The Women: Media Ignored Clinton Accusers... 4 More?

Bill Clinton knew that Lewinsky wasn’t someone trying to blackmail him...because Bill is smart. No downside to blasting semen on White House interns and using their vaginas as humidors.

Hillary must be terrible at slobbering knobs. I bet she is a bean flicking expert.
These poor women bravely came forward before it was deemed 'Acceptable' by the corrupt American MSM. Sadly, they were vilified by the Media for the most part. The Media was complicit in helping the Clintons smear these women and destroy their lives. The only one in the Media who behaved credibly and honorably, was Matt Drudge. He broke the Lewinsky story, and was one of the very few in the MSM who stood with these women.

The women recall how Drudge on January 17, 1998 broke the story alleging Newsweek was sitting on a bombshell news item that White House intern Monica Lewinsky was having an affair with President Clinton.

Stated Broaddrick: “Drudge was my hero. Absolutely my hero during all of that time. I could go to Drudge and know what was going on or you could go to the mainstream media, which Drudge now is. I mean they blasted him. This man stood up for us. Matt Drudge is our hero.” Willey and Jones expressed agreement.

And the Clinton political machine sought out to destroy these women.
The democrat party has HAD IT with the Clinton's.They are poison.
How many were 14?
First. There is ZERO evidence proving Moore did anything.
Now, there is verified and confirmed testimony and evidence that Bill Clinton had affairs with women, had made unwanted sexual advances/contact with women. None his wife. So please, cut the crap
Bill Clinton knew that Lewinsky wasn’t someone trying to blackmail him...because Bill is smart. No downside to blasting semen on White House interns and using their vaginas as humidors.

Hillary must be terrible at slobbering knobs. I bet she is a bean flicking expert.
Hillary Clinton is a shameless no self respect power hungry egotistical individual who would do ANYTHING to acquire political power
You're a real sicko, son

Answer the damn question......LOL

Absurd question. But to be honest, Bill Clinton is known to have traveled to his good friend Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island.' So it isn't a stretch at all to believe he engaged in the underage prostitution going on there. The man is a sick serial pervert after all.
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault by four women while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author...

Bill Clinton accused of sexual assault by four women | Daily Mail Online

You know who does NOT want for this story to come out beside Bill Clinton???

Want to guess???...............LOL

What kind of people travel on a plane 'affectionately' nicknamed 'Air F*ck One?' You really should rethink your Clinton Bootlicking. They're very bad folks.
These poor women bravely came forward before it was deemed 'Acceptable' by the corrupt American MSM. Sadly, they were vilified by the Media for the most part. The Media was complicit in helping the Clintons smear these women and destroy their lives. The only one in the Media who behaved credibly and honorably, was Matt Drudge. He broke the Lewinsky story, and was one of the very few in the MSM who stood with these women.

The women recall how Drudge on January 17, 1998 broke the story alleging Newsweek was sitting on a bombshell news item that White House intern Monica Lewinsky was having an affair with President Clinton.

Stated Broaddrick: “Drudge was my hero. Absolutely my hero during all of that time. I could go to Drudge and know what was going on or you could go to the mainstream media, which Drudge now is. I mean they blasted him. This man stood up for us. Matt Drudge is our hero.” Willey and Jones expressed agreement.

And the Clinton political machine sought out to destroy these women.
The democrat party has HAD IT with the Clinton's.They are poison.

Yeah, Hillary Clinton especially. I mean, we know Bill Clinton is a sick serial pervert who should be incarcerated and receiving psychiatric care. That doesn't justify his crimes, but it is the reality. However, Hillary Clinton represents true evil.

She set out to destroy his numerous victims' lives. She's far more evil than he is in my opinion. There's definitely a special place in hell reserved for her. That being said, i'm not sure the Democratic Party is done with her yet. The Clintons still have an awful lot of power. They're very close to George Soros. And he ultimately owns the Democratic Party. What he says, goes.

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