The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

In 1921, Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration, lopped off 77 percent of the Land promised in the Balfour Declaration to the Jews, and set up the Arab Emirate of Trans Jordan. Which eventually became Jordan.

Per RoccoR, in another discussion in IP on this - the Balfour Delcaration had no legal authority and made no promises to either Arab entities or Jewish entities. It was simply an aggreement between the allied powers.
In 1921, Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration, lopped off 77 percent of the Land promised in the Balfour Declaration to the Jews, and set up the Arab Emirate of Trans Jordan. Which eventually became Jordan.

Per RoccoR, in another discussion in IP on this - the Balfour Delcaration had no legal authority and made no promises to either Arab entities or Jewish entities. It was simply an aggreement between the allied powers.

Is that so?

I wonder why Mahmoud Abbas made a call to sue the British government over the Balfour declaration of November 1917.

You'd have to ask Mr. Abbas.

This is the best explanation of what it mean that I've read: The Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

You say you're from the European Union. Are you from that part of it which is destined to invoke Article 50 .. in which case, where will you say you're from, once that happens ? Will you claim to be Stateless ... ?
I am not English.

Anyway, that aside, your apparent belief that the Left isn't antisemitic is, of course, hogwash.

During the last major conflict between Hamas and the State of Israel -- Ed Miliband, Labour's then-Leader, not only strongly attacked Israel for its actions in defending itself from their terrorism, he even tried to make capital out of the Conservatives' refusal to be as robustly critical of them that he was.
Being critical of Israel is not the same as being antisemitic.

How about George Galloway, who's further to the Left than the Labour Party is ? Or Ken Livingstone, and his outrageous (i.e sick) remark about Hitler being 'a supporter of Zionism' .. ?
Being critical of Israel, as I say, may be anti-Zionist but it is not antisemitic. Many Jews criticize Israel.
Ken Livingstone was right when he mentioned Hitler and the Nazis before the war claimed to be Zionists.

Here ... check this out ...

Labour party antisemitism.

Livingstone’s remarks are a study in the far-left’s singular treatment of antisemitism, compared to every other form of racism and intolerance. This lesson is as applicable to Australia as it is to Britain. Aside from honourable exceptions, when forced to confront an incident of antisemitism, even when irrefutable, the far-left has sought to deny, invert and ultimately shift blame onto the victims themselves, always culminating in a gratuitous and predictable attack on the ‘Jewish lobby’, a form of conspiracy theory to appeal to the weak of mind. Could one imagine the far-left mounting such a response to an allegation of homophobia, sexism or Islamophobia?

As the experience of British Labour has shown, antisemitism is very real and there remain those who reserve a unique and unwavering hatred for the dominant symbols of Jewish self-identification – the Jewish community, the Jewish faith and the Jewish nation-state.

That link has a lot more to say. Check it out ...
Many false assertions were made about socialists.

You're nitpicking somewhat.

I only posted a selection of examples of the Left's antisemitism. I could have posted more. An example of Corbyn and his friendliness with Israel's enemies, for example ?
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

As for Livingstone, well, if he was so 'right', how come he was villified for his 'Hitler' view ? How come his employment as an LBC pundit was abruptly terminated after he expressed that comment ? How come EVEN his OWN PARTY dropped him, because he'd become too much of an embarrassment to them ?
The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.
Meet the packs of new Nazis, posing as Righteousness and Virtue, pursuing new exterminationist policies against Israel and, right after that, the Jews.

"In Nazi Germany," noted Brendan O'Neill in the Wall Street Journal, "it was all the rage to make one's town Judenfrei."

"Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one's town or city what we might call 'Zionistfrei' -- free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves 'Israel-free zones,' insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago."

The Nazis said "kauft nicht bei Juden": do not buy from Jews. The slogan of these new racists is "kauft nicht beim Judenstaat": do not buy from the Jewish State. The Nazis repeated "Geh nach Palästina, du Jud": Go to Palestine, you Jew. Racists in Europe shout "Jews out of Palestine!"

The "Virtuous" New Nazis
Those idiots don't realize that Jews were never a threat to them and that the one true threat to them, as well as most of the Islam.

