The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

I am not a Muslim and I received no land.

you support the stink and filth of BAATHISM----which is Arabism -------including the virulent Imperialism of that vile creed and the totalitarianism of its real founders----muhummad and his barbaric minions. While purportedly founded by a somewhat innocuous Michel Aflaq----like the innocuous economic theory of communism of Karl Mark which MORPHED into the virulent communism of STALIN----and the theories of survival genetics of Charles Darwin which became perverted into the Nazi ideology of MASTER RACE, baathism is the monstrous Utopian Totalitarian shit which has so far galvanized the murder of millions in the Middle east. Baathism and ISIS is nothing more or less than two sides
of the same coin. It is muhummad's caliphism
Wrong again, sweet irosie.

OH?? you have abandoned the vile filth of Baathism?
As much as you have abandoned zionist imperialism of the "chosen", respective their bimbos. We can all be lucky Assad is successful in defending Syria against Nato´s Islamist terrorist gangs. Freedom still prevails in Syria.

no wonder the refugees are STREAMING BACK TO THEIR
There is still war. But honestly, the only refugee I met is from Africa.
This is the crux of the matter.

What this topic is about.


and it has acted like a roll call for some of the forum's virtuous new Nazis.

The topic being: the demonising of the Jews, and the justifications for it, now, and during 1930's Germany. It's also been referred to in literature, time and time again.

"Jews, go back to Palestine!"

"Jews, get out of Palestine!"

Is that an oxymoron,or what?

Do you acknowledge any legitimate objection to Israel's policies and if so how do you make the distinction?

If you need to ask then you are losing your marbles. If it does not resort to lies, fabrications, blood libels or is widespread amongst western nations then it is legitimate. Strange how not once have you or any other anti Jews managed to produce any objection to Israel's policies that encompass these simple facts.
So who is trying to increase their 78% of palestine to 100% of palestine then. You muslims forget that Jordan was palestine and that you received 99.9% of the former Ottoman empire as muslim lands. The other 1% went to the Christians in Lebanon and the Jews in Israel. All the land stolen has been done by islamonazi terrorists, who also happen to be the racists. Just read the 3 charter in existence that all say a Jew free M.E.
I am not a Muslim and I received no land.

you support the stink and filth of BAATHISM----which is Arabism -------including the virulent Imperialism of that vile creed and the totalitarianism of its real founders----muhummad and his barbaric minions. While purportedly founded by a somewhat innocuous Michel Aflaq----like the innocuous economic theory of communism of Karl Mark which MORPHED into the virulent communism of STALIN----and the theories of survival genetics of Charles Darwin which became perverted into the Nazi ideology of MASTER RACE, baathism is the monstrous Utopian Totalitarian shit which has so far galvanized the murder of millions in the Middle east. Baathism and ISIS is nothing more or less than two sides
of the same coin. It is muhummad's caliphism
Wrong again, sweet irosie.

OH?? you have abandoned the vile filth of Baathism?
As much as you have abandoned zionist imperialism of the "chosen", respective their bimbos. We can all be lucky Assad is successful in defending Syria against Nato´s Islamist terrorist gangs. Freedom still prevails in Syria.

What are you so uptight about?
Big nonsense. It is a simple fact that Europe is not as good in kissing Israel´s ass as the US is. The EU is aware of Israel´s wrongdoing. Banning Israel´s goods, labeling settler goods, is the consequence of Israel´s persistent land grabbing and racism - something they have in common with the Nazis.

So who is trying to increase their 78% of palestine to 100% of palestine then. You muslims forget that Jordan was palestine and that you received 99.9% of the former Ottoman empire as muslim lands. The other 1% went to the Christians in Lebanon and the Jews in Israel. All the land stolen has been done by islamonazi terrorists, who also happen to be the racists. Just read the 3 charter in existence that all say a Jew free M.E.
I am not a Muslim and I received no land.

you support the stink and filth of BAATHISM----which is Arabism -------including the virulent Imperialism of that vile creed and the totalitarianism of its real founders----muhummad and his barbaric minions. While purportedly founded by a somewhat innocuous Michel Aflaq----like the innocuous economic theory of communism of Karl Mark which MORPHED into the virulent communism of STALIN----and the theories of survival genetics of Charles Darwin which became perverted into the Nazi ideology of MASTER RACE, baathism is the monstrous Utopian Totalitarian shit which has so far galvanized the murder of millions in the Middle east. Baathism and ISIS is nothing more or less than two sides
of the same coin. It is muhummad's caliphism
Wrong again, sweet irosie.

Dont deny what is obvious to the world at large
No all of us consume Nato propaganda 24h.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

I think the far left has become so, as is the far right though they are trying to whitewash them.
Rather, socialists with a sense of justice sees the continuing brutal occupation of Palestine as indefensible. This has to do with Israeli conduct in Gaza and the West Bank and can be characterized as anti-Zionist or anti-Israeli without being antisemitic.
you support the stink and filth of BAATHISM----which is Arabism -------including the virulent Imperialism of that vile creed and the totalitarianism of its real founders----muhummad and his barbaric minions. While purportedly founded by a somewhat innocuous Michel Aflaq----like the innocuous economic theory of communism of Karl Mark which MORPHED into the virulent communism of STALIN----and the theories of survival genetics of Charles Darwin which became perverted into the Nazi ideology of MASTER RACE, baathism is the monstrous Utopian Totalitarian shit which has so far galvanized the murder of millions in the Middle east. Baathism and ISIS is nothing more or less than two sides
of the same coin. It is muhummad's caliphism
Wrong again, sweet irosie.

