the war on terror


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
is it a war between cultures, between political blocks, between religions or between races?

i had Feeling it might be a race war. between Whites (occidentals) and non-Whites (Islam encompasses many cultures and races but predom. non-White)
It's not a war.

it is both cold and real war. (there are american soldiers killing and getting killed all over the middle east, asia etc.) and especially cold war (cracking on islamic values, missionary work, Mohammed caricatures etc.)

I see sad puppies and over-roasted marshmallows. Broken toasters and undelivered newspapers. A non-repairable dripping faucet and half flat tires. Shirley Temples with no umbrellas. A Christmas tree delivered dead and needleless. Newly fallen snow drenched in dog piss. Vigilant cockroaches eyeing 3 day old pizza. Long-forgotten laundry with its own zip code. Hidden mold. Torpid liver.

Yet, the sun will come up in the morning.

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