The "white house" COVID CHIEF issues a "DIRE WARNING" everyone.

The AP Interview: US 'vulnerable' to COVID without new shots


Thu, May 12, 2022, 3:58 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha issued a dire warning Thursday that the U.S. will be increasingly vulnerable to the coronavirus this fall and winter if Congress doesn't swiftly approve new funding for more vaccines and treatments.

In an Associated Press interview, Jha said Americans' immune protection from the virus is waning, the virus is adapting to be more contagious and booster doses for most people will be necessary — with the potential for enhanced protection from a new generation of shots.

His warning came as the White House said there could be up to 100 million infections from the virus later this year — and as President Joe Biden somberly ordered flags to half-staff to mark 1 million deaths.

Yeah here they are again everyone. Marching to the orders. Pushing the shots again cause of that disease that no one gives a shit about but i can promise you the circus fleas will comply. THEY WILL COMPLY.


Oh they are pushing their propaganda again for the lock down see the freaks think this happen the next day no dumbasses they are pushing the propaganda first get you weak scared so you run and get your jabs lmfao.

God these pPle are fkn idIots.
What the hell is wrong with you people?

America has lost 1,000,000 souls to this damned virus - both Original Recipe and Extra Crispy - over the past two years.

Public servants who are Subject Matter Experts are warning us in advance to continue a regimen of vaccination as a safeguard against that goddamned bug.

Wise men consider such advice calmly and rationally. Fools throw rocks at what they don't understand or what their Orange Baboon-God plants in their minds.

Their narrow, shallow, lemming-like minds... such as they are. :cuckoo:
You're forgetting about the roughly 286 souls/day that are lost to Fentanyl poisoning....over 100,000 this year so far.....thanks to Biden's open borders policies.

Those are real numbers......not fake numbers that the CDC puts out claiming that anyone who dies and is later tested positive for COVID is a COVID death. Who cares that they died in car-wrecks or died of the flu. All they had to do to increase the numbers was to boost the sensitivity of the tests to where false positives happen every day.
You're forgetting about the roughly 286 souls/day that are lost to Fentanyl poisoning....over 100,000 this year so far.....thanks to Biden's open borders policies.

Those are real numbers......not fake numbers that the CDC puts out claiming that anyone who dies and is later tested positive for COVID is a COVID death. Who cares that they died in car-wrecks or died of the flu. All they had to do to increase the numbers was to boost the sensitivity of the tests to where false positives happen every day.
Wonder what the hypocrite's reaction is to this.

Love too how they toss out that 1 million number and passed around like a political grenade for the puppets like the kindor hypocrite to use while they engage in forcing mandatory lockdowns again for the cold, which I have had twice. Somehow I survived the sniffles. TWICE without a vaccine and with diabetes. I must be a left wing miracle. What I do know is I am left wing enemy.


With our 99.5 percent recovery rate from the sniffles and the left wing media parroting the left wing governments ""DIRE WARNINGS" for two long fucking years and they still carry on yelling from their puppet strings while we wade around in their cesspool of sewer water that they spewed that has destroyed our economy, destroyed middle class families, destroyed the middle-class itself and they are spewing out AGAIN!!!!

The AP Interview: US 'vulnerable' to COVID without new shots


Thu, May 12, 2022, 3:58 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha issued a dire warning Thursday that the U.S. will be increasingly vulnerable to the coronavirus this fall and winter if Congress doesn't swiftly approve new funding for more vaccines and treatments.

In an Associated Press interview, Jha said Americans' immune protection from the virus is waning, the virus is adapting to be more contagious and booster doses for most people will be necessary — with the potential for enhanced protection from a new generation of shots.

His warning came as the White House said there could be up to 100 million infections from the virus later this year — and as President Joe Biden somberly ordered flags to half-staff to mark 1 million deaths.

Yeah here they are again everyone. Marching to the orders. Pushing the shots again cause of that disease that no one gives a shit about but i can promise you the circus fleas will comply. THEY WILL COMPLY.

Eh, fuck off.
The AP Interview: US 'vulnerable' to COVID without new shots


Thu, May 12, 2022, 3:58 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha issued a dire warning Thursday that the U.S. will be increasingly vulnerable to the coronavirus this fall and winter if Congress doesn't swiftly approve new funding for more vaccines and treatments.

In an Associated Press interview, Jha said Americans' immune protection from the virus is waning, the virus is adapting to be more contagious and booster doses for most people will be necessary — with the potential for enhanced protection from a new generation of shots.

His warning came as the White House said there could be up to 100 million infections from the virus later this year — and as President Joe Biden somberly ordered flags to half-staff to mark 1 million deaths.

Yeah here they are again everyone. Marching to the orders. Pushing the shots again cause of that disease that no one gives a shit about but i can promise you the circus fleas will comply. THEY WILL COMPLY.


