The Winston Churchill Bust - coming home!

Yet the Churchill who you seem to admire so much was quite happy to give health care to every Brit who breathed. Not bad for a drunk racist imperial, I give him that.

whether I "admire him so much" or not is irrelevant

I admire Jimmy Carter, he is a decent and honorable man. Horrible on policy, but a man worthy of respect for his personal story and accomplishments

Doesn't mean I want to implement his agenda. And Churchill was a "liberal" - a Labor Party PM

He was pushing healthcare while FDR was pushing Socialist inSecurity

Both men (WC & FDR) were fantastic wartime leaders - what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

Where are the Sam Nunn's & Scoop Jackson's of the left?

This thread has zero to do with Britain's domestic policy from 70 years ago...

what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

that is a good question

it is all but unrecognizable

these days

too bad really

i came from a family of democrats

every one of us over time have left the party

by oldest brother was the last one

this year he left and voted trump
Good. Stay out of the party please.


and fuck you

you are a dying breed

whether you know it or not
I might be. America's been around almost 250 years now. That's a pretty long time, and it could be that your kind succeeds and we're wiped off the face of the Earth soon. :dunno:

And fuck you too you embarrassing fucking idiot
whether I "admire him so much" or not is irrelevant
Then why do you give a fuck whether a 2nd bust of him is in the White House?
And Churchill was a "liberal" - a Labor Party PM
You are ignorant. You must be a sTrumpet. But I repeat myself.


god damn he started off conservative party; switched to liberal and then back again

it's late - the guy switched parties a few times

I fucked that one up - I was going on memory (I remember being surprised that he had been liberal party, and confused it with labor - forgt he had switched back)

so congrats, you got me

still dngas what his policy on health care was

and Obama is still a tool - returning the bust was a dipshit move
Then why do you give a fuck whether a 2nd bust of him is in the White House?

it was a slap in the face to the Brits - the bust was presented as a "symbol of our special relationship"

Obama also once said - "There's nothing special about Britain. You're just the same as the other 190 countries in the world"

and he did bend over backwards to apologize about past American policies to current and former enemies
President [Obama] removed a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office; the bust was a gift from Great Britain. This is the same man who refused to even identify Islamic terrorists.

He just packed it up and sent it over to the British Embassy.

Really? The disposition of a piece of art is among the things you find troubling?

I think some of the story has been conveniently omitted....

The president explained that the bust is placed outside his private office in the White House residence, known as the Treaty Room, where he sees it "every day, including on weekends, when I’m going into that office to watch a basketball game.” It was long rumored that Obama had sent the bust back to the British Embassy after removing it from the Oval Office. Source

The return occurred ages ago, apparently in 2009. Also it wasn't "ours" to keep.
  • A bust of the former prime minister once voted the greatest Briton in history, which was loaned to George W Bush from the Government's art collection after the September 11 attacks, has now been formally handed back.

    The bronze by Sir Jacob Epstein, worth hundreds of thousands of pounds if it were ever sold on the open market, enjoyed pride of place in the Oval Office during President Bush's tenure.

    But when British officials offered to let Mr Obama to hang onto the bust for a further four years, the White House said: "Thanks, but no thanks."

    Diplomats were at first reluctant to discuss the whereabouts of the Churchill bronze, after its ejection from the seat of American power. But the British Embassy in Washington has now confirmed that it sits in the palatial residence of ambassador Sir Nigel Sheinwald, just down the road from Vice President Joe Biden's official residence. It is not clear whether the ambassador plans to keep it in Washington or send it back to London.
We know the bust didn't sit in the Oval Office. It sat outside the Treaty room in the White House residential quarters.


2010 Photo of Obama and Cameron gazing at the Churchill bronze.

At the start of the Bush administration Prime Minister Blair lent President Bush a bust that matched the one in the White House, which was being worked on at the time and was later returned to the residence. The version lent by Prime Minister Blair was displayed by President Bush until the end of his Presidency. On January 20, 2009 -- Inauguration Day -- all of the art lent specifically for President Bush’s Oval Office was removed by the curator’s office, as is common practice at the end of every presidency.
As it turns out, a lot of "low information" people with axes to grind are willing to say and believe just about anything, and most especially things that bake nicely with their special blend of confirmation bias. So what's the truth? It appears The Guardian have uncovered it.

The claim that Obama discarded a Churchill bust is not new. In 2012, rumors circulated of an undiplomatic redecorating, prompting the White House to publish a blogpost titled Fact Check: The Bust of Winston Churchill, which claimed: “This is 100% false. The bust still in the White House. In the Residence. Outside the Treaty Room.”

So, has Boris Johnson got his facts wrong? The answer is a little more complicated.

The bust in question, by British sculptor Jacob Epstein, was given to President George W Bush by the British government in 2001 and was placed in the Oval Office. But the statue was not donated, it was simply on loan for Bush’s term in office (a loan which the British government decided to extend when Bush was re-elected in 2004). Churchill disappeared from the White House in 2009, when the loan ended at the same time that Obama moved in.

