The Winston Churchill Bust - coming home!

I'm not going to answer that leading/loaded question. I don't answer any non-neutrally presented questions.

I posted this story because it is a perfect example of several things:

a) Obama's arrogance - this is demonstrated in 2 ways: 1. the fact that he declined to keep bust even after the Brits pointedly asked him if he wanted to & 2. the fact that his administration made such a vehement denial that t=it was gone and then was even more reluctant to issue an apology

in fact, this is probably the best quote from Charles K EVER -
in fact this is one of Charle's better quotes:

"(I am) the only entity on earth, other than rogue states, that has received an apology from the (Obama) White House."

b) This story highlights, or draws attention to, the amazing difference between how the media treated a major foreign relations faux pax by Obama & what we see from them (the media) today in their (over)reaction to any indiscretion made by Trump

the info you posted changes none of that, in fact, it reinforces what I am saying as we see an opinion piece that works to minimize and brush over Obama's poor behavior

this decision by Obama was indeed a tweak at Great Britain; despite the fact that my friends on the left and in the media want it not to be.

Obama also made this comment in 2009, "There's nothing special about Britain. You're just the same as the other 190 countries in the world"

So the idea that he was not afraid to tweak the Brits is not so far fetched.
Actually people are wondering

why you, a supposedly grown ass man

doesn't know how

paragraphs work

hey fuck you

spell flaming and grammar flaming

is proof that you have conceded the point

the fact still remains that normal people are fleeing the

democrat party because of radicals like you
Repeat after me:
John is a democrat. John is a member of the democratic party...

who is john
A democrat, who is member of the democratic party..There is no democrat party to be a member of...

i leave it up to you to ramble around in circles

have fun with that
Just trying to help those whose brain function are at a low ebb in life..good day...
I'm not going to answer that leading/loaded question. I don't answer any non-neutrally presented questions.

I posted this story because it is a perfect example of several things:

a) Obama's arrogance - this is demonstrated in 2 ways: 1. the fact that he declined to keep bust even after the Brits pointedly asked him if he wanted to & 2. the fact that his administration made such a vehement denial that t=it was gone and then was even more reluctant to issue an apology

in fact, this is probably the best quote from Charles K EVER -
in fact this is one of Charle's better quotes:

"(I am) the only entity on earth, other than rogue states, that has received an apology from the (Obama) White House."

b) This story highlights, or draws attention to, the amazing difference between how the media treated a major foreign relations faux pax by Obama & what we see from them (the media) today in their (over)reaction to any indiscretion made by Trump

the info you posted changes none of that, in fact, it reinforces what I am saying as we see an opinion piece that works to minimize and brush over Obama's poor behavior

this decision by Obama was indeed a tweak at Great Britain; despite the fact that my friends on the left and in the media want it not to be.

Obama also made this comment in 2009, "There's nothing special about Britain. You're just the same as the other 190 countries in the world"

So the idea that he was not afraid to tweak the Brits is not so far fetched.
The bust is still in the White House in the Treaty Room..You were suckered in and made yet again,a patsy for false news...Sorry...
Daft beyond reproach...You could have researched and let your gullible vulnerability still be a secret....

they did lie about it - they were wrong and your "fact checker" is wrong - the "fact checkers" are wrong as often as they are correct & are truly a propaganda machine for leftists

I am a little surprised that you are pushing this angle still, as this has been disproven already ITT
The bust is still in the White House in the Treaty Room..You were suckered in and made yet again,a patsy for false news...Sorry...

it's not though

we have an apology from the White House & video proof from c-span that says your incorrect

thanks for pushing this though; it's making you look bad
hey fuck you

spell flaming and grammar flaming

is proof that you have conceded the point

the fact still remains that normal people are fleeing the

democrat party because of radicals like you
Repeat after me:
John is a democrat. John is a member of the democratic party...

who is john
A democrat, who is member of the democratic party..There is no democrat party to be a member of...

i leave it up to you to ramble around in circles

have fun with that
Just trying to help those whose brain function are at a low ebb in life..good day...

helping yourself is the first step
Repeat after me:
John is a democrat. John is a member of the democratic party...

who is john
A democrat, who is member of the democratic party..There is no democrat party to be a member of...

