The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

As one poster said - there are many faces to antisemitism. .

Yours is certainly one of the ugliest.

At least a couple of the other antisemites are up front about it to some degree. You play the vile game of claiming to support one thing, but ALWAYS taking the side of those who persecute Jews.

Coming from someone who habitually trawls hate sites for information your (lack of) any credibility is noted.

Scapegoating innocent people is evil, yes?

I think so. I don't think you do.

Damn, you sure don't stray from the electronicintifada agitprop program, do you?

I learned history at a major university, the likes of which you stood absolutely no chance of entering, and I also watched it unfold before me.

I have scapegoated no innocent people here. You are simply a repulsive lair with a subversive agenda.

You trawl hate sites and post garbage from them to support your points. You choose them over legitimate sites. That says a lot about your repulsive character as does your selective support of scapegoating and hate campaigns.

When you choose to use hate sites, it's like walking through dog shit. It sticks to your sole (or perhaps that should be soul) and no matter how often you wash, the stink still remains.

Yes, we have heard ad nauseum about your vaunted education. A pity it doesn't seem very apparent in your posts other than to inform us that you were accepted into Stanford.
You're one to talk.
As one poster said - there are many faces to antisemitism. .

Yours is certainly one of the ugliest.

At least a couple of the other antisemites are up front about it to some degree. You play the vile game of claiming to support one thing, but ALWAYS taking the side of those who persecute Jews.

Coming from someone who habitually trawls hate sites for information your (lack of) any credibility is noted.

Scapegoating innocent people is evil, yes?

I think so. I don't think you do.

Damn, you sure don't stray from the electronicintifada agitprop program, do you?

I learned history at a major university, the likes of which you stood absolutely no chance of entering, and I also watched it unfold before me.

I have scapegoated no innocent people here. You are simply a repulsive lair with a subversive agenda.

You trawl hate sites and post garbage from them to support your points. You choose them over legitimate sites. That says a lot about your repulsive character as does your selective support of scapegoating and hate campaigns.

When you choose to use hate sites, it's like walking through dog shit. It sticks to your sole (or perhaps that should be soul) and no matter how often you wash, the stink still remains.

Yes, we have heard ad nauseum about your vaunted education. A pity it doesn't seem very apparent in your posts other than to inform us that you were accepted into Stanford.

You're the troll sweetie. You're all over the web pushing your muslim discrimination in the west bull, which for the most part does not exist.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

You say you're from the European Union. Are you from that part of it which is destined to invoke Article 50 .. in which case, where will you say you're from, once that happens ? Will you claim to be Stateless ... ?

--- I wonder.

Anyway, that aside, your apparent belief that the Left isn't antisemitic is, of course, hogwash.

During the last major conflict between Hamas and the State of Israel -- Ed Miliband, Labour's then-Leader, not only strongly attacked Israel for its actions in defending itself from their terrorism, he even tried to make capital out of the Conservatives' refusal to be as robustly critical of them that he was.

How about George Galloway, who's further to the Left than the Labour Party is ? Or Ken Livingstone, and his outrageous (i.e sick) remark about Hitler being 'a supporter of Zionism' .. ?

Here ... check this out ...

Labour party antisemitism.

Livingstone’s remarks are a study in the far-left’s singular treatment of antisemitism, compared to every other form of racism and intolerance. This lesson is as applicable to Australia as it is to Britain. Aside from honourable exceptions, when forced to confront an incident of antisemitism, even when irrefutable, the far-left has sought to deny, invert and ultimately shift blame onto the victims themselves, always culminating in a gratuitous and predictable attack on the ‘Jewish lobby’, a form of conspiracy theory to appeal to the weak of mind. Could one imagine the far-left mounting such a response to an allegation of homophobia, sexism or Islamophobia?

As the experience of British Labour has shown, antisemitism is very real and there remain those who reserve a unique and unwavering hatred for the dominant symbols of Jewish self-identification – the Jewish community, the Jewish faith and the Jewish nation-state.

That link has a lot more to say. Check it out ...
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

You say you're from the European Union. Are you from that part of it which is destined to invoke Article 50 .. in which case, where will you say you're from, once that happens ? Will you claim to be Stateless ... ?

--- I wonder.

Anyway, that aside, your apparent belief that the Left isn't antisemitic is, of course, hogwash.

During the last major conflict between Hamas and the State of Israel -- Ed Miliband, Labour's then-Leader, not only strongly attacked Israel for its actions in defending itself from their terrorism, he even tried to make capital out of the Conservatives' refusal to be as robustly critical of them that he was.

