The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

"There ancestral lands were never in Palestine as the records show, even Winny told the house of commons that the majority were illegal immigrants back in 1939.[/QUOTE]

Let's see how your bullshit differs from the official record. taking the period from 1922 through 1937. As per the Report of the Mandatory in 1937.

Oh dear, the total increase in population through immigration was 281,339 and the Jewish part of that increase was 245,433, the Muslim part was 25,168 and the Christian part was 10,414. Isn't it discouraging that while you yap bullshit, I provide source documentation.

6. The estimated total population has increased in the 15 years from 1922 to the middle of 1937, by 631,272 persons. The increase is due to immigration and to the excess of births over deaths, the allocation of the total increases between these two factors being estimated to be as follows:--

All religions.Moslems.Jews.Christians.Others.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










... - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937
"There ancestral lands were never in Palestine as the records show, even Winny told the house of commons that the majority were illegal immigrants back in 1939.

Let's see how your bullshit differs from the official record. taking the period from 1922 through 1937. As per the Report of the Mandatory in 1937.

Oh dear, the total increase in population through immigration was 281,339 and the Jewish part of that increase was 245,433, the Muslim part was 25,168 and the Christian part was 10,414. Isn't it discouraging that while you yap bullshit, I provide source documentation.

6. The estimated total population has increased in the 15 years from 1922 to the middle of 1937, by 631,272 persons. The increase is due to immigration and to the excess of births over deaths, the allocation of the total increases between these two factors being estimated to be as follows:--

All religions.Moslems.Jews.Christians.Others.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










... - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937 [/QUOTE]

Israel should take the Gaza strip back and push those "palestinians" into Egypt. That's what they are really anyways. The are Egyptians and Jordanians. None of those people alive today that refer to themselves as "palestinians" have any right to the land they occupy. Israel won it fair and square, but they gave that land to those savage beasts. I think they are being TOO nice. They should get rid of those POS once and for all IMO.
I don't think there is any doubt that this resolution will pass, even AIPAC influenced America may support it. The world is sick of Israeli atrocities...

Palestinians Israeli occupation must end in 2016 - Yahoo News
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The Palestinians are asking the U.N. Security Council to set a deadline of November 2016 for an Israeli withdrawal from all Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 including East Jerusalem in a new push to achieve independence.
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  1. Abbas demands end to Israeli occupation 'now' AFP
  2. Palestinian leader in new UN bid to end occupation Associated Press
  3. Israel-Palestinian 'solution' to be put to UN Security Council AFP
  4. West Bank settler group boasts rapid growth Associated Press
  5. How Palestinian divisions undercut call for a UN deadline on statehood Christian Science Monitor
The circulation of the draft resolution to council members follows Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' announcement to the U.N. General Assembly last Friday that he would ask the council to set a deadline for a pullout and dictate the ground rules for any talks with Israel.
The draft resolution, obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, would affirm the Security Council's determination to contribute to attaining a peaceful solution that ends the Israeli occupation "without delay" and fulfill the vision of two states — "an independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable state of Palestine" living side by side with Israel in peace and security in borders based on those before the 1967 Mideast war.
I don't think there is any doubt that this resolution will pass, even AIPAC influenced America may support it. The world is sick of Israeli atrocities...

Palestinians Israeli occupation must end in 2016 - Yahoo News
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The Palestinians are asking the U.N. Security Council to set a deadline of November 2016 for an Israeli withdrawal from all Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 including East Jerusalem in a new push to achieve independence.
Related Stories
  1. Abbas demands end to Israeli occupation 'now' AFP
  2. Palestinian leader in new UN bid to end occupation Associated Press
  3. Israel-Palestinian 'solution' to be put to UN Security Council AFP
  4. West Bank settler group boasts rapid growth Associated Press
  5. How Palestinian divisions undercut call for a UN deadline on statehood Christian Science Monitor
The circulation of the draft resolution to council members follows Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' announcement to the U.N. General Assembly last Friday that he would ask the council to set a deadline for a pullout and dictate the ground rules for any talks with Israel.
The draft resolution, obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, would affirm the Security Council's determination to contribute to attaining a peaceful solution that ends the Israeli occupation "without delay" and fulfill the vision of two states — "an independent, sovereign, democratic, contiguous and viable state of Palestine" living side by side with Israel in peace and security in borders based on those before the 1967 Mideast war.

