The Wages Of Ordinary American Workers Has Increased 9% in Forty Years

Yeah and? Do you actually have any idea what mechanisms are in play to determine CEO compensation and what "ordinary workers" make? and while you're figuring that out perhaps you'll do a bit of research into how "ordinary workers" compensation has fared in comparison to the politicians, bureaucrats and cronies inhabiting the halls of the government that you so love to worship and keep in mind the drones in gub'mint TAKE from society instead of having to compete to produce goods and services that people willingly buy.

Lastly while your little charts are certainly good for a laugh or two, perhaps you might want to go out and find one that overlays the growth of the federal gub'mint over the same time period; surprise, surprise it's gone from simply gigantic to HOLY FUCK MONSTROUS over the same time period, think that fact might have anything to do with the stagnation of "ordinary worker" wages ? Perhaps big daddy gub'mint sucking resources out of the productive economy at an ever increasing rate might have something to do with stagnating worker productivity and thus wages?
Well now, instead of flap yapping, why don't you post those numbers? You know, what a Congressman makes, a Senator, and compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed.

How does walking away reduce tax they already owe.

Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed.

How does walking away reduce tax they already owe.

You defer income multiple years and walk. There isn't anyone for the IRS to collect from.
It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

uh huh that's why Pfizer moved it's HQ to walk away from taxes owed

Business move when the profit margin increase outweighs the expense and inconvenience of moving

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%

So they paid what, 3% of total revenue in federal tax?

So they paid what, 3% of total revenue in federal tax?

Businesses are taxed on profit, not revenue.

Businesses are taxed on profit, not revenue.

And again, how much did they pay vs. you?
.... which, of course, is absolutely false, as you well know.

.... which, of course, is absolutely false, as you well know.

You pay for most public services through taxes which is placing money in a pot, or a socialist ideal.

Obtuse, don't you think? It makes no sense whatsoever. In fact, it demonstrates a shallow and simplistic understanding of macro economics.

Obtuse, don't you think? It makes no sense whatsoever. In fact, it demonstrates a shallow and simplistic understanding of macro economics.

Thanks for your uneducated opinion. If you'd like to state fact as to where I'm wrong, go ahead.

You purport to support "socialist ideals" without supporting socialism. Further, you refuse to answer challenges to your position, but rather attack the challenger. Your one-liners carry no intelligent, supporting, discussion, but rather, serve as "pronouncements from on high" - pronouncements that you seem incapable to defend.

You purport to support "socialist ideals" without supporting socialism. Further, you refuse to answer challenges to your position, but rather attack the challenger. Your one-liners carry no intelligent, supporting, discussion, but rather, serve as "pronouncements from on high" - pronouncements that you seem incapable to defend.

All taxed based services are socialist ideals through social ownership.

Which 'challenge' did I refuse to answer?

Careful - your ignorance is showing.

Taxation is NOT a socialist concept. For you to even suggest such is indicative of your lack of understanding of the sociopolitical differentiation between the types of government.

Now, if you would like to be embarrassed in public, and your ignorance exposed for all to see, please explain to everybody why you think taxation is a socialist concept.

I'll wait here - while you make a fool out of yourself.
EQUAL HELL.....IT WAS SIMPLY A STARTING POINT. In the 1940's, 50's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a carpenter or plumber made. By the 1970's that multiplier had increased to about 100 times as much. Now a CEO earns about 500 times what an ordinary worker makes. You ever heard of leaving the fox to guard the chicken house?

Yeah and? Do you actually have any idea what mechanisms are in play to determine CEO compensation and what "ordinary workers" make? and while you're figuring that out perhaps you'll do a bit of research into how "ordinary workers" compensation has fared in comparison to the politicians, bureaucrats and cronies inhabiting the halls of the government that you so love to worship and keep in mind the drones in gub'mint TAKE from society instead of having to compete to produce goods and services that people willingly buy.

Lastly while your little charts are certainly good for a laugh or two, perhaps you might want to go out and find one that overlays the growth of the federal gub'mint over the same time period; surprise, surprise it's gone from simply gigantic to HOLY FUCK MONSTROUS over the same time period, think that fact might have anything to do with the stagnation of "ordinary worker" wages ? Perhaps big daddy gub'mint sucking resources out of the productive economy at an ever increasing rate might have something to do with stagnating worker productivity and thus wages?
Well now, instead of flap yapping, why don't you post those numbers? You know, what a Congressman makes, a Senator, and compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

uh huh that's why Pfizer moved it's HQ to walk away from taxes owed

Business move when the profit margin increase outweighs the expense and inconvenience of moving

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%

So they paid what, 3% of total revenue in federal tax?