How about George Galloway, who's further to the Left than the Labour Party is ? Or Ken Livingstone, and his outrageous (i.e sick) remark about Hitler being 'a supporter of Zionism' .. ?

Here ... check this out ...

Labour party antisemitism.

Livingstone’s remarks are a study in the far-left’s singular treatment of antisemitism, compared to every other form of racism and intolerance. This lesson is as applicable to Australia as it is to Britain. Aside from honourable exceptions, when forced to confront an incident of antisemitism, even when irrefutable, the far-left has sought to deny, invert and ultimately shift blame onto the victims themselves, always culminating in a gratuitous and predictable attack on the ‘Jewish lobby’, a form of conspiracy theory to appeal to the weak of mind. Could one imagine the far-left mounting such a response to an allegation of homophobia, sexism or Islamophobia?

As the experience of British Labour has shown, antisemitism is very real and there remain those who reserve a unique and unwavering hatred for the dominant symbols of Jewish self-identification – the Jewish community, the Jewish faith and the Jewish nation-state.

That link has a lot more to say. Check it out ...
Not to mention Corbyn and his 'friends' Hamas and Hezbollah.
From Drummonds link:

British Labour may be in the throes of a crisis that could keep the party out of national government for a generation and threatens its claims to be a progressive political party committed to anti-racism and social justice.

The crisis is entirely of the party’s own making. Plastered across the social media pages of its Councillors, activists, members of the House of Commons and even its esteemed party grandees has been unabashed racism directed squarely at the Jews.

Concerns about antisemitism in Britain’s far-left surfaced at the time of the election of Jeremy Corbyn as party leader in September 2015. While Corbyn himself has not been accused of antisemitism, he has maintained a disturbing proximity to a melange of violent Islamists, Holocaust-deniers and terrorist organisations openly orientated towards the annihilation of the Jews.
You trawl hate sites and post garbage from them to support your points. You choose them over legitimate sites. That says a lot about your repulsive character as does your selective support of scapegoating and hate campaigns.

When you choose to use hate sites, it's like walking through dog shit. It sticks to your sole (or perhaps that should be soul) and no matter how often you wash, the stink still remains.

Yes, we have heard ad nauseum about your vaunted education. A pity it doesn't seem very apparent in your posts other than to inform us that you were accepted into Stanford.

That wasn't actually a challenge to you to double down on the turnspeak, you know, but as long as you want to reveal what you are all about to an even greater degree, then be my guest
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

You say you're from the European Union. Are you from that part of it which is destined to invoke Article 50 .. in which case, where will you say you're from, once that happens ? Will you claim to be Stateless ... ?
I am not English.

Anyway, that aside, your apparent belief that the Left isn't antisemitic is, of course, hogwash.

During the last major conflict between Hamas and the State of Israel -- Ed Miliband, Labour's then-Leader, not only strongly attacked Israel for its actions in defending itself from their terrorism, he even tried to make capital out of the Conservatives' refusal to be as robustly critical of them that he was.
Being critical of Israel is not the same as being antisemitic.

How about George Galloway, who's further to the Left than the Labour Party is ? Or Ken Livingstone, and his outrageous (i.e sick) remark about Hitler being 'a supporter of Zionism' .. ?
Being critical of Israel, as I say, may be anti-Zionist but it is not antisemitic. Many Jews criticize Israel.
Ken Livingstone was right when he mentioned Hitler and the Nazis before the war claimed to be Zionists.

Here ... check this out ...

Labour party antisemitism.

Livingstone’s remarks are a study in the far-left’s singular treatment of antisemitism, compared to every other form of racism and intolerance. This lesson is as applicable to Australia as it is to Britain. Aside from honourable exceptions, when forced to confront an incident of antisemitism, even when irrefutable, the far-left has sought to deny, invert and ultimately shift blame onto the victims themselves, always culminating in a gratuitous and predictable attack on the ‘Jewish lobby’, a form of conspiracy theory to appeal to the weak of mind. Could one imagine the far-left mounting such a response to an allegation of homophobia, sexism or Islamophobia?

As the experience of British Labour has shown, antisemitism is very real and there remain those who reserve a unique and unwavering hatred for the dominant symbols of Jewish self-identification – the Jewish community, the Jewish faith and the Jewish nation-state.

