The word "period"


That's the point of force us to pay for other folks' insurance.

We are already paying other folks insurance, dumbass.

Either you are paying someone else's health care, or if you are really sick, someone is paying for yours.

Doesn't matter if it's medicaid, medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross or whatever combination of private or public you are talking about, if you are healthy, you are already paying for someone else's care.

The difference is, we aren't doing it efficiently. We let a poor person go to an emergency room and then charge all the paying saps more to cover it. That's just inefficient.

obamacare changes none of that. what it does is create a huge new govt beauocracy that WE will now have to pay for. Its a terrible fix for a non existent problem.
There are a few problems with healthcare...but only a private sector solution can fix it.

Why tear down a building with a couple leaks in the roof? And it's exactly what the progressives are doing. They've been salivating on healthcare for 100 years. They finally got what they want...and they aren't going to loose it from their gnarled clutches too easily.
We are already paying other folks insurance, dumbass.

Either you are paying someone else's health care, or if you are really sick, someone is paying for yours.

Doesn't matter if it's medicaid, medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross or whatever combination of private or public you are talking about, if you are healthy, you are already paying for someone else's care.

The difference is, we aren't doing it efficiently. We let a poor person go to an emergency room and then charge all the paying saps more to cover it. That's just inefficient.

obamacare changes none of that. what it does is create a huge new govt beauocracy that WE will now have to pay for. Its a terrible fix for a non existent problem.
There are a few problems with healthcare...but only a private sector solution can fix it.

Why tear down a building with a couple leaks in the roof? And it's exactly what the progressives are doing. They've been salivating on healthcare for 100 years. They finally got what they want...and they aren't going to loose it from their gnarled clutches too easily.

very true, they know that if the individual mandate is delayed the people will see through the lies and no one will sign up. As typical liberals they are determined to ram it home before the recipients know what it is.

That's the point of force us to pay for other folks' insurance.

We are already paying other folks insurance, dumbass.

Either you are paying someone else's health care, or if you are really sick, someone is paying for yours.

Doesn't matter if it's medicaid, medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross or whatever combination of private or public you are talking about, if you are healthy, you are already paying for someone else's care.

The difference is, we aren't doing it efficiently. We let a poor person go to an emergency room and then charge all the paying saps more to cover it. That's just inefficient.

No we didn't.

Obamacare requires insurance companies to charge old people no more than 3 times what they do young people. It also requires them to not discriminate based on sex, which they were not doing anyway. Before, they were able to use something called actuarial tables to assess the risk, and base your premium on what you would be expected to use, now they can only use government regulations. This means that men have to have maternity coverage, even if they are married to another man, and that young people are paying the same thing old people used to. It also means old people are paying more.

Don't worry though, that guy named Typical is paying $2500 a year less, just like Obama promised.

By the way, did you notice that the people who didn't have insurance before aren't signing up for it? Wasn't the whole point of this mess to get the 5% of the country without insurance into a good program, not to screw over the 5% of the population who already had stuff they liked?
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That's the point of force us to pay for other folks' insurance.

We are already paying other folks insurance, dumbass.

Either you are paying someone else's health care, or if you are really sick, someone is paying for yours.

Doesn't matter if it's medicaid, medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross or whatever combination of private or public you are talking about, if you are healthy, you are already paying for someone else's care.

The difference is, we aren't doing it efficiently. We let a poor person go to an emergency room and then charge all the paying saps more to cover it. That's just inefficient.

No we didn't.

Obamacare requires insurance companies to charge old people no more than 3 times what they do young people. It also requires them to not discriminate based on sex, which they were not doing anyway. Before, they were able to use something called actuarial tables to assess the risk, and base your premium on what you would be expected to use, now they can only use government regulations. This means that men have to have maternity coverage, even if they are married to another man, and that young people are paying the same thing old people used to. It also means old people are paying more.

Don't worry though, that guy named Typical is paying $2500 a year less, just like Obama promised.

By the way, did you notice that the people who didn't have insurance before aren't signing up for it? Wasn't the whole point of this mess to get the 5% of the country without insurance into a good program, not to screw over the 5% of the population who already had stuff they liked?

LOL all the libs and obama bots have left the thread, funny how the truth runs them off
What exactly does it mean when obama said " if you like your health plan, you can keep it, period" "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, period"

no "ifs", no conditions, no "if it isn't changed"

You can keep it, PERIOD!

Was that a lie? Yes, and he knew it was when he said it. He lied to the american people in order to pass a bill that a majority of americans did not want.