You own a business you say and you don't know the difference between revenue and profit?

You do realize that most businesses run on single digit to less than 20% profit margins don't you?

So why would a business pay 30% of it's relatively small profit margin in taxes when it can pay 10% somewhere else?
Well now, instead of flap yapping, why don't you post those numbers? You know, what a Congressman makes, a Senator, and compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

uh huh that's why Pfizer moved it's HQ to walk away from taxes owed

Business move when the profit margin increase outweighs the expense and inconvenience of moving

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%

And businesses move when the expected profit increase outweighs the cost and inconvenience of moving

So they move because they would make MORE somewhere else.

Thanks to a corrupt government owned entirely by the 1%.

Thanks to the central bank for enriching the rich and screwing the rest of us...all with big gov's approval.

Big Gov is the problem, yet millions of Americans think it is the fault of R pols or Capitalism...or some such other stupid thing.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

uh huh that's why Pfizer moved it's HQ to walk away from taxes owed

Business move when the profit margin increase outweighs the expense and inconvenience of moving

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%

And businesses move when the expected profit increase outweighs the cost and inconvenience of moving

So they move because they would make MORE somewhere else.

It's that thinking that's killing us. How many billions in after tax profits is enough to sell out your country and people?
There's the rub. 20% isn't shit in taxes, it's a deal for what they get in return.
It's that thinking that's killing us. How many billions in after tax profits is enough to sell out your country and people?
There's the rub. 20% isn't shit in taxes, it's a deal for what they get in return.
If it is such a "deal" businesses wouldn't move but apparently you didn't get the memo to the effect that for profit businesses are in business to make money NOT fulfill some esoteric patriotic "duty", businesses make money by providing an attractive value proposition to consumers which not only benefits the businesses but also benefits consumers and enriches society as a whole.

Make the business climate more business friendly (lower taxes and less regulatory costs) and you'll attract business and thus benefit domestic society, make the climate business hostile and you'll drive businesses away and thus damage domestic society.

It's called a cost-benefit analysis and it's pretty simple to understand once you get past all the idiotic anti-capitalism, anti-business rhetoric spouted by asshole politicians trying to sucker the public into voting for them.
It's that thinking that's killing us. How many billions in after tax profits is enough to sell out your country and people?
There's the rub. 20% isn't shit in taxes, it's a deal for what they get in return.
If it is such a "deal" businesses wouldn't move but apparently you didn't get the memo to the effect that for profit businesses are in business to make money NOT fulfill some esoteric patriotic "duty", businesses make money by providing an attractive value proposition to consumers which not only benefits the businesses but also benefits consumers and enriches society as a whole.

Make the business climate more business friendly (lower taxes and less regulatory costs) and you'll attract business and thus benefit domestic society, make the climate business hostile and you'll drive businesses away and thus damage domestic society.

It's called a cost-benefit analysis and it's pretty simple to understand once you get past all the idiotic anti-capitalism, anti-business rhetoric spouted by asshole politicians trying to sucker the public into voting for them.
Well said, yet millions of Americans do not understand Capitalism even though is it clearly a simple concept of self interest benefiting all of society. Evidenced by this recent poll...
It's that thinking that's killing us. How many billions in after tax profits is enough to sell out your country and people?
There's the rub. 20% isn't shit in taxes, it's a deal for what they get in return.
If it is such a "deal" businesses wouldn't move but apparently you didn't get the memo to the effect that for profit businesses are in business to make money NOT fulfill some esoteric patriotic "duty", businesses make money by providing an attractive value proposition to consumers which not only benefits the businesses but also benefits consumers and enriches society as a whole.

Make the business climate more business friendly (lower taxes and less regulatory costs) and you'll attract business and thus benefit domestic society, make the climate business hostile and you'll drive businesses away and thus damage domestic society.

It's called a cost-benefit analysis and it's pretty simple to understand once you get past all the idiotic anti-capitalism, anti-business rhetoric spouted by asshole politicians trying to sucker the public into voting for them.

