The World and How It Responds to Trump

Safer how?

I would say it would be more on an even keel. He is off the deep end. He spouts shit on Twitter that adds up to nothing most of the time. He is incurious, vacuous, and just plain stupid a lot of time. Hey, if that is what you want in a leader, have at it. Just sayin'..
your nominee is a senile accused rapist that took money from china .
When did Drumpf take money from China?
Foreign countries view us through the lens provided by our partisan propagandist Media. Of course they have a negative opinion of Trump and America. Fortunately it doesn't matter what they think.
Other countries have their own news and their own reporters.
Just like we have our own, they do to.

Trump had forfeit global leadership with his coronavirus response.
Nothing to do with media, its just his leadership or lack thereof.
Drumpftards look for excuses everywhere. They cant deal with the fact that everyone thinks Drumpf is a fuckup and a dangerous child.
Are you kidding?
You guys provide unlimited laughs.
Why would I kid with you when you're not a goat? Youre a sheep. Thats why Drumpf has you brainwashed and obedient.
You're right...I am brainwashed by Trump!
And I've got the Electoral Vote locked up!
I have a friend in Spain and another in India. Both literally asked me WTF was wrong with americans. I told them he actually lost the popular vote but the electoral college did us in.
Must suck for the Indians who were promised they would replace the inept Americans.
Not for him. He came here for 4 years and decided white people were too racist so he went back to India. He still holds an american job with Cisco though.
Oh, the irony!
Good; let him stay in the land of 1,000 Castes.
Castes in India have nothing to do with race dummy.
You're correct...Castes are even worse as there's no escape ever.
The lower 997 Castes can't even move away because they're needed for slave labor.
Theres no escape from racism here either.
Feel free to leave as no one is stopping anyone from using their welfare checks and drug money profits from leaving.
I see the guys and gals in the Hood driving BMWs so don't try to sell your bullshit here.
You must be a fool. Racism has nothing to do with driving BMWs. Thats done inspite of racism. We put in work.
If you don't like America, leave.
We won't miss your racist presence.
No. I wont leave. I'm going to stay and make sure you get an ulcer.
You are pure comic relief.
By the way, ulcer went out with land lines.
You dont know what an ulcer is? Never mind. I forgot youre a dumb Drumpf supporter.
Read what I posted...
Ulcers went out with land lines.
No one has developed an ulcer in over 20 years.
No one I know, that's for sure.
Did Drumpf tell you that? Lots of people still get ulcers speedy. :)
The world used to look up to the United States. Now they see Donald Trump as a dangerous person and the world is laughing at him. If he get's re-elected, our allies will abandon us with distrust.

"Quotations from the president’s astonishing April 23 press conference have appeared on every continent, via countless television channels, radio stations, magazines and websites, in hundreds of thousands of variations and dozens of languages — often accompanied by warnings, in case someone was fooled, not to drink disinfectant or bleach,” Applebaum writes. “In years past, many of these outlets presumably published articles critical of this or that aspect of U.S. foreign policy, blaming one U.S. president or another. But the kind of coverage we see now is something new. This time, people are not attacking the president of the United States — they are laughing at him.”

"Any nation can make a mistake once, elect a bad leader once,” Applebaum asserts. “But if Americans choose Trump again, that will send a clear message: we are no longer a serious nation. We are as ignorant as our thoughtless, narcissistic, ignorant president. Don’t be surprised if the rest of the world takes note of that too.”

I have a friend in Spain and another in India. Both literally asked me WTF was wrong with americans. I told them he actually lost the popular vote but the electoral college did us in.
Must suck for the Indians who were promised they would replace the inept Americans.
Not for him. He came here for 4 years and decided white people were too racist so he went back to India. He still holds an american job with Cisco though.
Oh, the irony!
Good; let him stay in the land of 1,000 Castes.
Castes in India have nothing to do with race dummy.
You're correct...Castes are even worse as there's no escape ever.
The lower 997 Castes can't even move away because they're needed for slave labor.
Theres no escape from racism here either.
ye you are right ! the anti white rhetoric from the left is appalling .
Foreign countries view us through the lens provided by our partisan propagandist Media. Of course they have a negative opinion of Trump and America. Fortunately it doesn't matter what they think.
Other countries have their own news and their own reporters.
Just like we have our own, they do to.