The world is not sick of a nation and people defending themselves, attempting to exist. They are sick from tolerating hatred and misinformation, largely born from apathy and ignorance.

What would you have them do? Lay down their arms and succumb to genocide?

Or should they all pack up and move away, once again, as they did when the Romans banished them from their land in 70AD, and move where? To your area? I suspect you would not tolerate that, either.

I agree. It's certainly not ISRAEL that I'm tired of, but I am sick of almost ALL of the other middle eastern countries which are a thorn in the side of every single civilized nation on earth!! They and their actions absolutely disgust me. They are just uncivilized, ignorant, uneducated savages for the most part, also brainwashed.

Apparently you didn't follow the Protective Edge massacre?

TBH, I don't really care. I see the Muslim religion and the middle eastern countries (with the exception of Israel and perhaps a COUPLE others who are more secular) as being the biggest problem in our world today.

I still think we would be better off if we went over there, carpet bombed the place, and took over. We can call it Middle America! :D

Oh goodie another Zionist who is ok with genocide. You people are unbelievable.

Killing terrorist scum is not genocide. It's doing good work. :D
Those ignorant savages couldn't run a country anyways. They've been given plenty of opportunity and help to make a go at it, yet they continually fail because there are too many Muslims among them and not enough secular beliefs. Palestine should be incorporated into Israel, and the pallys should become Israelis. :D That would be the BEST solution.
Funny how you call Israel an Apartheid state

It is a pretty easy matter to determine any poster's level intelligence by the way they parrot language. Unintelligent people simply parrot a bunch of buzz phrases created for them, while intelligent people look past the framing mechanisms to see what is actually happening.

In my experience, the least intelligent lefties prattle on about "Imperialism", "Colonialism", "Apartheid", "Bantustans", and whatnot because they simply cannot discuss from the standpoint of understanding issues and so resort to the use of a string of stupid buzz terms, instead. They are the counterpart to the equally unintelligent portion of the right whose fundamentalism is just as rigid, but is based upon religion. Make no mistake, though, this idiotic support for terrorist b.s. IS the religion of those who infest message boards so as to spread their gospel of hate.

There are many intelligent people on the right. There are many intelligent people on the left. The discussions tend to be dominated by the unintelligent leftists, though, as they reduce the discussion to a propaganda war based upon moronic framing mechanisms, disingenuous equivalencies, and blind allegiance to the talking points created by those whose mission it is to destroy an entire people.
"There ancestral lands were never in Palestine as the records show, even Winny told the house of commons that the majority were illegal immigrants back in 1939.

Let's see how your bullshit differs from the official record. taking the period from 1922 through 1937. As per the Report of the Mandatory in 1937.

Oh dear, the total increase in population through immigration was 281,339 and the Jewish part of that increase was 245,433, the Muslim part was 25,168 and the Christian part was 10,414. Isn't it discouraging that while you yap bullshit, I provide source documentation.

6. The estimated total population has increased in the 15 years from 1922 to the middle of 1937, by 631,272 persons. The increase is due to immigration and to the excess of births over deaths, the allocation of the total increases between these two factors being estimated to be as follows:--

All religions.Moslems.Jews.Christians.Others.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










... - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937

Israel should take the Gaza strip back and push those "palestinians" into Egypt. That's what they are really anyways. The are Egyptians and Jordanians. None of those people alive today that refer to themselves as "palestinians" have any right to the land they occupy. Israel won it fair and square, but they gave that land to those savage beasts. I think they are being TOO nice. They should get rid of those POS once and for all IMO.[/QUOTE]

How do you "win" land "fair and square" without contravening the Geneva Convention? The Jewish savages came from Europe invaded the land.
"There ancestral lands were never in Palestine as the records show, even Winny told the house of commons that the majority were illegal immigrants back in 1939.