Right, so it's ok to scapegoat innocent Muslims for the actions of a few. Never changes. Just choose new targets.
Pew polls and research have interviewed Muslims in various Muslim nations and found a common thread. To the "majority," Sharia Law is preferable to any other law (and as Sharia Law is part of Islams political aims, it is absolutely incompatible with western society), Gays/Lesbians should be imprisoned or killed, stoning of adulterers is acceptable, and on and on it goes. The reason we don't see most Muslims out there running amok and killing indiscriminately is because many have families to feed and are busy supporting their large families; yet they will still support the overall goal of conquering the non-Islamic world. Any who say otherwise are using "taqqiya."

The reason you don't see them running amok as you say is that is not the way most of them are. As education and income grow, family size goes down. In fact, among Muslim immigrants to western countries by the second generation, family size is other groups.

Pew polls are an excellent source. Have you read what they have to say about American Muslims?
Meet the packs of new Nazis, posing as Righteousness and Virtue, pursuing new exterminationist policies against Israel and, right after that, the Jews.

"In Nazi Germany," noted Brendan O'Neill in the Wall Street Journal, "it was all the rage to make one's town Judenfrei."

"Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one's town or city what we might call 'Zionistfrei' -- free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves 'Israel-free zones,' insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago."

The Nazis said "kauft nicht bei Juden": do not buy from Jews. The slogan of these new racists is "kauft nicht beim Judenstaat": do not buy from the Jewish State. The Nazis repeated "Geh nach Palästina, du Jud": Go to Palestine, you Jew. Racists in Europe shout "Jews out of Palestine!"

The "Virtuous" New Nazis
Those idiots don't realize that Jews were never a threat to them and that the one true threat to them, as well as most of the Islam.

Right, so it's ok to scapegoat innocent Muslims for the actions of a few. Never changes. Just choose new targets.
Pew polls and research have interviewed Muslims in various Muslim nations and found a common thread. To the "majority," Sharia Law is preferable to any other law (and as Sharia Law is part of Islams political aims, it is absolutely incompatible with western society), Gays/Lesbians should be imprisoned or killed, stoning of adulterers is acceptable, and on and on it goes. The reason we don't see most Muslims out there running amok and killing indiscriminately is because many have families to feed and are busy supporting their large families; yet they will still support the overall goal of conquering the non-Islamic world. Any who say otherwise are using "taqqiya."

Tel Aviv has been named no. 1 Gay capital of the world.
In 1921, Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration, lopped off 77 percent of the Land promised in the Balfour Declaration to the Jews, and set up the Arab Emirate of Trans Jordan. Which eventually became Jordan.

Per RoccoR, in another discussion in IP on this - the Balfour Delcaration had no legal authority and made no promises to either Arab entities or Jewish entities. It was simply an aggreement between the allied powers.
In 1921, Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration, lopped off 77 percent of the Land promised in the Balfour Declaration to the Jews, and set up the Arab Emirate of Trans Jordan. Which eventually became Jordan.

Per RoccoR, in another discussion in IP on this - the Balfour Delcaration had no legal authority and made no promises to either Arab entities or Jewish entities. It was simply an aggreement between the allied powers.

Is that so?

I wonder why Mahmoud Abbas made a call to sue the British government over the Balfour declaration of November 1917.

You'd have to ask Mr. Abbas.

This is the best explanation of what it mean that I've read: The Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

I don't think I'm going to be able to ask Mr. Abbas.

He must have taken it seriously.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

You say you're from the European Union. Are you from that part of it which is destined to invoke Article 50 .. in which case, where will you say you're from, once that happens ? Will you claim to be Stateless ... ?
I am not English.

Anyway, that aside, your apparent belief that the Left isn't antisemitic is, of course, hogwash.

During the last major conflict between Hamas and the State of Israel -- Ed Miliband, Labour's then-Leader, not only strongly attacked Israel for its actions in defending itself from their terrorism, he even tried to make capital out of the Conservatives' refusal to be as robustly critical of them that he was.
Being critical of Israel is not the same as being antisemitic.

How about George Galloway, who's further to the Left than the Labour Party is ? Or Ken Livingstone, and his outrageous (i.e sick) remark about Hitler being 'a supporter of Zionism' .. ?
Being critical of Israel, as I say, may be anti-Zionist but it is not antisemitic. Many Jews criticize Israel.
Ken Livingstone was right when he mentioned Hitler and the Nazis before the war claimed to be Zionists.