i leave it up to you to ramble around in circles

have fun with that
Just trying to help those whose brain function are at a low ebb in life..good day...

helping yourself is the first step
I'm not the one who claims there is a democrat party like yourself...
who is john
A democrat, who is member of the democratic party..There is no democrat party to be a member of...

i leave it up to you to ramble around in circles

have fun with that
Just trying to help those whose brain function are at a low ebb in life..good day...

helping yourself is the first step
I'm not the one who claims there is a democrat party like yourself...

anyone with any brain cells left knows that the democratic party is called the democrat party for short

like i said

helping yourself is the first step

putting down the bong is another
A democrat, who is member of the democratic party..There is no democrat party to be a member of...

i leave it up to you to ramble around in circles

have fun with that
Just trying to help those whose brain function are at a low ebb in life..good day...

helping yourself is the first step
I'm not the one who claims there is a democrat party like yourself...

anyone with any brain cells left knows that the democratic party is called the democrat party for short

like i said

helping yourself is the first step

putting down the bong is another
Surely you know that proper English shows you actually went to school and learned...
i leave it up to you to ramble around in circles

have fun with that
Just trying to help those whose brain function are at a low ebb in life..good day...

helping yourself is the first step
I'm not the one who claims there is a democrat party like yourself...

anyone with any brain cells left knows that the democratic party is called the democrat party for short

like i said

helping yourself is the first step

putting down the bong is another
Surely you know that proper English shows you actually went to school and learned...

oh another grammar flamer

Barry Hussein Obama, the man who spit in the face of our closest and most important ally, will be having MOST of his horrific legacy overturned.

Thankfully, this will be pretty easy, as MOST of his "legacy" was created through Executive Orders.

Anywho, to stay on track. President Fucknuts removed a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office; the bust was a gift from Great Britain. This is the same man who refused to even identify Islamic terrorists.

He just packed it up and sent it over to the British Embassy.

Well, Trump will be bringing the bust home. My oh my, isn't it refreshing to have a man in charge that treats our friends with respect & dignity?

Tomorrow is going to be glorious!

Report: Trump personally asked for Winston Churchill’s bust to be returned to Oval Office

President-elect Donald Trump has specifically asked England if they will return a bust of Winston Churchill to the Oval Office after President Barack Obama had it removed in 2009.

According to British newspaper The Sun, Trump senior advisers Jared Kushner and Steven Bannon asked Britain Foreign Minister Boris Johnson during their meeting in New York City over the weekend if England would be so kind as to return the bust.

A spokesperson for British Prime Minister Theresa May told the Sun that May was more than willing to oblige: “The Prime Minister is happy to loan the Churchill bust to the White House and will be delighted to view it on display when she visits this Spring.”

What petty nonsense
I posted this story because it is a perfect example of several things

I don't care why you posted it. I didn't read far enough into the post that contains the above quote to find out. What I know is that your OP is not a complete telling of the story.
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"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Winston Churchill

Communists/Socialists don't care for Winston Churchill. Even many Brits don't respect him. So it's not surprising Obama removed the bust. Good on Trump for bringing it back. Classy move. :thup:
Maybe Trump will display the bust of Churchill with this not so well known Churchill quote under it:

“The discoveries of healing science must be the inheritance of all. That is clear: Disease must be attacked, whether it occurs in the poorest or the richest man or woman simply on the ground that it is the enemy; and it must be attacked just in the sane way as the fire brigade will give its full assistance to the humblest cottage as readily as to the most important mansion….Our policy is to create a national health service in order to ensure that everybody in the country, irrespective of means, age, sex, or occupation, shall have equal opportunities to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical and allied services available.”

Ya think?

so, Trump has stated that he wants to ensure that everyone has access to medical care. I don't want to deny medical care to anyone; but how do we pay for it?

It's a tough question and a tough issue - my "practical side" tells me we cannot afford it. My "human/charitable" side recognizes it as a good thing to do

I will join the healthcare debate in another thread when I am more up for a serious and meaningful discussion. But no, I do not think we should be in the business of giving everyone everything that is available just because they breathe.

We can easily afford it if

1. we start spending on healthcare in the amounts other advanced nations do, instead of up to twice the % of GDP that they do.

2. we stop spending more on defense than the rest of the world combined.

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