Trump had forfeit global leadership with his coronavirus response.
Nothing to do with media, its just his leadership or lack thereof.
Drumpftards look for excuses everywhere. They cant deal with the fact that everyone thinks Drumpf is a fuckup and a dangerous child.
Are you kidding?
You guys provide unlimited laughs.
Why would I kid with you when you're not a goat? Youre a sheep. Thats why Drumpf has you brainwashed and obedient.
You're right...I am brainwashed by Trump!
And I've got the Electoral Vote locked up!
You need it. Most of the US doesnt want Drumpf. Hes an incompetent fuckup.
I have a friend in Spain and another in India. Both literally asked me WTF was wrong with americans. I told them he actually lost the popular vote but the electoral college did us in.
Must suck for the Indians who were promised they would replace the inept Americans.
Not for him. He came here for 4 years and decided white people were too racist so he went back to India. He still holds an american job with Cisco though.
Oh, the irony!
Good; let him stay in the land of 1,000 Castes.
Castes in India have nothing to do with race dummy.
You're correct...Castes are even worse as there's no escape ever.
The lower 997 Castes can't even move away because they're needed for slave labor.
Theres no escape from racism here either.
Feel free to leave as no one is stopping anyone from using their welfare checks and drug money profits from leaving.
I see the guys and gals in the Hood driving BMWs so don't try to sell your bullshit here.
You must be a fool. Racism has nothing to do with driving BMWs. Thats done inspite of racism. We put in work.
If you don't like America, leave.
We won't miss your racist presence.
No. I wont leave. I'm going to stay and make sure you get an ulcer.
You are pure comic relief.
By the way, ulcer went out with land lines.
You dont know what an ulcer is? Never mind. I forgot youre a dumb Drumpf supporter.
Read what I posted...
Ulcers went out with land lines.
No one has developed an ulcer in over 20 years.
No one I know, that's for sure.
Did Drumpf tell you that? Lots of people still get ulcers speedy. :)
Perhaps in the Hood.
Maybe if you got the really fat Black chicks to stop eating fast food all day; but we know how you love Booty.
The world used to look up to the United States. Now they see Donald Trump as a dangerous person and the world is laughing at him. If he get's re-elected, our allies will abandon us with distrust.

"Quotations from the president’s astonishing April 23 press conference have appeared on every continent, via countless television channels, radio stations, magazines and websites, in hundreds of thousands of variations and dozens of languages — often accompanied by warnings, in case someone was fooled, not to drink disinfectant or bleach,” Applebaum writes. “In years past, many of these outlets presumably published articles critical of this or that aspect of U.S. foreign policy, blaming one U.S. president or another. But the kind of coverage we see now is something new. This time, people are not attacking the president of the United States — they are laughing at him.”

"Any nation can make a mistake once, elect a bad leader once,” Applebaum asserts. “But if Americans choose Trump again, that will send a clear message: we are no longer a serious nation. We are as ignorant as our thoughtless, narcissistic, ignorant president. Don’t be surprised if the rest of the world takes note of that too.”

Was just reading the same thing. Here's the original article, a worthy read.

>> But if Trump is ridiculous, his administration is invisible. Carl Bildt—a Swedish prime minister in the 1990s, a United Nations envoy during the Bosnian wars, and a foreign minister for many years after that—told me that, looking back on his 30-year career, he cannot remember a single international crisis in which the United States had no global presence at all. “Normally, when something happens”—a war, an earthquake—“everybody waits to see what the Americans are doing, for better or for worse, and then they calibrate their own response based on that.”​
This time, Americans are doing … nothing. Or to be more specific, because plenty of American governors, mayors, doctors, scientists, and tech companies are doing things, the White House is doing nothing. There is no presidential leadership inside the United States; there is no American leadership in the world.​
... Others are drawing even more radical conclusions, and with remarkable speed. The “disinfectant” comments—and the laughter that followed—mark not so much a turning point as an acceleration point, the moment when a transformation that began much earlier suddenly started to seem unstoppable. Although we are still only weeks into this pandemic, although the true scale of the health crisis and the economic catastrophe is still unknown, the outline of a very different, post-American, post-coronavirus world is already taking shape. It’s a world in which American opinions will count less, while the opinions of America’s rivals will count more. And that will change political dynamics in ways that Americans haven’t yet understood. <<​
We were warned when crisis comes around Trump cannot be trusted. He is and has destroyed confidence. We were warned and look at how it's turned out. A total mess.
Foreign countries view us through the lens provided by our partisan propagandist Media. Of course they have a negative opinion of Trump and America. Fortunately it doesn't matter what they think.
Other countries have their own news and their own reporters.
Just like we have our own, they do to.

