The Wages Of Ordinary American Workers Has Increased 9% in Forty Years


Your graph is bullsh#t and I will tell you why. It shows everybody equal in 1979. And that is simply NOT true.
My goodness, Dark and Furry, never learned to read a graph? Quit school in the seventh grade?

Your graph is bullsh#t and I will tell you why. It shows everybody equal in 1979. And that is simply NOT true.

Its not true though. Find the number of millionaires from 1900 to present day. Then find the number of people making 50k in 1900 to present day. THOSE are truths. THIS chart is bullsh#t.
50K? That is a laborers wage. 50K is not a good wage. 100K is a reasonable wage.
EQUAL HELL.....IT WAS SIMPLY A STARTING POINT. In the 1940's, 50's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a carpenter or plumber made. By the 1970's that multiplier had increased to about 100 times as much. Now a CEO earns about 500 times what an ordinary worker makes. You ever heard of leaving the fox to guard the chicken house?

Yeah and? Do you actually have any idea what mechanisms are in play to determine CEO compensation and what "ordinary workers" make? and while you're figuring that out perhaps you'll do a bit of research into how "ordinary workers" compensation has fared in comparison to the politicians, bureaucrats and cronies inhabiting the halls of the government that you so love to worship and keep in mind the drones in gub'mint TAKE from society instead of having to compete to produce goods and services that people willingly buy.

Lastly while your little charts are certainly good for a laugh or two, perhaps you might want to go out and find one that overlays the growth of the federal gub'mint over the same time period; surprise, surprise it's gone from simply gigantic to HOLY FUCK MONSTROUS over the same time period, think that fact might have anything to do with the stagnation of "ordinary worker" wages ? Perhaps big daddy gub'mint sucking resources out of the productive economy at an ever increasing rate might have something to do with stagnating worker productivity and thus wages?
Well now, instead of flap yapping, why don't you post those numbers? You know, what a Congressman makes, a Senator, and compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.
EQUAL HELL.....IT WAS SIMPLY A STARTING POINT. In the 1940's, 50's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a carpenter or plumber made. By the 1970's that multiplier had increased to about 100 times as much. Now a CEO earns about 500 times what an ordinary worker makes. You ever heard of leaving the fox to guard the chicken house?

Yeah and? Do you actually have any idea what mechanisms are in play to determine CEO compensation and what "ordinary workers" make? and while you're figuring that out perhaps you'll do a bit of research into how "ordinary workers" compensation has fared in comparison to the politicians, bureaucrats and cronies inhabiting the halls of the government that you so love to worship and keep in mind the drones in gub'mint TAKE from society instead of having to compete to produce goods and services that people willingly buy.

Lastly while your little charts are certainly good for a laugh or two, perhaps you might want to go out and find one that overlays the growth of the federal gub'mint over the same time period; surprise, surprise it's gone from simply gigantic to HOLY FUCK MONSTROUS over the same time period, think that fact might have anything to do with the stagnation of "ordinary worker" wages ? Perhaps big daddy gub'mint sucking resources out of the productive economy at an ever increasing rate might have something to do with stagnating worker productivity and thus wages?
Well now, instead of flap yapping, why don't you post those numbers? You know, what a Congressman makes, a Senator, and compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?
Because spending drives our economy fool.

Yes, spending is much more important than production.
That's why Greece is the strongest economy in Europe.

It is dumbass. Spending creates demand. Demand increases production. See how that works?

Spending creates demand. Demand increases production.

The Greeks spent (and demanded) plenty, their production was much lower. See how that works?

Not govt dumbass. Consumers.

Yes, Greek consumers spent more than they produced, that's why the government ran up such a big tab, to make up the difference.

Maybe they should concentrate on production going forward?

Just dumb. SMH

Yes, the Greek failure to produce as much or more than they consume is dumb.
Not to worry, their consumption will continue going down.
So you are a sicko, shocker.

When ALL employees receive the same raise and bonus, the economy will be good again.
That's dumb. All employees do not represent equal value to the company. Why should a slacker get the same raise and bonus as a superstar?

That's dumb. All employees do not represent equal value to the company. Why should a slacker get the same raise and bonus as a superstar?

Why would you hire or keep a slacker?
Apparently, you're not supposed to notice differences in the value of work employees produce.

Apparently, you're not supposed to notice differences in the value of work employees produce.

