The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

I'm not totally familiar with politics and political parties in Europe, so it's hard to know how they reflect the attitudes of the people there. But it does appear that there is at least an effort in UK to deal with antisemitism within the ranks of some of it's parties. Scapegoating holds a people collectively responsible for the actions of some. I DO think the left needs to hold itself accountable for propogating these attitudes among it's constituency and I'm glad that in Britain they are addressing this. It's an interesting analysis - and it brings up "multiculturalism" and "identity politics" - food for thought here.

When Left meets Right: Antisemitism in Europe

Most notoriously, Ken Livingstone, then a member of the Labour Party’s National Executive Committee and a former Labour Mayor of London, claimed in a radio interview in April this year that Hitler had been a supporter of Zionism before he “went mad and ended up killing six million Jews”. Livingstone’s bizarre and mischievous allegations have been refuted by a raft of eminent historians including Rainer Schulze, Professor of Modern European History at Essex University. Schulze unequivocally dismissed Livingstone’s arguments, emphasising that: “[a]ny claim that Nazis and Zionists ever shared a common goal is not only cynical and disingenuous, but a distortion of clearly established historical fact.”

The statements by Shah, Hussain, Lasharie and Livingstone – along with numerous other allegedly racist, anti-Semitic or inflammatory comments by individuals associated with Labour – shave led to fifty suspension from the Party. They also prompted Labour’s Leader, Jeremy Corbyn, to convene an Inquiry into anti-Semitism and other forms of racism within the Party.

While the Inquiry, headed by human rights lawyer Shami Chakrabarti, found that, “[t]he Labour Party is not overrun by antisemitism, Islamophobia or other forms of racism”, it acknowledged that there was, “too much clear evidence…of minority hateful or ignorant attitudes and behaviours” and of an “occasionally toxic atmosphere”. Tellingly, Chakrabarti found it necessary to remind Labour Party members that they should be wary of perpetuating anti-Semitic tropes: “[t]o suggest, for example, that all or most Jewish people are wealthy or interested in wealth or finance or political or media influence…is a classic stereotype”.

Care should be taken in distinguishing statements that relate specifically to Jews as a group and which attribute collective attitudes, propensities or physical characteristics to the group in question or which assert – in the complete absence of evidence – that the group is collectively implicated in such acts as the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York, in September 2001, or the formation of terror groups such as ISIS. The comments by Naz Shah, Khadim Hussain and Beinazir Lasharie, cited above, would appear to fall into this category. On the other hand, even highly critical statements about Israel or Zionism, however provocative or historically ill-informed, are not anti-Semitic per se. Nevertheless, Livingstone’s comments, casually linking Zionism with Nazism, are all too likely to incite hostility towards Jews, especially Jews who do not openly and unequivocally condemn Israel.

As several commentators have pointed out, there is a growing tendency on the Left to disregard basic and important distinctions between such categories as Jews, “Zionists” and citizens of the state of Israel. Instead, Jews are frequently viewed by those on the Left as collectively responsible for the actions of Israel. As the Guardian columnist, Jonathan Freedland, has observed, the term “Zionism” has become “a codeword” in the rhetoric of the Left “that bridges from Israel to the wider Jewish world, hinting at the age-old, anti-semitic notion of a shadowy, global power, operating behind the scenes”.

The historian Simon Schama has portrayed the rise of left-wing anti-Semitism, fuelled by militant anti-Zionism, as a reaction, at least in part, to “the collapse of the Soviet Union and the retreat of Marxist socialism around the world”. As Schama puts it, “militant energies have needed somewhere to go”.

Writing in The New York Times, Kenan Malik has attributed the increase in left-wing anti-Semitism to a fundamental shift in Left thinking. Malik, who has published extensively on subjects including multiculturalism and race, contends that many on the Left now reject universalist human rights ideology in favour of multiculturalism and identity politics, “celebrating a world divided into distinct cultures, each with its own ideas, beliefs and values”. As Malik points out:

Identity politics has made it easier to hold all Jews responsible for the actions of the State of Israel and to go after Jews simply for being Jews. As the distinction between criticizing ideas and fingering a group has eroded, there has been a slippage from anti-Zionist activism into outright anti-Semitism. Many who support the Palestinians now seem genuinely unable to distinguish between criticizing the policies of the Israeli government and sowing hatred against a people.​

The last line is potent: there is a difference between PEOPLE and GOVERNMENTS.
Meet the packs of new Nazis, posing as Righteousness and Virtue, pursuing new exterminationist policies against Israel and, right after that, the Jews.

