The White House cites numerous health problems caused by climate change

1. Successful with the original internet
2. Successful with the Manhattan project
3. Successful in space exploration
4. Successful in regulating the free market and building our infrastructure.

Arachism sucks.
Nobody but you is saying anything about anarchy. You can knock it off with the lame straw man already.

Now, let's take that very short list as inarguable success, which it is far from, BTW.

When stacked up against the quite extensive litany of governmental and bureaucratic failures, abuses and frauds you do not have any kind of argument in your favor.

I've got a US government success for you: The greatest nation in the history of the planet.

Holy the hell do these dolts navigate in the world? These people who trust government......think they rally have the best interests of the people as a prime motivating factor. What kind of bubble do you grow up in to think this way? Its fascinating!! They want the government in charge of all of our decisions.........fascinating shit!!:coffee:

These people are the most dangerous people walking around our country. Lets just hope they are not put in charge of anything!!!:D:2up:
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Civilization is all about people working together to build a single society that works for us all. So you think we should disband the police, fire, medical and educational system, ha. No more maintaining infastructure or investing in keeping this country part of the first world. Sounds kind of nuts.

Arachist are what you tea partiers are.

Here's a clue Matthew --- We just don't want to work with you.. And most of Congress..
We couldn''t agree on the menu for Forum picnic..
This OP is an indication that the Admin thinks America is stupid. And that they can lie and distort the complicated issues with impugnity.. By allowing them to declare CO2 as a pollutant and PURPOSELY CONFUSE CO2 with "carbon" -- they can now COMBINE ALL pollution sources with their failed Global Warming message.. "Carbon" is the new black.. Because CO2 wasn't evil enough to got their plan accepted.

If they HAD a plan --- that is ........ BHO and the wrecking crew just have a dangerously destructive ideological agenda.. It's dishonest as hell.
Not another $$$ out of my wallet to the Amer. Lung Assoc. either.. That is running ads with a baby and making the same dishonest connection between Global Warming and health using this "carbon" bullshit.. Don't support the folks who think you are that stupid..
This OP is an indication that the Admin thinks America is stupid.

Certainly a small minority of folks have done their damndest to make that case.

And that they can lie and distort the complicated issues with impugnity..

Lie? Accepting what mainstream science accepts and acting on it isn't lying. It's doing what a responsible leader is supposed to do.

By allowing them to declare CO2 as a pollutant and PURPOSELY CONFUSE CO2 with "carbon" -- they can now COMBINE ALL pollution sources with their failed Global Warming message.. "Carbon" is the new black.. Because CO2 wasn't evil enough to got their plan accepted. "

Using "carbon" as a common shorthand for carbon-based greenhouse gases predates Obama's speech by decades. However, if you want to further the impression deniers routinely give of being on the leading edge of conspiracy nut-hood, feel free to fantasize an evil and arcane motive for his use of the term.

BHO and the wrecking crew just have a dangerously destructive ideological agenda.. It's dishonest as hell.

Speaking of dishonest: WHAT agenda?

Not another $$$ out of my wallet to the Amer. Lung Assoc. either.. That is running ads with a baby and making the same dishonest connection between Global Warming and health using this "carbon" bullshit.. Don't support the folks who think you are that stupid..

God, you're a CHILD. I bet the American Lung Association is just gonna fold without your philanthropic largesse. And, of course, all the patients they help are fully involved in this scam and deserve to be cut off. The penalty for taking aid from an organization that accepts mainstream science's view on global warming - in FCT's world - is death by lung cancer. Got it.
This OP is an indication that the Admin thinks America is stupid. And that they can lie and distort the complicated issues with impugnity.. By allowing them to declare CO2 as a pollutant and PURPOSELY CONFUSE CO2 with "carbon" -- they can now COMBINE ALL pollution sources with their failed Global Warming message.. "Carbon" is the new black.. Because CO2 wasn't evil enough to got their plan accepted.

If they HAD a plan --- that is ........ BHO and the wrecking crew just have a dangerously destructive ideological agenda.. It's dishonest as hell.
Not another $$$ out of my wallet to the Amer. Lung Assoc. either.. That is running ads with a baby and making the same dishonest connection between Global Warming and health using this "carbon" bullshit.. Don't support the folks who think you are that stupid..

Funny you think that your faux anger, name calling and constantly repeating "its a lie" takes the place of proving your bullshit.

It doesnt. All you had to do in your 32 paragraph typed bullshit was say just ONCE...HOW it is a lie.

But you didnt...You know why? Because you cant and all you have is name calling and foot stomping whining
The White House cites numerous health problems caused by climate change

American citizens are getting more asthma, more bronchitis, and more allergies as a result of climate change, said a White House report issued Friday. The report comes on the heels of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed tough new regulations aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants by 30 percent by 2030.

According to the report, asthma cases have more than doubled in the past thirty years, coinciding with the decrease in air quality. Warmer weather has increased allergies and extreme heat exposure has caused more than 7,800 deaths in the United States from 1999 to 2009. In addition, extreme weather events in the form of heavy rainfall, droughts, and heat waves are becoming more common and lasting longer.

