The world has gone mad . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Just a few years ago proposed radical cultural and social change existed within the core ideology of the extreme American political left, however, such movements were either hidden deep inside of Byzantine legislation or excised outright from legislative bills before their final drafts. If by some extremely rare and perhaps random chance such ideas for radical change did make it into a piece of legislation the big four media would expose, dissect and then otherwise tear it apart like a pack of starving dogs—in prime time and in front of the American People. See, even as recently as a few years back Americans by and large stood on the side of protecting young minds and bodies, on the side of the rule of law, on the side of working hard to earn a living, and for living as peacefully as possible with each other for the common good, in pursuit of the American Dream.

Fast forward to the present when now, in our current day and age, the most unimaginably radical ideas for cultural and social and political change are not just no longer hidden deep in bills that would have never been passed in the first place, but are advertised in plain sight of all Americans and largely ignored by the average voter. Combine this overt far left madness with a movement to erase the entire civil rights movement and all of its achievements from history, and what you've got is an ideological victory for the radical American left that's so damn volatile it could detonate at any time and bring down entire sections of our nation's very foundation.

We live in a world of lies that are one by one catching our nation on fire. For instance, America has never been a nation where a majority of its people are or were racist. Never. However, the modern media, Hollywood pop culture and campus intelligentsia , democrat talking points and even public school curricula would have everyone believe that blacks, among other minorities, are pathologically shot on sight or hunted down like wounded animals every last time they leave their enclaves in the ghetto or wherever else. I for one used to have faith that a majority of Americans, those tens of millions of people who live in peace in mixed neighborhoods everywhere, would continue to see through this false narrative and never completely fall for it—all they had to do was turn off the TV and look outside to see normal.

But I am not sure about that any longer. When coronavirus hit a few months back practically everyone accepted the wearing of masks and new social distancing dictates without so much as lifting a finger in resistance. What feeble resistance did occur was so weak and limited in scope those in power hardly blinked an eye. Americans readily surrendered their ability to go to worship, to move about the nation freely or to buy food without conforming to a very specific set of state enforced requirements. Almost overnight Americans surrendered many of our guaranteed rights.

And then came the Floyd incident in Minnesota, which to be honest, was almost perfectly set up by the death of the jogger, Arbery in Georgia. Never before in my four plus decades of sentience have I witnessed a level of almost universal cult-like behavior as I've now seen in the sweeping agreement from coast to coast and between the major political parties on the rabid hatred for one cop and the canonization of a dead convicted violent felon. What followed of course were thousands and thousands of young men and women taking to the streets, forming mobs and then proceeding to torch, loot, pillage, rape and murder their fellow Americans. Meanwhile, the radical leftist mayors and governors of the cities and states hit worst by the riots either encouraged the destruction or did very little to stop it. And then came the kneeling. Again, as if everyone had joined the same nationwide death cult, civilians, cops, soldiers and politicians across America began bending the knee in front of the very mobs who were and are destroying our cities and killing innocent people.

As if all of the above wasn't enough to officially declare the world gone mad, our nation in particular, the dual narrative that black people have it so bad in America they're suffering a genocide and all white people are evil monsters due to their skin color at birth, seems to be gaining traction everywhere. The narrative is gaining so much momentum that our VP and other high ranking administration officials are agreeing with it on live national television, police departments are being defunded, democrat politicians are openly calling for ending all police forces across America, and some even want to abolish prisons and release all prisoners, flooding the streets, our streets, with a tidal wave of new violence.

Fellow Americans, we are living in a world gone insane but even worse than that, a world where our elected leaders approve of the insanity and call for more of it on a daily basis. This is exactly how civilizations of the past have fallen, ended, become dust blowing in the winds of history. Too many Americans are content to just stand by and wait to see what happens next, well, at least all those Americans who haven't been permanently fucked up by either coronavirus, the lockdowns or the riots. Have we truly reached that point where Americans see their nation as an every man for himself sort of situation? If you doubt that a tide of pure human evil is rising across our once great nation you could very well be the next one to drown in it. Tell me where is sanity? Anyone?

