The white race will survive, but;

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Why the human race will survive. In the whole scheme of things, all humans will survive ; life is not about race and our relations with each other is destined to make a serious change for the better. Since we cannot make amends ourselves , it will be done for us ; human life will make an astounding turn in the future and we will all evolve into incredible new species.

This is my belief. My statement of understanding and true hope for humanity.

We face an oncoming evolution that will totally eclipse all that we have ever known , and yes, evil will be no more. No more pain and suffering; mankind was not brought into existence to have death, pain and suffering. Those things are not going to be in our newly evolved future. We will evolve beyond petty things such as race and weaknesses; we stand on the verge of finally understanding just why we exist!

In this new age of wonders, there will be no more " Races" or " Sexes. We will grow pass those stages. Yes, we are now only in a primal stage of being, and this God we hear of, has an astounding existence of healing and learning and living that will burst us all into the new standard; and we will finally be truly happy ; ALL of us, there will be none left out. No religions to condemn us any more. No Theism and Atheism theory to weigh us down and limit our thinking. Allow me to give my view of this great evolution that we are destined for. My coming humble understanding.
Why the human race will survive. In the whole scheme of things, all humans will survive ; life is not about race and our relations with each other is destined to make a serious change for the better. Since we cannot make amends ourselves , it will be done for us ; human life will make an astounding turn in the future and we will all evolve into incredible new species.

This is my belief. My statement of understanding and true hope for humanity.

We face an oncoming evolution that will totally eclipse all that we have ever known , and yes, evil will be no more. No more pain and suffering; mankind was not brought into existence to have death, pain and suffering. Those things are not going to be in our newly evolved future. We will evolve beyond petty things such as race and weaknesses; we stand on the verge of finally understanding just why we exist!

In this new age of wonders, there will be no more " Races" or " Sexes. We will grow pass those stages. Yes, we are now only in a primal stage of being, and this God we hear of, has an astounding existence of healing and learning and living that will burst us all into the new standard; and we will finally be truly happy ; ALL of us, there will be none left out. No religions to condemn us any more. No Theism and Atheism theory to weigh us down and limit our thinking. Allow me to give my view of this great evolution that we are destined for. My coming humble understanding.

Wow, drug legalization is really spreading...
Perhaps just not in America. They most definitely will be a minority in America. But in Great Briton they will survive. But Great Briton knows what America is going through, they went through it in Africa. They took Africa over for a while, then the Blacks kicked them out of authority. The blind fold was removed from the Black race there.

And I seriously doubt that there is another brown skinned nation that the whites can deceive now. The game is over.

Name one black skinned nation that is successful. With links.

I was surprised, I looked this up and saw about 7 websites that claimed no black nation is successful. So you have support. But I did find this, which is impressive;

List of African countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia

Money is always impressive.
Whites always try to pull that out of their asses. They think they can rape a continent of its resources, fuck it up by colonialism, pollute it with white philosophy and then claim these places are backwards when whites are the ones that made it backwards in the first place.

Really? The Europeans made Africa so backwards?

So, do explain away Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't colonized by Europeans, and which are backwards by even African standards.
You sound like an idiot. Ethiopia was invaded by Italy and Liberia was created by the US. Any time a Black country kicks a white countrys ass they are financially punished collectively by europeans.

Tons of countries were invaded, and colonized outside of Africa, and none are in as bad shape as Ethiopia.

Some countries which faced staggering losses, invasions, and even in some cases colonization in the 20th century, like China, Poland, South Korea, or Estonia, have not only bounced up economically, but have become intellectual havens.

Meanwhile Ethiopia which had it easier than any country I just listed, is way behind those countries.

It's so obvious that Africans aren't equal, and just don't have what it takes.
Perhaps just not in America. They most definitely will be a minority in America. But in Great Briton they will survive. But Great Briton knows what America is going through, they went through it in Africa. They took Africa over for a while, then the Blacks kicked them out of authority. The blind fold was removed from the Black race there.

And I seriously doubt that there is another brown skinned nation that the whites can deceive now. The game is over.

Name one black skinned nation that is successful. With links.

I was surprised, I looked this up and saw about 7 websites that claimed no black nation is successful. So you have support. But I did find this, which is impressive;

List of African countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia

Money is always impressive.
Whites always try to pull that out of their asses. They think they can rape a continent of its resources, fuck it up by colonialism, pollute it with white philosophy and then claim these places are backwards when whites are the ones that made it backwards in the first place.

