The White House cites numerous health problems caused by climate change

Can you imagine if we spent the 200 billion on getting fusion up and running? We'd have a product that we could sell to the world to increase our gdp by trillions.
Every dime of it taken from productive people, denying them the use of their earnings to fund some joker's pipe dream.
You can only force technology so much. It's not like we could make teleportion work by spending 200 billion on it. Same with fusion.
Have to give you credit there. That is the first sane thing I have ever seen you post.

But there are at least three deeper and very insidious problems with government "investments".

1) They subsidize failure. There is no idea so harebrained that the taxpayer cannot be put on the hook for, with absolutely no accountability from those wasting the resources. This rarely happens with private R&D, and when it does the perps usually end up behind bars.

2) There is no motivation to succeed. No bureaucrat ever wants to work themselves out of a job.

3) What happens if there is success, resulting in the greatest energy product ever contrived? Who gets the patent? Who would own the manufacturing rights and, more importantly, the profits? I cannot envision a government with that kind of a monopoly on such a device, not becoming more greedy and malevolent than any other in history.
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Well.......if the White House says this, who's to doubt them?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Problem is, everyone and their brother knows that the White House is using the socialist playbook. Anybody who thinks this is about the environment either has a plate in their head and/or is a mental case. Its just another way to tax the people into serfdom, promote government dependence and foster power. That's all its always been about......but we have many, many who are connect the dots challenged.
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Can you imagine if we spent the 200 billion on getting fusion up and running? We'd have a product that we could sell to the world to increase our gdp by trillions.
I cannot imagine the government being successful in such a venture.

1. Successful with the original internet
2. Successful with the Manhattan project
3. Successful in space exploration
4. Successful in regulating the free market and building our infrastructure.

Arachism sucks.
Can you imagine if we spent the 200 billion on getting fusion up and running? We'd have a product that we could sell to the world to increase our gdp by trillions.
I cannot imagine the government being successful in such a venture.

1. Successful with the original internet
2. Successful with the Manhattan project
3. Successful in space exploration
4. Successful in regulating the free market and building our infrastructure.

Arachism sucks.
Nobody but you is saying anything about anarchy. You can knock it off with the lame straw man already.

Now, let's take that very short list as inarguable success, which it is far from, BTW.

When stacked up against the quite extensive litany of governmental and bureaucratic failures, abuses and frauds you do not have any kind of argument in your favor.
I cannot imagine the government being successful in such a venture.

1. Successful with the original internet
2. Successful with the Manhattan project
3. Successful in space exploration
4. Successful in regulating the free market and building our infrastructure.

Arachism sucks.
Nobody but you is saying anything about anarchy. You can knock it off with the lame straw man already.

Now, let's take that very short list as inarguable success, which it is far from, BTW.

When stacked up against the quite extensive litany of governmental and bureaucratic failures, abuses and frauds you do not have any kind of argument in your favor.

I've got a US government success for you: The greatest nation in the history of the planet.
1. Successful with the original internet
2. Successful with the Manhattan project
3. Successful in space exploration
4. Successful in regulating the free market and building our infrastructure.

Arachism sucks.
Nobody but you is saying anything about anarchy. You can knock it off with the lame straw man already.

Now, let's take that very short list as inarguable success, which it is far from, BTW.

When stacked up against the quite extensive litany of governmental and bureaucratic failures, abuses and frauds you do not have any kind of argument in your favor.

I've got a US government success for you: The greatest nation in the history of the planet.
The nation is not the government.

But it is a common error for progressive government worshipers to make that mistake.
1. Successful with the original internet
2. Successful with the Manhattan project
3. Successful in space exploration
4. Successful in regulating the free market and building our infrastructure.

Arachism sucks.
Nobody but you is saying anything about anarchy. You can knock it off with the lame straw man already.

Now, let's take that very short list as inarguable success, which it is far from, BTW.

When stacked up against the quite extensive litany of governmental and bureaucratic failures, abuses and frauds you do not have any kind of argument in your favor.

I've got a US government success for you: The greatest nation in the history of the planet.

America is great only to the extent that our government doesn't exist. government isn't what made it great. almost everything that suck about the USA is the product of government.
Of course the shitty diets and lifestyles couldn't have anything to do with American's health. The EPA is out of control, it needs to be shut down and a smaller agency not hell bent on turning us into its' serfs put in place.
Of course the shitty diets and lifestyles couldn't have anything to do with American's health. The EPA is out of control, it needs to be shut down and a smaller agency not hell bent on turning us into its' serfs put in place.

I think the solution is one: to cut their budget by about 75%, and two: to change the law so that Congress has to vote on any new regulations that the EPA proposes.

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