The words "to bear arms" is a military term

. . . that no where, very plainly, that we the people as citizens have any rights to possess military heavy weapons platforms.

Not in my state at least.
If I could afford a Tank I would get one. Lots of money for upkeep and gas though. :)

Having a decommissioned tank would be cool if expensive. Let's buy a commercial copter, retro fit, and patrol the Rio Grande.

Nah, I'm too afraid of heights. You do the copter and I'll do the tank, we can get em at both ends that way :clap2:
We should send bigreb in a bright yellow jump suit across the river to scout out the inflitrators. He can radio us so we can watch him run all around while being chased. :lol:
bigreb on this board evidences the soul of a rat. What he is like off the board, I have no idea. if we're allowed to possess military grade "arms", when can I expect to see RPG's and C-4 at Wal Mart?

Little Racist Bastard in NC, you're way off on this one dude. if we're allowed to possess military grade "arms", when can I expect to see RPG's and C-4 at Wal Mart?

Little Racist Bastard in NC, you're way off on this one dude.

Here you go - not actual RPG's but simulated and working.
And no not at Wal Mart


You can get a permit from the government for C-4. You can get a Ak-47 with a government permit for about $260.00 Maybe it has gone up since then this was a few yrs ago. But you will be under government inspections any time they want in order to make sure that weopen is stored safely.
You can get it if you pass everything & want to go through the bells & hupla's.
Last edited: if we're allowed to possess military grade "arms", when can I expect to see RPG's and C-4 at Wal Mart?

Little Racist Bastard in NC, you're way off on this one dude.

RPG? Russian weaponary, of course you would want Russian weaponary like any communist.

you're way off on this one dude

Explain why the second amendment was created in the first place? Look dude I might be a bastard, but stop it with the racist shit I am not a racist. I will place you on ignore and I mean it. if we're allowed to possess military grade "arms", when can I expect to see RPG's and C-4 at Wal Mart?

Little Racist Bastard in NC, you're way off on this one dude.

RPG? Russian weaponary, of course you would want Russian weaponary like any communist.

you're way off on this one dude

Explain why the second amendment was created in the first place? Look dude I might be a bastard, but stop it with the racist shit I am not a racist. I will place you on ignore and I mean it.

The 2nd Amendment was not created for a fascist like you to own a heavy weapons platform. You cannot link the 2nd to citizens have a right to military weapons. if we're allowed to possess military grade "arms", when can I expect to see RPG's and C-4 at Wal Mart?

Little Racist Bastard in NC, you're way off on this one dude.

RPG? Russian weaponary, of course you would want Russian weaponary like any communist.

you're way off on this one dude

Explain why the second amendment was created in the first place? Look dude I might be a bastard, but stop it with the racist shit I am not a racist. I will place you on ignore and I mean it.

The 2nd Amendment was not created for a fascist like you to own a heavy weapons platform. You cannot link the 2nd to citizens have a right to military weapons.
You are a moron This whole thread you keep repeating that shit but post nothing to support it. I have produce sources that say I am correct. If you cannot produce something other than your opinion I will place you on ignore, because your stupidity is just to much. You have one more reply and I'm done with you troll.
I don't have to support my point with evidence when your own evidence, which seven different folks have clearly documented, does not say what you say it says. Your OP was fail in the second page.

That's the point.

Place me on ignore? Buh bye.
I don't have to support my point with evidence when your own evidence, which seven different folks have clearly documented, does not say what you say it says. Your OP was fail in the second page.

That's the point.

Place me on ignore? Buh bye.

You have got to read the original link to know that yoiu are wrong you haven't done it.

From the original link



• 1774: "Arms or Submission must decide the Controversy." (45)

• 1774: "They flew to arms, and marched off to attack the troops of that King."(46)

• 1774: "their Intention is to try to raise the Province to Arms."(47)

• 1775: "rendered it necessary for us to close with their last Appeal from Reason to Arms." (48)

• 1775: "the Dispute must be decided by Arms." (49)

• 1775: Anyone "found in arms, or [who shall] continue to give assistance to our enemies" will be subject to "the law of retaliation."(50)

• 1775: "All Persons illegally in Arms upon the Water are deemed Pirates."(51)

• 1775: We are "obliged to have recourse to arms, in defence of our Lives and Liberties" and therefore establish "military regulations."(52)

• 1775: "nothing can justify men, without proper authority, in a rapid recurrence to arms, nothing excuse resistance to the executive power in the due enforcement of law."(53)

• 1775: "the dispute must be settled by arms."(54)

• 1775: "The Virginians are all up in Arms" over removal of gunpowder from their magazine.(55)

• 1775: "in defence of the Freedom that is our Birthright ... [and] against Violence actually offered, we have taken up Arms."(56)

• 1775: "some are Red-hot & foolishly talk of Arms."(57)

• 1776: "every man in arms [must] lay them down forthwith and surrender themselves upon pain of being treated as rebels."(58)

• 1776: "WE, the Subscribers ... will ... Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with ARMS, oppose the Hostile Proceedings of the British Fleets, and Armies."(59)

• 1780: "We consider ourselves as citizens in arms for the defence of the most valuable rights of human nature."(60)


The large body of evidence from the 17th and 18th centuries that uses the term "bear arms" can be divided into six main categories and subdivided to reflect the wide variety of usage. It validates the arguments and generalizations of earlier sections of this paper: all terms were used in a military context; a large percentage come from militia acts, especially for the colonial period. This section will describe the various categories that the expressions naturally fall into, contrast "bear arms" with the meaning of "carry arms," review some examples of each, and come to some conclusions concerning the meaning of "bear arms" in these contexts. Note: with only a few exceptions, only the linked words "bear arms" are considered because they represent a fixed concept that the separate words do not.