Grounds for impeachment????????

Let's set the framework for this debate. Were Bush's lies that got us into Iraq impeachable offenses?

THREE separate Congressional investigations all concluded that NO ONE lied to get us into Iraq. That would include one run by the democrats.

How exactly does ObamaCare pay for all the illegals that now use the ER as their primary care provider and never pay a dime? In case you haven't been to an ER lately they are packed with just those people. ObamaCare does NOTHING to alleviate that cost.

The "poor saps" that you refer to are the Middle Class folks that believed that their costs would go down under ObamaCare. There was no way that was ever happening but some math challenged people believed the lies that the Obama folks were putting out and now they're stuck paying for this joke.

When the government becomes "efficient", Joe...let me know. I've never seen it to be quite blunt. Government efficiency is about as rare as unicorns or an unbiased MSNBC program.

EEEEEEK, Illlleeeegals.

Man, nothing like playing the race card when otherwise losing an argument, eh?

When you make stupid statements like "the government is never efficient", you really can't be taken seriously.

I've worked in both the public and private arenas. You know what I found. Both of them have about the same amounts of inefficiency, tiny minds and inflated egos that you'd find whenever human beings are involved.

That's the point of force us to pay for other folks' insurance.

We are already paying other folks insurance, dumbass.

Either you are paying someone else's health care, or if you are really sick, someone is paying for yours.

Doesn't matter if it's medicaid, medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross or whatever combination of private or public you are talking about, if you are healthy, you are already paying for someone else's care.

The difference is, we aren't doing it efficiently. We let a poor person go to an emergency room and then charge all the paying saps more to cover it. That's just inefficient.

Poor people will always go to the ER. Those on Medicaid go to the ER now because they are too irresponsible and lazy to call a clinic early in the morning, so they just show up at the ER at their convenience!

Really. Now, besides your racism showing, could it possibly be because private practice isn't really available in poor neighborhoods?

That's the point of force us to pay for other folks' insurance.

We are already paying other folks insurance, dumbass.

Either you are paying someone else's health care, or if you are really sick, someone is paying for yours.

Doesn't matter if it's medicaid, medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross or whatever combination of private or public you are talking about, if you are healthy, you are already paying for someone else's care.

The difference is, we aren't doing it efficiently. We let a poor person go to an emergency room and then charge all the paying saps more to cover it. That's just inefficient.

obamacare changes none of that. what it does is create a huge new govt beauocracy that WE will now have to pay for. Its a terrible fix for a non existent problem.

Sorry, 46 million uninsured and 25 million UNDER insured was a real problem, whether you wanted to admit it or not.

How exactly does ObamaCare pay for all the illegals that now use the ER as their primary care provider and never pay a dime? In case you haven't been to an ER lately they are packed with just those people. ObamaCare does NOTHING to alleviate that cost.

The "poor saps" that you refer to are the Middle Class folks that believed that their costs would go down under ObamaCare. There was no way that was ever happening but some math challenged people believed the lies that the Obama folks were putting out and now they're stuck paying for this joke.

When the government becomes "efficient", Joe...let me know. I've never seen it to be quite blunt. Government efficiency is about as rare as unicorns or an unbiased MSNBC program.

EEEEEEK, Illlleeeegals.

Man, nothing like playing the race card when otherwise losing an argument, eh?

When you make stupid statements like "the government is never efficient", you really can't be taken seriously.

I've worked in both the public and private arenas. You know what I found. Both of them have about the same amounts of inefficiency, tiny minds and inflated egos that you'd find whenever human beings are involved.

You are a lying sack of shit.

Gov is the least efficient entity ever instituted...but hey fit right into the Gov stereotype...lazy, large sense of entitlement....and hate filled.

Any fucking questions libtard?

You are a lying sack of shit.

Gov is the least efficient entity ever instituted...but hey fit right into the Gov stereotype...lazy, large sense of entitlement....and hate filled.

Any fucking questions libtard?

Hey, guy, i was in the army for 11 years, and it was pretty effective at what it did. Yeah, you had the occassional officer with an ego larger than life, and lots of paperwork, but it got things done.

Also worked for the Census Bureau twice. Pretty effective.

I've worked for one private Sector company that went completely out of business because the owners were so inept.

Most of the other private entities I've worked for have been varying levels of inept, depending on size.

Fact is, only 18% of medicare recipiants are disatisfied with their level of service compared to 45% of policy holders in the Individual Market. (the one that is currently collapsing now that they are no longer allowed to cheat customers.)