That link has a lot more to say. Check it out ...
Many false assertions were made about socialists.
You trawl hate sites and post garbage from them to support your points. You choose them over legitimate sites. That says a lot about your repulsive character as does your selective support of scapegoating and hate campaigns.

When you choose to use hate sites, it's like walking through dog shit. It sticks to your sole (or perhaps that should be soul) and no matter how often you wash, the stink still remains.

Yes, we have heard ad nauseum about your vaunted education. A pity it doesn't seem very apparent in your posts other than to inform us that you were accepted into Stanford.

That wasn't actually a challenge to you to double down on the turnspeak, you know, but as long as you want to reveal what you are all about to an even greater degree, then be my guest

I'm curious. Do you ever actually discuss the topic or is your sole contribution to this place discussing other posters?

Instead of discussing a topic, you discuss posters, most of whom you've fit into pigeonholes. You do this in thread after thread as if it has some sort of importance beyond disruption.

You claim to be neither left nor right (I call bullshit on that) - you have a lot to say on leftwing anti-semitism but nothing on rightwing antisemitism. You're arguments are hardly impartial but entirely one sided.

You have NO problem whatsoever with hatred and rhetoric directed at Muslims who have done nothing to deserve it. Like the anti-semites, you blame the entire group for the actions of some. Yet, that same rhetoric applied to the Jewish people has you up in arms.

Wouldn't the world be a better place if we applied to same standards to all?

I don't expect you to see that. You have no integrity. Not when you rely on hate sites for sources.
You trawl hate sites and post garbage from them to support your points. You choose them over legitimate sites. That says a lot about your repulsive character as does your selective support of scapegoating and hate campaigns.

When you choose to use hate sites, it's like walking through dog shit. It sticks to your sole (or perhaps that should be soul) and no matter how often you wash, the stink still remains.

Yes, we have heard ad nauseum about your vaunted education. A pity it doesn't seem very apparent in your posts other than to inform us that you were accepted into Stanford.

That wasn't actually a challenge to you to double down on the turnspeak, you know, but as long as you want to reveal what you are all about to an even greater degree, then be my guest

I'm curious. Do you ever actually discuss the topic or is your sole contribution to this place discussing other posters?

Instead of discussing a topic, you discuss posters, most of whom you've fit into pigeonholes. You do this in thread after thread as if it has some sort of importance beyond disruption.

You claim to be neither left nor right (I call bullshit on that) - you have a lot to say on leftwing anti-semitism but nothing on rightwing antisemitism. You're arguments are hardly impartial but entirely one sided.

You have NO problem whatsoever with hatred and rhetoric directed at Muslims who have done nothing to deserve it. Like the anti-semites, you blame the entire group for the actions of some. Yet, that same rhetoric applied to the Jewish people has you up in arms.

Wouldn't the world be a better place if we applied to same standards to all?

I don't expect you to see that. You have no integrity. Not when you rely on hate sites for sources.
you described yourself pretty perfectly.
As one poster said - there are many faces to antisemitism. .

Yours is certainly one of the ugliest.

At least a couple of the other antisemites are up front about it to some degree. You play the vile game of claiming to support one thing, but ALWAYS taking the side of those who persecute Jews.

Coming from someone who habitually trawls hate sites for information your (lack of) any credibility is noted.

Scapegoating innocent people is evil, yes?

I think so. I don't think you do.

Damn, you sure don't stray from the electronicintifada agitprop program, do you?

I learned history at a major university, the likes of which you stood absolutely no chance of entering, and I also watched it unfold before me.

I have scapegoated no innocent people here. You are simply a repulsive lair with a subversive agenda.

You trawl hate sites and post garbage from them to support your points. You choose them over legitimate sites. That says a lot about your repulsive character as does your selective support of scapegoating and hate campaigns.

When you choose to use hate sites, it's like walking through dog shit. It sticks to your sole (or perhaps that should be soul) and no matter how often you wash, the stink still remains.

Yes, we have heard ad nauseum about your vaunted education. A pity it doesn't seem very apparent in your posts other than to inform us that you were accepted into Stanford.

Dont you do the same thing when it comes to dishing the dirt on the Jews and Israel. Not once have I seen you use an unbiased source for your evidence, and your Wiki sources happen to be islamonazi propagandist ones
As one poster said - there are many faces to antisemitism. .

Yours is certainly one of the ugliest.

At least a couple of the other antisemites are up front about it to some degree. You play the vile game of claiming to support one thing, but ALWAYS taking the side of those who persecute Jews.