"In Nazi Germany," noted Brendan O'Neill in the Wall Street Journal, "it was all the rage to make one's town Judenfrei."

"Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one's town or city what we might call 'Zionistfrei' -- free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves 'Israel-free zones,' insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago."

The Nazis said "kauft nicht bei Juden": do not buy from Jews. The slogan of these new racists is "kauft nicht beim Judenstaat": do not buy from the Jewish State. The Nazis repeated "Geh nach Palästina, du Jud": Go to Palestine, you Jew. Racists in Europe shout "Jews out of Palestine!"

The "Virtuous" New Nazis
Big nonsense. It is a simple fact that Europe is not as good in kissing Israel´s ass as the US is. The EU is aware of Israel´s wrongdoing. Banning Israel´s goods, labeling settler goods, is the consequence of Israel´s persistent land grabbing and racism - something they have in common with the Nazis.

So who is trying to increase their 78% of palestine to 100% of palestine then. You muslims forget that Jordan was palestine and that you received 99.9% of the former Ottoman empire as muslim lands. The other 1% went to the Christians in Lebanon and the Jews in Israel. All the land stolen has been done by islamonazi terrorists, who also happen to be the racists. Just read the 3 charter in existence that all say a Jew free M.E.
I am not a Muslim and I received no land.

You are an islamonazi propagandist and dont deserve anything for your RACE HATE
No, you are the fucking racist. You want to expel others from their homes to give it your master race, you submissive fucking disgusting slave.
The middle east was historically full of Christians and Jews. The musli
In 2011:

It is an anti-Semitism that the left does not want to fight, because for it, the Muslims are oppressed, and the left is always on the side of those it defines as oppressed, whether or not the oppression is caused by the terrible governance inside those countries, or scapegoated onto someone else. European anti-racist movements say they are very concerned about "Islamophobic racism," but they are totally reluctant to discuss the anti-Semitism in the Muslim populations.

Hatred towards Israel is now the most widely shared sentiment among Europeans.
The new, current anti-Semitism now adds on to the old kind, the demonization of the State of Israel. The Islamic view of Israel is now the dominant view of Israel in Europe. "

The Full-Blown Return of Anti-Semitism in Europe

Interesting article. And I agree.

The more I've read about anti-semitism, the more I see it in certain Muslim populations as well, as a result of the conflict surrounding Israel.

But here's what I feel - it's not a zero sum equation. Scapegoating innocent people is wrong - it's always wrong - whether it's done because some people of that belief or ethnicity or race have done terrible things, or if it's done because people don't really understand their beliefs or culture. The rhetoric, and the subliminal calls to violence towards those people is the same across the board - even the conspiracy theories. I think any decent person should notice that, and fight against it.

In the US, hate crimes against Jews have gone down, but hate crimes against Muslims have gone up. I don't know what the statistics are in European countries, but I think anti-semitism is more deeply embedded there.
In 2011:

It is an anti-Semitism that the left does not want to fight, because for it, the Muslims are oppressed, and the left is always on the side of those it defines as oppressed, whether or not the oppression is caused by the terrible governance inside those countries, or scapegoated onto someone else. European anti-racist movements say they are very concerned about "Islamophobic racism," but they are totally reluctant to discuss the anti-Semitism in the Muslim populations.

Hatred towards Israel is now the most widely shared sentiment among Europeans.
The new, current anti-Semitism now adds on to the old kind, the demonization of the State of Israel. The Islamic view of Israel is now the dominant view of Israel in Europe. "

The Full-Blown Return of Anti-Semitism in Europe

Interesting article. And I agree.

The more I've read about anti-semitism, the more I see it in certain Muslim populations as well, as a result of the conflict surrounding Israel.

But here's what I feel - it's not a zero sum equation. Scapegoating innocent people is wrong - it's always wrong - whether it's done because some people of that belief or ethnicity or race have done terrible things, or if it's done because people don't really understand their beliefs or culture. The rhetoric, and the subliminal calls to violence towards those people is the same across the board - even the conspiracy theories. I think any decent person should notice that, and fight against it.