Here ... check this out ...

Labour party antisemitism.

Livingstone’s remarks are a study in the far-left’s singular treatment of antisemitism, compared to every other form of racism and intolerance. This lesson is as applicable to Australia as it is to Britain. Aside from honourable exceptions, when forced to confront an incident of antisemitism, even when irrefutable, the far-left has sought to deny, invert and ultimately shift blame onto the victims themselves, always culminating in a gratuitous and predictable attack on the ‘Jewish lobby’, a form of conspiracy theory to appeal to the weak of mind. Could one imagine the far-left mounting such a response to an allegation of homophobia, sexism or Islamophobia?

As the experience of British Labour has shown, antisemitism is very real and there remain those who reserve a unique and unwavering hatred for the dominant symbols of Jewish self-identification – the Jewish community, the Jewish faith and the Jewish nation-state.

That link has a lot more to say. Check it out ...
Many false assertions were made about socialists.

You're nitpicking somewhat.

I only posted a selection of examples of the Left's antisemitism. I could have posted more. An example of Corbyn and his friendliness with Israel's enemies, for example ?
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

As for Livingstone, well, if he was so 'right', how come he was villified for his 'Hitler' view ? How come his employment as an LBC pundit was abruptly terminated after he expressed that comment ? How come EVEN his OWN PARTY dropped him, because he'd become too much of an embarrassment to them ?
The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

You say you're from the European Union. Are you from that part of it which is destined to invoke Article 50 .. in which case, where will you say you're from, once that happens ? Will you claim to be Stateless ... ?
I am not English.

Anyway, that aside, your apparent belief that the Left isn't antisemitic is, of course, hogwash.

During the last major conflict between Hamas and the State of Israel -- Ed Miliband, Labour's then-Leader, not only strongly attacked Israel for its actions in defending itself from their terrorism, he even tried to make capital out of the Conservatives' refusal to be as robustly critical of them that he was.
Being critical of Israel is not the same as being antisemitic.

How about George Galloway, who's further to the Left than the Labour Party is ? Or Ken Livingstone, and his outrageous (i.e sick) remark about Hitler being 'a supporter of Zionism' .. ?
Being critical of Israel, as I say, may be anti-Zionist but it is not antisemitic. Many Jews criticize Israel.
Ken Livingstone was right when he mentioned Hitler and the Nazis before the war claimed to be Zionists.

Here ... check this out ...

Labour party antisemitism.

Livingstone’s remarks are a study in the far-left’s singular treatment of antisemitism, compared to every other form of racism and intolerance. This lesson is as applicable to Australia as it is to Britain. Aside from honourable exceptions, when forced to confront an incident of antisemitism, even when irrefutable, the far-left has sought to deny, invert and ultimately shift blame onto the victims themselves, always culminating in a gratuitous and predictable attack on the ‘Jewish lobby’, a form of conspiracy theory to appeal to the weak of mind. Could one imagine the far-left mounting such a response to an allegation of homophobia, sexism or Islamophobia?

As the experience of British Labour has shown, antisemitism is very real and there remain those who reserve a unique and unwavering hatred for the dominant symbols of Jewish self-identification – the Jewish community, the Jewish faith and the Jewish nation-state.

That link has a lot more to say. Check it out ...
Many false assertions were made about socialists.

You're nitpicking somewhat.

I only posted a selection of examples of the Left's antisemitism. I could have posted more. An example of Corbyn and his friendliness with Israel's enemies, for example ?
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

As for Livingstone, well, if he was so 'right', how come he was villified for his 'Hitler' view ? How come his employment as an LBC pundit was abruptly terminated after he expressed that comment ? How come EVEN his OWN PARTY dropped him, because he'd become too much of an embarrassment to them ?
The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.
You say you're from the European Union. Are you from that part of it which is destined to invoke Article 50 .. in which case, where will you say you're from, once that happens ? Will you claim to be Stateless ... ?
I am not English.

Anyway, that aside, your apparent belief that the Left isn't antisemitic is, of course, hogwash.

