The word "period"

I mean let's be honest here, Flopper! President Obama statements about keeping your insurance and doctor if you like them are so OBVIOUSLY untrue...and yet you're STILL not convinced that he's been lying! THAT is why he thinks he can get away with telling those lies!
I think he made a really foolish statement but I really don't he lied. However, assuming he did, what could be his motive in telling people they could keep their plan after the healthcare law passed. If he really knew insurance companies would be cancelling plans he would surely know his pledge would create a public relations nightmare.

What is a LIE but the fools like YOU that buy into it and dismiss it?

Blame minimize, Deny, Obfuscate. YOU play the party line well...and are QUITE the fool and refuse to see reality.
The question is why would he lie after the law had been passed? After years of being hit daily by a right wing media blitz tearing apart every statement he made, he would surely know he would be creating a big problem down the line if this statement proved to be false.

because he is an arrogant narcissist. Like many liberals, he thinks if he says something it just magically becomes the truth.

liberalism is a mental disease, you libs on this message board prove that every day.
I think he made a really foolish statement but I really don't he lied. However, assuming he did, what could be his motive in telling people they could keep their plan after the healthcare law passed. If he really knew insurance companies would be cancelling plans he would surely know his pledge would create a public relations nightmare.

What is a LIE but the fools like YOU that buy into it and dismiss it?

Blame minimize, Deny, Obfuscate. YOU play the party line well...and are QUITE the fool and refuse to see reality.
The question is why would he lie after the law had been passed? After years of being hit daily by a right wing media blitz tearing apart every statement he made, he would surely know he would be creating a big problem down the line if this statement proved to be false.

Nobody listens to faux.

He figured his friends in the media would censor anything he said that sounded dishonest or stupid.
I am not trying to defend the GOP, am I?

You, however, are trying to defend Obama.

Wait, I forgot, you think everyone is either Republican or Democrat.

Nah I've stated he made a promise that he didn't/couldn't keep. If the GOP controlled house want to impeach him for it they can, they have the majority and the speaker can bring it up if he wants. Both sides are guilty of misrepresenting the facts surrounding the AHCA.

What did I tell you, still trying to defend Obama.

For the record, he made that "campaign promise" 2 months ago, and it is still on the official White House website. That takes the lie outside the realm of campaign promises, you really should stop defending him with lies. Just admit you don't care about the lie because you prefer being a racist scumbag to being called one by other Obamazombies.

Why do you have to lie about what I said?
Not quit. You said, "The insurance companies were required by the ACA LAW to add additional clauses to the policies they had issued. " This is true for plans that they will sell in 2014. The grandfathered plans do not have to meet the requirements of the law with the exception of the life time maximum elimination requirement. The regulations allowed plans to be modified to include this change and still meet the grandfather requirements. Premiums of grandfathered plans can be increased but they can not add significant cost to the beneficiary.

Insurance companies were not forced by the law to cancel their plans. Cancelling plans was a business decision. If you look at you will see a number of grandfathered plans listed which insurance companies are not cancelling and will be in effect in 2014. You will also see a number of new plans which are ACA compliant. There are also other plans that have been upgraded to be ACA compliant. Expecting the president to have certain knowledge that insurance companies would cancel, upgrade, or grandfather plans when he signed the law is asking bit much.

Cancelling plans are a business decision.


Aren't insurance companies in business?

It's a matter of choosing between getting screwed by the new requirements or cutting loose a few million customers. Which would you do?

Insurance companies cannot stay in business if they are losing money. Obama expected them to do what businesses do to survive. Those evil companies aren't like the government where they lose trillions and don't have to answer to anyone.
I don't think we need to worry about the profitability of the health insurance companies.

Aetna, WellPoint, UnitedHealth Group, Humana and Cigna — have seen an average of a 32 percent increase in their stock prices over the last 12 months, while the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index has risen by just 24 percent.

Unlike the political opposition to the law, insurance companies simple don't see Obamacare as much of a hindrance. Most health insurers are forecasting earnings growth after the health care law is fully in effect. Mark T. Bertolini, the Aetna chief executive, said recently: “We continue to believe that public exchanges can represent a longer-term upside opportunity.” David Cordani, Cigna’s chief executive, said his company’s average annual earnings per share would grow 10 to 13 percent over the next three to five years.