So how was the White House able to claim in 2012 that the bust was still there? When writing the blogpost, the then communications director Dan Pfeiffer simply neglected to mention the fact that there are two Churchill busts – the one on loan to Bush from 2001 to 2009, and a second bust which the White House has had since the 1960s and still has to this day – a fact which Pfeiffer later had to clarify in an update at the end of the post.

Boris Johnson is wrong to claim that the vanishing Churchill bust symbolizes Obama’s antipathy towards Britain – it was never Obama’s statue to give away. But the White House’s initial claim that the bust was still in the Oval Office was also a convenient spin on the facts.

The Guardian’s David Smith made a confirmed sighting of the other bust – the one given to George W Bush, when he interviewed the outgoing British ambassador in December last year. Sir Peter Westmacott said the bust was only ever on loan as a personal gift from Tony Blair to George W Bush for the duration of his presidency.

“So, to be honest, we always expected that to leave the Oval Office just like everything else that a president has tends to be changed.”

Speaking at his joint press conference with David Cameron in London, President Obama confirmed that there was a bust of Churchill in the White House residence outside of his office, which he saw every day. “I love Churchill,” he said, before describing the lack of space and risk of “clutter” in the Oval Office.

As the first African-American president, he thought it right to have a bust of Rev Martin Luther King Jr in the Oval Office “to remind him of the people who helped get him there”.

The bust of Dr King sits on a table alongside the fireplace and is often pictured as Obama meets visiting dignitaries for talks.​

So there you have it. The statue that was loaned was returned and the statue that belongs to the U.S. is still in the White House.
Barry Hussein Obama, the man who spit in the face of our closest and most important ally, will be having MOST of his horrific legacy overturned.

Thankfully, this will be pretty easy, as MOST of his "legacy" was created through Executive Orders.

Anywho, to stay on track. President Fucknuts removed a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office; the bust was a gift from Great Britain. This is the same man who refused to even identify Islamic terrorists.

He just packed it up and sent it over to the British Embassy.

Well, Trump will be bringing the bust home. My oh my, isn't it refreshing to have a man in charge that treats our friends with respect & dignity?

Tomorrow is going to be glorious!

Report: Trump personally asked for Winston Churchill’s bust to be returned to Oval Office

President-elect Donald Trump has specifically asked England if they will return a bust of Winston Churchill to the Oval Office after President Barack Obama had it removed in 2009.

According to British newspaper The Sun, Trump senior advisers Jared Kushner and Steven Bannon asked Britain Foreign Minister Boris Johnson during their meeting in New York City over the weekend if England would be so kind as to return the bust.

A spokesperson for British Prime Minister Theresa May told the Sun that May was more than willing to oblige: “The Prime Minister is happy to loan the Churchill bust to the White House and will be delighted to view it on display when she visits this Spring.”

Who cares? It's just a bust of some dead guy.
Really? The disposition of a piece of art is among the things you find troubling?

since it is no big deal, why did the Obama White House feel the need to lie about it???

just asking
Really? The disposition of a piece of art is among the things you find troubling?

since it is no big deal, why did the Obama White House feel the need to lie about it???

just asking

I'm not going to answer that leading/loaded question. I don't answer any non-neutrally presented questions.

Read the content I provided. Check the content at the links.
In case these news reports are not enough for Mr. Krauthammer and others, here’s a picture of the President showing off the Churchill bust to Prime Minister Cameron when he visited the White House residence in 2010.


Since my post on the fact that the bust of Winston Churchill has remained on display in the White House, despite assertions to the contrary, I have received a bunch of questions -- so let me provide some additional info. The White House has had a bust of Winston Churchill since the 1960’s. At the start of the Bush administration Prime Minister Blair lent President Bush a bust that matched the one in the White House, which was being worked on at the time and was later returned to the residence. The version lent by Prime Minister Blair was displayed by President Bush until the end of his Presidency. On January 20, 2009 -- Inauguration Day -- all of the art lent specifically for President Bush’s Oval Office was removed by the curator’s office, as is common practice at the end of every presidency. The original Churchill bust remained on display in the residence. The idea put forward by Charles Krauthammer and others that President Obama returned the Churchill bust or refused to display the bust because of antipathy towards the British is completely false and an urban legend that continues to circulate to this day.
Fact Check: The Bust of Winston Churchill
Yet the Churchill who you seem to admire so much was quite happy to give health care to every Brit who breathed. Not bad for a drunk racist imperial, I give him that.

whether I "admire him so much" or not is irrelevant

I admire Jimmy Carter, he is a decent and honorable man. Horrible on policy, but a man worthy of respect for his personal story and accomplishments

Doesn't mean I want to implement his agenda. And Churchill was a "liberal" - a Labor Party PM

He was pushing healthcare while FDR was pushing Socialist inSecurity

Both men (WC & FDR) were fantastic wartime leaders - what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

Where are the Sam Nunn's & Scoop Jackson's of the left?

