The Winston Churchill Bust - coming home!

Maybe Trump will display the bust of Churchill with this not so well known Churchill quote under it:

“The discoveries of healing science must be the inheritance of all. That is clear: Disease must be attacked, whether it occurs in the poorest or the richest man or woman simply on the ground that it is the enemy; and it must be attacked just in the sane way as the fire brigade will give its full assistance to the humblest cottage as readily as to the most important mansion….Our policy is to create a national health service in order to ensure that everybody in the country, irrespective of means, age, sex, or occupation, shall have equal opportunities to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical and allied services available.”

Ya think?
AHAHAHAHAHA seriously??? Is that really on there?
to be fair, it makes perfect sense for Obama to place a bust of MLK in the Oval Office

followed by:

taking it out and sending it back to the British Embassy back was a huge insult


And after that you accuse Obama of not insulting foreign leaders.... but bowing down to them!!! :rofl:

You dumb fucking rube!

are you really trying?

is that the best you can do? cutting my quote up out of context to imply a meaning that isn't there?

you don't have to answer that, I already know that it is...

I do have to admit that it's a kind of fun watching you make a fool of yourself :)

I'll keep watching though, I guess it is possible that you will make a salient point eventually

I'll be pulling for you!

No - really, I will. I always like to see people progress and improve their debating & reasoning skills - good luck brah, you're gonna need it...
to be fair, it makes perfect sense for Obama to place a bust of MLK in the Oval Office

followed by:

taking it out and sending it back to the British Embassy back was a huge insult


And after that you accuse Obama of not insulting foreign leaders.... but bowing down to them!!! :rofl:

You dumb fucking rube!

are you really trying?

is that the best you can do? cutting my quote up out of context to imply a meaning that isn't there?

you don't have to answer that, I already know that it is...

I do have to admit that it's a kind of fun watching you make a fool of yourself :)

I'll keep watching though, I guess it is possible that you will make a salient point eventually

I'll be pulling for you!

No - really, I will. I always like to see people progress and improve their debating & reasoning skills - good luck brah, you're gonna need it...
dcbl - "It was perfectly okay for Obama to put MLK in the Oval Office."

...seconds later...


Maybe Trump will display the bust of Churchill with this not so well known Churchill quote under it:

“The discoveries of healing science must be the inheritance of all. That is clear: Disease must be attacked, whether it occurs in the poorest or the richest man or woman simply on the ground that it is the enemy; and it must be attacked just in the sane way as the fire brigade will give its full assistance to the humblest cottage as readily as to the most important mansion….Our policy is to create a national health service in order to ensure that everybody in the country, irrespective of means, age, sex, or occupation, shall have equal opportunities to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical and allied services available.”

Ya think?

so, Trump has stated that he wants to ensure that everyone has access to medical care. I don't want to deny medical care to anyone; but how do we pay for it?

It's a tough question and a tough issue - my "practical side" tells me we cannot afford it. My "human/charitable" side recognizes it as a good thing to do

I will join the healthcare debate in another thread when I am more up for a serious and meaningful discussion. But no, I do not think we should be in the business of giving everyone everything that is available just because they breathe.
dcbl - "It was perfectly okay for Obama to put MLK in the Oval Office."

...seconds later...



come on now; this is getting embarrassing, or rather, if you had any dignity it would be for you

much more of this & I will expect you to start asking me to pay rent for that space I am occupying in your head
Respond to this dcbl

respond to what?

you are an obvious mental lightweight & arguing with you is pointless

you have demonstrated that your tactic here is to ignore facts and hurl insults

the bust that Obama sent back to the British Embassy was presented to George Bush right we were attacked in September of 2001.

Here is another fun article that mentions the presentation of this particular Churchill bust to George W Bush

The Case of the Two Churchills

and btw - thanks for pushing my thread for several pages!
But no, I do not think we should be in the business of giving everyone everything that is available just because they breathe.
Yet the Churchill you seem to admire so much was quite happy to 'give' health care to every Brit who breathed. Not bad for a drunk racist imperial, I give him that.
The one given on loan to the disastrous Bush White House was replaced by a portrait of an American Hero, Martin Luther King Jr. More appropriate than a second bust of a Brit IMO.

just curious - do you know the difference between a portrait and a bust?
Yet the Churchill who you seem to admire so much was quite happy to give health care to every Brit who breathed. Not bad for a drunk racist imperial, I give him that.

whether I "admire him so much" or not is irrelevant

I admire Jimmy Carter, he is a decent and honorable man. Horrible on policy, but a man worthy of respect for his personal story and accomplishments

Doesn't mean I want to implement his agenda. And Churchill was a "liberal" - a Labor Party PM

He was pushing healthcare while FDR was pushing Socialist inSecurity

Both men (WC & FDR) were fantastic wartime leaders - what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

Where are the Sam Nunn's & Scoop Jackson's of the left?

