The woke version of Harry Potter is due to be filmed in USA in June and July

I'd bet money it will do terribly. A politically motivated remake will be awful. It will be a blight on the franchise. Lol
As I said, the point here is not profit, but the propaganda of ideas of perversion.
The task of capitalists is to divide people. Therefore, they need to divide people not only into nations, but also into 50 types of sexual orientation, dozens of religions, hundreds of political parties, thousands of groups of fans of sports clubs, etc. while they are rummaging through our pockets.
As I said, the point here is not profit, but the propaganda of ideas of perversion.
The task of capitalists is to divide people. Therefore, they need to divide people not only into nations, but also into 50 types of sexual orientation, dozens of religions, hundreds of political parties, thousands of groups of fans of sports clubs, etc. while they are rummaging through our pockets.

Can see that because the movie isn't even filming yet and they already have the social justice checklist out to make sure they hit the right spots for what is currently socially a hot topic.

They obviously don't care about making a good movie. It's why that Ghostbusters remake flopped, before they ever shot a scene they were talking about "it's all strong and powerful female cast" and it was all they cared about. They didn't care about making a good movie.
As I said, the point here is not profit, but the propaganda of ideas of perversion.
The task of capitalists is to divide people. Therefore, they need to divide people not only into nations, but also into 50 types of sexual orientation, dozens of religions, hundreds of political parties, thousands of groups of fans of sports clubs, etc. while they are rummaging through our pockets.
The task of capitalists is to make money by any means. They don`t care about political parties or sexual orientation. They like cheap labor and hate environmental laws.
They are probably overcompensating because J.K. Rowling outed herself as a transphobic douchenoodle.

Why would anyone want to live in an underwater city? More to the point, if you are secure in your sexuality, why do you care about other people's sexualities?

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Here's the thing. Social Mores change all the time. Back in the 1970's I had a cousin who lived with her boyfriend before they got married, and it was a HUGE scandal in our conservative, white Catholic neighborhood. Now most people live together before getting married, and frankly, it's probably a good thing.

18 years ago, George W. Bush ran against gay marriage (ignore Cheney's Lesbian daughter!!) and won a second term despite getting us into an unncessary war and a lackluster economy. Today gays get married, and no one really cares.

No you are confused once again. They are just being Leftard pieces of shit Moon Bats. We see it all the time.

Hopefully Rowlings will sue the shit out of the demented sicko assholes.
The task of capitalists is to divide people.
No, its not.

That is not a 'task of capitalism' in any possible iteration of capitalism.

Capitalism is one and ONLY one thing, the free exchange of property. That is all capitalism is.
First, kids are going to be gay no matter what.

Normal people do not ever think of, or speak of, children in terms of depraved sexual perversions.

The sort that do, are the sort that any sane society ought to either keep permanently locked up in prisons or mental institutions, or simply put to death; and under no circumstances, to ever allowed any access to, control over, or influence over children.
Capitalism is one and ONLY one thing, the free exchange of property.
Capitalism is about making a profit. At any cost. If capital can get 100 percent profit, it will "trample on all human laws; 300 percent, and there is not a crime at which it will scruple, nor a risk it will not run".

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