Darwin will sort it all out. :)
The AP Interview: US 'vulnerable' to COVID without new shots


Thu, May 12, 2022, 3:58 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha issued a dire warning Thursday that the U.S. will be increasingly vulnerable to the coronavirus this fall and winter if Congress doesn't swiftly approve new funding for more vaccines and treatments.

In an Associated Press interview, Jha said Americans' immune protection from the virus is waning, the virus is adapting to be more contagious and booster doses for most people will be necessary — with the potential for enhanced protection from a new generation of shots.

His warning came as the White House said there could be up to 100 million infections from the virus later this year — and as President Joe Biden somberly ordered flags to half-staff to mark 1 million deaths.

Yeah here they are again everyone. Marching to the orders. Pushing the shots again cause of that disease that no one gives a shit about but i can promise you the circus fleas will comply. THEY WILL COMPLY.

By continually overblowing Covid they are severely endangering all of us.

Sooner or later a truly deadly pandemic is going to break out that threatens to kill tens of millions of people and their dire warnings will fall on deaf ears.

The Boy who Cried Wolf is becoming the United States Government and more specifically the Democratic party.
Darwin will sort it all out. :)
If you are under 65 and healthy your odds of dying in a car wreck are higher than those of dying from Covid.

The number of healthy people dying from Covid since it broke out is lower than the number of healthy people that die of influenza on an average year.
You're forgetting about the roughly 286 souls/day that are lost to Fentanyl poisoning....over 100,000 this year so far.....thanks to Biden's open borders policies.

Those are real numbers......not fake numbers that the CDC puts out claiming that anyone who dies and is later tested positive for COVID is a COVID death. Who cares that they died in car-wrecks or died of the flu. All they had to do to increase the numbers was to boost the sensitivity of the tests to where false positives happen every day.
Oh, Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... another Manipulate-the-Numbers-Kornspiracy theorist... yikes... :cool:
The AP Interview: US 'vulnerable' to COVID without new shots


Thu, May 12, 2022, 3:58 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha issued a dire warning Thursday that the U.S. will be increasingly vulnerable to the coronavirus this fall and winter if Congress doesn't swiftly approve new funding for more vaccines and treatments.

In an Associated Press interview, Jha said Americans' immune protection from the virus is waning, the virus is adapting to be more contagious and booster doses for most people will be necessary — with the potential for enhanced protection from a new generation of shots.

His warning came as the White House said there could be up to 100 million infections from the virus later this year — and as President Joe Biden somberly ordered flags to half-staff to mark 1 million deaths.

Yeah here they are again everyone. Marching to the orders. Pushing the shots again cause of that disease that no one gives a shit about but i can promise you the circus fleas will comply. THEY WILL COMPLY.

Apparently, Dr. Ashish Jha, is unaware that virologists say, as viruses like the COVID viruses mutate, they become less deadly.
Of course, the left needs to keep up the "fear-factor" to keep people scared and voting for them. Anticipate that as we approach November, the left will have masks back in place, restricting political opponents access to voting stations and their new "Disinformation Board" will control what we hear on the results.
What the hell is wrong with you people?

America has lost 1,000,000 souls to this damned virus - both Original Recipe and Extra Crispy - over the past two years.

Public servants who are Subject Matter Experts are warning us in advance to continue a regimen of vaccination as a safeguard against that goddamned bug.

Wise men consider such advice calmly and rationally. Fools throw rocks at what they don't understand or what their Orange Baboon-God plants in their minds.

Their narrow, shallow, lemming-like minds... such as they are. :cuckoo:
Yet you loons fired hundreds of thousands of nurses, because they wouldn't get the vaccine.
No, that's a sane, rational approach to a public health emergency. It's always best to do what one can to remain on THIS side of the sod, eh?
The Federal Gov't hasn't made a sane or rational decision since Covid first began.

The one thing we could have done to seriously mitigate damage in the US would have been to close our borders as soon as it was known the disease was getting out of Wuhan.

we should have then simply Isolated those most vulnerable and let everyone else go on with their lives.

If you aren't over 55 with multiple co morbidities you're more likely to die from the annual flu than Covid.
America has lost 1,000,000 souls to this damned virus - both Original Recipe and Extra Crispy - over the past two years.
At most in virtually every case Covid only expedited by a few months, maybe a year or two the deaths of people that were already very sick.

The "Covid Death Numbers" are a complete fabrication as well.

Death certificates don't matchup with the Covid numbers and Covid Money encouraged fraud in reporting.

Even people who died without a positive test or diagnosis of Covid prior to death became "Covid deaths" as did people who died directly from other causes such as suicide and car crashes were counted as Covid deaths if they tested positive for a disease that is asymptomatic in about 70% of cases.

You folks should be celebrating as almost all actual "Covid Deaths" were in boomers who were just costing the system billions treating their Comorbid conditions which would have otherwise lingered on for a few months up to a couple of years absent Covid.

The next Flu or cold was going to have the same outcome for them.

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