The Warmergate Scandal

I'll counter with a vague "the mainstream media, which sells advertising time to big oil companies is conveniently hiding the truth!"

Those big oil companies are spending millions in Go-Green adveritising too.

Open your eyes pard...
Scientist Pressured into Global Warmering Ass Kissing Contest. - Scientists Rally to Defend Global Warming


These clowns will stop at notihng and the LSM has lost all credibility.


Notice what GRAPH the DIPSTICK (Or is that Hockey Stick), is holding up?



It is amazing how these flat earth warmers are just repeating the same falsehoods over and over and over again.

Al Gore gets to say how the emails are ten years old???? And the media doesn't call him out on it? Or ask how he was so wrong regarding the earth core temps??? Or why he flies around in a private jet and an SUV entourage??? Or why his home uses several times more power than a typical home??? Or why he cancelled Copenhagen???

Flat earth warmers...
Scientist Pressured into Global Warmering Ass Kissing Contest. - Scientists Rally to Defend Global Warming


These clowns will stop at notihng and the LSM has lost all credibility.


Notice what GRAPH the DIPSTICK (Or is that Hockey Stick), is holding up?



It is amazing how these flat earth warmers are just repeating the same falsehoods over and over and over again.

Al Gore gets to say how the emails are ten years old???? And the media doesn't call him out on it? Or ask how he was so wrong regarding the earth core temps??? Or why he flies around in a private jet and an SUV entourage??? Or why his home uses several times more power than a typical home??? Or why he cancelled Copenhagen???

Flat earth warmers...

Flat Earth Elitist Poseurs
What could they be afraid of?



If the science was in fact so settled, the supporters of man made global warming theory would not engage in such obvious attempts at avoidance.

This video is worthy of its own thread. It clearly paints a picture of "scientists" unwilling or unable to answer basic questions regarding the climategate emails and the implications containted therein - and the UN security goon swoops in to ensure no further such questions are posed.

People - please open you eyes to the aggressive militant nature of these flat earth warmers. This is not science - this is global collectivism...
Someone please tell the Polar Caps to STOP MELTING. This climate warming stuff is a hoax!
Someone please tell the Polar Caps to STOP MELTING. This climate warming stuff is a hoax!

The polar caps are not melting. The Arctic cap experienced some warming/melting though that appears to now be reversing. The much larger and more important Antarctic cap has been expanding for some time - namely the larger eastern portion.

Ignorance can be dangerous...

Did you notice how angry he was when confronted? I am not surprised. Cult members cling to their brainwashing until they are properly deprogrammed. It's a long hard road to realize you've been duped.
The meltdown is telling.

I wonder how long before Michael Mann gets on the PA, summoning everyone to the pavilion. :lol:

Indeed - the fanatism of Jones has found root in the environmental movement...


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