The Way The GOP Can Keep The Senate

Very simple. Run ads in the contested states on gay marriage and men in women's showers. No other issue. Just the LGBT one. Independents will balk at the idea of a continued complete unchallenged path to those issues with a democrat Senate and Hillary in the Whitehouse. Concede defeat in the ads on POTUS; but push just the idea of holding the Senate just to push back on the LGBT legal freight train.

Bigger than jobs, the destruction of the nuclear family and just basic decency & common sense is the most visceral issue with voters; without them saying so. But it is nevertheless. Jobs is a close second though. But you need not even bring them up to cloud this crystal clear dog whistle. The LGBT issue will save the day.

It WILL work. (Target boycott; even California voted down gay marriage twice; once as recently as 2008...loaded with conservative hispanics)...

You're welcome.
Look at you admitting you can't win on economics so you want to use social wedge issues to divide and distract.

Why don't Republicans talk about tariffs and all the other things trump says about bringing jobs back home? If Republicans aren't with trump on the things we like about trump, why support them?

You mean like Republicans are going to take your right to an abortion away and Republicans deny marriage to gays? No wait, that's you ...
It is?

Trump will ban abortion. He said the 3 judges he would appoint would be pro life.
You might be surprised. Justices often surprise the presidents that appoint them. Earl Warren and William Brennan, the leading forces behind the aggressively liberal court of the 1960s were appointed by Eisenhower. David Souter, whom President George H.W. Bush expected to be a reliable conservative but quickly emerged as anything but that. For some justices, being appointed to the Supreme Court for life becomes an ideological liberator. They no longer need to build a record based on a particular ideology. They can put aside their prejudices and base their vote on their interpretation of the constitution, legal precedent, and the arguments presented. No Supreme Court judge wants to be seen by history and his peers as a reliable liberal or conservative.
Justices often surprise the presidents that appoint them. Earl Warren and William Brennan, the leading forces behind the aggressively liberal court of the 1960s were appointed by Eisenhower. David Souter, whom President George H.W. Bush expected to be a reliable conservative but quickly emerged as anything but that. For some justices, being appointed to the Supreme Court for life becomes an ideological liberator. They no longer need to build a record based on a particular ideology. They can put aside their prejudices and base their vote on their interpretation of the constitution, legal precedent, and the arguments presented. No Supreme Court judge wants to be seen by history and his peers as a reliable liberal or conservative.

I wouldn't be as worried if we have a GOP majority in the Senate. Hillary would be much less likely to appoint anyone pro men in women's showers if she knew he or she would be shot down time and again by the Senate.
Justices often surprise the presidents that appoint them. Earl Warren and William Brennan, the leading forces behind the aggressively liberal court of the 1960s were appointed by Eisenhower. David Souter, whom President George H.W. Bush expected to be a reliable conservative but quickly emerged as anything but that. For some justices, being appointed to the Supreme Court for life becomes an ideological liberator. They no longer need to build a record based on a particular ideology. They can put aside their prejudices and base their vote on their interpretation of the constitution, legal precedent, and the arguments presented. No Supreme Court judge wants to be seen by history and his peers as a reliable liberal or conservative.

I wouldn't be as worried if we have a GOP majority in the Senate. Hillary would be much less likely to appoint anyone pro men in women's showers if she knew he or she would be shot down time and again by the Senate.
You're really hung up on men in women's showers. The fact is co-ed facilities almost always have shower curtains or doors and they are usually on college campus where most students have no problem with them. In general, public co-ed facilities tend to be safer than those segregated by sex because there're more people use them. Most sexual attacks in restrooms occur in less used facilities. It's much safer to have one large co-ed facility for both sexes than two smaller facilities.
Trump will ban abortion. He said the 3 judges he would appoint would be pro life.

Even if he did that wouldn't ban abortion.
They would overturn roe v Wade. Stop pretending that's not the end game.

What would ban abortion? I heard him say something about the states. So it would be a states rights issue?