• 1770: "the People called Quakers, who demean themselves in a quiet and Peaceable Manner, and from a religious Principle, are conscientiously scrupulous of bearing Arms, or appearing or answering to their Names in Muster Field" are "not obliged to appear and muster" but must provide a substitute if called on.(73)

• 1775: Petition "setting forth, that the Memorialists, with great Concern, perceive that fatal Mischiefs will arise to the Association from the Lenity shewn towards Persons professing to be conscientiously scrupulous against bearing Arms; — that People sincerely and religiously scrupulous are but few in Comparison to those who upon this Occasion, as well as others, make Conscience a Convenience; — that a very considerable Share of the Property of this Province is in the Hands of People professing to be of tender Conscience in military Matters."(74)

• 1775: "As there are some people, who, from religious principles, cannot bear arms in any case, this Congress intend no violence to their consciences, but earnestly recommend it to them, to contribute liberally."(75)

• 1775: "there are some Persons, who, from their religious Principles, are scrupulous of the Lawfulness of bearing Arms."(76)

• 1778: "all persons who refuse to bear arms in defense of the State to which they belong" plus convicted traitors, are to lose the privileges of citizenship.(77)

• 1788: "That any person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms ought to be exempted, upon payment of an equivalent to employ another to bear arms in his stead."(78)

• 1790: "We also contemplate an exemption favourable to other classes of men, such as divines, schoolmasters, students, and those who are conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms."(79)

Capability and Obligation to "Bear Arms." These categories of usage come predominantly from militia acts and governmental orders which sought to define the segment of the adult male population who were liable for military duty— either personal service or providing of firearms and military equipment for themselves or for others to use during military training and service. Military capability in early America was based on very basic requirements of gender (males only) and physical and mental ability (based on age and health).(80) More was required than merely the ability to pick up and convey a weapon from place to place— the ability to march; to maneuver in formation; to load, fire, and maintain weapons; and to fire on command under pressure. The preferred weapon was the military musket, although riflemen were used in specialty organizations. Equally important was social status. That is, slaves, free blacks, indentured servants, and, from time to time, apprentices, Catholics, non-citizens, and others, were explicitly excluded from the provisions of the militia acts. Because these expressions come from militia legislation, the context is entirely and unambiguously military.


• 1693: "upon which [alarm] all the trained souldiers, and others capable to bear arms, that are then resident in any town, shall forthwith appear compleat with their arms and ammunition according to law, at the usual place of rendezvous."(81)

• 1702: "You shall send [an] Account to us, and to our Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, of the present Number of Planters and Inhabitants, and how many of them are fit to bear Arms in the Militia of our said Province."(82)

• 1755: "It grieves me to see near 20000 Men in this Province fit to bear Arms & yet for want of an effectual Militia Law ... not 100 are obliged ... to act in their own Defence."(83)

• 1775: "whereas we have Sent one third part of our men capable to bear arms to Joyn the Provincial army, Such a Situation appears to leave us weak and defenceless."(84)

• 1779: "and that all other male persons who though incapable from bodily infirmity to bear arms, may in the judgment of the assessors be able to contribute towards a bounty."(85)

• 1781: Governor Thomas Jefferson ordered the County Lieutenants to "assemble every man of your County able to bear Arms" against British expeditionary force.(86)


• 1633: "all prsons shall beare Armes" who are over 16, except Commissioners and church officers.(87)

• 1641: "A Muster Master Generall to be, And All persons above 16. to beare Arms."(88)

• 1665: "The Assembly taking into consideration the great defect in training [including] complaining of the great inequality, in that the poorest being vnable to spare wherewith to maintaine armes and amunition, as powder, &c., yett are forced by the law to beare armes as well as the most able."(89)

• 1754: "Let therefore every man, that, appealing to his own heart, feels the least spark of virtue or freedom there, think that it is an honour which he owes himself, and a duty which he owes his country, to bear arms." — Defense of life and liberty by "bear[ing] arms in the bands of his country."(90)

• 1767: "the colonies are defended by their militia, which they are great expence to raise and train; every person in them, capable of the service, is obliged to bear arms, and to be provided with them at their own expence."(91)

• 1776: "this Assembly hath passed a Resolve, for draughting all male Persons, subject by Law to bear Arms, whether of the Militia, Alarm-List, or Independent Companies."(92)

• 1782: At "respective musters every person liable to bear arms shall appear properly armed and accoutred."(93)

• 1790: Mr. Sherman "believed, the exemption of persons conscientiously scrupulous of bearing arms to be necessary and proper. He was well convinced that there was no possibility of making such persons bear arms, they would rather suffer death than commit what appeared to them a moral evil."(94)
Resetting the Terms on the Second Amendment:...

[Excerpts from Rowland's PhD dissertation in history, Ohio State University, 1978, are provided at Origins of the Second Amendment: The Creation of the Constitutional Rights of Militia and of Keeping and Bearing Arms. (excerpts). The title is: "Origins of the Second Amendment: The Creation of the Constitutional Rights of Militia and of Keeping and Bearing Arms."]

George Mason the father of the Bill of Rights is quoted for saying.
"George Mason: "I ask you sir, who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people"

good bye moron
You can change the meaning of every document in the US simply by re-writting the dictionary to suit you needs.

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