OH?? you have abandoned the vile filth of Baathism?
As much as you have abandoned zionist imperialism of the "chosen", respective their bimbos. We can all be lucky Assad is successful in defending Syria against Nato´s Islamist terrorist gangs. Freedom still prevails in Syria.

no wonder the refugees are STREAMING BACK TO THEIR
There is still war. But honestly, the only refugee I met is from Africa.

really------I have known Christian Syrian refugees since I was
a child------(in the USA---long long ago) There have been an
increasing number of Christian refugees from Syria-----for a few decades----in Israel
I am not a Muslim and I received no land.

you support the stink and filth of BAATHISM----which is Arabism -------including the virulent Imperialism of that vile creed and the totalitarianism of its real founders----muhummad and his barbaric minions. While purportedly founded by a somewhat innocuous Michel Aflaq----like the innocuous economic theory of communism of Karl Mark which MORPHED into the virulent communism of STALIN----and the theories of survival genetics of Charles Darwin which became perverted into the Nazi ideology of MASTER RACE, baathism is the monstrous Utopian Totalitarian shit which has so far galvanized the murder of millions in the Middle east. Baathism and ISIS is nothing more or less than two sides
of the same coin. It is muhummad's caliphism
Wrong again, sweet irosie.

OH?? you have abandoned the vile filth of Baathism?
As much as you have abandoned zionist imperialism of the "chosen", respective their bimbos. We can all be lucky Assad is successful in defending Syria against Nato´s Islamist terrorist gangs. Freedom still prevails in Syria.

What are you so uptight about?
The list would require the forum owner to rent a larger server.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.
Then you are an ostrich.
By royal decree, Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492 and Muslims followed them in 1609. This was done to preserve Catholicism in Spain. It worked back then. Such official antisemitism and Islamophobia would not be tolerated in Spain today.


Expulsion of the Moriscos at the port of Dénia, by Vincente Mostre.

Spain is one of the most antisemitic countries in Europe.
Are you suggesting the neo-Nazis in Europe are actually okay with Muslim refugees? Are you suggesting that the West has nothing to do with the Middle East?

lots of people have problems with the influx of refugees from the Middle East wherever they are INFLUXING-------NO LARGE AND PROMINENT COUNTRY IN THE WORLD -----has "nothing to do with the middle east" As to the present situation in Syria-----the USA did not MAKE IT HAPPEN----not by a long shot

The US had a lot to do with what happened when it set things in motion by invading Iraq. But equally to blame was Europe's carving up of the Ottoman Empire creating large artificial states.

See you ignore the truth and go for islamonazi propaganda instead. The LoN ( not Europe) gave the inhabitants of the former Ottoman empire the nations they wanted based on historic borders. They are not "artificial states" other than Jordan and palestine that never existed in antiquity
Been reading a very interesting article that's almost a short book, on the origins of the conflicts in the modern middle east. Maybe you should read a bit before you spew your crap.

Which white supremacist/islamonazi/neo nazi/antisemitic site was it from as the link I gave you shows that the problem is one of a 7C religious cult that has not evolved over 1400 years still demanding they be given the world as promised by their moon god. The origins are simple mo'mad was a mental defective ( he had frontal lobe epilepsy ) that caused him to see and hear things that did not exist. It also twisted his sense of decency to such a degree that he repealed laws to allow him to have many wives of any age, and also to have sex slaves for his pleasure. There are tales in the hadiths of him raping 12 year old girls in the blood of their slaughtered family members as he slit their throats. Mass murdering Jewish tribes so he could steal their lands, property and goods. Telling lies to his own people so they would attack brothers, fathers and uncles.

That is the origins of the problems and the only way to stop them is to eradicate the teachings of islam

I wonder if there'll be a boycott of Moroccan products, over the Western Sahara territorial dispute.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

I think the far left has become so, as is the far right though they are trying to whitewash them.
Rather, socialists with a sense of justice sees the continuing brutal occupation of Palestine as indefensible. This has to do with Israeli conduct in Gaza and the West Bank and can be characterized as anti-Zionist or anti-Israeli without being antisemitic.

islamo Nazis can "characterize" themselves as anything they wish

Correct It is the same as the nazi's in 1930's Germany using terms for the Jews out of context because they believed they would not be censured for them. We saw how some were executed and the majority faced prison sentences in solitary for their false beliefs
I cannot believe there is anything "new" about antisemitism which should not be confused by anti-Zionism which is more modern and pertains to the establishment of a Jewish state and its expansion into neighboring Arab territory.

You are one of the "virtuous" Europeans under discussion.