In the US, hate crimes against Jews have gone down, but hate crimes against Muslims have gone up. I don't know what the statistics are in European countries, but I think anti-semitism is more deeply embedded there.

coyote---you are a victim of wishful thinking and gullibility as
demonstrated by several of your statements. Your first paragraph made me laugh. Muslims do not NEED Israel to
hate jews. In fact muslims do not even need jews to hate
jews. Hatred of jews is more prominent amongst people who
never saw a jew in their lives than it is in Gaza. I learned that
fact when I first encountered muslims from South east Asia---VERY FEW of whom had ever met a jew before getting into
the USA. In fact---WAY BACK THEN---when I was young----
the least of the newly arriving professionals----as to Jew-hatred---were muslims who had known jews------like the Iranians and Egyptians (back then). -----Later on I came to know lots of jews who were jews in muslim lands long before
1948---------they were CLEARLY HATED in their native
arab/muslim lands-----as were their grandparents and ancestors way back to the time of the GREAT AND GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST

Once you start to JUSTIFY scapegoating you enter very dangerous territory.

Muslims didn't particularly hate Jews historically prior to Israel (and no, I'm not saying they coexisted in sweetness and light) - but they often had peaceful coexistence and at times flourished. Historically - religious minorities have always had troubled times under the majority religion and religion and government were the same. I think WW2, the rise of Jewish nationalist inspirations and Arab nationalist inspirations created much greater friction that has always grown.

So you havent yet read the koran and hadiths that spell it out "KILL THE JEWS" Why do you think that the Jews were kept in such low numbers in the M.E., it was the muslims following their religion and having periodic murderfests of the Jews. Just look at Hebron that was attacked and the Jewish residents wiped out 3 times.

Your favourite source tells the whole story

Persecution of Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Traditionally Jews living in Muslim lands, known as dhimmis, were allowed to practice their religion and to administer their internal affairs but were subject to certain conditions.[8] They had to pay the jizya (a per capita tax imposed on free adult non-Muslim males) to Muslims.[9] Dhimmis had an inferior status under Islamic rule. They had several social and legal disabilities such as prohibitions against bearing arms or giving testimony in courts in cases involving Muslims.[10] Contrary to popular belief, the Qur'an did not allow Muslims to force Jews to wear distinctive clothing. Obadiah the Proselyte reported in 1100 AD, that the Caliph had created this rule himself

This was also the chief motivation behind the 1066 Granada massacre, when "[m]ore than 1,500 Jewish families, numbering 4,000 persons, fell in one day",[12] and in Fez in 1033, when 6,000 Jews were killed.[13] There were further massacres in Fez in 1276 and 1465.[14]

Damascus affair occurred in 1840, when a French monk and his servant disappeared in Damascus. Immediately following, a charge of ritual murder was brought against a large number of Jews in the city including children who were tortured.
Pogroms occurred in: Aleppo (1850, 1875), Damascus (1840, 1848, 1890), Beirut (1862, 1874), Dayr al-Qamar (1847), Jerusalem (1847), Cairo (1844, 1890, 1901–02), Mansura (1877), Alexandria (1870, 1882, 1901–07), Port Said (1903, 1908), Damanhur (1871, 1873, 1877, 1891), Istanbul (1870, 1874), Buyukdere (1864), Kuzguncuk (1866), Eyub (1868), Edirne (1872), Izmir (1872, 1874).[17] There was a massacre of Jews in Baghdad in 1828.[13] There was another massacre in Barfurush in 1867.[13]

In 1839, in the eastern
Persian city of Meshed, a mob burst into the Jewish Quarter, burned the synagogue, and destroyed the Torah scrolls. This is known as the Allahdad incident. It was only by forcible conversion that a massacre was averted.
ms ki
Once you start to JUSTIFY scapegoating you enter very dangerous territory.

Muslims didn't particularly hate Jews historically prior to Israel (and no, I'm not saying they coexisted in sweetness and light) - but they often had peaceful coexistence and at times flourished. Historically - religious minorities have always had troubled times under the majority religion and religion and government were the same. I think WW2, the rise of Jewish nationalist inspirations and Arab nationalist inspirations created much greater friction that has always grown.