Really? The Europeans made Africa so backwards?

So, do explain away Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't colonized by Europeans, and which are backwards by even African standards.

We all are messed up man; we need God. Or we need a power greater than ourselves.

It's obviously on us to make the World a better place.

Whether you believe in God, or not, is irrelevant.

I certainly see no bettering of the World, by allowing the idiotic, and criminal (Savages) of this World overpopulate at higher rates.
Name one black skinned nation that is successful. With links.

I was surprised, I looked this up and saw about 7 websites that claimed no black nation is successful. So you have support. But I did find this, which is impressive;

List of African countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia

Money is always impressive.
Whites always try to pull that out of their asses. They think they can rape a continent of its resources, fuck it up by colonialism, pollute it with white philosophy and then claim these places are backwards when whites are the ones that made it backwards in the first place.

Really? The Europeans made Africa so backwards?

So, do explain away Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't colonized by Europeans, and which are backwards by even African standards.
You sound like an idiot. Ethiopia was invaded by Italy and Liberia was created by the US. Any time a Black country kicks a white countrys ass they are financially punished collectively by europeans.

Tons of countries were invaded, and colonized outside of Africa, and none are in as bad shape as Ethiopia.

Some countries which faced staggering losses, invasions, and even in some cases colonization in the 20th century, like China, Poland, South Korea, or Estonia, have not only bounced up economically, but have become intellectual havens.

Meanwhile Ethiopia which had it easier than any country I just listed, is way behind those countries.

It's so obvious that Africans aren't equal, and just don't have what it takes.
Like most dumb white people you always forget that the US and european powers invest in those other countries instead of attempting to destabilize them by backing dictators. Also they turn over ownership of their resources unlike what has occurred in Africa.
I was surprised, I looked this up and saw about 7 websites that claimed no black nation is successful. So you have support. But I did find this, which is impressive;

List of African countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia

Money is always impressive.
Whites always try to pull that out of their asses. They think they can rape a continent of its resources, fuck it up by colonialism, pollute it with white philosophy and then claim these places are backwards when whites are the ones that made it backwards in the first place.

Really? The Europeans made Africa so backwards?

So, do explain away Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't colonized by Europeans, and which are backwards by even African standards.
You sound like an idiot. Ethiopia was invaded by Italy and Liberia was created by the US. Any time a Black country kicks a white countrys ass they are financially punished collectively by europeans.

Tons of countries were invaded, and colonized outside of Africa, and none are in as bad shape as Ethiopia.

Some countries which faced staggering losses, invasions, and even in some cases colonization in the 20th century, like China, Poland, South Korea, or Estonia, have not only bounced up economically, but have become intellectual havens.

Meanwhile Ethiopia which had it easier than any country I just listed, is way behind those countries.

It's so obvious that Africans aren't equal, and just don't have what it takes.
Like most dumb white people you always forget that the US and european powers invest in those other countries instead of attempting to destabilize them by backing dictators.

So, why do you depend on Whitey for investments, you goofy, doofy, turd?

Shouldn't a continent of 1 billion, be able to trade, and build up their own?

Japan didn't sit around waiting for Whitey, they built great products, and innovated.

It seems you're expecting White investment to build up Africa.

Besides, you're whole premises is wrong, Africa is becoming an increased outsourcing destination, because it's so cheap.
Name one black skinned nation that is successful. With links.

I was surprised, I looked this up and saw about 7 websites that claimed no black nation is successful. So you have support. But I did find this, which is impressive;

List of African countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia

Money is always impressive.
Whites always try to pull that out of their asses. They think they can rape a continent of its resources, fuck it up by colonialism, pollute it with white philosophy and then claim these places are backwards when whites are the ones that made it backwards in the first place.

Really? The Europeans made Africa so backwards?

So, do explain away Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't colonized by Europeans, and which are backwards by even African standards.
You sound like an idiot. Ethiopia was invaded by Italy and Liberia was created by the US. Any time a Black country kicks a white countrys ass they are financially punished collectively by europeans.

Tons of countries were invaded, and colonized outside of Africa, and none are in as bad shape as Ethiopia.

Some countries which faced staggering losses, invasions, and even in some cases colonization in the 20th century, like China, Poland, South Korea, or Estonia, have not only bounced up economically, but have become intellectual havens.

Meanwhile Ethiopia which had it easier than any country I just listed, is way behind those countries.