You brought it up. Why would you hire or keep a slacker?
Slacker is a relative term. Even if all of your employees are above average, there will still be weaker and stronger performers. Again, why should he/she get the same rewards as the superstar?

A slacker is someone who puts off doing things to the last minute. If you have a correctly written policy and procedure, you don't have slackers.
why do liberals care so much about what everybody makes? Its their life, their bills, their job, their wallet.

why do liberals care so much about what everybody makes? Its their life, their bills, their job, their wallet.

Because a healthy middle class equates to a healthy economy.

Socialism does not create a middle class ... in fact, it destroys it.

Socialism does not create a middle class ... in fact, it destroys it.

I wrote socialist ideals, not socialism.

Mighty fine line you draw ... "let's implement socialist ideals without implementing socialism."

Clearly, you know something nobody else in the history of failed socialism knew.

Mighty fine line you draw ... "let's implement socialist ideals without implementing socialism."

Clearly, you know something nobody else in the history of failed socialism knew.

Public works, police, fire etc. are social ownership.

Last time I checked, they called that socialism ... and all socialist economies collapse. Check out a history book.

Try socialist ideals, which help the middle class prosper.

.... which, of course, is absolutely false, as you well know.

.... which, of course, is absolutely false, as you well know.

You pay for most public services through taxes which is placing money in a pot, or a socialist ideal.

Obtuse, don't you think? It makes no sense whatsoever. In fact, it demonstrates a shallow and simplistic understanding of macro economics.

Obtuse, don't you think? It makes no sense whatsoever. In fact, it demonstrates a shallow and simplistic understanding of macro economics.

Thanks for your uneducated opinion. If you'd like to state fact as to where I'm wrong, go ahead.

You purport to support "socialist ideals" without supporting socialism. Further, you refuse to answer challenges to your position, but rather attack the challenger. Your one-liners carry no intelligent, supporting, discussion, but rather, serve as "pronouncements from on high" - pronouncements that you seem incapable to defend.

You purport to support "socialist ideals" without supporting socialism. Further, you refuse to answer challenges to your position, but rather attack the challenger. Your one-liners carry no intelligent, supporting, discussion, but rather, serve as "pronouncements from on high" - pronouncements that you seem incapable to defend.

All taxed based services are socialist ideals through social ownership.

Which 'challenge' did I refuse to answer?
It is dumbass. Spending creates demand. Demand increases production. See how that works?

Spending creates demand. Demand increases production.

The Greeks spent (and demanded) plenty, their production was much lower. See how that works?

Not govt dumbass. Consumers.

Yes, Greek consumers spent more than they produced, that's why the government ran up such a big tab, to make up the difference.

Maybe they should concentrate on production going forward?

Just dumb. SMH

Yes, the Greek failure to produce as much or more than they consume is dumb.
Not to worry, their consumption will continue going down.

You have no idea what you're even trying to say.
EQUAL HELL.....IT WAS SIMPLY A STARTING POINT. In the 1940's, 50's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a carpenter or plumber made. By the 1970's that multiplier had increased to about 100 times as much. Now a CEO earns about 500 times what an ordinary worker makes. You ever heard of leaving the fox to guard the chicken house?

Yeah and? Do you actually have any idea what mechanisms are in play to determine CEO compensation and what "ordinary workers" make? and while you're figuring that out perhaps you'll do a bit of research into how "ordinary workers" compensation has fared in comparison to the politicians, bureaucrats and cronies inhabiting the halls of the government that you so love to worship and keep in mind the drones in gub'mint TAKE from society instead of having to compete to produce goods and services that people willingly buy.

Lastly while your little charts are certainly good for a laugh or two, perhaps you might want to go out and find one that overlays the growth of the federal gub'mint over the same time period; surprise, surprise it's gone from simply gigantic to HOLY FUCK MONSTROUS over the same time period, think that fact might have anything to do with the stagnation of "ordinary worker" wages ? Perhaps big daddy gub'mint sucking resources out of the productive economy at an ever increasing rate might have something to do with stagnating worker productivity and thus wages?
Well now, instead of flap yapping, why don't you post those numbers? You know, what a Congressman makes, a Senator, and compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

Your graph is bullsh#t and I will tell you why. It shows everybody equal in 1979. And that is simply NOT true.