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Just a few years ago proposed radical cultural and social change existed within the core ideology of the extreme American political left, however, such movements were either hidden deep inside of Byzantine legislation or excised outright from legislative bills before their final drafts. If by some extremely rare and perhaps random chance such ideas for radical change did make it into a piece of legislation the big four media would expose, dissect and then otherwise tear it apart like a pack of starving dogs—in prime time and in front of the American People. See, even as recently as a few years back Americans by and large stood on the side of protecting young minds and bodies, on the side of the rule of law, on the side of working hard to earn a living, and for living as peacefully as possible with each other for the common good, in pursuit of the American Dream.

Fast forward to the present when now, in our current day and age, the most unimaginably radical ideas for cultural and social and political change are not just no longer hidden deep in bills that would have never been passed in the first place, but are advertised in plain sight of all Americans and largely ignored by the average voter. Combine this overt far left madness with a movement to erase the entire civil rights movement and all of its achievements from history, and what you've got is an ideological victory for the radical American left that's so damn volatile it could detonate at any time and bring down entire sections of our nation's very foundation.

We live in a world of lies that are one by one catching our nation on fire. For instance, America has never been a nation where a majority of its people are or were racist. Never. However, the modern media, Hollywood pop culture and campus intelligentsia , democrat talking points and even public school curricula would have everyone believe that blacks, among other minorities, are pathologically shot on sight or hunted down like wounded animals every last time they leave their enclaves in the ghetto or wherever else. I for one used to have faith that a majority of Americans, those tens of millions of people who live in peace in mixed neighborhoods everywhere, would continue to see through this false narrative and never completely fall for it—all they had to do was turn off the TV and look outside to see normal.

But I am not sure about that any longer. When coronavirus hit a few months back practically everyone accepted the wearing of masks and new social distancing dictates without so much as lifting a finger in resistance. What feeble resistance did occur was so weak and limited in scope those in power hardly blinked an eye. Americans readily surrendered their ability to go to worship, to move about the nation freely or to buy food without conforming to a very specific set of state enforced requirements. Almost overnight Americans surrendered many of our guaranteed rights.

And then came the Floyd incident in Minnesota, which to be honest, was almost perfectly set up by the death of the jogger, Arbery in Georgia. Never before in my four plus decades of sentience have I witnessed a level of almost universal cult-like behavior as I've now seen in the sweeping agreement from coast to coast and between the major political parties on the rabid hatred for one cop and the canonization of a dead convicted violent felon. What followed of course were thousands and thousands of young men and women taking to the streets, forming mobs and then proceeding to torch, loot, pillage, rape and murder their fellow Americans. Meanwhile, the radical leftist mayors and governors of the cities and states hit worst by the riots either encouraged the destruction or did very little to stop it. And then came the kneeling. Again, as if everyone had joined the same nationwide death cult, civilians, cops, soldiers and politicians across America began bending the knee in front of the very mobs who were and are destroying our cities and killing innocent people.

As if all of the above wasn't enough to officially declare the world gone mad, our nation in particular, the dual narrative that black people have it so bad in America they're suffering a genocide and all white people are evil monsters due to their skin color at birth, seems to be gaining traction everywhere. The narrative is gaining so much momentum that our VP and other high ranking administration officials are agreeing with it on live national television, police departments are being defunded, democrat politicians are openly calling for ending all police forces across America, and some even want to abolish prisons and release all prisoners, flooding the streets, our streets, with a tidal wave of new violence.

Fellow Americans, we are living in a world gone insane but even worse than that, a world where our elected leaders approve of the insanity and call for more of it on a daily basis. This is exactly how civilizations of the past have fallen, ended, become dust blowing in the winds of history. Too many Americans are content to just stand by and wait to see what happens next, well, at least all those Americans who haven't been permanently fucked up by either coronavirus, the lockdowns or the riots. Have we truly reached that point where Americans see their nation as an every man for himself sort of situation? If you doubt that a tide of pure human evil is rising across our once great nation you could very well be the next one to drown in it. Tell me where is sanity? Anyone?

Dear night_son
The key to sanity here is to let all people organize by their own groups/parties
and leaders that represent them.

I am guessing this will take at least 2-3 different leaders on the left
and 2-3 more on the right, to take the pressure off "competing" for dominance.
Just agree to let all groups have their own representation
and agree NOT to force policies on each other, but to work out their own solutions first.

