The War on Men: Why American boys are failing at school—and men are losing in life

"We also need a national recruitment drive for male teachers. Boys do better in schools with more men at the front of the classroom, especially in subjects like English. But men account for a shrinking share of the teaching profession: just 24%, down from 33% in the 1980s. In elementary schools, only 11% are men. And in the earliest years, men are virtually invisible. Just 3% of kindergarten teachers are men, which is about half the share of women flying military airplanes. Men, our schools need you."
"We also need a national recruitment drive for male teachers. Boys do better in schools with more men at the front of the classroom, especially in subjects like English. But men account for a shrinking share of the teaching profession: just 24%, down from 33% in the 1980s. In elementary schools, only 11% are men. And in the earliest years, men are virtually invisible. Just 3% of kindergarten teachers are men, which is about half the share of women flying military airplanes. Men, our schools need you."

When I was in grade school , 100% of the teachers were chicks- but in my high school, all the teachers were dudes. I think they figured that young men of that age needed good role models and someone able to kick their asses if needed.
When I was in grade school , 100% of the teachers were chicks- but in my high school, all the teachers were dudes. I think they figured that young men of that age needed good role models and someone able to kick their asses if needed.
Anyone in the last 30 years have a Woman
Instructor in Auto Shop or Machine/ Metal / Welding Class or even Drafting or Wood Shop ?
There is no war on boys and men. The world isn’t out to get you.

Instead of trying to play victim as an excuse for their shortcomings, they just need to make better choices.
Is the falling behind in school a sign of bigotry against males or a lack of effort from males? If you focus on your studies, as a male, you are labeled a nerd or worse. Not by society, but by your peers.
If this continues, we are finished. The warnings are all around us. We are in decline and China is licking its chops (sticks) as the rising nation of the future. Hopefully we will not destroy the world as changeovers can be messy as with Britain and the United States and we both spoke the same language and had a history together.
There is no war on boys and men. The world isn’t out to get you.

Instead of trying to play victim as an excuse for their shortcomings, they just need to make better choices.
So Christian White Males and Pro Israel Male Practitioners of Judaism , and Veteran Pro 2A/ RTKBA right to lifer Ultra Conservatives are kosher now ?
So Christian White Males and Pro Israel Male Practitioners of Judaism , and Veteran Pro 2A/ RTKBA right to lifer Ultra Conservatives are kosher now ?
Where did I say anything about race, political ideologies, religious beliefs, or guns?
There is no war on boys and men. The world isn’t out to get you.

Instead of trying to play victim as an excuse for their shortcomings, they just need to make better choices.

Like a few others here, you want to make this a personal responsibility issue, but it goes beyond that. There's got to be much more to it, or there wouldn't be the statistics that we are now seeing.

Women now make up 60% of college graduates. Was that the case 50 years ago? Certainly not, so would you have said at that time women were making bad choices and shouldn't be playing the victim for their shortcomings?
Of course you wouldn't, you would have blamed society for keeping women in the kitchen and blamed education and work opportunities always being geared towards men.

Well, now we are seeing the opposite play out, so instead of your shortsighted thinking, you should take the time and do more research on this.
Like a few others here, you want to make this a personal responsibility issue, but it goes beyond that. There's got to be much more to it, or there wouldn't be the statistics that we are now seeing.

Women now make up 60% of college graduates. Was that the case 50 years ago? Certainly not, so would you have said at that time women were making bad choices and shouldn't be playing the victim for their shortcomings?
Of course you wouldn't, you would have blamed society for keeping women in the kitchen and blamed education and work opportunities always being geared towards men.

Well, now we are seeing the opposite play out, so instead of your shortsighted thinking, you should take the time and do more research on this.
So what do you want done? Be specific.
The protest is occurring now on the campus of UW Madison, Wisconsin. The chant is "Transphobia has got to go."
That certainly plays a role.
There's more to it than a father figure. The jury is still out on the paternal function, and we suggest the essays in psychoanalysis such as this book: Jacques Lacan: Politics, Aesthetics.

'But we've never actually seen a schizophrenic.'
(Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia)

No doubt involved in the UW protest are the feminazis who were already in place in their citadel, in a certain place on campus, as early as 1995.
American boys are failing because half have man-tits at age 13 due to fast food and Dimm groomers are turned on by them.

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