It's Jews and Christians being scapegoated, you moron. Not Nazis and muslims. If Nazis and Muslims were being scapegoated, we'd be hearing of them being hacked up on subways and blown up in cafes. IT ISN'T HAPPENING. Your heroes are the only ones who are doing that.

in the world today-------Nazism has been relatively sidelined
It has just changed i
Nobody said it went away. But it is definitely mainstream now. Look to Coyote. She's the biggest sheep you'll find on this site, and look at the garbage she spouts. She wouldn't do it if it wasn't common. She's never had an original thought in her life.

These calls for boycotting Israeli products. Some fool likened them to successful sanctions on South Africa.

Steven Hawking adding his voice to the cause. Does he not realise that he is calling for his own death? As Israeli technology is keeping him alive.

How is it different? Boycotting has often been a legitimate means to attempting to force social change. Where do you draw lines?
Once you start to JUSTIFY scapegoating you enter very dangerous territory.

Muslims didn't particularly hate Jews historically prior to Israel (and no, I'm not saying they coexisted in sweetness and light) - but they often had peaceful coexistence and at times flourished. Historically - religious minorities have always had troubled times under the majority religion and religion and government were the same. I think WW2, the rise of Jewish nationalist inspirations and Arab nationalist inspirations created much greater friction that has always grown.

It's Jews and Christians being scapegoated, you moron. Not Nazis and muslims. If Nazis and Muslims were being scapegoated, we'd be hearing of them being hacked up on subways and blown up in cafes. IT ISN'T HAPPENING. Your heroes are the only ones who are doing that.

People being scapegoated vary according to where they are. In many places it is also muslims. The thing is - it's a dangerous thing to start advocating when most of the members of that group do not engage in those actions and are simply being used as a focus for other societal problems.

Tell me..list those "many places" where muslims are being scapegoated by anybody other than other muslims.

MANY PLACES. I expect ten at least. Current.

Germany, England, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Ukraine, Russia, Spain, Italy....

Lololol.. Yeah, right.
NONE of those countries is scapegoating muslims, you lying hack.

You're doing just what nazis and muslims do. Taking examples of their atrocities and calling them acts of self defense. You're disgusting.

Guess all those articles are wrong then....:cuckoo:
By royal decree, Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492 and Muslims followed them in 1609. This was done to preserve Catholicism in Spain. It worked back then. Such official antisemitism and Islamophobia would not be tolerated in Spain today.


Expulsion of the Moriscos at the port of Dénia, by Vincente Mostre.
Meet the packs of new Nazis, posing as Righteousness and Virtue, pursuing new exterminationist policies against Israel and, right after that, the Jews.

"In Nazi Germany," noted Brendan O'Neill in the Wall Street Journal, "it was all the rage to make one's town Judenfrei."

"Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one's town or city what we might call 'Zionistfrei' -- free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves 'Israel-free zones,' insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago."

The Nazis said "kauft nicht bei Juden": do not buy from Jews. The slogan of these new racists is "kauft nicht beim Judenstaat": do not buy from the Jewish State. The Nazis repeated "Geh nach Palästina, du Jud": Go to Palestine, you Jew. Racists in Europe shout "Jews out of Palestine!"

The "Virtuous" New Nazis
Big nonsense. It is a simple fact that Europe is not as good in kissing Israel´s ass as the US is. The EU is aware of Israel´s wrongdoing. Banning Israel´s goods, labeling settler goods, is the consequence of Israel´s persistent land grabbing and racism - something they have in common with the Nazis.

So who is trying to increase their 78% of palestine to 100% of palestine then. You muslims forget that Jordan was palestine and that you received 99.9% of the former Ottoman empire as muslim lands. The other 1% went to the Christians in Lebanon and the Jews in Israel. All the land stolen has been done by islamonazi terrorists, who also happen to be the racists. Just read the 3 charter in existence that all say a Jew free M.E.
I am not a Muslim and I received no land.

you support the stink and filth of BAATHISM----which is Arabism -------including the virulent Imperialism of that vile creed and the totalitarianism of its real founders----muhummad and his barbaric minions. While purportedly founded by a somewhat innocuous Michel Aflaq----like the innocuous economic theory of communism of Karl Mark which MORPHED into the virulent communism of STALIN----and the theories of survival genetics of Charles Darwin which became perverted into the Nazi ideology of MASTER RACE, baathism is the monstrous Utopian Totalitarian shit which has so far galvanized the murder of millions in the Middle east. Baathism and ISIS is nothing more or less than two sides
of the same coin. It is muhummad's caliphism
Wrong again, sweet irosie.
Meet the packs of new Nazis, posing as Righteousness and Virtue, pursuing new exterminationist policies against Israel and, right after that, the Jews.

