The word "period"

So your answer to the OP is that yes, the President committed an impeachable offense,

because anything the President does or doesn't do is an impeachable offense.

That's fascinating. Then logically you must also believe that the Constitution really means nothing other than what the Supreme Court says it means.

You thus waste alot time here telling us what you suppose the Constitution to mean. lol

I am pretty sure that, in the current political climate, no one is going to impeach Obama unless he nukes San Francisco. That might not even be impeachable with idiots like you around. I do, however, enjoy showing self important assholes that they are actually ignorant drooling idiots.

Congress, not you, not me, not the Supreme Court, is the final arbiter of what is, and is not, an impeachable offense. That is clearly spelled out in the Constitution, and I actually have Supreme Court citations to back my position up.

So far, all you have is lies and insults.

So Obama could be impeached for being black? I don't remember your yes or no answer on that.

Didn't read my post, did you?
I don't think this question has been asked, so I'll start asking it.

Why did Republicans wait until NOW to make this an issue? This is four years after the debate on the bill.

When was the first time the discrepancy between the President's promises and the content of the bill was brought up by the opposition?

What the fuck? Did you forget all the votes for repeal, the votes to delay the mandate, the votes to let people keep their insurance, and all the other sabotage you have been complaining about for years?
Have you ever read the Constitution?

Your claim was that there was a debate about whether it is possible to impeach a president for being incompetent, or if there had to be a crime. Since the only place impeaching the president is mentioned is Article 2 Section 4 of the Constitution, which is the same clause that was used to impeach a judge for not showing up for work, you are, demonstrably, 100% wrong.

Wait, I have never read the Constitution, I cannot possibly outsmart you on impeachment, or anything else. You must be having a nightmare. Have you tried lucid dreaming to fix it?

Judges are subject to a 'good behaviour' clause.

Is that in the Constitution, or inside your pin sized brain?
I don't think this question has been asked, so I'll start asking it.

Why did Republicans wait until NOW to make this an issue? This is four years after the debate on the bill.

When was the first time the discrepancy between the President's promises and the content of the bill was brought up by the opposition?

What the fuck? Did you forget all the votes for repeal, the votes to delay the mandate, the votes to let people keep their insurance, and all the other sabotage you have been complaining about for years?

Well, NYcarbineer just now noticed the GOP making an issue about it.......even though Obamacare was why we had a shutdown.

It's all a big mystery to him.
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What exactly does it mean when obama said " if you like your health plan, you can keep it, period" "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, period"

no "ifs", no conditions, no "if it isn't changed"

You can keep it, PERIOD!

Was that a lie? Yes, and he knew it was when he said it. He lied to the american people in order to pass a bill that a majority of americans did not want.

Grounds for impeachment????????

He said that if you like your doctor or health insurance, you can keep it, Period. Of course, if your name isn't Period, you are on your own.
As if the GOP haven't?

Stop the press......:lol:

I am not trying to defend the GOP, am I?

You, however, are trying to defend Obama.

Wait, I forgot, you think everyone is either Republican or Democrat.

Nah I've stated he made a promise that he didn't/couldn't keep. If the GOP controlled house want to impeach him for it they can, they have the majority and the speaker can bring it up if he wants. Both sides are guilty of misrepresenting the facts surrounding the AHCA.

What did I tell you, still trying to defend Obama.

For the record, he made that "campaign promise" 2 months ago, and it is still on the official White House website. That takes the lie outside the realm of campaign promises, you really should stop defending him with lies. Just admit you don't care about the lie because you prefer being a racist scumbag to being called one by other Obamazombies.
And what I find particularly disturbing is that it's becoming obvious that Barry, Harry and Nancy have known all along that the ACA won't work as constituted yet they pushed it through anyways. Why? Because when it doesn't work...they will blame the failure on the insurance industry and call for a government run single payer system...which is what they wanted in the first place.

This was all a political GAME to them...a game that disrupts the lives of millions of Americans. They were quite willing to make America suffer through this in order to arrive at their "end game".

It's not been proven it won't work.

Evolution hasn't been proven either, that doesn't make it a wrong.
Congress, not you, not me, not the Supreme Court, is the final arbiter of what is, and is not, an impeachable offense. That is clearly spelled out in the Constitution, and I actually have Supreme Court citations to back my position up.

So far, all you have is lies and insults.

Well I do have this guy to back up my position:

This guy, calling himself Quantum Windbag goes on to say this:

I especially like how he says that anyone who does think it's an impeachable offense is jumping on a rabid bandwagon...

And then we have this:

which contains the following...

Quote: Originally Posted by Avatar4321
I wonder if contempt of court qualifies as high crimes and misdemeanors. I am not positive it does.

Quantum Windbag:
Me either. It is not even a criminal offense, and Obama is far from the first president to ignore a court order he did not like. I don't recall anyone else ever being impeached for it.

