000 years maybe a lot more I really do not see where "THE EVIL WEST" created anything
new from anything other than JORDAN---from
the area that used to be called "Transjordan---
Ie the land to the east of the Jordan River. Europe got
more CHOPPED up in the last 500 years than did the
Middle east. My ancestors hailed from the AUSTRIAN-
HAPSBURG EMPIRE_----anyone know what happened
to that place? Its loss has not discombobulated me
In 2011:

It is an anti-Semitism that the left does not want to fight, because for it, the Muslims are oppressed, and the left is always on the side of those it defines as oppressed, whether or not the oppression is caused by the terrible governance inside those countries, or scapegoated onto someone else. European anti-racist movements say they are very concerned about "Islamophobic racism," but they are totally reluctant to discuss the anti-Semitism in the Muslim populations.

Hatred towards Israel is now the most widely shared sentiment among Europeans.
The new, current anti-Semitism now adds on to the old kind, the demonization of the State of Israel. The Islamic view of Israel is now the dominant view of Israel in Europe. "

The Full-Blown Return of Anti-Semitism in Europe

Interesting article. And I agree.

The more I've read about anti-semitism, the more I see it in certain Muslim populations as well, as a result of the conflict surrounding Israel.

But here's what I feel - it's not a zero sum equation. Scapegoating innocent people is wrong - it's always wrong - whether it's done because some people of that belief or ethnicity or race have done terrible things, or if it's done because people don't really understand their beliefs or culture. The rhetoric, and the subliminal calls to violence towards those people is the same across the board - even the conspiracy theories. I think any decent person should notice that, and fight against it.

In the US, hate crimes against Jews have gone down, but hate crimes against Muslims have gone up. I don't know what the statistics are in European countries, but I think anti-semitism is more deeply embedded there.
In 2011:

It is an anti-Semitism that the left does not want to fight, because for it, the Muslims are oppressed, and the left is always on the side of those it defines as oppressed, whether or not the oppression is caused by the terrible governance inside those countries, or scapegoated onto someone else. European anti-racist movements say they are very concerned about "Islamophobic racism," but they are totally reluctant to discuss the anti-Semitism in the Muslim populations.

Hatred towards Israel is now the most widely shared sentiment among Europeans.
The new, current anti-Semitism now adds on to the old kind, the demonization of the State of Israel. The Islamic view of Israel is now the dominant view of Israel in Europe. "

The Full-Blown Return of Anti-Semitism in Europe

Interesting article. And I agree.

The more I've read about anti-semitism, the more I see it in certain Muslim populations as well, as a result of the conflict surrounding Israel.

But here's what I feel - it's not a zero sum equation. Scapegoating innocent people is wrong - it's always wrong - whether it's done because some people of that belief or ethnicity or race have done terrible things, or if it's done because people don't really understand their beliefs or culture. The rhetoric, and the subliminal calls to violence towards those people is the same across the board - even the conspiracy theories. I think any decent person should notice that, and fight against it.

In the US, hate crimes against Jews have gone down, but hate crimes against Muslims have gone up. I don't know what the statistics are in European countries, but I think anti-semitism is more deeply embedded there.

coyote---you are a victim of wishful thinking and gullibility as
demonstrated by several of your statements. Your first paragraph made me laugh. Muslims do not NEED Israel to
hate jews. In fact muslims do not even need jews to hate
jews. Hatred of jews is more prominent amongst people who
never saw a jew in their lives than it is in Gaza. I learned that
fact when I first encountered muslims from South east Asia---VERY FEW of whom had ever met a jew before getting into
the USA. In fact---WAY BACK THEN---when I was young----
the least of the newly arriving professionals----as to Jew-hatred---were muslims who had known jews------like the Iranians and Egyptians (back then). -----Later on I came to know lots of jews who were jews in muslim lands long before
1948---------they were CLEARLY HATED in their native
arab/muslim lands-----as were their grandparents and ancestors way back to the time of the GREAT AND GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST

Once you start to JUSTIFY scapegoating you enter very dangerous territory.

Muslims didn't particularly hate Jews historically prior to Israel (and no, I'm not saying they coexisted in sweetness and light) - but they often had peaceful coexistence and at times flourished. Historically - religious minorities have always had troubled times under the majority religion and religion and government were the same. I think WW2, the rise of Jewish nationalist inspirations and Arab nationalist inspirations created much greater friction that has always grown.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.

The same thing is happening at the leftist universities in the U.S. as they import muslim students. The left teams up with muslims to demonized Israel and spread Jew hate on campus

Coyote's favorite..She defend this woman for 2 years until she decided to change tactics

Review | The Left’s Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti-Semitism.

Book Review | The Left’s Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti-Semitism

Since this book brings up the alliance between the European left and Islamists, dare I add to the reading list, one German historian by the Name of Matthias Kuntzel? He has written extensively about the connections between the Nazis and Islamists, and provides an insight to the origin of many of the themes these leftists parrot like they do
coyote---please try to make a point------"i have read" does not
work on a messageboard.
That would require starting a new topic.

wtf? No, you already referenced it. It would require you supporting the hateful crap you spew, and you won't do that. I don't know if you're too stupid, or too evil. Maybe both.