"In Nazi Germany," noted Brendan O'Neill in the Wall Street Journal, "it was all the rage to make one's town Judenfrei."

"Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one's town or city what we might call 'Zionistfrei' -- free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves 'Israel-free zones,' insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago."

The Nazis said "kauft nicht bei Juden": do not buy from Jews. The slogan of these new racists is "kauft nicht beim Judenstaat": do not buy from the Jewish State. The Nazis repeated "Geh nach Palästina, du Jud": Go to Palestine, you Jew. Racists in Europe shout "Jews out of Palestine!"

The "Virtuous" New Nazis
Big nonsense. It is a simple fact that Europe is not as good in kissing Israel´s ass as the US is. The EU is aware of Israel´s wrongdoing. Banning Israel´s goods, labeling settler goods, is the consequence of Israel´s persistent land grabbing and racism - something they have in common with the Nazis.

So who is trying to increase their 78% of palestine to 100% of palestine then. You muslims forget that Jordan was palestine and that you received 99.9% of the former Ottoman empire as muslim lands. The other 1% went to the Christians in Lebanon and the Jews in Israel. All the land stolen has been done by islamonazi terrorists, who also happen to be the racists. Just read the 3 charter in existence that all say a Jew free M.E.
I am not a Muslim and I received no land.

you support the stink and filth of BAATHISM----which is Arabism -------including the virulent Imperialism of that vile creed and the totalitarianism of its real founders----muhummad and his barbaric minions. While purportedly founded by a somewhat innocuous Michel Aflaq----like the innocuous economic theory of communism of Karl Mark which MORPHED into the virulent communism of STALIN----and the theories of survival genetics of Charles Darwin which became perverted into the Nazi ideology of MASTER RACE, baathism is the monstrous Utopian Totalitarian shit which has so far galvanized the murder of millions in the Middle east. Baathism and ISIS is nothing more or less than two sides
of the same coin. It is muhummad's caliphism
Wrong again, sweet irosie.

OH?? you have abandoned the vile filth of Baathism?
The topic being: the demonising of the Jews, and the justifications for it, now, and during 1930's Germany. It's also been referred to in literature, time and time again.

"Jews, go back to Palestine!"

"Jews, get out of Palestine!"

Is that an oxymoron,or what?

The nature of antisemitism has shifted since Israel was established. Virtuous Nazis like Coyote and countless other illiberal leftists here can now focus their hatred on the state that represents the aspirations of the Jewish people instead of Jews individually. Instead of small groups of Jews acting as a target living within a nation state, the State of Israel now exists as a small nation state living within the greater community of nations. It's the same old target, but under a different guise.

Those who refuse to admit that antisemitism is now primarily a leftist illness are either too ignorant, too stupid or too dishonest to notice what is as plain a day. Arab propaganda has been specially tailored to appeal to leftists, thus all the talk about apartheid and whathaveyou, and the entire creation of a brand new people called "Palestinian" was geared towards that end. It was simply the way to frame the conflict, not between Arabs and Jews, but between Jews and this mythical new subset of Arabs created specifically for the purpose of deceiving low functioning leftists into joining their persecution. By joining the persecution of Jews, all these leftists see themselves as protecting the underdog, even as they add their support to the great majority, instead. That is where the sense of virtue comes in, however, as they have fallen prey to all the propaganda geared towards deceiving them as they carry the Arab torch for the destruction of the tiny Jewish state because of the invention of this new group.

According to articles I've read antisemitism is inherent in both the far right and far left in European political parties. I'm not surprised that virtuous rightwinger Nazis like yourself fail to recognize it's existence. Rightwingers don't like to recognize it amongst their own. They repackage the same hatred in overt nationalism and anti-muslim rhetoric in an attempt to legitimize scapegoating, but underneath the same old antisemitic canard are propagated by its membership.

