The Warmergate Scandal

This just keeps getting worse for the conspiracy deniers by the minute - if the hackers changed the or altered the e-mail then more charges against them will be on the way!

East Anglia University Climate Change Email Controversy - ClimateGate Stolen Email and Global Warming - Popular Mechanics

There seem to be some evidence that the Emails were altered

" Furthermore, though CRU has confirmed that most of the e-mails are genuine, some of them could have been forged or altered"

Jay could have had gay sex on crack with Obama in the back of the Presidential limo
This just keeps getting worse for the conspiracy deniers by the minute - if the hackers changed the or altered the e-mail then more charges against them will be on the way!

East Anglia University Climate Change Email Controversy - ClimateGate Stolen Email and Global Warming - Popular Mechanics

There seem to be some evidence that the Emails were altered

" Furthermore, though CRU has confirmed that most of the e-mails are genuine, some of them could have been forged or altered"

There is nothing in that article that states or implies that the emails were forged or altered. In fact, both CRU and the university have said they all appear to be genuine.
This just keeps getting worse for the conspiracy deniers by the minute - if the hackers changed the or altered the e-mail then more charges against them will be on the way!

East Anglia University Climate Change Email Controversy - ClimateGate Stolen Email and Global Warming - Popular Mechanics

There seem to be some evidence that the Emails were altered

" Furthermore, though CRU has confirmed that most of the e-mails are genuine, some of them could have been forged or altered"

ZOMG!!! Tell Phil Jones to unresign!!!!
This just keeps getting worse for the conspiracy deniers by the minute - if the hackers changed the or altered the e-mail then more charges against them will be on the way!

East Anglia University Climate Change Email Controversy - ClimateGate Stolen Email and Global Warming - Popular Mechanics

There seem to be some evidence that the Emails were altered

" Furthermore, though CRU has confirmed that most of the e-mails are genuine, some of them could have been forged or altered"

There is nothing in that article that states or implies that the emails were forged or altered. In fact, both CRU and the university have said they all appear to be genuine.
AGW Cult members are hard to convince....

When the world refuses to act upon the draconian schemes that the AGW Cultists seek, and then when the world doesn't end, then they might believe it.

Until then you are wasting bandwidth! :)
This just keeps getting worse for the conspiracy deniers by the minute - if the hackers changed the or altered the e-mail then more charges against them will be on the way!

East Anglia University Climate Change Email Controversy - ClimateGate Stolen Email and Global Warming - Popular Mechanics

There seem to be some evidence that the Emails were altered

" Furthermore, though CRU has confirmed that most of the e-mails are genuine, some of them could have been forged or altered"

There is nothing in that article that states or implies that the emails were forged or altered. In fact, both CRU and the university have said they all appear to be genuine.
AGW Cult members are hard to convince....

When the world refuses to act upon the draconian schemes that the AGW Cultists seek, and then when the world doesn't end, then they might believe it.

Until then you are wasting bandwidth! :)

No they won't believe it Zander, but I give you credit for giving them that much credit ;).

Now if the world turns into a big ball of fire then aren't i the idiot, but until then I dont feel bad about not believing in junk science.
yeah I's much easier to swallow that a vast majority of the worlds scientists are all in on a mass conspiracy that if revealed would ruin them and their lifetime work.
yeah I's much easier to swallow that a vast majority of the worlds scientists are all in on a mass conspiracy that if revealed would ruin them and their lifetime work.

I hope they aren't. I really hope it was just these few and that other data these scientists weren't involved with is legit.

If not we have wasted billions on a non-existent situation already and stand to waste trillions on it in the near future.

That being said I'm still a firm believer in reducing pollution and the consumption of foreign oil.
yeah I's much easier to swallow that a vast majority of the worlds scientists are all in on a mass conspiracy that if revealed would ruin them and their lifetime work.
Where has anyone even intimated that this is a mass conspiracy?

What this has been from the outset is a few of the inner circle fudging and faking the evidence, that subsequent honest scientists have based their further work upon.

Like I said in another thread, Typhoid Mary wasn't part of any conspiracy either.
yeah I's much easier to swallow that a vast majority of the worlds scientists are all in on a mass conspiracy that if revealed would ruin them and their lifetime work.
Where has anyone even intimated that this is a mass conspiracy?

What this has been from the outset is a few of the inner circle fudging and faking the evidence that subsequent honest scienteists have based their further work upon.

Like I said in another thread, Typhoid Mary wasn't part of any conspiracy either.


It is very typical for CULT members to try and re-frame facts that challenge their twisted view of reality. Slowly, with a lot of work, and a few capitulations by the ringleaders, the CULT members can be de-programmed.
yeah I's much easier to swallow that a vast majority of the worlds scientists are all in on a mass conspiracy that if revealed would ruin them and their lifetime work.
Where has anyone even intimated that this is a mass conspiracy?

What this has been from the outset is a few of the inner circle fudging and faking the evidence, that subsequent honest scientists have based their further work upon.

Like I said in another thread, Typhoid Mary wasn't part of any conspiracy either.
I find that an interesting choice of likeness to Warmists. The more I think of it though, it's not totally accurate. After all, Typhoid Mary was a lone woman who a lone health official in NYC discovered to be the source of a Typhoid outbreak that just had no other commonalities. It was through his work, and (unfortunately) constant hounding of Mary that discovered that some people can become hosts and yet not have any symptoms of the disease. A hellish 'midas touch'.