If such projections are correct, someday we may look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

the stock increases were based on the belief that obamacare would create more business for insurance companies. That is not happening because the majority of the sign ups are for free medicaid. very few are interested in the high premium, high deductible policies mandated by ACA that force 60 year olds to pay for maternity and child care.

we will look back and wonder why all the fuss because obamacare was a flawed fix for a problem that did not exist.
What is a LIE but the fools like YOU that buy into it and dismiss it?

Blame minimize, Deny, Obfuscate. YOU play the party line well...and are QUITE the fool and refuse to see reality.
The question is why would he lie after the law had been passed? After years of being hit daily by a right wing media blitz tearing apart every statement he made, he would surely know he would be creating a big problem down the line if this statement proved to be false.

Right wing media blitz? LOL The only media that reports negatively on Barry is FOX News, Flopper...the rest of them have dutifully reported whatever line the White House puts out. The reason that Obama feels confident telling lies is that in general the "media" has let him get away with doing so. Seriously...when's the last time Jay Carney gave a news conference where he DIDN'T tell a lie?
Oh really. Google "Obama lied". I estimated over a hundred artlicles in just the first 12 pages.
Cancelling plans are a business decision.


Aren't insurance companies in business?

It's a matter of choosing between getting screwed by the new requirements or cutting loose a few million customers. Which would you do?

Insurance companies cannot stay in business if they are losing money. Obama expected them to do what businesses do to survive. Those evil companies aren't like the government where they lose trillions and don't have to answer to anyone.
I don't think we need to worry about the profitability of the health insurance companies.

Aetna, WellPoint, UnitedHealth Group, Humana and Cigna — have seen an average of a 32 percent increase in their stock prices over the last 12 months, while the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index has risen by just 24 percent.

Unlike the political opposition to the law, insurance companies simple don't see Obamacare as much of a hindrance. Most health insurers are forecasting earnings growth after the health care law is fully in effect. Mark T. Bertolini, the Aetna chief executive, said recently: “We continue to believe that public exchanges can represent a longer-term upside opportunity.” David Cordani, Cigna’s chief executive, said his company’s average annual earnings per share would grow 10 to 13 percent over the next three to five years.

If such projections are correct, someday we may look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

the stock increases were based on the belief that obamacare would create more business for insurance companies. That is not happening because the majority of the sign ups are for free medicaid. very few are interested in the high premium, high deductible policies mandated by ACA that force 60 year olds to pay for maternity and child care.

we will look back and wonder why all the fuss because obamacare was a flawed fix for a problem that did not exist.
Nope. You can't sign up for Medicaid on the federal health insurance exchange. As soon as you enter income and dependent information that qualifies you for Medicaid, you will be directed to the appropriate state agency.

Approximate half the states have a Health Insurance Premium Payment Program in which Medicaid patients select a private insurance company and the premium is paid by the state. So even with Medicaid, private insurance companies are the insurer and they'll be making bucks off the new Medicaid expansion.

Yes, 60 year-olds will be paying for maternity even though they will never need it. However, they will also be paying for a lot of other healthcare that they will never use just as younger folks will be paying for services that won't need. That's really how insurance works.

FAQ: Where Medicaid's Reach Has Expanded ? And Where It Hasn't : NPR
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What exactly does it mean when obama said " if you like your health plan, you can keep it, period" "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, period"

no "ifs", no conditions, no "if it isn't changed"

You can keep it, PERIOD!

Was that a lie? Yes, and he knew it was when he said it. He lied to the american people in order to pass a bill that a majority of americans did not want.

Grounds for impeachment????????

No more than, "Read my lips, no new Taxes"


"Mission Accomplished"

I am pretty sure the guy that said the first lost the election because of that lie. I am also pretty sure that the guy that approved the banner in the second never won an election.
Nah I've stated he made a promise that he didn't/couldn't keep. If the GOP controlled house want to impeach him for it they can, they have the majority and the speaker can bring it up if he wants. Both sides are guilty of misrepresenting the facts surrounding the AHCA.

What did I tell you, still trying to defend Obama.

For the record, he made that "campaign promise" 2 months ago, and it is still on the official White House website. That takes the lie outside the realm of campaign promises, you really should stop defending him with lies. Just admit you don't care about the lie because you prefer being a racist scumbag to being called one by other Obamazombies.

Why do you have to lie about what I said?