“We have a moral obligation to leave our children a planet that’s not irrevocably polluted or damaged,” the report said, saying also that the most vulnerable people—the poor, the aged, and those suffering from chronic illnesses—were particularly affected by global warming. Approximately 40 percent of the nation’s carbon pollution comes from power plants, the White House said.
Read more: The White House cites numerous health problems caused by climate change | Science Recorder

With solar and wind = none of this shit.

Did they actually supply some science to back up these claims?

Didn't think so.
Civilization is all about people working together to build a single society that works for us all. So you think we should disband the police, fire, medical and educational system, ha. No more maintaining infastructure or investing in keeping this country part of the first world. Sounds kind of nuts.

Arachist are what you tea partiers are.

No single society can possibly work for everyone, which is why you are a fascist statist asshole that wants to force your viewpoint on everyone else and hate freedom because t allows people to figure things out for themselves. You will ever win.
No, you should spend your money on those things and leave everyone else alone.

What is bad for the country are know-it-all nanny progressives.

Yeah, fuck air!! Its not like my pollution is going to affect anyone amirite?

And actually the cases of cancer far outweigh your imaginary harm from progressives

What, precisely, is the trigger level of atmospheric CO2 that causes asthma? Until you can give me hard data I am going with the people that actually study asthma, none of whom have tied it to CO2 levels in the atmosphere. The only people that have even tired that are the people that want to scare me into doing something.
Look at the information provided? but....You didnt provide any information.

Provided in previous posts:

Why Are Asthma Rates Soaring? - Scientific American

But the short answer to the question of why asthma has increased, according to Pearce, von Mutius, Rodrigues and many others, is, “We don’t know.” Pearce, in particular, wonders whether modernization in general or westernization in particular may play a role. “There is something about westernization that means people’s immune systems function in a different way,” he says. “But we don’t know what the mechanism is.”

Note, pollution is going way down along with CO2


Now can you explain this? The Scientists dont know why Asthma rates are increasing according this article correct? Ok

And you said that you hope leftist look at the evidence and realize Obama is full of horse pucky. These scientists dont know that that proves Obama to be false? How? They actually started testing based on the same idea that pollution is the cause.

How can the scientists you present be level headed and Obama be full of shit when both believe that its pollution to be the cause?

Because pollution has been going down, didn't you read the post? Or do you get confused by actual science when they confront political talking points?
Can you imagine if we spent the 200 billion on getting fusion up and running? We'd have a product that we could sell to the world to increase our gdp by trillions.

Could you imagine the impact of a fusion explosion in New York City?

I would love to see sustainable fusion reaction, but there is no guarantee that the process would be any more economical than a fission reactor, which we can already build. Currently, our best options are exactly the things Obama wants to put an end to, and he isn't even supporting building new fission reactors because the green energy nuts don't want people to have access to power, they just want to act like the Earth will die if we don't stop throwing CO2 into the atmosphere. My question is, so what if the sea level goes up 200 feet? We will have to move a few coastal cities and adapt to a new climate, but life, and even humans, will survive. As a race, we can adapt to conditions that would kill cockroaches, if we can''t, then something else will come along and take over. Science will ultimately triumph, stop being afraid of your fucking shadow.
You can only force technology so much. It's not like we could make teleportion work by spending 200 billion on it. Same with fusion.

No shit. I really hope that we can build safe fusion plants in my lifetime, but the technology isn't going to happen just because we throw money at it. When it does happen, it will probably be the result of somebody trying to do something completely unrelated to fusion and discovering a new way do something that someone else will see as the answer.
But staving off that mass starvation required INorganic food, preservatives, pesticides and GMOs.
No, you should spend your money on those things and leave everyone else alone.

What is bad for the country are know-it-all nanny progressives.

Yeah, fuck air!! Its not like my pollution is going to affect anyone amirite?

And actually the cases of cancer far outweigh your imaginary harm from progressives

What, precisely, is the trigger level of atmospheric CO2 that causes asthma?

Who besides you and the other denier ever singled out asthma?

But thats how you work. Unless, of course, you consider "numerous health problems" to mean asthma? Me? I consider "numerous health problems" to mean like, more than one thing.
Yeah, fuck air!! Its not like my pollution is going to affect anyone amirite?

And actually the cases of cancer far outweigh your imaginary harm from progressives

What, precisely, is the trigger level of atmospheric CO2 that causes asthma?

Who besides you and the other denier ever singled out asthma?

But thats how you work. Unless, of course, you consider "numerous health problems" to mean asthma? Me? I consider "numerous health problems" to mean like, more than one thing.

That would be Obama and the White House report that we are discussing, idiot. You should read it. It has all sorts of correlations between unrelated things, it reads ike a conspiracy nut's diary.
Surprised the White House isn't blasting Big Beer for the poisonous and unhealthy gas that beer makers ENCOURAGE to fizz out of their product.. Wait til the public learns the dangers of "CARBON" in their brewskies.. What a bunch of hosers losers we have running this carnival..

Awww crap.. I just gave them a new angle to attack.. :lmao:

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