This thread has zero to do with Britain's domestic policy from 70 years ago...
Yet the Churchill who you seem to admire so much was quite happy to give health care to every Brit who breathed. Not bad for a drunk racist imperial, I give him that.

whether I "admire him so much" or not is irrelevant

I admire Jimmy Carter, he is a decent and honorable man. Horrible on policy, but a man worthy of respect for his personal story and accomplishments

Doesn't mean I want to implement his agenda. And Churchill was a "liberal" - a Labor Party PM

He was pushing healthcare while FDR was pushing Socialist inSecurity

Both men (WC & FDR) were fantastic wartime leaders - what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

Where are the Sam Nunn's & Scoop Jackson's of the left?

This thread has zero to do with Britain's domestic policy from 70 years ago...

what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

that is a good question

it is all but unrecognizable

these days

too bad really

i came from a family of democrats

every one of us over time have left the party

by oldest brother was the last one

this year he left and voted trump
Yet the Churchill who you seem to admire so much was quite happy to give health care to every Brit who breathed. Not bad for a drunk racist imperial, I give him that.

whether I "admire him so much" or not is irrelevant

I admire Jimmy Carter, he is a decent and honorable man. Horrible on policy, but a man worthy of respect for his personal story and accomplishments

Doesn't mean I want to implement his agenda. And Churchill was a "liberal" - a Labor Party PM

He was pushing healthcare while FDR was pushing Socialist inSecurity

Both men (WC & FDR) were fantastic wartime leaders - what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

Where are the Sam Nunn's & Scoop Jackson's of the left?

This thread has zero to do with Britain's domestic policy from 70 years ago...

what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

that is a good question

it is all but unrecognizable

these days

too bad really

i came from a family of democrats

every one of us over time have left the party

by oldest brother was the last one

this year he left and voted trump
Good. Stay out of the party please.
Yet the Churchill who you seem to admire so much was quite happy to give health care to every Brit who breathed. Not bad for a drunk racist imperial, I give him that.

whether I "admire him so much" or not is irrelevant

I admire Jimmy Carter, he is a decent and honorable man. Horrible on policy, but a man worthy of respect for his personal story and accomplishments

Doesn't mean I want to implement his agenda. And Churchill was a "liberal" - a Labor Party PM

He was pushing healthcare while FDR was pushing Socialist inSecurity

Both men (WC & FDR) were fantastic wartime leaders - what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

Where are the Sam Nunn's & Scoop Jackson's of the left?

This thread has zero to do with Britain's domestic policy from 70 years ago...

what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

that is a good question

it is all but unrecognizable

these days

too bad really

i came from a family of democrats

every one of us over time have left the party

by oldest brother was the last one

this year he left and voted trump
Good. Stay out of the party please.


and fuck you

you are a dying breed

whether you know it or not
Then how can this video of the bust being presented to Dubya the Disaster MONTHS before 9/11 with ZERO mention of 9/11 possibly exist???

Winston Churchill Bust Acceptance | Video |

You dumb fucking rube.

well good job! you are doing a little better

here is a quote from The New Yorker article I linked earlier:

The other (bust)—they are close copies, both by Sir Jacob Epstein—was loaned to George W. Bush after 9/11.

that quote from here - The Case of the Two Churchills

2nd paragraph, halfway through

the 1st article I linked in my OP also said that bust wast presented after 9/11

so one of these organizations has the date wrong, my guess is that the c-span date is correct

I have to admit that I am surprised to see The New Yorker make a mistake & this won't prevent me from using them as a reference, as they are typically reliable

this does not take away from the fact that you were incorrect in stating that the bust was still in the White House, nor does it prove that I am a "liar"

and resorting to feeble insults is still a sign of a weak mind
Then how can this video of the bust being presented to Dubya the Disaster MONTHS before 9/11 with ZERO mention of 9/11 possibly exist???

Winston Churchill Bust Acceptance | Video |

You dumb fucking rube.

well good job! you are doing a little better

here is a quote from The New Yorker article I linked earlier:

The other (bust)—they are close copies, both by Sir Jacob Epstein—was loaned to George W. Bush after 9/11.

that quote from here - The Case of the Two Churchills

2nd paragraph, halfway through

the 1st article I linked in my OP also said that bust wast presented after 9/11

so one of these organizations has the date wrong, my guess is that the c-span date is correct

I have to admit that I am surprised to see The New Yorker make a mistake & this won't prevent me from using them as a reference, as they are typically reliable

this does not take away from the fact that you were incorrect in stating that the bust was still in the White House, nor does it prove that I am a "liar"

and resorting to feeble insults is still a sign of a weak mind
Well from the start of the thread it was obvious that either you're a liar or an idiot. Turns out you're just an idiot. That means there's hope for you. I look forward to being on the same side as you after a couple years of Trump raping the nation. If he hasn't been killed or impeached by then anyways.
a little kid at a protest tonight

says he lit a fire

and screw the president live on tv

and the left wonders why

normal folk are fleeing the party


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