I understand how business works. My beef is with the model they've chosen.
Everybody pays, that's how it works. That's how it's always worked. Lowering taxes to a non existant level to give a private enterprise more profit is not the answer. What's the benefit to America of doing so? At what point do we consider these as no longer American enterprises? They want the benefits of the availability of capital, infrastructure, markets, security, etc without paying the dues to be in the club.
It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

uh huh that's why Pfizer moved it's HQ to walk away from taxes owed

Business move when the profit margin increase outweighs the expense and inconvenience of moving

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%

So they paid what, 3% of total revenue in federal tax?

You own a business you say and you don't know the difference between revenue and profit?

You do realize that most businesses run on single digit to less than 20% profit margins don't you?

So why would a business pay 30% of it's relatively small profit margin in taxes when it can pay 10% somewhere else?

Apparently you don't understand that there's a difference in how different revenue streams are taxed just as there is with your personal revenue.
It's that thinking that's killing us. How many billions in after tax profits is enough to sell out your country and people?
There's the rub. 20% isn't shit in taxes, it's a deal for what they get in return.
If it is such a "deal" businesses wouldn't move but apparently you didn't get the memo to the effect that for profit businesses are in business to make money NOT fulfill some esoteric patriotic "duty", businesses make money by providing an attractive value proposition to consumers which not only benefits the businesses but also benefits consumers and enriches society as a whole.

Make the business climate more business friendly (lower taxes and less regulatory costs) and you'll attract business and thus benefit domestic society, make the climate business hostile and you'll drive businesses away and thus damage domestic society.

It's called a cost-benefit analysis and it's pretty simple to understand once you get past all the idiotic anti-capitalism, anti-business rhetoric spouted by asshole politicians trying to sucker the public into voting for them.

I understand how business works. My beef is with the model they've chosen.
Everybody pays, that's how it works. That's how it's always worked. Lowering taxes to a non existant level to give a private enterprise more profit is not the answer. What's the benefit to America of doing so? probably something to do with the fact that businesses derive profit by making society richer, take a look around you, would you be poorer or richer without private enterprise? If you take away more money from private enterprise and hand it over to politicians and bureaucrats do you think that is going to make society richer than say leaving that money in the hands of entrepreneurs to produce goods and services that society wants and needs? Do you think government is more efficient and less prone to waste, fraud and abuse than private enterprise?

The fact of the matter is that more the money that is extracted from the productive economy by government the less efficient our economy becomes and thus we get more unemployment, less wage growth and higher prices at reduced quality.

At what point do we consider these as no longer American enterprises?
At what point does it matter? Personally I don't care if a business is considered or considers itself an "American" enterprise, what I'm concerned with as a consumer is the value proposition that it offers and whether or not that value proposition offers me the consumer a profitable exchange (i.e. that business is offering me a good or service that is worth more to ME than the price asked).

They want the benefits of the availability of capital, infrastructure, markets, security, etc without paying the dues to be in the club.
How did you come to that conclusion? Businesses pay all sorts of taxes to local, state and federal government ABOVE AND BEYOND just federal income taxes not to mention that they have to bear an enormous cost due to regulations. If you want to increase the cost of doing business in the United States you're going to have to resign yourself to the fact that business are going to continue to seek greener pastures overseas because in today's hyper-competitive global economy that's what they need to do to survive and prosper.
What I really like about the free market is that when I find something made out of the country, I don't buy that product.

If trump or Hillary came out proposing that American consumers just say no to foreign made goods, that would change the attitudes of many companies.

Lose the American markets and see how much those and low wage countries really cost companies.

Do companies still make money when their product doesn't sell?
It's that thinking that's killing us. How many billions in after tax profits is enough to sell out your country and people?
There's the rub. 20% isn't shit in taxes, it's a deal for what they get in return.
If it is such a "deal" businesses wouldn't move but apparently you didn't get the memo to the effect that for profit businesses are in business to make money NOT fulfill some esoteric patriotic "duty", businesses make money by providing an attractive value proposition to consumers which not only benefits the businesses but also benefits consumers and enriches society as a whole.

Make the business climate more business friendly (lower taxes and less regulatory costs) and you'll attract business and thus benefit domestic society, make the climate business hostile and you'll drive businesses away and thus damage domestic society.

It's called a cost-benefit analysis and it's pretty simple to understand once you get past all the idiotic anti-capitalism, anti-business rhetoric spouted by asshole politicians trying to sucker the public into voting for them.