...hmmm...looks like this other Quantum Windbag might have read the Constitution.

...would you, Quantum Windbag, like to debate this other Quantum Windbag?

Wow, I was ignorant about the process of impeachment, naive that something in the Constitution prevented it being used for political purposes. I was wrong.

Believe it or not, that does not make you right.

Want an example of someone being impeached because they ruled against a law supported by Democrats?
Ame®icano;8111296 said:
Obviously because all plans sold beginning in 2014 must meet the requirements of the law. Grandfathered plans can not be changed but don't have meet all the requirements of the law.

If is a "must", where is a "choice".
No, you don't understand. I'm referring to the insurance companies choice of whether to:
  • leave the old plans untouched so they could be grandfathered in and thus there would be no need to cancel them or
  • Cancel the old plans and issue new plans that meet the new requirements.

This was a business decision made by the insurance companies. The old plans could not be sold beginning Jan 1, 2014 and could not be changed. So if they kept all the old plans they would be administering them plus the new plans. Since the old plans would have to be cancelled eventually anyway, they decided to cancel many of them and move the people to the new plans. This accounts for most of the cancellation letters.

Many insurance companies made another business decision not to upgrade existing plans, just cancel them and issue new plans. In some states the insurance commission ask the companies to do so to avoid confusion and possible legal problems.

Still lying? That earned you a neg, not that you will face reality.
The bill was introduced in the house in September of 2009. No one was allowed to read it until last week?


The bill that was passed was not available for anyone to read until a few hours before the dems voted it into law and obozo signed it. NO ONE had read it before it became law. NO ONE had time to digest over 2000 pages and understand what it would do to the economy or individual insurance.

it is a terrible law, passed in the most corrupt way--------but its the way dictators operate and you silly fucks voted for a dictator---------you deserve it, but the rest of us don't.
Your post is inaccurate. First off, The law, as enacted, is 906 pages long, shorter than the last Bush budget by nearly 500 pages.

Second, every legislator must be given a copy of the bill prior to a vote. Both Senate and House versions of the law were posted on line and were widely available.

They had how long to go through the bill?

By the way, the bill that was voted on includes cross references to things that are not included in the 906 pages you just linked to.

In fact, the law includes those same cross references, and multiple times that amount of pages in regulations.
Thus the lie........"If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, period."
Not quit. You said, "The insurance companies were required by the ACA LAW to add additional clauses to the policies they had issued. " This is true for plans that they will sell in 2014. The grandfathered plans do not have to meet the requirements of the law with the exception of the life time maximum elimination requirement. The regulations allowed plans to be modified to include this change and still meet the grandfather requirements. Premiums of grandfathered plans can be increased but they can not add significant cost to the beneficiary.

Insurance companies were not forced by the law to cancel their plans. Cancelling plans was a business decision. If you look at you will see a number of grandfathered plans listed which insurance companies are not cancelling and will be in effect in 2014. You will also see a number of new plans which are ACA compliant. There are also other plans that have been upgraded to be ACA compliant. Expecting the president to have certain knowledge that insurance companies would cancel, upgrade, or grandfather plans when he signed the law is asking bit much.

Cancelling plans are a business decision.


Aren't insurance companies in business?

It's a matter of choosing between getting screwed by the new requirements or cutting loose a few million customers. Which would you do?

Insurance companies cannot stay in business if they are losing money. Obama expected them to do what businesses do to survive. Those evil companies aren't like the government where they lose trillions and don't have to answer to anyone.
I don't think we need to worry about the profitability of the health insurance companies.

Aetna, WellPoint, UnitedHealth Group, Humana and Cigna — have seen an average of a 32 percent increase in their stock prices over the last 12 months, while the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index has risen by just 24 percent.

Unlike the political opposition to the law, insurance companies simple don't see Obamacare as much of a hindrance. Most health insurers are forecasting earnings growth after the health care law is fully in effect. Mark T. Bertolini, the Aetna chief executive, said recently: “We continue to believe that public exchanges can represent a longer-term upside opportunity.” David Cordani, Cigna’s chief executive, said his company’s average annual earnings per share would grow 10 to 13 percent over the next three to five years.

If such projections are correct, someday we may look back and wonder what all the fuss was about.
I don't think this question has been asked, so I'll start asking it.

Why did Republicans wait until NOW to make this an issue? This is four years after the debate on the bill.

When was the first time the discrepancy between the President's promises and the content of the bill was brought up by the opposition?

We didn't believe Obama would be such a bold liar

He lied about EVERYTHING to do with ObamaCare but waited until after the election to come clean on it
What exactly does it mean when obama said " if you like your health plan, you can keep it, period" "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, period"

no "ifs", no conditions, no "if it isn't changed"

You can keep it, PERIOD!

Was that a lie? Yes, and he knew it was when he said it. He lied to the american people in order to pass a bill that a majority of americans did not want.

