The Wall will be a monument to Trump's insanity and stupidity


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
IF IF IF the Wall is ever built, it will remind America everyday how they put a nut job in the White House. Like the Iraq war, it will be a total waste of money.

The majority of this country still know the boondoggle the republicans did with the Iraq invasion. So does the rest of the world.

But the electoral college still allows morons in the White House, even though they don't get the majority vote. THAT'S NOT DEMOCRACY!

If the wall is ever built, everyone will know how easily they dig under it, like they already do.

And banning Muslims will also prove to be a waste, when the terrorists walk across the Canadian border, just to prove they can.

This is the first time in our history that the whole world is convinced that our POTUS is crazy as Hitler.

No matter how much Trump and his minions try to shut down the media to hide the facts, Trump will never get more than 40% of this country to believe anything he says.
Back before the internet, I was insulated form things. Today, I get to see an idiot about every .2 seconds.
A few years ago we drove by Area 51 in Nevada. Their "wall" is very efficient and invisible. With satellite technology and infra red sighting, sensors and 24/7 video feeds, there's no reason the same "wall" couldn't be in place along the southern border.

The naked truth of the situation is though that BigAgriculture wants and needs those illegals coming across. And as long as they have punch in government, the "wall" will continue to be a tangible joke that is constantly being breached. However, I dare you to try to cross into Area 51 without goons breathing down your neck in less than 3 minutes...

The solution is to introduce a Bill that relieves BigAgri while controlling immigration here. Perhaps longer work visas that ONLY allow migrant workers to work in agriculture. That way our food is still cheap, the migrants still can get work here; but they have to agree that any children born to them here are not US citizens. I think we need to work that into ALL VISA conditions actually from any country. NO MORE ANCHOR BABIES.

We get them healthcare but only if they're working in the fields or the farms. They and their children all have to return to their countries of origin after a given number of years....or months even. 6 months on, 6 months off back in their own country. Their family members could take shifts to funnel money back to their extended family.
Yeah walls dont work, thats why theyve been used for millenia.

Well terrorists would have to get to canada and if they walk across we squeeze canada.

Sorry but you arguments are easy to counter.

What are you so scared of? Less illegals? Less terrorists?
Yeah walls dont work, thats why theyve been used for millenia.

Well terrorists would have to get to canada and if they walk across we squeeze canada.

Sorry but you arguments are easy to counter.

What are you so scared of? Less illegals? Less terrorists?

Israel has a wall, China has a wall, The Vatican is surrounded by a what's the problem with building a wall?

Oh that's right, nothing is wrong with building a wall.

The only people who are anti-walls are the Open Borders maniacs who want every Western nation flooded with Third Worlders, the fundamental question that needs to be asked is, why do they want every Western nation flooded with Third Worlders?

To have this completely insane policy and not to nail it into it's coffin permanently would mean that within 20 years every Western nation will have been reduced from being a First World nation into a Third World nation.

Time to end Open Borders, time to Fuck The UN, time to Fuck Amnesty International, time to Fuck Human Rights Organisations, time to Fuck NGOs.

Time to build walls and protect borders, time for Western nations to ONLY put Western nations first.

Time to destroy Globalisation and confine International Globalists to the depths of Hell.
Yeah walls dont work, thats why theyve been used for millenia.

Well terrorists would have to get to canada and if they walk across we squeeze canada.

Sorry but you arguments are easy to counter.

What are you so scared of? Less illegals? Less terrorists?

Israel has a wall, China has a wall, The Vatican is surrounded by a what's the problem with building a wall?

Oh that's right, nothing is wrong with building a wall.

The only people who are anti-walls are the Open Borders maniacs who want every Western nation flooded with Third Worlders, the fundamental question that needs to be asked is, why do they want every Western nation flooded with Third Worlders?

To have this completely insane policy and not to nail it into it's coffin permanently would mean that within 20 years every Western nation will have been reduced from being a First World nation into a Third World nation.

Time to end Open Borders, time to Fuck The UN, time to Fuck Amnesty International, time to Fuck Human Rights Organisations, time to Fuck NGOs.

Time to build walls and protect borders, time for Western nations to ONLY put Western nations first.

Time to destroy Globalisation and confine International Globalists to the depths of Hell.

I say the want poor people to control and get votes from.
Second they hate whitey and are obsessed with multiculturalism which they find more important than anything. They are retarded
It will be remembered as the great wall the God-Emperor, savior of the west himself forged, a millennia from now.
Yeah walls dont work, thats why theyve been used for millenia.

Well terrorists would have to get to canada and if they walk across we squeeze canada.

Sorry but you arguments are easy to counter.

What are you so scared of? Less illegals? Less terrorists?

Israel has a wall, China has a wall, The Vatican is surrounded by a what's the problem with building a wall?

Oh that's right, nothing is wrong with building a wall.

The only people who are anti-walls are the Open Borders maniacs who want every Western nation flooded with Third Worlders, the fundamental question that needs to be asked is, why do they want every Western nation flooded with Third Worlders?