Coming from someone who habitually trawls hate sites for information your (lack of) any credibility is noted.

Scapegoating innocent people is evil, yes?

I think so. I don't think you do.

So why do you see no problem in scapegoating the Jews and try to blame them for everything. They did not start the problems in the world, that was down to the religions that came after

Where have I "scapegoated" Jews or blamed them for everything? Think carefully before you keep lying Phoenall. Maybe you could provide a link.

Your complete acceptance of what team palestine post shows that you blame them for everything that is happening. Your refusal to accept that the same international laws that created Jordan, Iraq, Iran and Syria also created the Jewish national home. Your denial of the Jews rights under international laws and claims of war crimes also shows you to scapegoat the Jews and blame them for everything. Your latest trick of STEALING Jewish land to give to illegal immigrants as it will make the area more peaceful is a laugh after being shown the arab muslims many charters that say the exact opposite and that the only way to ensue peace is to wipe out the Jews and give the land to the muslims.

Not just me that has seen through your veneer as far too many posters are now calling you out.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

You say you're from the European Union. Are you from that part of it which is destined to invoke Article 50 .. in which case, where will you say you're from, once that happens ? Will you claim to be Stateless ... ?
I am not English.

Anyway, that aside, your apparent belief that the Left isn't antisemitic is, of course, hogwash.

During the last major conflict between Hamas and the State of Israel -- Ed Miliband, Labour's then-Leader, not only strongly attacked Israel for its actions in defending itself from their terrorism, he even tried to make capital out of the Conservatives' refusal to be as robustly critical of them that he was.
Being critical of Israel is not the same as being antisemitic.

How about George Galloway, who's further to the Left than the Labour Party is ? Or Ken Livingstone, and his outrageous (i.e sick) remark about Hitler being 'a supporter of Zionism' .. ?
Being critical of Israel, as I say, may be anti-Zionist but it is not antisemitic. Many Jews criticize Israel.
Ken Livingstone was right when he mentioned Hitler and the Nazis before the war claimed to be Zionists.

Here ... check this out ...

Labour party antisemitism.

Livingstone’s remarks are a study in the far-left’s singular treatment of antisemitism, compared to every other form of racism and intolerance. This lesson is as applicable to Australia as it is to Britain. Aside from honourable exceptions, when forced to confront an incident of antisemitism, even when irrefutable, the far-left has sought to deny, invert and ultimately shift blame onto the victims themselves, always culminating in a gratuitous and predictable attack on the ‘Jewish lobby’, a form of conspiracy theory to appeal to the weak of mind. Could one imagine the far-left mounting such a response to an allegation of homophobia, sexism or Islamophobia?

As the experience of British Labour has shown, antisemitism is very real and there remain those who reserve a unique and unwavering hatred for the dominant symbols of Jewish self-identification – the Jewish community, the Jewish faith and the Jewish nation-state.

That link has a lot more to say. Check it out ...
Many false assertions were made about socialists.

But you could be British

No the truth was told and the people saw through them and that is why they ended up out of power. They are the pariah's and have fallen from grace after the Rotherham affair
Meet the packs of new Nazis, posing as Righteousness and Virtue, pursuing new exterminationist policies against Israel and, right after that, the Jews.

"In Nazi Germany," noted Brendan O'Neill in the Wall Street Journal, "it was all the rage to make one's town Judenfrei."

"Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one's town or city what we might call 'Zionistfrei' -- free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves 'Israel-free zones,' insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago."

The Nazis said "kauft nicht bei Juden": do not buy from Jews. The slogan of these new racists is "kauft nicht beim Judenstaat": do not buy from the Jewish State. The Nazis repeated "Geh nach Palästina, du Jud": Go to Palestine, you Jew. Racists in Europe shout "Jews out of Palestine!"

The "Virtuous" New Nazis
Those idiots don't realize that Jews were never a threat to them and that the one true threat to them, as well as most of the Islam.
You trawl hate sites and post garbage from them to support your points. You choose them over legitimate sites. That says a lot about your repulsive character as does your selective support of scapegoating and hate campaigns.

When you choose to use hate sites, it's like walking through dog shit. It sticks to your sole (or perhaps that should be soul) and no matter how often you wash, the stink still remains.

Yes, we have heard ad nauseum about your vaunted education. A pity it doesn't seem very apparent in your posts other than to inform us that you were accepted into Stanford.