It's so obvious that Africans aren't equal, and just don't have what it takes.

As I said in another thread...

Before black Africans had contact with outsiders not one African society had invented the wheel, written language, calendar, two story buildings, mechanical devices or domesticated any beast of burden...

If blacks were so great and more advanced than Whites, which is what is being said in this thread... then why aren't they still more advanced? White people stole their ability to function properly? A supposedly inferior race of cave dwellers was able to steal all of their technology, enslave them, and render them unable to further evolve?
We face an oncoming evolution that will totally eclipse all that we have ever known , and yes, evil will be no more. No more pain and suffering; mankind was not brought into existence to have death, pain and suffering. Those things are not going to be in our newly evolved future. We will evolve beyond petty things such as race and weaknesses; we stand on the verge of finally understanding just why we exist!

In this new age of wonders, there will be no more " Races" or " Sexes. We will grow pass those stages. Yes, we are now only in a primal stage of being, and this God we hear of, has an astounding existence of healing and learning and living that will burst us all into the new standard; and we will finally be truly happy ; ALL of us, there will be none left out. No religions to condemn us any more. No Theism and Atheism theory to weigh us down and limit our thinking. Allow me to give my view of this great evolution that we are destined for. My coming humble understanding.

You'd need massive eugenics to approach what you're speaking of, and it'd probably still fall short.
Whites always try to pull that out of their asses. They think they can rape a continent of its resources, fuck it up by colonialism, pollute it with white philosophy and then claim these places are backwards when whites are the ones that made it backwards in the first place.

Really? The Europeans made Africa so backwards?

So, do explain away Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't colonized by Europeans, and which are backwards by even African standards.
You sound like an idiot. Ethiopia was invaded by Italy and Liberia was created by the US. Any time a Black country kicks a white countrys ass they are financially punished collectively by europeans.

Tons of countries were invaded, and colonized outside of Africa, and none are in as bad shape as Ethiopia.

Some countries which faced staggering losses, invasions, and even in some cases colonization in the 20th century, like China, Poland, South Korea, or Estonia, have not only bounced up economically, but have become intellectual havens.

Meanwhile Ethiopia which had it easier than any country I just listed, is way behind those countries.

It's so obvious that Africans aren't equal, and just don't have what it takes.
Like most dumb white people you always forget that the US and european powers invest in those other countries instead of attempting to destabilize them by backing dictators.

So, why do you depend on Whitey for investments, you goofy, doofy, turd?

Shouldn't a continent of 1 billion, be able to trade, and build up their own?

Japan didn't sit around waiting for Whitey, they built great products, and innovated.

It seems you're expecting White investment to build up Africa.

Besides, you're whole premises is wrong, Africa is becoming an increased outsourcing destination, because it's so cheap.
I guess maybe you dont understand english too good. I just said that money goes to dictators.

They are building up and trading on their own even inspite of european interferences.

Japan was rebuilt by american dollars and protected which is why they dont even have a military. You cant be this stupid can you?

I'd rather whites forget Africa existed but they cant without letting go of the gold and diamond industries they still own and profit from.
I was surprised, I looked this up and saw about 7 websites that claimed no black nation is successful. So you have support. But I did find this, which is impressive;

List of African countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia

Money is always impressive.
Whites always try to pull that out of their asses. They think they can rape a continent of its resources, fuck it up by colonialism, pollute it with white philosophy and then claim these places are backwards when whites are the ones that made it backwards in the first place.

Really? The Europeans made Africa so backwards?

So, do explain away Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't colonized by Europeans, and which are backwards by even African standards.
You sound like an idiot. Ethiopia was invaded by Italy and Liberia was created by the US. Any time a Black country kicks a white countrys ass they are financially punished collectively by europeans.

Tons of countries were invaded, and colonized outside of Africa, and none are in as bad shape as Ethiopia.

Some countries which faced staggering losses, invasions, and even in some cases colonization in the 20th century, like China, Poland, South Korea, or Estonia, have not only bounced up economically, but have become intellectual havens.

Meanwhile Ethiopia which had it easier than any country I just listed, is way behind those countries.

It's so obvious that Africans aren't equal, and just don't have what it takes.

As I said in another thread...

Before black Africans had contact with outsiders not one African society had invented the wheel, written language, calendar, two story buildings, mechanical devices or domesticated any beast of burden...