Just look at the UK political spectrum and you see that the left are the ones most anti semitic as they court the muslims to increase their voters. It does not matter if they are ultra extremist wahabi's or deobandi's that think nothing of slitting a persons throat or raping an eleven year old girl in the name of islam, to the left they are a vote. The same is true on the mainland as well which is why Europe is now overrun with extremist muslims and islamonazi terrorists. The right see the problem much more clearly and want an end to islamic migration to Europe, which is why they are on the rise in Europe. Time for the US to learn by our failures and stupidity and kick out all the muslims and neo marxists before your streets run red with blood as they are in Europe.

Your articles are only partly right because they are written to hide the reality, look at the news from Europe for the true picture and you will see that the UK's labour party is as anti semitic and as racist towards the Jews as the German nazi's ever were. So much so that they have no chance of winning an election any time soon

Correct It is the same as the nazi's in 1930's Germany using terms for the Jews out of context because they believed they would not be censured for them. We saw how some were executed and the majority faced prison sentences in solitary for their false beliefs
I cannot believe there is anything "new" about antisemitism which should not be confused by anti-Zionism which is more modern and pertains to the establishment of a Jewish state and its expansion into neighboring Arab territory.
The topic being: the demonising of the Jews, and the justifications for it, now, and during 1930's Germany. It's also been referred to in literature, time and time again.

"Jews, go back to Palestine!"

"Jews, get out of Palestine!"

Is that an oxymoron,or what?

The nature of antisemitism has shifted since Israel was established. Virtuous Nazis like Coyote and countless other illiberal leftists here can now focus their hatred on the state that represents the aspirations of the Jewish people instead of Jews individually. Instead of small groups of Jews acting as a target living within a nation state, the State of Israel now exists as a small nation state living within the greater community of nations. It's the same old target, but under a different guise.

Those who refuse to admit that antisemitism is now primarily a leftist illness are either too ignorant, too stupid or too dishonest to notice what is as plain a day. Arab propaganda has been specially tailored to appeal to leftists, thus all the talk about apartheid and whathaveyou, and the entire creation of a brand new people called "Palestinian" was geared towards that end. It was simply the way to frame the conflict, not between Arabs and Jews, but between Jews and this mythical new subset of Arabs created specifically for the purpose of deceiving low functioning leftists into joining their persecution. By joining the persecution of Jews, all these leftists see themselves as protecting the underdog, even as they add their support to the great majority, instead. That is where the sense of virtue comes in, however, as they have fallen prey to all the propaganda geared towards deceiving them as they carry the Arab torch for the destruction of the tiny Jewish state because of the invention of this new group.

According to articles I've read antisemitism is inherent in both the far right and far left in European political parties. I'm not surprised that virtuous rightwinger Nazis like yourself fail to recognize it's existence. Rightwingers don't like to recognize it amongst their own. They repackage the same hatred in overt nationalism and anti-muslim rhetoric in an attempt to legitimize scapegoating, but underneath the same old antisemitic canard are propagated by its membership.

Just look at the UK political spectrum and you see that the left are the ones most anti semitic as they court the muslims to increase their voters. It does not matter if they are ultra extremist wahabi's or deobandi's that think nothing of slitting a persons throat or raping an eleven year old girl in the name of islam, to the left they are a vote. The same is true on the mainland as well which is why Europe is now overrun with extremist muslims and islamonazi terrorists. The right see the problem much more clearly and want an end to islamic migration to Europe, which is why they are on the rise in Europe. Time for the US to learn by our failures and stupidity and kick out all the muslims and neo marxists before your streets run red with blood as they are in Europe.

Your articles are only partly right because they are written to hide the reality, look at the news from Europe for the true picture and you will see that the UK's labour party is as anti semitic and as racist towards the Jews as the German nazi's ever were. So much so that they have no chance of winning an election any time soon

Seems to be a Labour thing. Corbyn's lot is riddled with it.