Trump had forfeit global leadership with his coronavirus response.
Nothing to do with media, its just his leadership or lack thereof.
Drumpftards look for excuses everywhere. They cant deal with the fact that everyone thinks Drumpf is a fuckup and a dangerous child.
Are you kidding?
You guys provide unlimited laughs.
Why would I kid with you when you're not a goat? Youre a sheep. Thats why Drumpf has you brainwashed and obedient.
You're right...I am brainwashed by Trump!
And I've got the Electoral Vote locked up!
You need it. Most of the US doesnt want Drumpf. Hes an incompetent fuckup.
Most...You took a count and Trump had one less vote?
Or most Trump supporters aren't hanging out at the Hood bar talking sh*t about Trump?
I have a friend in Spain and another in India. Both literally asked me WTF was wrong with americans. I told them he actually lost the popular vote but the electoral college did us in.
Must suck for the Indians who were promised they would replace the inept Americans.
Not for him. He came here for 4 years and decided white people were too racist so he went back to India. He still holds an american job with Cisco though.
Oh, the irony!
Good; let him stay in the land of 1,000 Castes.
Castes in India have nothing to do with race dummy.
You're correct...Castes are even worse as there's no escape ever.
The lower 997 Castes can't even move away because they're needed for slave labor.
Theres no escape from racism here either.
Feel free to leave as no one is stopping anyone from using their welfare checks and drug money profits from leaving.
I see the guys and gals in the Hood driving BMWs so don't try to sell your bullshit here.
You must be a fool. Racism has nothing to do with driving BMWs. Thats done inspite of racism. We put in work.
If you don't like America, leave.
We won't miss your racist presence.
No. I wont leave. I'm going to stay and make sure you get an ulcer.
You are pure comic relief.
By the way, ulcer went out with land lines.
You dont know what an ulcer is? Never mind. I forgot youre a dumb Drumpf supporter.
Read what I posted...
Ulcers went out with land lines.
No one has developed an ulcer in over 20 years.
No one I know, that's for sure.
Did Drumpf tell you that? Lots of people still get ulcers speedy. :)
Perhaps in the Hood.
Maybe if you got the really fat Black chicks to stop eating fast food all day; but we know how you love Booty.
Nope this is nation wide. Not just the hood. You must be embarrassed you didnt know people still got ulcers. What did you think they did to stop it? Inject Bleach?
The world used to look up to the United States. Now they see Donald Trump as a dangerous person and the world is laughing at him. If he get's re-elected, our allies will abandon us with distrust.

"Quotations from the president’s astonishing April 23 press conference have appeared on every continent, via countless television channels, radio stations, magazines and websites, in hundreds of thousands of variations and dozens of languages — often accompanied by warnings, in case someone was fooled, not to drink disinfectant or bleach,” Applebaum writes. “In years past, many of these outlets presumably published articles critical of this or that aspect of U.S. foreign policy, blaming one U.S. president or another. But the kind of coverage we see now is something new. This time, people are not attacking the president of the United States — they are laughing at him.”

"Any nation can make a mistake once, elect a bad leader once,” Applebaum asserts. “But if Americans choose Trump again, that will send a clear message: we are no longer a serious nation. We are as ignorant as our thoughtless, narcissistic, ignorant president. Don’t be surprised if the rest of the world takes note of that too.”

they werent laughing when he forced them to dig deeper into their pockets and pay their fair share at nato.
How much has the (so called) multi-billionaire Trump donated or helped during this pandemic? C'mon Fatso, help out the USA. Deep pockets? Or a squeaking grifter.
Biden's volunteered to sniff young girls hair until there's a cure!
Foreign countries view us through the lens provided by our partisan propagandist Media. Of course they have a negative opinion of Trump and America. Fortunately it doesn't matter what they think.
Other countries have their own news and their own reporters.
Just like we have our own, they do to.