Here is my problem with slimy Republicans and I'll give you a good example. GOP gov Rick Snyder didn't campaign on being a right to work governor. In fact he said he wouldn't, but then he did. Why wasn't he honest about it? Why not put the question on the voters. Do you want to overturn roe v Wade? But they don't do that.
Justices often surprise the presidents that appoint them. Earl Warren and William Brennan, the leading forces behind the aggressively liberal court of the 1960s were appointed by Eisenhower. David Souter, whom President George H.W. Bush expected to be a reliable conservative but quickly emerged as anything but that. For some justices, being appointed to the Supreme Court for life becomes an ideological liberator. They no longer need to build a record based on a particular ideology. They can put aside their prejudices and base their vote on their interpretation of the constitution, legal precedent, and the arguments presented. No Supreme Court judge wants to be seen by history and his peers as a reliable liberal or conservative.

I wouldn't be as worried if we have a GOP majority in the Senate. Hillary would be much less likely to appoint anyone pro men in women's showers if she knew he or she would be shot down time and again by the Senate.
You're really hung up on men in women's showers. The fact is co-ed facilities almost always have shower curtains or doors and they are usually on college campus where most students have no problem with them. In general, public co-ed facilities tend to be safer than those segregated by sex because there're more people use them. Most sexual attacks in restrooms occur in less used facilities. It's much safer to have one large co-ed facility for both sexes than two smaller facilities.
What ever happened to the bathroom attendant who handed you a towel after you wash and he has cheap cologne and mints and tweezers for you? We can make people on welfare or food stamps do this job in exchange for the $.
Very simple. Run ads in the contested states on gay marriage and men in women's showers. No other issue. Just the LGBT one. Independents will balk at the idea of a continued complete unchallenged path to those issues with a democrat Senate and Hillary in the Whitehouse. Concede defeat in the ads on POTUS; but push just the idea of holding the Senate just to push back on the LGBT legal freight train.

Bigger than jobs, the destruction of the nuclear family and just basic decency & common sense is the most visceral issue with voters; without them saying so. But it is nevertheless. Jobs is a close second though. But you need not even bring them up to cloud this crystal clear dog whistle. The LGBT issue will save the day.

It WILL work. (Target boycott; even California voted down gay marriage twice; once as recently as 2008...loaded with conservative hispanics)...

You're welcome.
Look at you admitting you can't win on economics so you want to use social wedge issues to divide and distract.

Why don't Republicans talk about tariffs and all the other things trump says about bringing jobs back home? If Republicans aren't with trump on the things we like about trump, why support them?

You mean like Republicans are going to take your right to an abortion away and Republicans deny marriage to gays? No wait, that's you ...
It is?

Trump will ban abortion. He said the 3 judges he would appoint would be pro life.
You might be surprised. Justices often surprise the presidents that appoint them. Earl Warren and William Brennan, the leading forces behind the aggressively liberal court of the 1960s were appointed by Eisenhower. David Souter, whom President George H.W. Bush expected to be a reliable conservative but quickly emerged as anything but that. For some justices, being appointed to the Supreme Court for life becomes an ideological liberator. They no longer need to build a record based on a particular ideology. They can put aside their prejudices and base their vote on their interpretation of the constitution, legal precedent, and the arguments presented. No Supreme Court judge wants to be seen by history and his peers as a reliable liberal or conservative.
IMO they'll never make abortion illegal because it's a necessary evil. They like using it as a wedge issue but probably realize we would have to deal with all those unwanted humans.
Very simple. Run ads in the contested states on gay marriage and men in women's showers. No other issue. Just the LGBT one. Independents will balk at the idea of a continued complete unchallenged path to those issues with a democrat Senate and Hillary in the Whitehouse. Concede defeat in the ads on POTUS; but push just the idea of holding the Senate just to push back on the LGBT legal freight train.

Bigger than jobs, the destruction of the nuclear family and just basic decency & common sense is the most visceral issue with voters; without them saying so. But it is nevertheless. Jobs is a close second though. But you need not even bring them up to cloud this crystal clear dog whistle. The LGBT issue will save the day.

It WILL work. (Target boycott; even California voted down gay marriage twice; once as recently as 2008...loaded with conservative hispanics)...

You're welcome.
Look at you admitting you can't win on economics so you want to use social wedge issues to divide and distract.

Why don't Republicans talk about tariffs and all the other things trump says about bringing jobs back home? If Republicans aren't with trump on the things we like about trump, why support them?

You mean like Republicans are going to take your right to an abortion away and Republicans deny marriage to gays? No wait, that's you ...
It is?