I referenced it in response to another person's quote and don't want to derail this topic further. If you want to discuss the origins of the conflicts in the ME today - start a topic and I'll join in. Much of it started with WW1 and the carving up of the Ottoman Empire into states that would not have naturally existed forcing different people's together who historically did not get along, and creating a situation where only strongman dictators could hold those states together. Following the European system of "divide and conquor" they invested minorities with power because they knew the minorities would have to remain loyal to them or their existence would be threatened. Why are the Christians in Syria in so much trouble? They were closely linked to the ruling Syrian group, also a minority, and now the civil war has given power, and vengeance, to the oppressed majorities. That's NOT a defense of anything - just a very simplistic explanation of the history behind it. It's fascinating and dreadful, and similar played out in Africa.

States don't "naturally exist" :eusa_eh:
Lots of "states" in the Mid east -----EXISTED as----PLACES
sorta called LANDS----long before the Ottoman empire existed and they exist still. Iraq is the BABYLON of old----
Syria is approximately ASSYRIA. Lebanon is still Lebanon
after more then 3000 years. Egypt is still Egypt. Sudan
was Sudan thousands of Years ago-----well Morocco was
Morocco for at least 1000 years maybe a lot more I really do not see where "THE EVIL WEST" created anything
new from anything other than JORDAN---from
the area that used to be called "Transjordan---
Ie the land to the east of the Jordan River. Europe got
more CHOPPED up in the last 500 years than did the
Middle east. My ancestors hailed from the AUSTRIAN-
HAPSBURG EMPIRE_----anyone know what happened
to that place? Its loss has not discombobulated me

States come and go, they don't naturally exist. Babylon no longer exists, neither does Assyria, or ancient Egypt. Nor do those people exist.. they are Arabs
Review | The Left’s Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti-Semitism.

Book Review | The Left’s Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti-Semitism

Since this book brings up the alliance between the European left and Islamists, dare I add to the reading list, one German historian by the Name of Matthias Kuntzel? He has written extensively about the connections between the Nazis and Islamists, and provides an insight to the origin of many of the themes these leftists parrot like they do

I had a skim through of him, and will look further in depth at a later date.

I'd not heard of him, and I tend to distrust German writers.
That would require starting a new topic.

wtf? No, you already referenced it. It would require you supporting the hateful crap you spew, and you won't do that. I don't know if you're too stupid, or too evil. Maybe both.

I referenced it in response to another person's quote and don't want to derail this topic further. If you want to discuss the origins of the conflicts in the ME today - start a topic and I'll join in. Much of it started with WW1 and the carving up of the Ottoman Empire into states that would not have naturally existed forcing different people's together who historically did not get along, and creating a situation where only strongman dictators could hold those states together. Following the European system of "divide and conquor" they invested minorities with power because they knew the minorities would have to remain loyal to them or their existence would be threatened. Why are the Christians in Syria in so much trouble? They were closely linked to the ruling Syrian group, also a minority, and now the civil war has given power, and vengeance, to the oppressed majorities. That's NOT a defense of anything - just a very simplistic explanation of the history behind it. It's fascinating and dreadful, and similar played out in Africa.

States don't "naturally exist" :eusa_eh:
Lots of "states" in the Mid east -----EXISTED as----PLACES
sorta called LANDS----long before the Ottoman empire existed and they exist still. Iraq is the BABYLON of old----
Syria is approximately ASSYRIA. Lebanon is still Lebanon
after more then 3000 years. Egypt is still Egypt. Sudan
was Sudan thousands of Years ago-----well Morocco was
Morocco for at least 1000 years maybe a lot more I really do not see where "THE EVIL WEST" created anything
new from anything other than JORDAN---from
the area that used to be called "Transjordan---
Ie the land to the east of the Jordan River. Europe got
more CHOPPED up in the last 500 years than did the
Middle east. My ancestors hailed from the AUSTRIAN-
HAPSBURG EMPIRE_----anyone know what happened
to that place? Its loss has not discombobulated me

States come and go, they don't naturally exist. Babylon no longer exists, neither does Assyria, or ancient Egypt. Nor do those people exist.. they are Arabs

well---sorta true----I am trying to come to terms with the theory
lands and people have existed for a long time------of course very much IN FLUX. Very few of the cultural groups from the distant past have survived. Egyptians today are not the Egyptians of the time of RAMSES II Today---having been
conquered by FOREIGN PEOPLE from arabia-----the people of
Egypt are LARGELY ARABIZED ---gave up their old culture and religion and even language and are NOW ARABS------but "the west" did not do that-------it happened over several thousand years. Syria----well no more ASSYRIA-----no
more AEGEAN PEOPLE there-----now they too are ARABS---
having been overrun by foreigners from way long long off----arabia. Lebanon has been Lebanon so long that it is named
in the bible------as LEBANON------but it has been overrun by
ARABS and has been Arabized ------over several centuries---but "THE WEST" did not do that
wtf? No, you already referenced it. It would require you supporting the hateful crap you spew, and you won't do that. I don't know if you're too stupid, or too evil. Maybe both.