Trump had forfeit global leadership with his coronavirus response.
Nothing to do with media, its just his leadership or lack thereof.
Drumpftards look for excuses everywhere. They cant deal with the fact that everyone thinks Drumpf is a fuckup and a dangerous child.
Are you kidding?
You guys provide unlimited laughs.
Why would I kid with you when you're not a goat? Youre a sheep. Thats why Drumpf has you brainwashed and obedient.
You're right...I am brainwashed by Trump!
And I've got the Electoral Vote locked up!
You need it. Most of the US doesnt want Drumpf. Hes an incompetent fuckup.
Most...You took a count and Trump had one less vote?
Or most Trump supporters aren't hanging out at the Hood bar talking sh*t about Trump?
Yes most. Take a look at the popular vote totals. I had nothing to do with the count.
The World and How It Responds to Trump
Do any of you idiots ever stop to think that most of the world is f@*%ked up? That is why so many want to come here. What they claim and profess about Trump is mainly over the fact that Trump has rejected THEM and told them to KISS IS FAT ORANGE ASS and quit sponging off of us. So OF COURSE they want to make a show of rejecting Trump as well!

FUNNY how you jerkoffs worry more about what some foreign country 12,000 miles away think of us more so than you do the mainstream majority of YOUR OWN COUNTRY.

But KEEP IT UP, Twit. It'll cost you another election for sure.
I have a friend in Spain and another in India. Both literally asked me WTF was wrong with americans. I told them he actually lost the popular vote but the electoral college did us in.
Must suck for the Indians who were promised they would replace the inept Americans.
Not for him. He came here for 4 years and decided white people were too racist so he went back to India. He still holds an american job with Cisco though.
Oh, the irony!
Good; let him stay in the land of 1,000 Castes.
Castes in India have nothing to do with race dummy.
You're correct...Castes are even worse as there's no escape ever.
The lower 997 Castes can't even move away because they're needed for slave labor.
Theres no escape from racism here either.
Feel free to leave as no one is stopping anyone from using their welfare checks and drug money profits from leaving.
I see the guys and gals in the Hood driving BMWs so don't try to sell your bullshit here.
You must be a fool. Racism has nothing to do with driving BMWs. Thats done inspite of racism. We put in work.
If you don't like America, leave.
We won't miss your racist presence.
No. I wont leave. I'm going to stay and make sure you get an ulcer.
You are pure comic relief.
By the way, ulcer went out with land lines.
You dont know what an ulcer is? Never mind. I forgot youre a dumb Drumpf supporter.
Read what I posted...
Ulcers went out with land lines.
No one has developed an ulcer in over 20 years.
No one I know, that's for sure.
Did Drumpf tell you that? Lots of people still get ulcers speedy. :)
Perhaps in the Hood.
Maybe if you got the really fat Black chicks to stop eating fast food all day; but we know how you love Booty.
Nope this is nation wide. Not just the hood. You must be embarrassed you didnt know people still got ulcers. What did you think they did to stop it? Inject Bleach?
Link to the actual count or is this based on a poll that was taken an hour ago that conflicts with the poll that was taken 2 hours ago.
You're lonely tonight, aren't you?
In my opinion we should most of the Muslim world and India.
They're both exist about 2,000 years in the past and provide nothing to the rest of the world except for cheap labor and ever new ways to kill people.
And the IMPOTUS begs them for help while they laugh at him.

Foreign countries view us through the lens provided by our partisan propagandist Media. Of course they have a negative opinion of Trump and America. Fortunately it doesn't matter what they think.
Other countries have their own news and their own reporters.
Just like we have our own, they do to.

