The White House cites numerous health problems caused by climate change


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The White House cites numerous health problems caused by climate change

American citizens are getting more asthma, more bronchitis, and more allergies as a result of climate change, said a White House report issued Friday. The report comes on the heels of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed tough new regulations aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants by 30 percent by 2030.

According to the report, asthma cases have more than doubled in the past thirty years, coinciding with the decrease in air quality. Warmer weather has increased allergies and extreme heat exposure has caused more than 7,800 deaths in the United States from 1999 to 2009. In addition, extreme weather events in the form of heavy rainfall, droughts, and heat waves are becoming more common and lasting longer.

“We have a moral obligation to leave our children a planet that’s not irrevocably polluted or damaged,” the report said, saying also that the most vulnerable people—the poor, the aged, and those suffering from chronic illnesses—were particularly affected by global warming. Approximately 40 percent of the nation’s carbon pollution comes from power plants, the White House said.

Read more: The White House cites numerous health problems caused by climate change | Science Recorder

With solar and wind = none of this shit.
Another White House proclamation! Must be true!

Hast there been discovered anything that is not the fault of the disruptive climate hoosifudge?
We should spend money on fusion r&d and renewables. Coal and finite fuel sources are just bad for our country.
Civilization is all about people working together to build a single society that works for us all. So you think we should disband the police, fire, medical and educational system, ha. No more maintaining infastructure or investing in keeping this country part of the first world. Sounds kind of nuts.

Arachist are what you tea partiers are.
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Civilization is all about people working together to build a single society that works for us all. So you think we should disband the police, fire, medical and educational system, ha. No more maintaining infastructure or investing in keeping this country part of the first world. Sounds kind of nuts.

Arachist are what you tea partiers are.
That's right, make a ridiculously extreme statement, then assign it to someone who didn't say anything of the kind. You've been owned, just accept it.
No, you should spend your money on those things and leave everyone else alone.

What is bad for the country are know-it-all nanny progressives.

Both sides have a point, in my opinion. years ago the air and water was polluted much more then today. We did something about it and it wasn't just shut down our industries, although that is what clean up the air and water the most.

Coal is a finite source but the end of the supply is no where near.

So I think the biggest complaint is that the cart is being put before the horse. We should develop renewables BEFORE we shut down an industry. It only makes sense considering that China is building a coal stations one a week. Right now most renewables are not reliable. The Sun sets and the wind doesn't always blow. The only real renewable that is reliable is hydro. Try and build the Hoover dam today, go ahead the enviro groups would never let it happen. Fusion it appears that it is just a pie in the sky. We have spent millions if not billions chasing that dream. Wish it were able to be developed but apparently not. Nuclear has a problem which I have been railing about for some time. Obama shut Yucca mountain and now, as always, spent fuel needs to be stored on site. Nothing he promised, like reprocessing has been done. It is my opinion that nothing will happen to the fuel but it is a big target and a potentially very deadly target.

What I think is that the president has lost all credibility. He says a lot of crap that just ain't so. Not all of it but enough to question all of it.
The White House cites numerous health problems caused by climate change

American citizens are getting more asthma, more bronchitis, and more allergies as a result of climate change, said a White House report issued Friday. The report comes on the heels of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed tough new regulations aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants by 30 percent by 2030.

According to the report, asthma cases have more than doubled in the past thirty years, coinciding with the decrease in air quality. Warmer weather has increased allergies and extreme heat exposure has caused more than 7,800 deaths in the United States from 1999 to 2009. In addition, extreme weather events in the form of heavy rainfall, droughts, and heat waves are becoming more common and lasting longer.

“We have a moral obligation to leave our children a planet that’s not irrevocably polluted or damaged,” the report said, saying also that the most vulnerable people—the poor, the aged, and those suffering from chronic illnesses—were particularly affected by global warming. Approximately 40 percent of the nation’s carbon pollution comes from power plants, the White House said.

Read more: The White House cites numerous health problems caused by climate change | Science Recorder

With solar and wind = none of this shit.