This thread has zero to do with Britain's domestic policy from 70 years ago...

what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

that is a good question

it is all but unrecognizable

these days

too bad really

i came from a family of democrats

every one of us over time have left the party

by oldest brother was the last one

this year he left and voted trump
Good. Stay out of the party please.


and fuck you

you are a dying breed

whether you know it or not
I might be. America's been around almost 250 years now. That's a pretty long time, and it could be that your kind succeeds and we're wiped off the face of the Earth soon. :dunno:

And fuck you too you embarrassing fucking idiot

people like you is why the democrat party is failing

the sooner it fails the better off America is for it
whether I "admire him so much" or not is irrelevant

I admire Jimmy Carter, he is a decent and honorable man. Horrible on policy, but a man worthy of respect for his personal story and accomplishments

Doesn't mean I want to implement his agenda. And Churchill was a "liberal" - a Labor Party PM

He was pushing healthcare while FDR was pushing Socialist inSecurity

Both men (WC & FDR) were fantastic wartime leaders - what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

Where are the Sam Nunn's & Scoop Jackson's of the left?

This thread has zero to do with Britain's domestic policy from 70 years ago...

what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

that is a good question

it is all but unrecognizable

these days

too bad really

i came from a family of democrats

every one of us over time have left the party

by oldest brother was the last one

this year he left and voted trump
Good. Stay out of the party please.


and fuck you

you are a dying breed

whether you know it or not
I might be. America's been around almost 250 years now. That's a pretty long time, and it could be that your kind succeeds and we're wiped off the face of the Earth soon. :dunno:

And fuck you too you embarrassing fucking idiot

people like you is why the democrat party is failing

the sooner it fails the better off America is for it
a little kid at a protest tonight

says he lit a fire

and screw the president live on tv

and the left wonders why

normal folk are fleeing the party

Actually people are wondering

why you, a supposedly grown ass man

doesn't know how

paragraphs work

hey fuck you

spell flaming and grammar flaming

is proof that you have conceded the point

the fact still remains that normal people are fleeing the

democrat party because of radicals like you
what the hell happened to the Democrat Party in America anyway?

that is a good question

it is all but unrecognizable

these days

too bad really

i came from a family of democrats

every one of us over time have left the party

by oldest brother was the last one

this year he left and voted trump
Good. Stay out of the party please.


and fuck you

you are a dying breed

whether you know it or not
I might be. America's been around almost 250 years now. That's a pretty long time, and it could be that your kind succeeds and we're wiped off the face of the Earth soon. :dunno:

And fuck you too you embarrassing fucking idiot

people like you is why the democrat party is failing

the sooner it fails the better off America is for it

wow impressive

a little kid at a protest tonight

says he lit a fire

and screw the president live on tv

and the left wonders why

normal folk are fleeing the party

Actually people are wondering

why you, a supposedly grown ass man

doesn't know how

paragraphs work

hey fuck you

spell flaming and grammar flaming

is proof that you have conceded the point

the fact still remains that normal people are fleeing the

democrat party because of radicals like you
Repeat after me:
John is a democrat. John is a member of the democratic party...
a little kid at a protest tonight

says he lit a fire

and screw the president live on tv

and the left wonders why

normal folk are fleeing the party

Actually people are wondering

why you, a supposedly grown ass man

doesn't know how

paragraphs work

hey fuck you

spell flaming and grammar flaming

is proof that you have conceded the point

the fact still remains that normal people are fleeing the

democrat party because of radicals like you
Repeat after me:
John is a democrat. John is a member of the democratic party...

who is john
a little kid at a protest tonight

says he lit a fire

and screw the president live on tv

and the left wonders why

normal folk are fleeing the party

Actually people are wondering

why you, a supposedly grown ass man

doesn't know how

paragraphs work

hey fuck you

spell flaming and grammar flaming

is proof that you have conceded the point

the fact still remains that normal people are fleeing the

democrat party because of radicals like you
Repeat after me:
John is a democrat. John is a member of the democratic party...

who is john
A democrat, who is member of the democratic party..There is no democrat party to be a member of...
a little kid at a protest tonight

says he lit a fire

and screw the president live on tv

and the left wonders why

normal folk are fleeing the party

Actually people are wondering

why you, a supposedly grown ass man

doesn't know how

paragraphs work

hey fuck you

spell flaming and grammar flaming

is proof that you have conceded the point

the fact still remains that normal people are fleeing the

democrat party because of radicals like you
Repeat after me:
John is a democrat. John is a member of the democratic party...

who is john
A democrat, who is member of the democratic party..There is no democrat party to be a member of...

i leave it up to you to ramble around in circles

have fun with that

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