Trump had forfeit global leadership with his coronavirus response.
Nothing to do with media, its just his leadership or lack thereof.
Drumpftards look for excuses everywhere. They cant deal with the fact that everyone thinks Drumpf is a fuckup and a dangerous child.
Are you kidding?
You guys provide unlimited laughs.
Why would I kid with you when you're not a goat? Youre a sheep. Thats why Drumpf has you brainwashed and obedient.
You're right...I am brainwashed by Trump!
And I've got the Electoral Vote locked up!
You need it. Most of the US doesnt want Drumpf. Hes an incompetent fuckup.
Most...You took a count and Trump had one less vote?
Or most Trump supporters aren't hanging out at the Hood bar talking sh*t about Trump?
Yes most. Take a look at the popular vote totals. I had nothing to do with the count.
You beleve the LA Hood, the Detroity Hood and the NYC Hood should determine our leadership?
I have a friend in Spain and another in India. Both literally asked me WTF was wrong with americans. I told them he actually lost the popular vote but the electoral college did us in.
Must suck for the Indians who were promised they would replace the inept Americans.
Not for him. He came here for 4 years and decided white people were too racist so he went back to India. He still holds an american job with Cisco though.
Oh, the irony!
Good; let him stay in the land of 1,000 Castes.
Castes in India have nothing to do with race dummy.
You're correct...Castes are even worse as there's no escape ever.
The lower 997 Castes can't even move away because they're needed for slave labor.
Theres no escape from racism here either.
Feel free to leave as no one is stopping anyone from using their welfare checks and drug money profits from leaving.
I see the guys and gals in the Hood driving BMWs so don't try to sell your bullshit here.
You must be a fool. Racism has nothing to do with driving BMWs. Thats done inspite of racism. We put in work.
If you don't like America, leave.
We won't miss your racist presence.
No. I wont leave. I'm going to stay and make sure you get an ulcer.
You are pure comic relief.
By the way, ulcer went out with land lines.
You dont know what an ulcer is? Never mind. I forgot youre a dumb Drumpf supporter.
Read what I posted...
Ulcers went out with land lines.
No one has developed an ulcer in over 20 years.
No one I know, that's for sure.
Did Drumpf tell you that? Lots of people still get ulcers speedy. :)
Perhaps in the Hood.
Maybe if you got the really fat Black chicks to stop eating fast food all day; but we know how you love Booty.
Nope this is nation wide. Not just the hood. You must be embarrassed you didnt know people still got ulcers. What did you think they did to stop it? Inject Bleach?
He is a born ulcer.
I've yet to have any of you tards explain to me why I should give a flying rats ass what the rest of the world thinks of us.
Who asked you to care what the world thinks of the US? For that matter who the hell are you and why do you think what you care about makes a difference to anyone?

The same for you.
biden is your nominee .....

Not mine, though I hope the Democrats settle on him.
I have a friend in Spain and another in India. Both literally asked me WTF was wrong with americans. I told them he actually lost the popular vote but the electoral college did us in.
Must suck for the Indians who were promised they would replace the inept Americans.
Not for him. He came here for 4 years and decided white people were too racist so he went back to India. He still holds an american job with Cisco though.
Oh, the irony!
Good; let him stay in the land of 1,000 Castes.
Castes in India have nothing to do with race dummy.
You're correct...Castes are even worse as there's no escape ever.
The lower 997 Castes can't even move away because they're needed for slave labor.
Theres no escape from racism here either.
Feel free to leave as no one is stopping anyone from using their welfare checks and drug money profits from leaving.
I see the guys and gals in the Hood driving BMWs so don't try to sell your bullshit here.
You must be a fool. Racism has nothing to do with driving BMWs. Thats done inspite of racism. We put in work.
If you don't like America, leave.
We won't miss your racist presence.
No. I wont leave. I'm going to stay and make sure you get an ulcer.
You are pure comic relief.
By the way, ulcer went out with land lines.
You dont know what an ulcer is? Never mind. I forgot youre a dumb Drumpf supporter.
Read what I posted...
Ulcers went out with land lines.
No one has developed an ulcer in over 20 years.
No one I know, that's for sure.
Did Drumpf tell you that? Lots of people still get ulcers speedy. :)
Perhaps in the Hood.
Maybe if you got the really fat Black chicks to stop eating fast food all day; but we know how you love Booty.
Nope this is nation wide. Not just the hood. You must be embarrassed you didnt know people still got ulcers. What did you think they did to stop it? Inject Bleach?
Link to the actual count or is this based on a poll that was taken an hour ago that conflicts with the poll that was taken 2 hours ago.
You're lonely tonight, aren't you?
I dont link common knowledge. I forgot Drumpf convinced you fools he won the popular vote as well with that photo shopped picture of his inauguration. :)

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