During the last major conflict between Hamas and the State of Israel -- Ed Miliband, Labour's then-Leader, not only strongly attacked Israel for its actions in defending itself from their terrorism, he even tried to make capital out of the Conservatives' refusal to be as robustly critical of them that he was.
Being critical of Israel is not the same as being antisemitic.

How about George Galloway, who's further to the Left than the Labour Party is ? Or Ken Livingstone, and his outrageous (i.e sick) remark about Hitler being 'a supporter of Zionism' .. ?
Being critical of Israel, as I say, may be anti-Zionist but it is not antisemitic. Many Jews criticize Israel.
Ken Livingstone was right when he mentioned Hitler and the Nazis before the war claimed to be Zionists.

Here ... check this out ...

Labour party antisemitism.

That link has a lot more to say. Check it out ...
Many false assertions were made about socialists.

You're nitpicking somewhat.

I only posted a selection of examples of the Left's antisemitism. I could have posted more. An example of Corbyn and his friendliness with Israel's enemies, for example ?
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

As for Livingstone, well, if he was so 'right', how come he was villified for his 'Hitler' view ? How come his employment as an LBC pundit was abruptly terminated after he expressed that comment ? How come EVEN his OWN PARTY dropped him, because he'd become too much of an embarrassment to them ?
The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

No doubt, any boycotts, destructions and so on would affect Israeli Arabs.
I am not English.

Being critical of Israel is not the same as being antisemitic.

Being critical of Israel, as I say, may be anti-Zionist but it is not antisemitic. Many Jews criticize Israel.
Ken Livingstone was right when he mentioned Hitler and the Nazis before the war claimed to be Zionists.

Many false assertions were made about socialists.

You're nitpicking somewhat.

I only posted a selection of examples of the Left's antisemitism. I could have posted more. An example of Corbyn and his friendliness with Israel's enemies, for example ?
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

As for Livingstone, well, if he was so 'right', how come he was villified for his 'Hitler' view ? How come his employment as an LBC pundit was abruptly terminated after he expressed that comment ? How come EVEN his OWN PARTY dropped him, because he'd become too much of an embarrassment to them ?
The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

No doubt, any boycotts, destructions and so on would affect Israeli Arabs.
Israeli Arabs are already second class citizens.
You're nitpicking somewhat.

I only posted a selection of examples of the Left's antisemitism. I could have posted more. An example of Corbyn and his friendliness with Israel's enemies, for example ?
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

As for Livingstone, well, if he was so 'right', how come he was villified for his 'Hitler' view ? How come his employment as an LBC pundit was abruptly terminated after he expressed that comment ? How come EVEN his OWN PARTY dropped him, because he'd become too much of an embarrassment to them ?
The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

No doubt, any boycotts, destructions and so on would affect Israeli Arabs.
Israeli Arabs are already second class citizens.

So you think Hamas would spare them?
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

You say you're from the European Union. Are you from that part of it which is destined to invoke Article 50 .. in which case, where will you say you're from, once that happens ? Will you claim to be Stateless ... ?
I am not English.

Anyway, that aside, your apparent belief that the Left isn't antisemitic is, of course, hogwash.

During the last major conflict between Hamas and the State of Israel -- Ed Miliband, Labour's then-Leader, not only strongly attacked Israel for its actions in defending itself from their terrorism, he even tried to make capital out of the Conservatives' refusal to be as robustly critical of them that he was.
Being critical of Israel is not the same as being antisemitic.

How about George Galloway, who's further to the Left than the Labour Party is ? Or Ken Livingstone, and his outrageous (i.e sick) remark about Hitler being 'a supporter of Zionism' .. ?
Being critical of Israel, as I say, may be anti-Zionist but it is not antisemitic. Many Jews criticize Israel.
Ken Livingstone was right when he mentioned Hitler and the Nazis before the war claimed to be Zionists.

Here ... check this out ...

Labour party antisemitism.

Livingstone’s remarks are a study in the far-left’s singular treatment of antisemitism, compared to every other form of racism and intolerance. This lesson is as applicable to Australia as it is to Britain. Aside from honourable exceptions, when forced to confront an incident of antisemitism, even when irrefutable, the far-left has sought to deny, invert and ultimately shift blame onto the victims themselves, always culminating in a gratuitous and predictable attack on the ‘Jewish lobby’, a form of conspiracy theory to appeal to the weak of mind. Could one imagine the far-left mounting such a response to an allegation of homophobia, sexism or Islamophobia?