Trump will ban abortion. He said the 3 judges he would appoint would be pro life.
You might be surprised. Justices often surprise the presidents that appoint them. Earl Warren and William Brennan, the leading forces behind the aggressively liberal court of the 1960s were appointed by Eisenhower. David Souter, whom President George H.W. Bush expected to be a reliable conservative but quickly emerged as anything but that. For some justices, being appointed to the Supreme Court for life becomes an ideological liberator. They no longer need to build a record based on a particular ideology. They can put aside their prejudices and base their vote on their interpretation of the constitution, legal precedent, and the arguments presented. No Supreme Court judge wants to be seen by history and his peers as a reliable liberal or conservative.
When Nixon signed abortion rights even he admitted there are times when abortion is necessary. The example he used for a circumstance when abortion would be necessary? When a black and white got pregnant. Lol.
You're really hung up on men in women's showers.

So are 100s of millions of registered voters. Might want to check back with the OP to see what this thread is all about...

If I had to venture a guess...I'd say that around 99% of those voters are strongly against men using women's showers or any other woman's facility. So, do the math.
Trump will ban abortion. He said the 3 judges he would appoint would be pro life.

Even if he did that wouldn't ban abortion.
They would overturn roe v Wade. Stop pretending that's not the end game.

Of course, that's their end game. That doesn't ban abortion, though.

What would ban abortion? I heard him say something about the states. So it would be a states rights issue?

Yes and the vast majority of states wouldn't do it.
You're really hung up on men in women's showers.

So are 100s of millions of registered voters. Might want to check back with the OP to see what this thread is all about...

If I had to venture a guess...I'd say that around 99% of those voters are strongly against men using women's showers or any other woman's facility. So, do the math.
Wrong! You guys tried to use men in women's bathrooms as an issue but it's really a non issue.

It plays well with the base but no one else.
Wrong! You guys tried to use men in women's bathrooms as an issue but it's really a non issue.

It plays well with the base but no one else.

Showers and locker rooms too....dont' forget legal precedent. And is that why 1.2 million people signed an online pledge to boycott Target when they pulled their bathroom BS? And Target lost $10 billion in share value over night? Because it's a "non issue"? If it's such a non-issue, then you'll not be disturbed if the GOP runs ads against the practice nonstop in all the battleground states, right? Non-issue. No worries. Yes?

BTW, I really liked shopping at Target; was one of my favorite outlets for sundries. Haven't been there since they did their policy. I've found Sears and other stores like it to give my business to..
Trump will ban abortion. He said the 3 judges he would appoint would be pro life.

Even if he did that wouldn't ban abortion.
They would overturn roe v Wade. Stop pretending that's not the end game.

Of course, that's their end game. That doesn't ban abortion, though.

What would ban abortion? I heard him say something about the states. So it would be a states rights issue?

Yes and the vast majority of states wouldn't do it.
That's what you think. How many gop governors are there out of 50?

I think usmb Republicans make it very clear they believe abortion is murder.

Bottom line is I vote against Republicans like the right to choose depends on it.
Wrong! You guys tried to use men in women's bathrooms as an issue but it's really a non issue.

It plays well with the base but no one else.

Showers and locker rooms too....dont' forget legal precedent. And is that why 1.2 million people signed an online pledge to boycott Target when they pulled their bathroom BS? And Target lost $10 billion in share value over night? Because it's a "non issue"? If it's such a non-issue, then you'll not be disturbed if the GOP runs ads against the practice nonstop in all the battleground states, right? Non-issue. No worries. Yes?

BTW, I really liked shopping at Target; was one of my favorite outlets for sundries. Haven't been there since they did their policy. I've found Sears and other stores like it to give my business to..
Run your adds. 1 million religious extremists signed an online petition? Yawn.
:lmao: Yeah ^^ because only religious extremists object to deranged males using women's and girls showers, locker rooms and bathrooms. Spinning reality again are you?

The right to choose? Do you mean to kill babies past 12 week fetus point? You want to fight for that right but not for the death penalty? You guys are crazy. Insane. But you bring up a good point. The ads can say that with Hillary at the helm, the right to choose will likely stay in place. Largely because several GOP senators have softened on it. But no GOP Senator or independent voter has softened on deranged men using women's showers, locker rooms and bathrooms.