If blacks were so great and more advanced than Whites, which is what is being said in this thread... then why aren't they still more advanced? White people stole their ability to function properly? A supposedly inferior race of cave dwellers was able to steal all of their technology, enslave them, and render them unable to further evolve?
As I have said so many times before....

Just because you said something doesnt make it true. In fact in your case it makes highly dubious that its true.

Africa was probably the first to invent the wheel. There are drawings of chariots and farm equipment with wheels on them long before whites could stop living in caves.

We already answered why Blacks are not "advanced" Whites have no clue what "advanced" means for starters. You cant because you are genetically recessive and also inferior.
I was surprised, I looked this up and saw about 7 websites that claimed no black nation is successful. So you have support. But I did find this, which is impressive;

List of African countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia

Money is always impressive.
Whites always try to pull that out of their asses. They think they can rape a continent of its resources, fuck it up by colonialism, pollute it with white philosophy and then claim these places are backwards when whites are the ones that made it backwards in the first place.

Really? The Europeans made Africa so backwards?

So, do explain away Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't colonized by Europeans, and which are backwards by even African standards.
You sound like an idiot. Ethiopia was invaded by Italy and Liberia was created by the US. Any time a Black country kicks a white countrys ass they are financially punished collectively by europeans.

Tons of countries were invaded, and colonized outside of Africa, and none are in as bad shape as Ethiopia.

Some countries which faced staggering losses, invasions, and even in some cases colonization in the 20th century, like China, Poland, South Korea, or Estonia, have not only bounced up economically, but have become intellectual havens.

Meanwhile Ethiopia which had it easier than any country I just listed, is way behind those countries.

It's so obvious that Africans aren't equal, and just don't have what it takes.

As I said in another thread...

Before black Africans had contact with outsiders not one African society had invented the wheel, written language, calendar, two story buildings, mechanical devices or domesticated any beast of burden...

If blacks were so great and more advanced than Whites, which is what is being said in this thread... then why aren't they still more advanced? White people stole their ability to function properly? A supposedly inferior race of cave dwellers was able to steal all of their technology, enslave, and render them unable to further evolve?

Indeed, Africa was way behind the curve in general.

But, the clincher for me is to look at Estonia vs Ethiopia.

Estonia colonized for nearly 1,000 years of it's existence all the way until 1992, when it gained it's independence from the Soviet Union proper (Soviet Russia)

Estonia also lost a sizable chunk of it's population in WW2.

The fact is Estonia has since developed into something impressive.

- Estonia now has the #1 PISA scores for education results in Europe.

- Estonia has since 1992 (It's independence) seen some of the fastest economic growth in Europe.

- Estonia has become an innovative country, creating Skype, and Kazaa tech, among others.

What about Ethiopia?
Ethiopia's illiterate, poor, and backwards by even African standards.(Despite an Ethiopia which wasn't colonized officially.)
As I have said so many times before....

Just because you said something doesnt make it true. In fact in your case it makes highly dubious that its true.

Africa was probably the first to invent the wheel. There are drawings of chariots and farm equipment with wheels on them long before whites could stop living in caves.

We already answered why Blacks are not "advanced" Whites have no clue what "advanced" means for starters. You cant because you are genetically recessive and also inferior.

All of your countries are shit and the average African IQs is less than 90. And all you do is say you wuz kangz and cave dwelling whitey smells bad, dey stole our inventions, knowledge, and apparently we're so powerful, we were also able to steal your ability to ever be productive or technologically advanced, ever again.
As I have said so many times before....

Just because you said something doesnt make it true. In fact in your case it makes highly dubious that its true.

Africa was probably the first to invent the wheel. There are drawings of chariots and farm equipment with wheels on them long before whites could stop living in caves.

We already answered why Blacks are not "advanced" Whites have no clue what "advanced" means for starters. You cant because you are genetically recessive and also inferior.

All of your countries are shit and the average African IQs is less than 90. And all you do is say you wuz kangz and cave dwelling whitey smells bad, dey stole our inventions, knowledge, and apparently we're so powerful, we were also able to steal your ability to ever be productive or technologically advanced, ever again.
If that was true you wouldnt be on the internet. A black man did that for you. Whites have only hindered our ability but that day is fast fading.
Whites always try to pull that out of their asses. They think they can rape a continent of its resources, fuck it up by colonialism, pollute it with white philosophy and then claim these places are backwards when whites are the ones that made it backwards in the first place.
There are drawings of chariots and farm equipment with wheels on them long before whites could stop living in caves.