I referenced it in response to another person's quote and don't want to derail this topic further. If you want to discuss the origins of the conflicts in the ME today - start a topic and I'll join in. Much of it started with WW1 and the carving up of the Ottoman Empire into states that would not have naturally existed forcing different people's together who historically did not get along, and creating a situation where only strongman dictators could hold those states together. Following the European system of "divide and conquor" they invested minorities with power because they knew the minorities would have to remain loyal to them or their existence would be threatened. Why are the Christians in Syria in so much trouble? They were closely linked to the ruling Syrian group, also a minority, and now the civil war has given power, and vengeance, to the oppressed majorities. That's NOT a defense of anything - just a very simplistic explanation of the history behind it. It's fascinating and dreadful, and similar played out in Africa.

States don't "naturally exist" :eusa_eh:
Lots of "states" in the Mid east -----EXISTED as----PLACES
sorta called LANDS----long before the Ottoman empire existed and they exist still. Iraq is the BABYLON of old----
Syria is approximately ASSYRIA. Lebanon is still Lebanon
after more then 3000 years. Egypt is still Egypt. Sudan
was Sudan thousands of Years ago-----well Morocco was
Morocco for at least 1000 years maybe a lot more I really do not see where "THE EVIL WEST" created anything
new from anything other than JORDAN---from
the area that used to be called "Transjordan---
Ie the land to the east of the Jordan River. Europe got
more CHOPPED up in the last 500 years than did the
Middle east. My ancestors hailed from the AUSTRIAN-
HAPSBURG EMPIRE_----anyone know what happened
to that place? Its loss has not discombobulated me

States come and go, they don't naturally exist. Babylon no longer exists, neither does Assyria, or ancient Egypt. Nor do those people exist.. they are Arabs

well---sorta true----I am trying to come to terms with the theory
lands and people have existed for a long time------of course very much IN FLUX. Very few of the cultural groups from the distant past have survived. Egyptians today are not the Egyptians of the time of RAMSES II Today---having been
conquered by FOREIGN PEOPLE from arabia-----the people of
Egypt are LARGELY ARABIZED ---gave up their old culture and religion and even language and are NOW ARABS------but "the west" did not do that-------it happened over several thousand years. Syria----well no more ASSYRIA-----no
more AEGEAN PEOPLE there-----now they too are ARABS---
having been overrun by foreigners from way long long off----arabia. Lebanon has been Lebanon so long that it is named
in the bible------as LEBANON------but it has been overrun by
ARABS and has been Arabized ------over several centuries---but "THE WEST" did not do that

The Assyrians live in the Diaspora. Driven out by the Arabs, they are dispersed throughout the world. A huge community of them live in my area.
Review | The Left’s Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti-Semitism.

Book Review | The Left’s Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti-Semitism

Since this book brings up the alliance between the European left and Islamists, dare I add to the reading list, one German historian by the Name of Matthias Kuntzel? He has written extensively about the connections between the Nazis and Islamists, and provides an insight to the origin of many of the themes these leftists parrot like they do
Islamic student groups have successfully managed to get Mr Kuntzel barred from speaking on Antisemitism in the ME on at least one UK campus.
As one poster said - there are many faces to antisemitism. .

Yours is certainly one of the ugliest.

At least a couple of the other antisemites are up front about it to some degree. You play the vile game of claiming to support one thing, but ALWAYS taking the side of those who persecute Jews.

Coming from someone who habitually trawls hate sites for information your (lack of) any credibility is noted.

Scapegoating innocent people is evil, yes?

I think so. I don't think you do.

Damn, you sure don't stray from the electronicintifada agitprop program, do you?

I learned history at a major university, the likes of which you stood absolutely no chance of entering, and I also watched it unfold before me.

I have scapegoated no innocent people here. You are simply a repulsive lair with a subversive agenda.

You trawl hate sites and post garbage from them to support your points. You choose them over legitimate sites. That says a lot about your repulsive character as does your selective support of scapegoating and hate campaigns.

When you choose to use hate sites, it's like walking through dog shit. It sticks to your sole (or perhaps that should be soul) and no matter how often you wash, the stink still remains.

Yes, we have heard ad nauseum about your vaunted education. A pity it doesn't seem very apparent in your posts other than to inform us that you were accepted into Stanford.
As one poster said - there are many faces to antisemitism. .

Yours is certainly one of the ugliest.

At least a couple of the other antisemites are up front about it to some degree. You play the vile game of claiming to support one thing, but ALWAYS taking the side of those who persecute Jews.

Coming from someone who habitually trawls hate sites for information your (lack of) any credibility is noted.

Scapegoating innocent people is evil, yes?

I think so. I don't think you do.

So why do you see no problem in scapegoating the Jews and try to blame them for everything. They did not start the problems in the world, that was down to the religions that came after

Where have I "scapegoated" Jews or blamed them for everything? Think carefully before you keep lying Phoenall. Maybe you could provide a link.

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