My bad, I misread your post. What can I say, if I were perfect I would be rdean.
What did I tell you, still trying to defend Obama.

For the record, he made that "campaign promise" 2 months ago, and it is still on the official White House website. That takes the lie outside the realm of campaign promises, you really should stop defending him with lies. Just admit you don't care about the lie because you prefer being a racist scumbag to being called one by other Obamazombies.

Why do you have to lie about what I said?

My bad, I misread your post. What can I say, if I were perfect I would be rdean.
The question is why would he lie after the law had been passed? After years of being hit daily by a right wing media blitz tearing apart every statement he made, he would surely know he would be creating a big problem down the line if this statement proved to be false.

Right wing media blitz? LOL The only media that reports negatively on Barry is FOX News, Flopper...the rest of them have dutifully reported whatever line the White House puts out. The reason that Obama feels confident telling lies is that in general the "media" has let him get away with doing so. Seriously...when's the last time Jay Carney gave a news conference where he DIDN'T tell a lie?
Oh really. Google "Obama lied". I estimated over a hundred artlicles in just the first 12 pages.

That's your proof that the main stream media has been tearing apart every statement that Obama makes? That there are pages of articles on Google? I hate to break this to you, Flopper but I Googled "Elvis lives" I got over 4 million hits. Don't be absurd...

If you can't bring yourself to admit that the mainstream media has treated Barack Obama with kid gloves long before he even GOT to the Oval've got issues.
Right wing media blitz? LOL The only media that reports negatively on Barry is FOX News, Flopper...the rest of them have dutifully reported whatever line the White House puts out. The reason that Obama feels confident telling lies is that in general the "media" has let him get away with doing so. Seriously...when's the last time Jay Carney gave a news conference where he DIDN'T tell a lie?
Oh really. Google "Obama lied". I estimated over a hundred artlicles in just the first 12 pages.

That's your proof that the main stream media has been tearing apart every statement that Obama makes? That there are pages of articles on Google? I hate to break this to you, Flopper but I Googled "Elvis lives" I got over 4 million hits. Don't be absurd...

If you can't bring yourself to admit that the mainstream media has treated Barack Obama with kid gloves long before he even GOT to the Oval've got issues.

Just telling the truth about Obama is and insult to one of his supporters. They feel that it's an attack when someone simply reports what happened or what Obama said or did.
I don't think we need to worry about the profitability of the health insurance companies.

Aetna, WellPoint, UnitedHealth Group, Humana and Cigna — have seen an average of a 32 percent increase in their stock prices over the last 12 months, while the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index has risen by just 24 percent.

Unlike the political opposition to the law, insurance companies simple don't see Obamacare as much of a hindrance. Most health insurers are forecasting earnings growth after the health care law is fully in effect. Mark T. Bertolini, the Aetna chief executive, said recently: “We continue to believe that public exchanges can represent a longer-term upside opportunity.” David Cordani, Cigna’s chief executive, said his company’s average annual earnings per share would grow 10 to 13 percent over the next three to five years.

If such projections are correct, someday we may look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.

the stock increases were based on the belief that obamacare would create more business for insurance companies. That is not happening because the majority of the sign ups are for free medicaid. very few are interested in the high premium, high deductible policies mandated by ACA that force 60 year olds to pay for maternity and child care.

we will look back and wonder why all the fuss because obamacare was a flawed fix for a problem that did not exist.
Nope. You can't sign up for Medicaid on the federal health insurance exchange. As soon as you enter income and dependent information that qualifies you for Medicaid, you will be directed to the appropriate state agency.

Approximate half the states have a Health Insurance Premium Payment Program in which Medicaid patients select a private insurance company and the premium is paid by the state. So even with Medicaid, private insurance companies are the insurer and they'll be making bucks off the new Medicaid expansion.

Yes, 60 year-olds will be paying for maternity even though they will never need it. However, they will also be paying for a lot of other healthcare that they will never use just as younger folks will be paying for services that won't need. That's really how insurance works.

FAQ: Where Medicaid's Reach Has Expanded ? And Where It Hasn't : NPR

That is NOT the way insurance "works", Flopper! Before you were able to customize your coverage so that you were NOT having to pay for services you didn't need.
the stock increases were based on the belief that obamacare would create more business for insurance companies. That is not happening because the majority of the sign ups are for free medicaid. very few are interested in the high premium, high deductible policies mandated by ACA that force 60 year olds to pay for maternity and child care.

we will look back and wonder why all the fuss because obamacare was a flawed fix for a problem that did not exist.
Nope. You can't sign up for Medicaid on the federal health insurance exchange. As soon as you enter income and dependent information that qualifies you for Medicaid, you will be directed to the appropriate state agency.