So the math.. This thread is all about the math. Now I notice the GOP has shied away from hammering home the votes on the men in the women's facilities thing. But they're fools. And it is as big of a mistake as running Trump at the top of their ticket. They still have time. Let's see if they can make hay while the sun is still shining..
The right to choose? Do you mean to kill babies past 12 week fetus point? You want to fight for that right but not for the death penalty? You guys are crazy. Insane. But you bring up a good point. The ads can say that with Hillary at the helm, the right to choose will likely stay in place. Largely because several GOP senators have softened on it. But no GOP Senator or independent voter has softened on deranged men using women's showers, locker rooms and bathrooms.

So the math..
You're funny. So desparate and so wrong in your assessment of how Americans feel.

We all know how the religious right and how white Hicks feel. Beyond that most Americans have softened their position on gays.
You're funny. So desparate and so wrong in your assessment of how Americans feel.

We all know how the religious right and how white Hicks feel. Beyond that most Americans have softened their position on gays.

I notice you shifted from talking about deranged men in women's showers to "position on gays". LGBT includes "T". And "T" wants to walzt into girls showers whenever their deranged minds take a fancy to it.

THAT is what 99% of voters object to. DO THE MATH.

Literally, if the GOP made themselves nothing but "The party opposed to men in womens/girls' showers and bathrooms", they would have a congressional LANDSLIDE in a couple weeks.
Trump will ban abortion. He said the 3 judges he would appoint would be pro life.

Even if he did that wouldn't ban abortion.
They would overturn roe v Wade. Stop pretending that's not the end game.

Of course, that's their end game. That doesn't ban abortion, though.

What would ban abortion? I heard him say something about the states. So it would be a states rights issue?

Yes and the vast majority of states wouldn't do it.
That's what you think.

It's what I know

How many gop governors are there out of 50?

Roughly 30, I believe. Not all of them have Republican legislatures and even if they did it doesn't mean they would sign off on an abortion ban
You're funny. So desparate and so wrong in your assessment of how Americans feel.

We all know how the religious right and how white Hicks feel. Beyond that most Americans have softened their position on gays.

I notice you shifted from talking about deranged men in women's showers to "position on gays". LGBT includes "T". And "T" wants to walzt into girls showers whenever their deranged minds take a fancy to it.

THAT is what 99% of voters object to. DO THE MATH.

Literally, if the GOP made themselves nothing but "The party opposed to men in womens/girls' showers and bathrooms", they would have a congressional LANDSLIDE in a couple weeks.
Do it! You guys clearly know what works. Lol
Trump will ban abortion. He said the 3 judges he would appoint would be pro life.

Even if he did that wouldn't ban abortion.
They would overturn roe v Wade. Stop pretending that's not the end game.

Of course, that's their end game. That doesn't ban abortion, though.

What would ban abortion? I heard him say something about the states. So it would be a states rights issue?

Yes and the vast majority of states wouldn't do it.
That's what you think.

It's what I know

How many gop governors are there out of 50?

Roughly 30, I believe. Not all of them have Republican legislatures and even if they did it doesn't mean they would sign off on an abortion ban
Trump told you he'd appoint anti abortion judges.

I knew you weren't really voting Gary Johnson. Look at you defending trump. Or maybe this is you convincing yourself that it'll be OK if trump wins? Are you thinking about becoming a trumpet?
Even if he did that wouldn't ban abortion.
They would overturn roe v Wade. Stop pretending that's not the end game.

Of course, that's their end game. That doesn't ban abortion, though.

What would ban abortion? I heard him say something about the states. So it would be a states rights issue?

Yes and the vast majority of states wouldn't do it.
That's what you think.

It's what I know

How many gop governors are there out of 50?

Roughly 30, I believe. Not all of them have Republican legislatures and even if they did it doesn't mean they would sign off on an abortion ban
Trump told you he'd appoint anti abortion judges.

I knew you weren't really voting Gary Johnson. Look at you defending trump. Or maybe this is you convincing yourself that it'll be OK if trump wins? Are you thinking about becoming a trumpet?

I already voted for Gary Johnson. Early voting started in Nevada today. I am simply correcting your ignorance on Roe

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