Double talk is your mainstay when it comes to Jews.
Wrong again, sweet irosie.

OH?? you have abandoned the vile filth of Baathism?
As much as you have abandoned zionist imperialism of the "chosen", respective their bimbos. We can all be lucky Assad is successful in defending Syria against Nato´s Islamist terrorist gangs. Freedom still prevails in Syria.

no wonder the refugees are STREAMING BACK TO THEIR
There is still war. But honestly, the only refugee I met is from Africa.

really------I have known Christian Syrian refugees since I was
a child------(in the USA---long long ago) There have been an
increasing number of Christian refugees from Syria-----for a few decades----in Israel
"The vast majority of Israeli Christians (86%) believe the United States is too supportive of Israel."
Israeli Christians Think and Do Almost the Opposite of American Evangelicals
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

I think the far left has become so, as is the far right though they are trying to whitewash them.
Rather, socialists with a sense of justice sees the continuing brutal occupation of Palestine as indefensible. This has to do with Israeli conduct in Gaza and the West Bank and can be characterized as anti-Zionist or anti-Israeli without being antisemitic.

There's a line, but people don't seem to want to discuss it (much easier I suppose to paint it all as anti-semitism) - that line is when does legitimate criticism of Israeli policies cross over into anti-semitism?
lots of people have problems with the influx of refugees from the Middle East wherever they are INFLUXING-------NO LARGE AND PROMINENT COUNTRY IN THE WORLD -----has "nothing to do with the middle east" As to the present situation in Syria-----the USA did not MAKE IT HAPPEN----not by a long shot

The US had a lot to do with what happened when it set things in motion by invading Iraq. But equally to blame was Europe's carving up of the Ottoman Empire creating large artificial states.

See you ignore the truth and go for islamonazi propaganda instead. The LoN ( not Europe) gave the inhabitants of the former Ottoman empire the nations they wanted based on historic borders. They are not "artificial states" other than Jordan and palestine that never existed in antiquity
Been reading a very interesting article that's almost a short book, on the origins of the conflicts in the modern middle east. Maybe you should read a bit before you spew your crap.

Which white supremacist/islamonazi/neo nazi/antisemitic site was it from as the link I gave you shows that the problem is one of a 7C religious cult that has not evolved over 1400 years still demanding they be given the world as promised by their moon god. The origins are simple mo'mad was a mental defective ( he had frontal lobe epilepsy ) that caused him to see and hear things that did not exist. It also twisted his sense of decency to such a degree that he repealed laws to allow him to have many wives of any age, and also to have sex slaves for his pleasure. There are tales in the hadiths of him raping 12 year old girls in the blood of their slaughtered family members as he slit their throats. Mass murdering Jewish tribes so he could steal their lands, property and goods. Telling lies to his own people so they would attack brothers, fathers and uncles.

That is the origins of the problems and the only way to stop them is to eradicate the teachings of islam

I wonder if there'll be a boycott of Moroccan products, over the Western Sahara territorial dispute.

I am all for comprehensive boycotts of products from
islamo nations like INDONESIA AND PAKISTAN
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.
Then you are an ostrich.
I have visited Austria but I am not from there, Tilly.
you support the stink and filth of BAATHISM----which is Arabism -------including the virulent Imperialism of that vile creed and the totalitarianism of its real founders----muhummad and his barbaric minions. While purportedly founded by a somewhat innocuous Michel Aflaq----like the innocuous economic theory of communism of Karl Mark which MORPHED into the virulent communism of STALIN----and the theories of survival genetics of Charles Darwin which became perverted into the Nazi ideology of MASTER RACE, baathism is the monstrous Utopian Totalitarian shit which has so far galvanized the murder of millions in the Middle east. Baathism and ISIS is nothing more or less than two sides
of the same coin. It is muhummad's caliphism
Wrong again, sweet irosie.

OH?? you have abandoned the vile filth of Baathism?
As much as you have abandoned zionist imperialism of the "chosen", respective their bimbos. We can all be lucky Assad is successful in defending Syria against Nato´s Islamist terrorist gangs. Freedom still prevails in Syria.

What are you so uptight about?
The list would require the forum owner to rent a larger server.

Who are you to assume the monopoly on annoyance with others? Given your own provocative material.
Guess all those articles are wrong then....:cuckoo:

You have quite the history of confirmation bias, choosing only that information that supports your Islamist supremacist viewpoint while being inimical to the Jews they persecute.

Jews were only "tolerated" in Arab lands as long as they were willing to live as second-class citizens to their Islamic masters.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

I think the far left has become so, as is the far right though they are trying to whitewash them.
Rather, socialists with a sense of justice sees the continuing brutal occupation of Palestine as indefensible. This has to do with Israeli conduct in Gaza and the West Bank and can be characterized as anti-Zionist or anti-Israeli without being antisemitic.

There's a line, but people don't seem to want to discuss it (much easier I suppose to paint it all as anti-semitism) - that line is when does legitimate criticism of Israeli policies cross over into anti-semitism?

when does legitimate criticism of the rapist pig of mecca cross over into "islamophobia'?

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