Mayor Kahn, who's in Chicago, drumming up business, was invited to Friday night services by Mayor Emmanuel. At his synagogue.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
Big nonsense. It is a simple fact that Europe is not as good in kissing Israel´s ass as the US is. The EU is aware of Israel´s wrongdoing. Banning Israel´s goods, labeling settler goods, is the consequence of Israel´s persistent land grabbing and racism - something they have in common with the Nazis.

So who is trying to increase their 78% of palestine to 100% of palestine then. You muslims forget that Jordan was palestine and that you received 99.9% of the former Ottoman empire as muslim lands. The other 1% went to the Christians in Lebanon and the Jews in Israel. All the land stolen has been done by islamonazi terrorists, who also happen to be the racists. Just read the 3 charter in existence that all say a Jew free M.E.
I am not a Muslim and I received no land.

you support the stink and filth of BAATHISM----which is Arabism -------including the virulent Imperialism of that vile creed and the totalitarianism of its real founders----muhummad and his barbaric minions. While purportedly founded by a somewhat innocuous Michel Aflaq----like the innocuous economic theory of communism of Karl Mark which MORPHED into the virulent communism of STALIN----and the theories of survival genetics of Charles Darwin which became perverted into the Nazi ideology of MASTER RACE, baathism is the monstrous Utopian Totalitarian shit which has so far galvanized the murder of millions in the Middle east. Baathism and ISIS is nothing more or less than two sides
of the same coin. It is muhummad's caliphism
Wrong again, sweet irosie.

OH?? you have abandoned the vile filth of Baathism?
As much as you have abandoned zionist imperialism of the "chosen", respective their bimbos. We can all be lucky Assad is successful in defending Syria against Nato´s Islamist terrorist gangs. Freedom still prevails in Syria.
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

Correct It is the same as the nazi's in 1930's Germany using terms for the Jews out of context because they believed they would not be censured for them. We saw how some were executed and the majority faced prison sentences in solitary for their false beliefs
I cannot believe there is anything "new" about antisemitism which should not be confused by anti-Zionism which is more modern and pertains to the establishment of a Jewish state and its expansion into neighboring Arab territory.

very incorrect------anti Zionism as a manifestation of anti-Semitism became firm with the advent of Christianity---
(fourth century AD) and with the "glorious" age of Islamic
conquest (aka invasion, murder, pillage and oppression) ---
mostly firming up in seventh century AD. Palestine was
DECLARED Christian in 300 AD and jews rendered third class or------expelled-----and Palestine was declared 'muslim land' --
seventh century AD and jews rendered fourth class or
expelled or dead
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

I have a sense that you might claim that Islamic ideology does
not include anti-semitism
huh? can you expand on that delusion?
Are you suggesting the neo-Nazis in Europe are actually okay with Muslim refugees? Are you suggesting that the West has nothing to do with the Middle East?

lots of people have problems with the influx of refugees from the Middle East wherever they are INFLUXING-------NO LARGE AND PROMINENT COUNTRY IN THE WORLD -----has "nothing to do with the middle east" As to the present situation in Syria-----the USA did not MAKE IT HAPPEN----not by a long shot

The US had a lot to do with what happened when it set things in motion by invading Iraq. But equally to blame was Europe's carving up of the Ottoman Empire creating large artificial states.

See you ignore the truth and go for islamonazi propaganda instead. The LoN ( not Europe) gave the inhabitants of the former Ottoman empire the nations they wanted based on historic borders. They are not "artificial states" other than Jordan and palestine that never existed in antiquity
Been reading a very interesting article that's almost a short book, on the origins of the conflicts in the modern middle east. Maybe you should read a bit before you spew your crap.

Which white supremacist/islamonazi/neo nazi/antisemitic site was it from as the link I gave you shows that the problem is one of a 7C religious cult that has not evolved over 1400 years still demanding they be given the world as promised by their moon god. The origins are simple mo'mad was a mental defective ( he had frontal lobe epilepsy ) that caused him to see and hear things that did not exist. It also twisted his sense of decency to such a degree that he repealed laws to allow him to have many wives of any age, and also to have sex slaves for his pleasure. There are tales in the hadiths of him raping 12 year old girls in the blood of their slaughtered family members as he slit their throats. Mass murdering Jewish tribes so he could steal their lands, property and goods. Telling lies to his own people so they would attack brothers, fathers and uncles.