Approximate half the states have a Health Insurance Premium Payment Program in which Medicaid patients select a private insurance company and the premium is paid by the state. So even with Medicaid, private insurance companies are the insurer and they'll be making bucks off the new Medicaid expansion.

Yes, 60 year-olds will be paying for maternity even though they will never need it. However, they will also be paying for a lot of other healthcare that they will never use just as younger folks will be paying for services that won't need. That's really how insurance works.

FAQ: Where Medicaid's Reach Has Expanded ? And Where It Hasn't : NPR

That is NOT the way insurance "works", Flopper! Before you were able to customize your coverage so that you were NOT having to pay for services you didn't need.

That's the point of force us to pay for other folks' insurance.

That's the point of force us to pay for other folks' insurance.

We are already paying other folks insurance, dumbass.

Either you are paying someone else's health care, or if you are really sick, someone is paying for yours.

Doesn't matter if it's medicaid, medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross or whatever combination of private or public you are talking about, if you are healthy, you are already paying for someone else's care.

The difference is, we aren't doing it efficiently. We let a poor person go to an emergency room and then charge all the paying saps more to cover it. That's just inefficient.

That's the point of force us to pay for other folks' insurance.

We are already paying other folks insurance, dumbass.

Either you are paying someone else's health care, or if you are really sick, someone is paying for yours.

Doesn't matter if it's medicaid, medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross or whatever combination of private or public you are talking about, if you are healthy, you are already paying for someone else's care.

The difference is, we aren't doing it efficiently. We let a poor person go to an emergency room and then charge all the paying saps more to cover it. That's just inefficient.

Poor people will always go to the ER. Those on Medicaid go to the ER now because they are too irresponsible and lazy to call a clinic early in the morning, so they just show up at the ER at their convenience!
Oh really. Google "Obama lied". I estimated over a hundred artlicles in just the first 12 pages.

That's your proof that the main stream media has been tearing apart every statement that Obama makes? That there are pages of articles on Google? I hate to break this to you, Flopper but I Googled "Elvis lives" I got over 4 million hits. Don't be absurd...

If you can't bring yourself to admit that the mainstream media has treated Barack Obama with kid gloves long before he even GOT to the Oval've got issues.

Just telling the truth about Obama is and insult to one of his supporters. They feel that it's an attack when someone simply reports what happened or what Obama said or did.
No one dares question their king...they blindly support him no matter what to their own detriment.

That's the point of force us to pay for other folks' insurance.

We are already paying other folks insurance, dumbass.

Either you are paying someone else's health care, or if you are really sick, someone is paying for yours.

Doesn't matter if it's medicaid, medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross or whatever combination of private or public you are talking about, if you are healthy, you are already paying for someone else's care.

The difference is, we aren't doing it efficiently. We let a poor person go to an emergency room and then charge all the paying saps more to cover it. That's just inefficient.

obamacare changes none of that. what it does is create a huge new govt beauocracy that WE will now have to pay for. Its a terrible fix for a non existent problem.

That's the point of force us to pay for other folks' insurance.

We are already paying other folks insurance, dumbass.

Either you are paying someone else's health care, or if you are really sick, someone is paying for yours.

Doesn't matter if it's medicaid, medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross or whatever combination of private or public you are talking about, if you are healthy, you are already paying for someone else's care.

The difference is, we aren't doing it efficiently. We let a poor person go to an emergency room and then charge all the paying saps more to cover it. That's just inefficient.

How exactly does ObamaCare pay for all the illegals that now use the ER as their primary care provider and never pay a dime? In case you haven't been to an ER lately they are packed with just those people. ObamaCare does NOTHING to alleviate that cost.

The "poor saps" that you refer to are the Middle Class folks that believed that their costs would go down under ObamaCare. There was no way that was ever happening but some math challenged people believed the lies that the Obama folks were putting out and now they're stuck paying for this joke.

When the government becomes "efficient", Joe...let me know. I've never seen it to be quite blunt. Government efficiency is about as rare as unicorns or an unbiased MSNBC program.

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