As the experience of British Labour has shown, antisemitism is very real and there remain those who reserve a unique and unwavering hatred for the dominant symbols of Jewish self-identification – the Jewish community, the Jewish faith and the Jewish nation-state.

That link has a lot more to say. Check it out ...
Many false assertions were made about socialists.

You're nitpicking somewhat.

I only posted a selection of examples of the Left's antisemitism. I could have posted more. An example of Corbyn and his friendliness with Israel's enemies, for example ?
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

As for Livingstone, well, if he was so 'right', how come he was villified for his 'Hitler' view ? How come his employment as an LBC pundit was abruptly terminated after he expressed that comment ? How come EVEN his OWN PARTY dropped him, because he'd become too much of an embarrassment to them ?
The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

^^Scapegoating. Everything bad that happens, whether it's by the Israelis, or against them, is the fault of the Israelis.

See how that works, Coyote? Recognize it? You have expended I don't know how many brain cells spinning in that way.
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

No doubt, any boycotts, destructions and so on would affect Israeli Arabs.
Israeli Arabs are already second class citizens.
hanas is the democratically elected government of Gaza.

So you think Hamas would spare them?
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

No doubt, any boycotts, destructions and so on would affect Israeli Arabs.
Israeli Arabs are already second class citizens.

So you think Hamas would spare them?
Hamas is the democratically elected government of Gaza.
Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

No doubt, any boycotts, destructions and so on would affect Israeli Arabs.
Israeli Arabs are already second class citizens.

So you think Hamas would spare them?
Hamas is the democratically elected government of Gaza.

That isn't an answer.
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

No doubt, any boycotts, destructions and so on would affect Israeli Arabs.
Israeli Arabs are already second class citizens.

So you think Hamas would spare them?
Hamas is the democratically elected government of Gaza.

That isn't an answer.
Since Hamas has no air force to bomb, army to use heavy artillary, nor navy to strafe civilians, nor even white phosphorous to drop on schools or hospitals, the answer is Yes.
In 1921, Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration, lopped off 77 percent of the Land promised in the Balfour Declaration to the Jews, and set up the Arab Emirate of Trans Jordan. Which eventually became Jordan.

What does this have to do with anti-semitism in Europe?

A profile of the country the anti Semites want to lobby against?

It's old history.

Edited to add: but if you consider it topical, then I will stop refraining from that part of the discussion.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.
Then you are an ostrich.
I have visited Austria but I am not from there, Tilly.
i know. You are from Spain. I'm not from Aistria either, so I don't get your point, or even if you are making one.
In 1921, Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration, lopped off 77 percent of the Land promised in the Balfour Declaration to the Jews, and set up the Arab Emirate of Trans Jordan. Which eventually became Jordan.

What does this have to do with anti-semitism in Europe?

A profile of the country the anti Semites want to lobby against?

It's old history.

Edited to add: but if you consider it topical, then I will stop refraining from that part of the discussion.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.
Then you are an ostrich.
I have visited Austria but I am not from there, Tilly.
i know. You are from Spain. I'm not from Aistria either, so I don't get your point, or even if you are making one.

She's not.
In 1921, Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration, lopped off 77 percent of the Land promised in the Balfour Declaration to the Jews, and set up the Arab Emirate of Trans Jordan. Which eventually became Jordan.

What does this have to do with anti-semitism in Europe?

A profile of the country the anti Semites want to lobby against?

It's old history.

Edited to add: but if you consider it topical, then I will stop refraining from that part of the discussion.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.
Then you are an ostrich.
I have visited Austria but I am not from there, Tilly.
i know. You are from Spain. I'm not from Aistria either, so I don't get your point, or even if you are making one.
I believe you said I was an Östereich, Tilly.
In 1921, Great Britain reneged on the Balfour Declaration, lopped off 77 percent of the Land promised in the Balfour Declaration to the Jews, and set up the Arab Emirate of Trans Jordan. Which eventually became Jordan.

What does this have to do with anti-semitism in Europe?

Last I looked Britain was part of Europe, just a small island of its west coast

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