Hmmmmmm . . . nope. Aair quality hasn't decreased. It has dramatically improved. CO2 does not affect asthma.

The president is full of shit.
Now moving on to why we can't trust Obama, he doesn't tell the truth. The truth is that science doesn't know what the rates of asthma has increased. Allergies apparently there is some credence that we are just too clean. Like the Polio virus was always present, as I am told, in the soil and children playing in the soil would develop a resistance to the disease. Modern sanitation removed that exposure thus polio cases increased.

Here is an article that is totally unbiased, compare what it says to what Obama said. HE is doing what a lot of people do, making an assumption on what they believe to be logical and not on fact. If he is going to make policy don't you think his opinion should be weighed against the evidence?

Why Are Asthma Rates Soaring?

Why Are Asthma Rates Soaring? - Scientific American

But the short answer to the question of why asthma has increased, according to Pearce, von Mutius, Rodrigues and many others, is, “We don’t know.” Pearce, in particular, wonders whether modernization in general or westernization in particular may play a role. “There is something about westernization that means people’s immune systems function in a different way,” he says. “But we don’t know what the mechanism is.”
Now here is a graph showing pollution through the years, how does it jive with what Obama is trying to sell?

No, you should spend your money on those things and leave everyone else alone.

What is bad for the country are know-it-all nanny progressives.

Too True. They should invest their money into businesses they think will make a profit and then become rich doing so.
If what the sleazy preezy says is true, then certainly incidents of all this global warming disease should have had a remarkable drop as a result of the brutal winter the US just came through.

The sleazy preezy doesn't recognize that brutal winter. It never happened.
No, you should spend your money on those things and leave everyone else alone.

What is bad for the country are know-it-all nanny progressives.

Yeah, fuck air!! Its not like my pollution is going to affect anyone amirite?

And actually the cases of cancer far outweigh your imaginary harm from progressives
You do know that the dinosaurs were using inhalants and antihistamines to deal with their climate change?
Is there a liberal who supports Obama who will honestly look at the information provided and admit that what Obama said was absolute horse pucky? Or are we to deny science and just listen to his talking points which, as you have been shown, are absolutely incorrect?
On behalf of the National Science and Technology Council and the U.S. Global Change Research Program, we are pleased to transmit the report of the Third National Climate Assessment: Climate Change Impacts in the United States. As required by the Global Change Research Act of 1990, this report has collected, evaluated, and integrated observations and research on climate change in the United States. It focuses both on changes that are happening now and further changes that we can
expect to see throughout this century.

This report is the result of a three-year analytical effort by a team of over 300 experts, overseen by a broadly constituted Federal Advisory Committee of 60 members. It was developed from information and analyses gathered in over 70 workshops and listening sessions held across the country. It was subjected to extensive review by the public and by scientific experts in and out of government, including a special panel of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences. This process of unprecedented rigor and transparency was undertaken so that the findings of the National Climate Assessment would rest on the firmest possible base of expert judgment.

Full Report | National Climate Assessment
Is there a liberal who supports Obama who will honestly look at the information provided and admit that what Obama said was absolute horse pucky? Or are we to deny science and just listen to his talking points which, as you have been shown, are absolutely incorrect?

Look at the information provided? but....You didnt provide any information.
Is there a liberal who supports Obama who will honestly look at the information provided and admit that what Obama said was absolute horse pucky? Or are we to deny science and just listen to his talking points which, as you have been shown, are absolutely incorrect?

Look at the information provided? but....You didnt provide any information.

Provided in previous posts:

Why Are Asthma Rates Soaring? - Scientific American

But the short answer to the question of why asthma has increased, according to Pearce, von Mutius, Rodrigues and many others, is, “We don’t know.” Pearce, in particular, wonders whether modernization in general or westernization in particular may play a role. “There is something about westernization that means people’s immune systems function in a different way,” he says. “But we don’t know what the mechanism is.”

Note, pollution is going way down along with CO2

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