Next, once we have everyone organized by parties or groups,
then we can assess how much damage and how much financing
will it take to implement the corrections and reforms for each group.

The key is understanding that anyone who wants a certain policy or reform
means taking responsibility for it, including the costs.

Not everyone has to agree with everyone else,
but we need to map out the budgets and where this supposed to come from.
WITHOUT depending on imposing policies or costs on other taxpayers
who believe in a different plan! That's the key to sanity!

If you can understand the freedom it brings
by separating people by who wants to fund which programs,
then you can have your sanity.

If you insist on this endless fight to dominate other groups
in order to impose what you believe on others and expect them
to agree to pay for that, then this is where the insanity goes in circles.

NOBODY I know of agrees to pay taxes into plans by other groups
that violate their beliefs.

We get that out of our heads, we can think straight.
If we keep playing the game of bullying the other groups
to dominate the narrative over policies, reforms and how to pay for them,
then our heads of fully of blame and competing to outbully each other,
and that's where we lose any sense of sanity.
The OP has raised some important points.

But I think that the situation is intractable.

Our nation is cursed.

Cursed by the legacy of slavery.

There is no light at the end of the tunnel.
With no links to any of the fanciful allegations in the OP, I wonder how long the thread will stay open.

Police forces in the cities are drastically outnumbered by the protesters. Arresting 2-3 thousand people a night isn't feasible. The thinking from the right that there is some sort of limitless capacity of the police forces is just as hilarious as the right thinking there should be mass shootings by the police would somehow quell the violence. It would only increase the violence.
We're choosing to do this to ourselves, and at some level, we know it.

We now have too many people who are calcified in their willful ignorance, who have lost any empathy or curiosity or integrity as they protect their "side".

This is what tribalism creates. The question is whether either tribe will have the guts to look in the mirror soon.

If you choose to not honestly examine and accurately understand the perceptions and opinions of others, you're part of the problem.
Cursed by the legacy of slavery.
We ended slavery

the ”legacy“ of slavery is the embittered and irrational black people it left behind

Your comments cannot be discussed in a brief post.

I personally do not blame that ethnicity.

I blame our so-called Founding Fathers.

They sowed today's unpleasantness by forcing people from a faraway continent to come here on floating concentration camps in order to be unpaid workers.

I do not see any solution.

In the next few months, both President Trump and Mr. Biden will make all kinds of promises.

Nothing will really change.

The future of this country is grim.
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Lots of reactionaries is the reason why. If I'm going to place responsibility for where we are now, the right wing in this country is largely to blame. Through their enablement, we have sitting at the top, an inept, incompetent leader who has nothing in the way of empathy and compassion. The photo op in front of the church should have scared everyone in this country. He actually looked like the dictator he wishes he could be. No expression on his face, didn't want to be there, surrounded by his willing enablers, gaslighting every fringe group in this country in the hopes of finding some political advantage. Meanwhile, we have over 100K+ dead. 20% unemployment, and a country rioting and tearing itself apart. And we should send a special thank you to the Republican party for a lot of the political gridlock we have in Washington. No willingness to sit down and discuss any subject that has any value to the average American. Taxes, healthcare, wage stagnation, the environment. Just keep stacking the courts with judges that will make sure that laws will be made and upheld that limit a person's right to choose for the next half century.

The left certainly have their issues but the reaction to George Floyd's death shouldn't surprise anyone. How can you not watch that video and not be sickened by it? I don't like to see the violence and looting but I understand the anger and frustration.
I don't see a solution. I see more of the same until something tips farther in either direction. The tribes are too entrenched. I am hopeful, but not holding my breath.
I blame our so-called Founding Fathers.

They sowed today's unpleasantness by forcing people from a faraway continent to come here on floating concentration camps in order to be unpaid workers.
Thats not true

the slaves were brought to America 200 years before we became a nation

And it was ended 175 years ago

this is a failure of black people to take advantage of all the opportunity available in America
The OP has raised some important points.

But I think that the situation is intractable.

Our nation is cursed.

Cursed by the legacy of slavery.

There is no light at the end of the tunnel.
It is cursed because any failure of current initiatives and slavery will be seen as the reason.

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