The "white house" COVID CHIEF issues a "DIRE WARNING" everyone.

The AP Interview: US 'vulnerable' to COVID without new shots


Thu, May 12, 2022, 3:58 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — White House COVID-19 coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha issued a dire warning Thursday that the U.S. will be increasingly vulnerable to the coronavirus this fall and winter if Congress doesn't swiftly approve new funding for more vaccines and treatments.

In an Associated Press interview, Jha said Americans' immune protection from the virus is waning, the virus is adapting to be more contagious and booster doses for most people will be necessary — with the potential for enhanced protection from a new generation of shots.

His warning came as the White House said there could be up to 100 million infections from the virus later this year — and as President Joe Biden somberly ordered flags to half-staff to mark 1 million deaths.

Yeah here they are again everyone. Marching to the orders. Pushing the shots again cause of that disease that no one gives a shit about but i can promise you the circus fleas will comply. THEY WILL COMPLY.

The bull shit coming out of the White House is stunning...

The new strains are kept at bay by NATURAL IMMUNITES. Those with natural immunities have long term protections. Those who took the mRNA jab have no protections at all. Republican states that allowed the general populace to get this bug and get over it are going to be far better off than the blue states that vaccinated everyone with a drug that stops natural immunity from occurring.
Why would they push something that stops natural function of the human immune system? Look no further than endless shots and big pharma profits...
The firings were both righteous and necessary. If you aren't vaccinated you have no business being near vulnerable patients.
Most of those people had natural immunities. The far better way to keep people safe. Those who were vaccinated were asymptomatic spreaders... What a moron.. you don't have a clue about what your spewing.
The Federal Gov't hasn't made a sane or rational decision since Covid first began.
Disagree. They fast-tracked a vaccine. They fast-tracked authorizations for mask mandates and lockdowns. They got 80% of the population vaxxed.
The one thing we could have done to seriously mitigate damage in the US would have been to close our borders as soon as it was known the disease was getting out of Wuhan.
we should have then simply Isolated those most vulnerable and let everyone else go on with their lives.
No. Plenty of perfectly healthy people became badly infected and many of those succumbed as well as the more vulnerable.
If you aren't over 55 with multiple co morbidities you're more likely to die from the annual flu than Covid.
With the strains currently extant? Probably. With the Original Recipe strain and its early variants? Not really. Those were far more deadly.
Most of those people had natural immunities. The far better way to keep people safe. Those who were vaccinated were asymptomatic spreaders... What a moron.. you don't have a clue about what your spewing.
You are talking to a bot with zero self awareness and only moves about based on programming and that's it. Useless.
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Most of those people had natural immunities.
Yes, yes, yes... we've all heard the spiel about 'natural immunities'. In a great many cases that simply wasn't enough.
The far better way to keep people safe.
I'll take the advice of Epidemiology SME's over those of a layman haunting a message board, thank you very much.
Those who were vaccinated were asymptomatic spreaders...
But at least they stayed on this side of the sod... :cool:
What a moron.. you don't have a clue about what your spewing.
Yeah... you flash your epidemiology credentials and you're all set...
Yes, yes, yes... we've all heard the spiel about 'natural immunities'. In a great many cases that simply wasn't enough.

I'll take the advice of Epidemiology SME's over those of a layman haunting a message board, thank you very much.

But at least they stayed on this side of the sod... :cool:

Yeah... you flash your epidemiology credentials and you're all set...
The poor chicken hawk squats in his own poop.... Even the CDC admits this now... you really are a moron.

I am a graduate of Biological Warfare school. You are in over your head...
What the hell is wrong with you people?

America has lost 1,000,000 souls to this damned virus - both Original Recipe and Extra Crispy - over the past two years.

Public servants who are Subject Matter Experts are warning us in advance to continue a regimen of vaccination as a safeguard against that goddamned bug.

Wise men consider such advice calmly and rationally. Fools throw rocks at what they don't understand or what their Orange Baboon-God plants in their minds.

Their narrow, shallow, lemming-like minds... such as they are. :cuckoo:

Did you enjoy Cuomos book?
Yes, I considered that too.

Drugs developed in a rush under emergency conditions do, indeed, pose risks, and one takes them with those risks in-mind.

Most of us will "get away with it" or "get lucky" and not manifest symptoms... now or later.

But there are, of course, unfortunate souls who are going to "draw the short straw" and pick-up short- or long -term symptoms attributable to the vax.

It's like Vegas... ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances.

But here's the "closer"...

You've gotta be on
THIS side of the sod in order to be worrying about side effects... :cool:
Good thing there’s a 99% chance staying on this side of the sod.
Disagree. They fast-tracked a vaccine. They fast-tracked authorizations for mask mandates and lockdowns. They got 80% of the population vaxxed.
Masks cannot be shown to have had any effect on the spread and the lockdowns only created family clusters.

The vaccine does not prevent transmission or disease, at most it gives us antibodies with which to aid us in fighting the disease ourselves.

Natural immunity acquired through exposure has proven to be vastly superior and longer lasting than vaccine acquired immunity. That's why we're now having endless boosters being recommended.
No. Plenty of perfectly healthy people became badly infected and many of those succumbed as well as the more vulnerable.
Less than 1% of deaths occurred in the young and healthy. Over 90% occurred in those over 65 with multiple comorbid conditions.

IF you are under fifty and healthy you have virtually noting to fear from the disease at all.

Fewer than 70,000 deaths to date in the fifty and under crowd and virtually all of those deaths occurred in people with compromised immune systems and other comorbid conditions.
With the strains currently extant? Probably. With the Original Recipe strain and its early variants? Not really. Those were far more deadly.
No they weren't at no point did we have higher than a 2% case mortality rate and as it spread and the sample size increased it reached 1.67% with the original strains.

I know because I calculated it several times every week.
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Unbelievable, is it science? Will we need mail in voting?

The "winter of death" is continuing into "summer of death". Last chance to get "vaccinated" folks, or you're gonna die.

The firings were both righteous and necessary. If you aren't vaccinated you have no business being near vulnerable patients.

How do you figure? You can get covid from vaxed or unvaxed people. That's just the science. I didn't get the vax to protect you, I got it to protect myself. You can do whatever you want to protect yourself as far as I'm concerned, but don't expect me to do it for you.
I guess Big Pharma can’t be satiated. The enormous profits must continue unabated forever, but somehow many Americans STILL can’t see the scam.
Ain't tribalism wonderful?
as a safeguard against
Are you TERMINALLY stuck on stupid? People are dying from vaccines, they are contracting and transmitting the "bug" even when vaxxed multiple times. What would need to happen to shake your faith in the gob-ment line?

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