I understand how business works. My beef is with the model they've chosen.
Everybody pays, that's how it works. That's how it's always worked. Lowering taxes to a non existant level to give a private enterprise more profit is not the answer. What's the benefit to America of doing so? probably something to do with the fact that businesses derive profit by making society richer, take a look around you, would you be poorer or richer without private enterprise? If you take away more money from private enterprise and hand it over to politicians and bureaucrats do you think that is going to make society richer than say leaving that money in the hands of entrepreneurs to produce goods and services that society wants and needs? Do you think government is more efficient and less prone to waste, fraud and abuse than private enterprise?

The fact of the matter is that more the money that is extracted from the productive economy by government the less efficient our economy becomes and thus we get more unemployment, less wage growth and higher prices at reduced quality.

At what point do we consider these as no longer American enterprises?
At what point does it matter? Personally I don't care if a business is considered or considers itself an "American" enterprise, what I'm concerned with as a consumer is the value proposition that it offers and whether or not that value proposition offers me the consumer a profitable exchange (i.e. that business is offering me a good or service that is worth more to ME than the price asked).

They want the benefits of the availability of capital, infrastructure, markets, security, etc without paying the dues to be in the club.
How did you come to that conclusion? Businesses pay all sorts of taxes to local, state and federal government ABOVE AND BEYOND just federal income taxes not to mention that they have to bear an enormous cost due to regulations. If you want to increase the cost of doing business in the United States you're going to have to resign yourself to the fact that business are going to continue to seek greener pastures overseas because in today's hyper-competitive global economy that's what they need to do to survive and prosper. probably something to do with the fact that businesses derive profit by making society richer, take a look around you, would you be poorer or richer without private enterprise?

So full of shit. That makes no sense at all. Pfizer enriches no one but themselves.

Pfizer's CEO Faces The Drug Pricing Firestorm
What I really like about the free market is that when I find something made out of the country, I don't buy that product.

If trump or Hillary came out proposing that American consumers just say no to foreign made goods, that would change the attitudes of many companies.

Lose the American markets and see how much those and low wage countries really cost companies.

Do companies still make money when their product doesn't sell?
Yeah, you're going to screw yourself in pursuit of some vacuous sense of "patriotism", that's your right, however history clearly demonstrates that if a "foreign" produced good or service offers a superior value proposition to consumers then most consumers will buy it over the inferior value proposition offered by domestic producers, oddly enough most people act in their own best economic interests and that includes people that happen to be entrepreneurs.

Good luck with your crusade though, let me know how that works out for ya.
It's that thinking that's killing us. How many billions in after tax profits is enough to sell out your country and people?
There's the rub. 20% isn't shit in taxes, it's a deal for what they get in return.
If it is such a "deal" businesses wouldn't move but apparently you didn't get the memo to the effect that for profit businesses are in business to make money NOT fulfill some esoteric patriotic "duty", businesses make money by providing an attractive value proposition to consumers which not only benefits the businesses but also benefits consumers and enriches society as a whole.

Make the business climate more business friendly (lower taxes and less regulatory costs) and you'll attract business and thus benefit domestic society, make the climate business hostile and you'll drive businesses away and thus damage domestic society.

It's called a cost-benefit analysis and it's pretty simple to understand once you get past all the idiotic anti-capitalism, anti-business rhetoric spouted by asshole politicians trying to sucker the public into voting for them.

I understand how business works. My beef is with the model they've chosen.
Everybody pays, that's how it works. That's how it's always worked. Lowering taxes to a non existant level to give a private enterprise more profit is not the answer. What's the benefit to America of doing so? probably something to do with the fact that businesses derive profit by making society richer, take a look around you, would you be poorer or richer without private enterprise? If you take away more money from private enterprise and hand it over to politicians and bureaucrats do you think that is going to make society richer than say leaving that money in the hands of entrepreneurs to produce goods and services that society wants and needs? Do you think government is more efficient and less prone to waste, fraud and abuse than private enterprise?

The fact of the matter is that more the money that is extracted from the productive economy by government the less efficient our economy becomes and thus we get more unemployment, less wage growth and higher prices at reduced quality.

At what point do we consider these as no longer American enterprises?
At what point does it matter? Personally I don't care if a business is considered or considers itself an "American" enterprise, what I'm concerned with as a consumer is the value proposition that it offers and whether or not that value proposition offers me the consumer a profitable exchange (i.e. that business is offering me a good or service that is worth more to ME than the price asked).