You are a lying sack of shit.

Gov is the least efficient entity ever instituted...but hey fit right into the Gov stereotype...lazy, large sense of entitlement....and hate filled.

Any fucking questions libtard?

Hey, guy, i was in the army for 11 years, and it was pretty effective at what it did. Yeah, you had the occassional officer with an ego larger than life, and lots of paperwork, but it got things done.

Also worked for the Census Bureau twice. Pretty effective.

I've worked for one private Sector company that went completely out of business because the owners were so inept.

Most of the other private entities I've worked for have been varying levels of inept, depending on size.

Fact is, only 18% of medicare recipiants are disatisfied with their level of service compared to 45% of policy holders in the Individual Market. (the one that is currently collapsing now that they are no longer allowed to cheat customers.)

Hey, guy, i was in the army for 11 years, and it was pretty effective at what it did. Yeah, you had the occassional officer with an ego larger than life, and lots of paperwork, but it got things done.

Says the moron who neve watched all of that food being dumped in the dumpster, lying piece of shit.

Also worked for the Census Bureau twice. Pretty effective.

I've worked for one private Sector company that went completely out of business because the owners were so inept.

Most of the other private entities I've worked for have been varying levels of inept, depending on size

You DO realize that you fit the profile they were all looking for?

Stupid, entitled and hate filled?

Fact is, only 18% of medicare recipiants are disatisfied with their level of service compared to 45% of policy holders in the Individual Market. (the one that is currently collapsing now that they are no longer allowed to cheat customers.)


You are franco's version of a "dupe".

Cheer on that single payor.....I'll cheer when they say to let you do die because you aren't worth the money it will take to kep you alive.

How exactly does ObamaCare pay for all the illegals that now use the ER as their primary care provider and never pay a dime? In case you haven't been to an ER lately they are packed with just those people. ObamaCare does NOTHING to alleviate that cost.

The "poor saps" that you refer to are the Middle Class folks that believed that their costs would go down under ObamaCare. There was no way that was ever happening but some math challenged people believed the lies that the Obama folks were putting out and now they're stuck paying for this joke.

When the government becomes "efficient", Joe...let me know. I've never seen it to be quite blunt. Government efficiency is about as rare as unicorns or an unbiased MSNBC program.

EEEEEEK, Illlleeeegals.

Man, nothing like playing the race card when otherwise losing an argument, eh?

When you make stupid statements like "the government is never efficient", you really can't be taken seriously.

I've worked in both the public and private arenas. You know what I found. Both of them have about the same amounts of inefficiency, tiny minds and inflated egos that you'd find whenever human beings are involved.

Illegal is not a race!

You are a lying sack of shit.

Gov is the least efficient entity ever instituted...but hey fit right into the Gov stereotype...lazy, large sense of entitlement....and hate filled.

Any fucking questions libtard?

Hey, guy, i was in the army for 11 years, and it was pretty effective at what it did. Yeah, you had the occassional officer with an ego larger than life, and lots of paperwork, but it got things done.

Also worked for the Census Bureau twice. Pretty effective.

I've worked for one private Sector company that went completely out of business because the owners were so inept.

Most of the other private entities I've worked for have been varying levels of inept, depending on size.

Fact is, only 18% of medicare recipiants are disatisfied with their level of service compared to 45% of policy holders in the Individual Market. (the one that is currently collapsing now that they are no longer allowed to cheat customers.)

Do you know the difference between the Army and the Pentagon? If you do, you should know that the Army is not the government.
millions and millions have lost the

insurance they liked they could afford and wanted

millions and millions more will loose theirs too Period
We are already paying other folks insurance, dumbass.

Either you are paying someone else's health care, or if you are really sick, someone is paying for yours.

Doesn't matter if it's medicaid, medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross or whatever combination of private or public you are talking about, if you are healthy, you are already paying for someone else's care.

The difference is, we aren't doing it efficiently. We let a poor person go to an emergency room and then charge all the paying saps more to cover it. That's just inefficient.

obamacare changes none of that. what it does is create a huge new govt beauocracy that WE will now have to pay for. Its a terrible fix for a non existent problem.

Sorry, 46 million uninsured and 25 million UNDER insured was a real problem, whether you wanted to admit it or not.

What about the 4.2 million people who already had insurance they liked but couldn't keep it Joe? Is that not a problem? Sigh, there you liberals go defining what kind of care people can and cannot choose for themselves. I'm pretty sure I'll be elated to have maternity coverage... as a 26 year old man.