To have this completely insane policy and not to nail it into it's coffin permanently would mean that within 20 years every Western nation will have been reduced from being a First World nation into a Third World nation.

Time to end Open Borders, time to Fuck The UN, time to Fuck Amnesty International, time to Fuck Human Rights Organisations, time to Fuck NGOs.

Time to build walls and protect borders, time for Western nations to ONLY put Western nations first.

Time to destroy Globalisation and confine International Globalists to the depths of Hell.

I say the want poor people to control and get votes from.
Second they hate whitey and are obsessed with multiculturalism which they find more important than anything. They are retarded

Exactly correct on all points :beer:

Considering we already know this, the Leftists, the Open Borders maniacs should just say it, we already know why they advocate this insanity, so they should just step up and say that this is why they advocate this insanity.

They are on their way out in Western nations now, America was the first, the International Western Patriotic Movement that got behind Donald Trump and gave him our full moral support and also many even travelled to America to actively help with his campaign hands-on and boots on the ground, his tremendous victory has now galvanised the rest of us.

As we have said all along, we are right, we will win, we will prevail, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is with us, we put our faith in Him.

President Trump winning was not just man made, it also included Divine Intervention, against all odds, President Trump prevailed, that's an act of Divine Intervention.
IF IF IF the Wall is ever built, it will remind America everyday how they put a nut job in the White House. Like the Iraq war, it will be a total waste of money.

The majority of this country still know the boondoggle the republicans did with the Iraq invasion. So does the rest of the world.

But the electoral college still allows morons in the White House, even though they don't get the majority vote. THAT'S NOT DEMOCRACY!

If the wall is ever built, everyone will know how easily they dig under it, like they already do.

And banning Muslims will also prove to be a waste, when the terrorists walk across the Canadian border, just to prove they can.

This is the first time in our history that the whole world is convinced that our POTUS is crazy as Hitler.

No matter how much Trump and his minions try to shut down the media to hide the facts, Trump will never get more than 40% of this country to believe anything he says.
Who gives a fuck what you fascist democrats think about our wall Mexico is paying's as much a gian fuck you to you as well as wanna be illegal Mexicans,,,,,
It will be remembered as the great wall the God-Emperor, savior of the west himself forged, a millennia from now.

President Trump, The God Emperor of The Universe, Saviour of Western Civilisation.

Divine Intervention sent us this man, at this time in our history, when we needed a man such as Donald J. Trump.

Where is the questioning from the left regarding the corrupt Mexican governments responsibility to its own citizens? The Mexican president has no right to criticize as that country rich in natural resources has failed its own population economically. The cartel puppets in Mexico want no change to the status quo as they ship a welfare class north while they send dollars home all while we give millions in aid. Our country has a sovereign right to control its border much as Mexico itself does along its own southern border from the influx of people from South America.
Speaking of emperors ...

... if Trump paraded naked down the street and declared he was wearing the best clothing ever, the Trump-cultists here would be screaming how Trump clearly was wearing the most beautiful clothing ever conceived by humanity, and that all the liberals were just jealous of his perfect clothing.

This thread demonstrates that very clearly.
IF IF IF the Wall is ever built, it will remind America everyday how they put a nut job in the White House. Like the Iraq war, it will be a total waste of money.

The majority of this country still know the boondoggle the republicans did with the Iraq invasion. So does the rest of the world.

But the electoral college still allows morons in the White House, even though they don't get the majority vote. THAT'S NOT DEMOCRACY!

If the wall is ever built, everyone will know how easily they dig under it, like they already do.

And banning Muslims will also prove to be a waste, when the terrorists walk across the Canadian border, just to prove they can.

This is the first time in our history that the whole world is convinced that our POTUS is crazy as Hitler.

No matter how much Trump and his minions try to shut down the media to hide the facts, Trump will never get more than 40% of this country to believe anything he says.

Of course its not democracy. Why would it be? We are a republic, not a democracy. We were specifically designed not to be a democracy
Speaking of emperors ...

... if Trump paraded naked down the street and declared he was wearing the best clothing ever, the Trump-cultists here would be screaming how Trump clearly was wearing the most beautiful clothing ever conceived by humanity, and that all the liberals were just jealous of his perfect clothing.

This thread demonstrates that very clearly.

Nope, but we would sure take a note of his massive manhood. You see, the difference between those who voted for Trump and Hillary is that, the Trump voters live in the actual reality.
The question is, does the left have the guts to tear the wall down? Nope! The wall will be built, our border will be secured, illegals will be deported and the left can't do jack shit about it.

All hail President Trump, good job Mr. President!
Yeah walls dont work, thats why theyve been used for millenia.

Well terrorists would have to get to canada and if they walk across we squeeze canada.

Sorry but you arguments are easy to counter.

What are you so scared of? Less illegals? Less terrorists?
Canada has already said that those Trump is banning are welcome in Canada.....they can just walk across the border from there. Trump is actually daring terrorist to do it. He's not solving the problem, he's creating one.

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