Its not true though. Find the number of millionaires from 1900 to present day. Then find the number of people making 50k in 1900 to present day. THOSE are truths. THIS chart is bullsh#t.
50K? That is a laborers wage. 50K is not a good wage. 100K is a reasonable wage.

50K? That is a laborers wage. 50K is not a good wage. 100K is a reasonable wage.

IMO, 50K is a good starting wage, after all, business has been increasing costs to meet that wage, but hasn't passed it on to their workers.
EQUAL HELL.....IT WAS SIMPLY A STARTING POINT. In the 1940's, 50's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a carpenter or plumber made. By the 1970's that multiplier had increased to about 100 times as much. Now a CEO earns about 500 times what an ordinary worker makes. You ever heard of leaving the fox to guard the chicken house?

Yeah and? Do you actually have any idea what mechanisms are in play to determine CEO compensation and what "ordinary workers" make? and while you're figuring that out perhaps you'll do a bit of research into how "ordinary workers" compensation has fared in comparison to the politicians, bureaucrats and cronies inhabiting the halls of the government that you so love to worship and keep in mind the drones in gub'mint TAKE from society instead of having to compete to produce goods and services that people willingly buy.

Lastly while your little charts are certainly good for a laugh or two, perhaps you might want to go out and find one that overlays the growth of the federal gub'mint over the same time period; surprise, surprise it's gone from simply gigantic to HOLY FUCK MONSTROUS over the same time period, think that fact might have anything to do with the stagnation of "ordinary worker" wages ? Perhaps big daddy gub'mint sucking resources out of the productive economy at an ever increasing rate might have something to do with stagnating worker productivity and thus wages?
Well now, instead of flap yapping, why don't you post those numbers? You know, what a Congressman makes, a Senator, and compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.
EQUAL HELL.....IT WAS SIMPLY A STARTING POINT. In the 1940's, 50's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a carpenter or plumber made. By the 1970's that multiplier had increased to about 100 times as much. Now a CEO earns about 500 times what an ordinary worker makes. You ever heard of leaving the fox to guard the chicken house?

Yeah and? Do you actually have any idea what mechanisms are in play to determine CEO compensation and what "ordinary workers" make? and while you're figuring that out perhaps you'll do a bit of research into how "ordinary workers" compensation has fared in comparison to the politicians, bureaucrats and cronies inhabiting the halls of the government that you so love to worship and keep in mind the drones in gub'mint TAKE from society instead of having to compete to produce goods and services that people willingly buy.

Lastly while your little charts are certainly good for a laugh or two, perhaps you might want to go out and find one that overlays the growth of the federal gub'mint over the same time period; surprise, surprise it's gone from simply gigantic to HOLY FUCK MONSTROUS over the same time period, think that fact might have anything to do with the stagnation of "ordinary worker" wages ? Perhaps big daddy gub'mint sucking resources out of the productive economy at an ever increasing rate might have something to do with stagnating worker productivity and thus wages?
Well now, instead of flap yapping, why don't you post those numbers? You know, what a Congressman makes, a Senator, and compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

uh huh that's why Pfizer moved it's HQ to walk away from taxes owed

Business move when the profit margin increase outweighs the expense and inconvenience of moving
Yeah and? Do you actually have any idea what mechanisms are in play to determine CEO compensation and what "ordinary workers" make? and while you're figuring that out perhaps you'll do a bit of research into how "ordinary workers" compensation has fared in comparison to the politicians, bureaucrats and cronies inhabiting the halls of the government that you so love to worship and keep in mind the drones in gub'mint TAKE from society instead of having to compete to produce goods and services that people willingly buy.

Lastly while your little charts are certainly good for a laugh or two, perhaps you might want to go out and find one that overlays the growth of the federal gub'mint over the same time period; surprise, surprise it's gone from simply gigantic to HOLY FUCK MONSTROUS over the same time period, think that fact might have anything to do with the stagnation of "ordinary worker" wages ? Perhaps big daddy gub'mint sucking resources out of the productive economy at an ever increasing rate might have something to do with stagnating worker productivity and thus wages?
Well now, instead of flap yapping, why don't you post those numbers? You know, what a Congressman makes, a Senator, and compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

uh huh that's why Pfizer moved it's HQ to walk away from taxes owed

Business move when the profit margin increase outweighs the expense and inconvenience of moving

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%
Spending creates demand. Demand increases production.