Grounds for impeachment????????
Impeachment for a US POTUS is defined as follows:

US Constitution Article 2, Section 4:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors

Let the debate continue...
I don't think this question has been asked, so I'll start asking it.

Why did Republicans wait until NOW to make this an issue? This is four years after the debate on the bill.

When was the first time the discrepancy between the President's promises and the content of the bill was brought up by the opposition?

We didn't believe Obama would be such a bold liar

He lied about EVERYTHING to do with ObamaCare but waited until after the election to come clean on it
I think he made a really foolish statement but I really don't he lied. However, assuming he did, what could be his motive in telling people they could keep their plan after the healthcare law passed. If he really knew insurance companies would be cancelling plans he would surely know his pledge would create a public relations nightmare.
I don't think this question has been asked, so I'll start asking it.

Why did Republicans wait until NOW to make this an issue? This is four years after the debate on the bill.

When was the first time the discrepancy between the President's promises and the content of the bill was brought up by the opposition?

We didn't believe Obama would be such a bold liar

He lied about EVERYTHING to do with ObamaCare but waited until after the election to come clean on it
I think he made a really foolish statement but I really don't he lied. However, assuming he did, what could be his motive in telling people they could keep their plan after the healthcare law passed. If he really knew insurance companies would be cancelling plans he would surely know his pledge would create a public relations nightmare.

What is a LIE but the fools like YOU that buy into it and dismiss it?

Blame minimize, Deny, Obfuscate. YOU play the party line well...and are QUITE the fool and refuse to see reality.
We didn't believe Obama would be such a bold liar

He lied about EVERYTHING to do with ObamaCare but waited until after the election to come clean on it
I think he made a really foolish statement but I really don't he lied. However, assuming he did, what could be his motive in telling people they could keep their plan after the healthcare law passed. If he really knew insurance companies would be cancelling plans he would surely know his pledge would create a public relations nightmare.

What is a LIE but the fools like YOU that buy into it and dismiss it?

Blame minimize, Deny, Obfuscate. YOU play the party line well...and are QUITE the fool and refuse to see reality.
The question is why would he lie after the law had been passed? After years of being hit daily by a right wing media blitz tearing apart every statement he made, he would surely know he would be creating a big problem down the line if this statement proved to be false.
If you were poor, would you rather have some healthcare or none?

You're saying that we need to deprive the poor of access to affordable healthcare because if we don't then, god forbid, the poor will actually go to the doctor, or the hospital,

and that will overburden the system.

That is classic you, btw.

NO ONE in the USA was being denied healthcare before ACA. Not having insurance does not equal not getting treatment.

the rest of us were paying for the uninsured, the same will be true under ACA. The difference is now we have tons of new regulations and a new federal beaurocracy to pay for.

Really? Then how come those 2 or 3 people down in Arizona who needed heart transplants but couldn't afford them DIED? Remember that story?

I do!
They had Medicaid insurance.
I think he made a really foolish statement but I really don't he lied. However, assuming he did, what could be his motive in telling people they could keep their plan after the healthcare law passed. If he really knew insurance companies would be cancelling plans he would surely know his pledge would create a public relations nightmare.

What is a LIE but the fools like YOU that buy into it and dismiss it?

Blame minimize, Deny, Obfuscate. YOU play the party line well...and are QUITE the fool and refuse to see reality.
The question is why would he lie after the law had been passed? After years of being hit daily by a right wing media blitz tearing apart every statement he made, he would surely know he would be creating a big problem down the line if this statement proved to be false.

Because he is a deluded narcissist?
What exactly does it mean when obama said " if you like your health plan, you can keep it, period" "if you like your doctor, you can keep him, period"

no "ifs", no conditions, no "if it isn't changed"

You can keep it, PERIOD!

Was that a lie? Yes, and he knew it was when he said it. He lied to the american people in order to pass a bill that a majority of americans did not want.

Grounds for impeachment????????

No more than, "Read my lips, no new Taxes"


"Mission Accomplished"
I think he made a really foolish statement but I really don't he lied. However, assuming he did, what could be his motive in telling people they could keep their plan after the healthcare law passed. If he really knew insurance companies would be cancelling plans he would surely know his pledge would create a public relations nightmare.

What is a LIE but the fools like YOU that buy into it and dismiss it?

Blame minimize, Deny, Obfuscate. YOU play the party line well...and are QUITE the fool and refuse to see reality.
The question is why would he lie after the law had been passed? After years of being hit daily by a right wing media blitz tearing apart every statement he made, he would surely know he would be creating a big problem down the line if this statement proved to be false.

Right wing media blitz? LOL The only media that reports negatively on Barry is FOX News, Flopper...the rest of them have dutifully reported whatever line the White House puts out. The reason that Obama feels confident telling lies is that in general the "media" has let him get away with doing so. Seriously...when's the last time Jay Carney gave a news conference where he DIDN'T tell a lie?

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