That wasn't actually a challenge to you to double down on the turnspeak, you know, but as long as you want to reveal what you are all about to an even greater degree, then be my guest

I'm curious. Do you ever actually discuss the topic or is your sole contribution to this place discussing other posters?

Instead of discussing a topic, you discuss posters, most of whom you've fit into pigeonholes. You do this in thread after thread as if it has some sort of importance beyond disruption.

You claim to be neither left nor right (I call bullshit on that) - you have a lot to say on leftwing anti-semitism but nothing on rightwing antisemitism. You're arguments are hardly impartial but entirely one sided.

You have NO problem whatsoever with hatred and rhetoric directed at Muslims who have done nothing to deserve it. Like the anti-semites, you blame the entire group for the actions of some. Yet, that same rhetoric applied to the Jewish people has you up in arms.

Wouldn't the world be a better place if we applied to same standards to all?

I don't expect you to see that. You have no integrity. Not when you rely on hate sites for sources.

So when will you apply your standards to the arab muslims that you reserve for the Jews. Start with the Jews rights under international law to live in Israel as granted under international laws. Something that you have denied exists until it was pointed out the rest of the M.E. was created under the same laws.
In 1921, Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration, lopped off 77 percent of the Land promised in the Balfour Declaration to the Jews, and set up the Arab Emirate of Trans Jordan. Which eventually became Jordan.
This is what they were promised:

I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

You say you're from the European Union. Are you from that part of it which is destined to invoke Article 50 .. in which case, where will you say you're from, once that happens ? Will you claim to be Stateless ... ?
I am not English.

Anyway, that aside, your apparent belief that the Left isn't antisemitic is, of course, hogwash.

During the last major conflict between Hamas and the State of Israel -- Ed Miliband, Labour's then-Leader, not only strongly attacked Israel for its actions in defending itself from their terrorism, he even tried to make capital out of the Conservatives' refusal to be as robustly critical of them that he was.
Being critical of Israel is not the same as being antisemitic.

How about George Galloway, who's further to the Left than the Labour Party is ? Or Ken Livingstone, and his outrageous (i.e sick) remark about Hitler being 'a supporter of Zionism' .. ?
Being critical of Israel, as I say, may be anti-Zionist but it is not antisemitic. Many Jews criticize Israel.
Ken Livingstone was right when he mentioned Hitler and the Nazis before the war claimed to be Zionists.

Here ... check this out ...

Labour party antisemitism.

Livingstone’s remarks are a study in the far-left’s singular treatment of antisemitism, compared to every other form of racism and intolerance. This lesson is as applicable to Australia as it is to Britain. Aside from honourable exceptions, when forced to confront an incident of antisemitism, even when irrefutable, the far-left has sought to deny, invert and ultimately shift blame onto the victims themselves, always culminating in a gratuitous and predictable attack on the ‘Jewish lobby’, a form of conspiracy theory to appeal to the weak of mind. Could one imagine the far-left mounting such a response to an allegation of homophobia, sexism or Islamophobia?

As the experience of British Labour has shown, antisemitism is very real and there remain those who reserve a unique and unwavering hatred for the dominant symbols of Jewish self-identification – the Jewish community, the Jewish faith and the Jewish nation-state.

That link has a lot more to say. Check it out ...
Many false assertions were made about socialists.

You're nitpicking somewhat.

I only posted a selection of examples of the Left's antisemitism. I could have posted more. An example of Corbyn and his friendliness with Israel's enemies, for example ?

As for Livingstone, well, if he was so 'right', how come he was villified for his 'Hitler' view ? How come his employment as an LBC pundit was abruptly terminated after he expressed that comment ? How come EVEN his OWN PARTY dropped him, because he'd become too much of an embarrassment to them ?

Explain this one:

The Insider | Mayor of London faces sack for being rude to a Jewish journalist

A disciplinary panel is expected to decide if London's mayor breached a code of conduct in comparing a Jewish reporter to a concentration camp guard.

If found to have brought his office into disrepute, Ken Livingstone faces censure, but suspension is unlikely.

His lawyer has argued there was no evidence he had damaged his office with his comments made at a party last year.

The Adjudication Panel for England hearing followed a complaint from the Jewish Board of Deputies.

During the hearing the mayor has defended the altercation with Evening Standard reporter Oliver Finegold.

He accused the journalist of "doorstepping" him outside a party and asked him if he had ever been a German war criminal.

Even here, it seems, Labour were reported as being likely to pull their punches when it comes to dealing with Livingstone ...

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