That is the origins of the problems and the only way to stop them is to eradicate the teachings of islam
So who is trying to increase their 78% of palestine to 100% of palestine then. You muslims forget that Jordan was palestine and that you received 99.9% of the former Ottoman empire as muslim lands. The other 1% went to the Christians in Lebanon and the Jews in Israel. All the land stolen has been done by islamonazi terrorists, who also happen to be the racists. Just read the 3 charter in existence that all say a Jew free M.E.
I am not a Muslim and I received no land.

you support the stink and filth of BAATHISM----which is Arabism -------including the virulent Imperialism of that vile creed and the totalitarianism of its real founders----muhummad and his barbaric minions. While purportedly founded by a somewhat innocuous Michel Aflaq----like the innocuous economic theory of communism of Karl Mark which MORPHED into the virulent communism of STALIN----and the theories of survival genetics of Charles Darwin which became perverted into the Nazi ideology of MASTER RACE, baathism is the monstrous Utopian Totalitarian shit which has so far galvanized the murder of millions in the Middle east. Baathism and ISIS is nothing more or less than two sides
of the same coin. It is muhummad's caliphism
Wrong again, sweet irosie.

OH?? you have abandoned the vile filth of Baathism?
As much as you have abandoned zionist imperialism of the "chosen", respective their bimbos. We can all be lucky Assad is successful in defending Syria against Nato´s Islamist terrorist gangs. Freedom still prevails in Syria.

no wonder the refugees are STREAMING BACK TO THEIR
Meet the packs of new Nazis, posing as Righteousness and Virtue, pursuing new exterminationist policies against Israel and, right after that, the Jews.

"In Nazi Germany," noted Brendan O'Neill in the Wall Street Journal, "it was all the rage to make one's town Judenfrei."

"Now a new fashion is sweeping Europe: to make one's town or city what we might call 'Zionistfrei' -- free of the products and culture of the Jewish state. Across the Continent, cities and towns are declaring themselves 'Israel-free zones,' insulating their citizens from Israeli produce and culture. It has ugly echoes of what happened 70 years ago."

The Nazis said "kauft nicht bei Juden": do not buy from Jews. The slogan of these new racists is "kauft nicht beim Judenstaat": do not buy from the Jewish State. The Nazis repeated "Geh nach Palästina, du Jud": Go to Palestine, you Jew. Racists in Europe shout "Jews out of Palestine!"

The "Virtuous" New Nazis
Big nonsense. It is a simple fact that Europe is not as good in kissing Israel´s ass as the US is. The EU is aware of Israel´s wrongdoing. Banning Israel´s goods, labeling settler goods, is the consequence of Israel´s persistent land grabbing and racism - something they have in common with the Nazis.

So who is trying to increase their 78% of palestine to 100% of palestine then. You muslims forget that Jordan was palestine and that you received 99.9% of the former Ottoman empire as muslim lands. The other 1% went to the Christians in Lebanon and the Jews in Israel. All the land stolen has been done by islamonazi terrorists, who also happen to be the racists. Just read the 3 charter in existence that all say a Jew free M.E.
I am not a Muslim and I received no land.

you support the stink and filth of BAATHISM----which is Arabism -------including the virulent Imperialism of that vile creed and the totalitarianism of its real founders----muhummad and his barbaric minions. While purportedly founded by a somewhat innocuous Michel Aflaq----like the innocuous economic theory of communism of Karl Mark which MORPHED into the virulent communism of STALIN----and the theories of survival genetics of Charles Darwin which became perverted into the Nazi ideology of MASTER RACE, baathism is the monstrous Utopian Totalitarian shit which has so far galvanized the murder of millions in the Middle east. Baathism and ISIS is nothing more or less than two sides
of the same coin. It is muhummad's caliphism
Wrong again, sweet irosie.

Dont deny what is obvious to the world at large
I agree. The fact that Antisemitism in Europe has enjoyed a resurgence alongside a huge rise in Muslim immigration is no coincidence. Jews are leaving many European countries because of this, whilst Muslims can't get here quickly enough. Most holocaust deniers in Europe are Muslims, and the left are their allies. The Labour Party is chock full of anti Semites.
I believe your assertion that the "left" is antisemitic is unfounded.

I think the far left has become so, as is the far right though they are trying to whitewash them.

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