The Greeks spent (and demanded) plenty, their production was much lower. See how that works?

Not govt dumbass. Consumers.

Yes, Greek consumers spent more than they produced, that's why the government ran up such a big tab, to make up the difference.

Maybe they should concentrate on production going forward?

Just dumb. SMH

Yes, the Greek failure to produce as much or more than they consume is dumb.
Not to worry, their consumption will continue going down.

You have no idea what you're even trying to say.

Consuming without producing can't go on forever.
You're a liberal, so it's not a surprise you don't understand.
EQUAL HELL.....IT WAS SIMPLY A STARTING POINT. In the 1940's, 50's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a carpenter or plumber made. By the 1970's that multiplier had increased to about 100 times as much. Now a CEO earns about 500 times what an ordinary worker makes. You ever heard of leaving the fox to guard the chicken house?

Yeah and? Do you actually have any idea what mechanisms are in play to determine CEO compensation and what "ordinary workers" make? and while you're figuring that out perhaps you'll do a bit of research into how "ordinary workers" compensation has fared in comparison to the politicians, bureaucrats and cronies inhabiting the halls of the government that you so love to worship and keep in mind the drones in gub'mint TAKE from society instead of having to compete to produce goods and services that people willingly buy.

Lastly while your little charts are certainly good for a laugh or two, perhaps you might want to go out and find one that overlays the growth of the federal gub'mint over the same time period; surprise, surprise it's gone from simply gigantic to HOLY FUCK MONSTROUS over the same time period, think that fact might have anything to do with the stagnation of "ordinary worker" wages ? Perhaps big daddy gub'mint sucking resources out of the productive economy at an ever increasing rate might have something to do with stagnating worker productivity and thus wages?
Well now, instead of flap yapping, why don't you post those numbers? You know, what a Congressman makes, a Senator, and compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed.

How does walking away reduce tax they already owe.
Yeah and? Do you actually have any idea what mechanisms are in play to determine CEO compensation and what "ordinary workers" make? and while you're figuring that out perhaps you'll do a bit of research into how "ordinary workers" compensation has fared in comparison to the politicians, bureaucrats and cronies inhabiting the halls of the government that you so love to worship and keep in mind the drones in gub'mint TAKE from society instead of having to compete to produce goods and services that people willingly buy.

Lastly while your little charts are certainly good for a laugh or two, perhaps you might want to go out and find one that overlays the growth of the federal gub'mint over the same time period; surprise, surprise it's gone from simply gigantic to HOLY FUCK MONSTROUS over the same time period, think that fact might have anything to do with the stagnation of "ordinary worker" wages ? Perhaps big daddy gub'mint sucking resources out of the productive economy at an ever increasing rate might have something to do with stagnating worker productivity and thus wages?
Well now, instead of flap yapping, why don't you post those numbers? You know, what a Congressman makes, a Senator, and compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

uh huh that's why Pfizer moved it's HQ to walk away from taxes owed

Business move when the profit margin increase outweighs the expense and inconvenience of moving

uh huh that's why Pfizer moved it's HQ to walk away from taxes owed

Pfizer moved?
Well now, instead of flap yapping, why don't you post those numbers? You know, what a Congressman makes, a Senator, and compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

uh huh that's why Pfizer moved it's HQ to walk away from taxes owed

Business move when the profit margin increase outweighs the expense and inconvenience of moving

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%

So they paid what, 3% of total revenue in federal tax?

compare it to what industry pays people to influence those politicians? And use that influence to hold down wages.

What does the government do to hold down wages?

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

It makes it harder and more expensive to operate a business in this country so businesses leave therefore wages are supressed

I own five businesses and Angel Invest two others, I haven't seen 'harder and more expensive.' Businesses leave for two reasons; 1) To walk away from taxes owed. 2) Do to investor/share holder demand.

uh huh that's why Pfizer moved it's HQ to walk away from taxes owed

Business move when the profit margin increase outweighs the expense and inconvenience of moving

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%

Their effective tax rate was reasonable last year. Certainly not a profit killer. They're just getting on board the douchey, anti American business train.

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) | Income Taxes

Pfizer Inc., effective income tax rate (EITR) reconciliation

Effective tax rate for income from continuing operations 22.20%

So they paid what, 3% of total revenue in federal tax?

So they paid what, 3% of total revenue in federal tax?

Businesses are taxed on profit, not revenue.

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