(cue the TK has no job and is living in his basement insults in 3...2...1)
We are already paying other folks insurance, dumbass.

Either you are paying someone else's health care, or if you are really sick, someone is paying for yours.

Doesn't matter if it's medicaid, medicare, Cigna, Blue Cross or whatever combination of private or public you are talking about, if you are healthy, you are already paying for someone else's care.

The difference is, we aren't doing it efficiently. We let a poor person go to an emergency room and then charge all the paying saps more to cover it. That's just inefficient.

obamacare changes none of that. what it does is create a huge new govt beauocracy that WE will now have to pay for. Its a terrible fix for a non existent problem.

Sorry, 46 million uninsured and 25 million UNDER insured was a real problem, whether you wanted to admit it or not.

the 46 million number has been shown to be vastly overstated many times. Remove the illegals, the young who do not want insurance, those on medicaid or medicare, and the real number is around 5 million.

So in his supreme brilliance, obozo screws up the medical care of 325 million people in order to fix it for 5 million???????????

It would have been trillions cheaper to just buy a govt funded policy for the 5 million and leave the rest of us alone.

But, this was never about healthcare or the uninsured, it was a left wing attempt to take over 1/6 of the economy because liberals believe that they know better what we need and that we are not capable of running our own lives.
obamacare changes none of that. what it does is create a huge new govt beauocracy that WE will now have to pay for. Its a terrible fix for a non existent problem.

Sorry, 46 million uninsured and 25 million UNDER insured was a real problem, whether you wanted to admit it or not.

the 46 million number has been shown to be vastly overstated many times. Remove the illegals, the young who do not want insurance, those on medicaid or medicare, and the real number is around 5 million.

So in his supreme brilliance, obozo screws up the medical care of 325 million people in order to fix it for 5 million???????????

It would have been trillions cheaper to just buy a govt funded policy for the 5 million and leave the rest of us alone.

But, this was never about healthcare or the uninsured, it was a left wing attempt to take over 1/6 of the economy because liberals believe that they know better what we need and that we are not capable of running our own lives.
Well if the number is 5 million, that should make everyone pretty happy since the cost of Obamacare would be less than the CBO estimate of 120 billion a year because a lot of the money goes to expanded Medicaid to provide insurance for tens of million of uninsured people.
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obamacare changes none of that. what it does is create a huge new govt beauocracy that WE will now have to pay for. Its a terrible fix for a non existent problem.

Sorry, 46 million uninsured and 25 million UNDER insured was a real problem, whether you wanted to admit it or not.

What about the 4.2 million people who already had insurance they liked but couldn't keep it Joe? Is that not a problem? Sigh, there you liberals go defining what kind of care people can and cannot choose for themselves. I'm pretty sure I'll be elated to have maternity coverage... as a 26 year old man.

(cue the TK has no job and is living in his basement insults in 3...2...1)
Why do you assume they liked it?
What exactly does it mean when obama said " if you like your health plan, you can keep it, period" "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, period"

no "ifs", no conditions, no "if it isn't changed"

You can keep it, PERIOD!

Was that a lie? Yes, and he knew it was when he said it. He lied to the american people in order to pass a bill that a majority of americans did not want.

Grounds for impeachment????????

Let's set the framework for this debate. Were Bush's lies that got us into Iraq impeachable offenses?

THREE separate Congressional investigations all concluded that NO ONE lied to get us into Iraq. That would include one run by the democrats.

Congress also voted to give President Bush the power to decide to invade and occupy Iraq. CYA move.

Twenty Lies About the Iraq War | Global Research
obamacare changes none of that. what it does is create a huge new govt beauocracy that WE will now have to pay for. Its a terrible fix for a non existent problem.

Sorry, 46 million uninsured and 25 million UNDER insured was a real problem, whether you wanted to admit it or not.

the 46 million number has been shown to be vastly overstated many times. Remove the illegals, the young who do not want insurance, those on medicaid or medicare, and the real number is around 5 million.

So in his supreme brilliance, obozo screws up the medical care of 325 million people in order to fix it for 5 million???????????

It would have been trillions cheaper to just buy a govt funded policy for the 5 million and leave the rest of us alone.

But, this was never about healthcare or the uninsured, it was a left wing attempt to take over 1/6 of the economy because liberals believe that they know better what we need and that we are not capable of running our own lives.
Thus obliterating a building with a couple leaks in the roof. The goal? Control. Make no mistake.

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