And Typhoid Mary fought him hard too. Whenever he popped up in her life, she'd threaten the health official and then disappear. She escaped her imprisonment multiple times, and each time was followed by yet another dead and dying family. For a woman trained in service to families in 'Victorian Era' New York, this was an incredible blow to her ego. How can something she was good at be killing people.

Even after she was finally tested positive for the disease as a carrier, she refused to believe it till her dying day.

So the analogy is interesting in that you have people in denial that they are killing others from the meme they carry... but that's about as far as it goes.

Now the real question is, do we need to take such extremes of philosophical quarantine to prevent the diseased meme from spreading more These people are obviously afflicted with 'fact-resistant' strains.
And for your further reading and research pleasure here's a link to the Global Environment Facility.

Just take a look who are the "partners":

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
World Bank
African Development Bank (AFDB)
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Here is the about who leaked the "Danish Text" and why, one thing for sure there is a lot at stake for everyone.

If negotiators reach an accord at the climate talks in Copenhagen it will entail profound shifts in energy production, dislocations in how and where people live, sweeping changes in agriculture and forestry and the creation of complex new markets in global warming pollution credits.

The short answer is trillions of dollars over the next few decades. It is a significant sum but a relatively small fraction of the world’s total economic output. In energy infrastructure alone, the transformational ambitions that delegates to the United Nations climate change conference are expected to set in the coming days will cost more than $10 trillion in additional investment from 2010 to 2030, according to a new estimate from the International Energy Agency.

Climate Deal Likely to Bear Big Price Tag

From "danish text":

Not allow poor countries to emit more than 1.44 tonnes of carbon per person by 2050, while allowing rich countries to emit 2.67 tonnes.

This must be extrapolated from the 2050 figures, and done so in the worst possible light. Kinda bizarre.
yeah I's much easier to swallow that a vast majority of the worlds scientists are all in on a mass conspiracy that if revealed would ruin them and their lifetime work.

Jay, what your peanut brain is failing to register is that false data, provided by 'reputable' scientists, have been accepted by really reputable scientists, thus compounding the problems with false science. That is the issue with the emails.
From a former 'warmer' that is disgusted by what has come to be:

"Science" responds to Climategate - Clive Crook

"Science" responds to Climategate

08 Dec 2009 04:29 pm
The response of the climate-science establishment to Climategate has been disappointing if predictable. The guild mentality has come to the fore. Campaigns are under way to defend the integrity of science from a scurrilous smear campaign. The message is simple: you are either with us or you are a barbarian.

The first line of response to the leaked or hacked emails, you recall, was to say that they showed science going on as usual--even science at its best, some argued. "Trick" did not mean trick; "hiding the decline" did not mean hiding the decline. These were innocent phrases torn out of context. As for the expostulations of harry_read_me, and discussing ways to punish or silence dissidents, and musing over the deletion of data that might be demanded under FOI requests, er, this is all just part of the healthy cut and thrust of normal scientific enquiry. We all have to let off steam now and then. No conspiracy. Nothing improper.

That did not work--too many of the emails speak for themselves--and the scandal refused to die down. The next line of response was to say that the emails involved just a few individuals, and implicate no more than a sliver of information about global warming. Even if you threw out everything the Climatic Research Unit had done, such is the weight of other research that nothing would change. (The newly empowered EPA administrator added a nice wrinkle last night on the PBS Newshour. The work in question was done abroad. Other research was done by Americans. So no cause for alarm. Well, no cause for lack of alarm, if you see what I mean.)
From a former 'warmer' that is disgusted by what has come to be:

"Science" responds to Climategate - Clive Crook

"Science" responds to Climategate

08 Dec 2009 04:29 pm
The response of the climate-science establishment to Climategate has been disappointing if predictable. The guild mentality has come to the fore. Campaigns are under way to defend the integrity of science from a scurrilous smear campaign. The message is simple: you are either with us or you are a barbarian.

The first line of response to the leaked or hacked emails, you recall, was to say that they showed science going on as usual--even science at its best, some argued. "Trick" did not mean trick; "hiding the decline" did not mean hiding the decline. These were innocent phrases torn out of context. As for the expostulations of harry_read_me, and discussing ways to punish or silence dissidents, and musing over the deletion of data that might be demanded under FOI requests, er, this is all just part of the healthy cut and thrust of normal scientific enquiry. We all have to let off steam now and then. No conspiracy. Nothing improper.

That did not work--too many of the emails speak for themselves--and the scandal refused to die down. The next line of response was to say that the emails involved just a few individuals, and implicate no more than a sliver of information about global warming. Even if you threw out everything the Climatic Research Unit had done, such is the weight of other research that nothing would change. (The newly empowered EPA administrator added a nice wrinkle last night on the PBS Newshour. The work in question was done abroad. Other research was done by Americans. So no cause for alarm. Well, no cause for lack of alarm, if you see what I mean.)


Reputable scientists are disgusted and dismayed by this event - even if the mainstream media, which makes millions and millions each year in Go-Green advertising, has done its damnable best to sweep these events under the carpet.
I'll counter with a vague "the mainstream media, which sells advertising time to big oil companies is conveniently hiding the truth!"

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