They want the benefits of the availability of capital, infrastructure, markets, security, etc without paying the dues to be in the club.
How did you come to that conclusion? Businesses pay all sorts of taxes to local, state and federal government ABOVE AND BEYOND just federal income taxes not to mention that they have to bear an enormous cost due to regulations. If you want to increase the cost of doing business in the United States you're going to have to resign yourself to the fact that business are going to continue to seek greener pastures overseas because in today's hyper-competitive global economy that's what they need to do to survive and prosper. probably something to do with the fact that businesses derive profit by making society richer, take a look around you, would you be poorer or richer without private enterprise?

So full of shit. That makes no sense at all. Pfizer enriches no one but themselves.

Pfizer's CEO Faces The Drug Pricing Firestorm

So your theory is that Pfizer produces nothing that consumers willingly buy at the price Pfizer offers it at?
So full of shit. That makes no sense at all. Pfizer enriches no one but themselves.

Pfizer's CEO Faces The Drug Pricing Firestorm

Those dang drug companies ... What have they ever done to help anyone?
They act like they have the right to charge what they want for their products.

You would figure that if they were smart enough to know how to make lifesaving drugs to sell to the public ... They might be able to figure how they could possibly benefit someone other than themselves.

It's that thinking that's killing us. How many billions in after tax profits is enough to sell out your country and people?
There's the rub. 20% isn't shit in taxes, it's a deal for what they get in return.
If it is such a "deal" businesses wouldn't move but apparently you didn't get the memo to the effect that for profit businesses are in business to make money NOT fulfill some esoteric patriotic "duty", businesses make money by providing an attractive value proposition to consumers which not only benefits the businesses but also benefits consumers and enriches society as a whole.

Make the business climate more business friendly (lower taxes and less regulatory costs) and you'll attract business and thus benefit domestic society, make the climate business hostile and you'll drive businesses away and thus damage domestic society.

It's called a cost-benefit analysis and it's pretty simple to understand once you get past all the idiotic anti-capitalism, anti-business rhetoric spouted by asshole politicians trying to sucker the public into voting for them.

I understand how business works. My beef is with the model they've chosen.
Everybody pays, that's how it works. That's how it's always worked. Lowering taxes to a non existant level to give a private enterprise more profit is not the answer. What's the benefit to America of doing so? probably something to do with the fact that businesses derive profit by making society richer, take a look around you, would you be poorer or richer without private enterprise? If you take away more money from private enterprise and hand it over to politicians and bureaucrats do you think that is going to make society richer than say leaving that money in the hands of entrepreneurs to produce goods and services that society wants and needs? Do you think government is more efficient and less prone to waste, fraud and abuse than private enterprise?

The fact of the matter is that more the money that is extracted from the productive economy by government the less efficient our economy becomes and thus we get more unemployment, less wage growth and higher prices at reduced quality.

At what point do we consider these as no longer American enterprises?
At what point does it matter? Personally I don't care if a business is considered or considers itself an "American" enterprise, what I'm concerned with as a consumer is the value proposition that it offers and whether or not that value proposition offers me the consumer a profitable exchange (i.e. that business is offering me a good or service that is worth more to ME than the price asked).

They want the benefits of the availability of capital, infrastructure, markets, security, etc without paying the dues to be in the club.
How did you come to that conclusion? Businesses pay all sorts of taxes to local, state and federal government ABOVE AND BEYOND just federal income taxes not to mention that they have to bear an enormous cost due to regulations. If you want to increase the cost of doing business in the United States you're going to have to resign yourself to the fact that business are going to continue to seek greener pastures overseas because in today's hyper-competitive global economy that's what they need to do to survive and prosper. probably something to do with the fact that businesses derive profit by making society richer, take a look around you, would you be poorer or richer without private enterprise?

So full of shit. That makes no sense at all. Pfizer enriches no one but themselves.

Pfizer's CEO Faces The Drug Pricing Firestorm

So your theory is that Pfizer produces nothing that consumers willingly buy at the price Pfizer offers it at?

That's not what I said or responded to.

" willingly buy"
Yes because people have unlimited choices when a lifesaving drug is required from the only manufacturer of that drug.
Good luck with your crusade though, let me know how that works out for ya.

Not a crusade. However I have followed my own advice to buy domestically for a long long time.

Something about preferring to support American workers as opposed to foreign workers.

Says a lot about you that you won't do the same.

Btw your Bullshit about American product being inferior. That's the Bullshit you tell yourself to justify supporting foreigners. If American workers are so shitty, why are all those high quality manufacturers building product in the good ole USA?

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