The War on Men: Why American boys are failing at school—and men are losing in life

This should be of no surprise to anyone, our society today is built around demonizing males, and elevating women.
This has happened very slowly over time, but it's where we are now as a society. Unless boys and men rise up, this trend will continue.

Boys lag behind girls in math and English in grade school, and represent just 40% of college students. In the workforce, fewer men are entering growing sectors like health and education, furthering the divide.

This is awful and we are failing our boys, and our men.

Boys learn by doing. School used to be a place you would go maybe, say, 5 hours a day--maybe you would walk 2 miles each way to get there--(sorry for the cliche, but true)--and then you would go home and work. This was not time away from education. This was education, so in the end you could read, write, and "figure"--and you could also do things "manually".

We are so broken. I'm so sad about it
Its certainly explains why so many young men are electing to become Trannies and She-Males.

If they don't have a successful career path and they are being anchored down by their penises, it makes good career sense to switch genders.
The faulty reasoning here is that the first mistake is when the actual mutilation begins. Until then it's only proselytizing, protesting. Being anchored down by biological fate is an illusion, a delirium.
This is awful and we are failing our boys, and our men.

Boys learn by doing. School used to be a place you would go maybe, say, 5 hours a day--maybe you would walk 2 miles each way to get there--(sorry for the cliche, but true)--and then you would go home and work. This was not time away from education. This was education, so in the end you could read, write, and "figure"--and you could also do things "manually".

We are so broken. I'm so sad about it

This is what happens when our forefather's Constitution gets abused for too long.
This is awful and we are failing our boys, and our men.

Boys learn by doing. School used to be a place you would go maybe, say, 5 hours a day--maybe you would walk 2 miles each way to get there--(sorry for the cliche, but true)--and then you would go home and work. This was not time away from education. This was education, so in the end you could read, write, and "figure"--and you could also do things "manually".

We are so broken. I'm so sad about it
The manual repetition is vitally important. Screenal space addiction is also at fault.
This is awful and we are failing our boys, and our men.

Boys learn by doing. School used to be a place you would go maybe, say, 5 hours a day--maybe you would walk 2 miles each way to get there--(sorry for the cliche, but true)--and then you would go home and work. This was not time away from education. This was education, so in the end you could read, write, and "figure"--and you could also do things "manually".

We are so broken. I'm so sad about it

We are not broken. We, as a society, have advanced in so many ways.

When my father was young, he walked to school and then home. When he got home he worked. He fed chickens, cleaned barn stalls, milked the cow, moved livestock from one pasture to another, weeded the garden and more. Most homes have none of those chores.

But we do have a need for people who can do advanced math, program computers, balance books, navigate web sites, and more. Things our parents never dreamed of doing.
I find it funny that some of the same people who lament boys not going to college at the same rate as girls, are also complaining that colleges are indoctrinating the students into liberalism.

Also, Trade School enrollment is exploding. In 1999 there were 9.6 million in Trade Schools. By 2014 that had gone to 14 million. I wonder if any of that is included in the OP's statistics. And the Trade School enrollment is predominately men.
One question for those who are screaming about the "war on men" and the effect on boys in school.

Do you want more boys to go to college for their own intellectual development? Or is it so they can make more money? There is a difference.
One question for those who are screaming about the "war on men" and the effect on boys in school.

Do you want more boys to go to college for their own intellectual development? Or is it so they can make more money? There is a difference.
Do you mean lib “intellectual development” leading to more guilt-ridden white wokeness?

That may attract the wackiest snowflake girls who just want to protest and fuck

But later in life that gets old
Do you mean lib “intellectual development” leading to more guilt-ridden white wokeness?

That may attract the wackiest snowflake girls who just want to protest and fuck

But later in life that gets old

Not at all what I asked.

But suppose a boy loves to read and decides to major in English Lit. Is that a win?
Not at all what I asked.

But suppose a boy loves to read and decides to major in English Lit. Is that a win?
If he’s a flaming lib retard ranting against American history at his English Lit students I would say he’s a net minus
I hope that the "war on men" doesnt interfere with the war on xmas" It sounds just as nutty.
Girls have always been brighter and are now benefitting from restrictions on them falling away. Boys need to try harder.

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