The Moorish (North African) chronicler Ibn Khaldun spoke of Sub-Saharan Africans, as living in caves, and thickets, and eating each other
Really? The Europeans made Africa so backwards?

So, do explain away Ethiopia, or Liberia which weren't colonized by Europeans, and which are backwards by even African standards.
You sound like an idiot. Ethiopia was invaded by Italy and Liberia was created by the US. Any time a Black country kicks a white countrys ass they are financially punished collectively by europeans.

Tons of countries were invaded, and colonized outside of Africa, and none are in as bad shape as Ethiopia.

Some countries which faced staggering losses, invasions, and even in some cases colonization in the 20th century, like China, Poland, South Korea, or Estonia, have not only bounced up economically, but have become intellectual havens.

Meanwhile Ethiopia which had it easier than any country I just listed, is way behind those countries.

It's so obvious that Africans aren't equal, and just don't have what it takes.
Like most dumb white people you always forget that the US and european powers invest in those other countries instead of attempting to destabilize them by backing dictators.

So, why do you depend on Whitey for investments, you goofy, doofy, turd?

Shouldn't a continent of 1 billion, be able to trade, and build up their own?

Japan didn't sit around waiting for Whitey, they built great products, and innovated.

It seems you're expecting White investment to build up Africa.

Besides, you're whole premises is wrong, Africa is becoming an increased outsourcing destination, because it's so cheap.
I guess maybe you dont understand english too good. I just said that money goes to dictators.

They are building up and trading on their own even inspite of european interferences.

Japan was rebuilt by american dollars and protected which is why they dont even have a military. You cant be this stupid can you?

I'd rather whites forget Africa existed but they cant without letting go of the gold and diamond industries they still own and profit from.

1.) Why do Africans depend on hand outs?

2.) Why are there so many dictators in Africa?
As I have said so many times before....

Just because you said something doesnt make it true. In fact in your case it makes highly dubious that its true.

Africa was probably the first to invent the wheel. There are drawings of chariots and farm equipment with wheels on them long before whites could stop living in caves.

We already answered why Blacks are not "advanced" Whites have no clue what "advanced" means for starters. You cant because you are genetically recessive and also inferior.

All of your countries are shit and the average African IQs is less than 90. And all you do is say you wuz kangz and cave dwelling whitey smells bad, dey stole our inventions, knowledge, and apparently we're so powerful, we were also able to steal your ability to ever be productive or technologically advanced, ever again.
If that was true you wouldnt be on the internet. A black man did that for you. Whites have only hindered our ability but that day is fast fading.

When we're gone your descendants will create an empire of feces built upon the ruins of our cathedrals. And you'll die one by one like flies.
As I have said so many times before....

Just because you said something doesnt make it true. In fact in your case it makes highly dubious that its true.

Africa was probably the first to invent the wheel. There are drawings of chariots and farm equipment with wheels on them long before whites could stop living in caves.

We already answered why Blacks are not "advanced" Whites have no clue what "advanced" means for starters. You cant because you are genetically recessive and also inferior.

All of your countries are shit and the average African IQs is less than 90. And all you do is say you wuz kangz and cave dwelling whitey smells bad, dey stole our inventions, knowledge, and apparently we're so powerful, we were also able to steal your ability to ever be productive or technologically advanced, ever again.
If that was true you wouldnt be on the internet. A black man did that for you. Whites have only hindered our ability but that day is fast fading.

LOL, So you're saying a Black man invented the internet?

Wow, really? Really now?
As I have said so many times before....

Just because you said something doesnt make it true. In fact in your case it makes highly dubious that its true.

Africa was probably the first to invent the wheel. There are drawings of chariots and farm equipment with wheels on them long before whites could stop living in caves.

We already answered why Blacks are not "advanced" Whites have no clue what "advanced" means for starters. You cant because you are genetically recessive and also inferior.

All of your countries are shit and the average African IQs is less than 90. And all you do is say you wuz kangz and cave dwelling whitey smells bad, dey stole our inventions, knowledge, and apparently we're so powerful, we were also able to steal your ability to ever be productive or technologically advanced, ever again.
If that was true you wouldnt be on the internet. A black man did that for you. Whites have only hindered our ability but that day is fast fading.

LOL, So you're saying a Black man invented the internet?

Wow, really? Really now?

Al Gore is black?
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