Let's see how your bullshit differs from the official record. taking the period from 1922 through 1937. As per the Report of the Mandatory in 1937.

Oh dear, the total increase in population through immigration was 281,339 and the Jewish part of that increase was 245,433, the Muslim part was 25,168 and the Christian part was 10,414. Isn't it discouraging that while you yap bullshit, I provide source documentation.

6. The estimated total population has increased in the 15 years from 1922 to the middle of 1937, by 631,272 persons. The increase is due to immigration and to the excess of births over deaths, the allocation of the total increases between these two factors being estimated to be as follows:--

All religions.Moslems.Jews.Christians.Others.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










... - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937

Israel should take the Gaza strip back and push those "palestinians" into Egypt. That's what they are really anyways. The are Egyptians and Jordanians. None of those people alive today that refer to themselves as "palestinians" have any right to the land they occupy. Israel won it fair and square, but they gave that land to those savage beasts. I think they are being TOO nice. They should get rid of those POS once and for all IMO.

How do you "win" land "fair and square" without contravening the Geneva Convention? The Jewish savages came from Europe invaded the land.[/QUOTE]

No, the French and Brits already had control of that "territory." They gave it to Israel, who in turn was attacked, yet beat incredible odds to win and maintain their hold on their land. Why they would ever have agreed to give up the Gaza strip to those monsters, I don't know. They should throw them all out and take it back, and never negotiate with the scum again. If they see them, they should shoot first and ask questions later. :D That's how you handle that kind of POS scum. They will stop with their terror tactics eventually, and then there can be peace, because we all know that Israel just wants to exist in peace.
How can Europeans "give" land that is inhabited by indigenous people to other Europeans? That's a crazy concept. The Muslims and Christians attacked no one. They were simply resisting the European takeover of their land and homes. The Christians and Muslims were unsuccessful in defending themselves from the Jewish savages but they certainly had every right to defend themselves.

Eventually there will be peace through demographic changes as happened in South Africa and Rhodesia.
The world is not sick of a nation and people defending themselves, attempting to exist. They are sick from tolerating hatred and misinformation, largely born from apathy and ignorance.

What would you have them do? Lay down their arms and succumb to genocide?

Or should they all pack up and move away, once again, as they did when the Romans banished them from their land in 70AD, and move where? To your area? I suspect you would not tolerate that, either.

I agree. It's certainly not ISRAEL that I'm tired of, but I am sick of almost ALL of the other middle eastern countries which are a thorn in the side of every single civilized nation on earth!! They and their actions absolutely disgust me. They are just uncivilized, ignorant, uneducated savages for the most part, also brainwashed.

Apparently you didn't follow the Protective Edge massacre?

TBH, I don't really care. I see the Muslim religion and the middle eastern countries (with the exception of Israel and perhaps a COUPLE others who are more secular) as being the biggest problem in our world today.

I still think we would be better off if we went over there, carpet bombed the place, and took over. We can call it Middle America! :D

Oh goodie another Zionist who is ok with genocide. You people are unbelievable.

Killing terrorist scum is not genocide. It's doing good work. :D

In that case kill the terrorist scum that runs Israel that commits genocide without a second thought.
How can Europeans "give" land that is inhabited by indigenous people to other Europeans? That's a crazy concept. The Muslims and Christians attacked no one. They were simply resisting the European takeover of their land and homes. The Christians and Muslims were unsuccessful in defending themselves from the Jewish savages but they certainly had every right to defend themselves.

Eventually there will be peace through demographic changes as happened in South Africa and Rhodesia.

Hello? History? They had maintained control of a lot of middle eastern territories following World War I.

British Mandate for Palestine legal instrument - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I agree. It's certainly not ISRAEL that I'm tired of, but I am sick of almost ALL of the other middle eastern countries which are a thorn in the side of every single civilized nation on earth!! They and their actions absolutely disgust me. They are just uncivilized, ignorant, uneducated savages for the most part, also brainwashed.

Apparently you didn't follow the Protective Edge massacre?

TBH, I don't really care. I see the Muslim religion and the middle eastern countries (with the exception of Israel and perhaps a COUPLE others who are more secular) as being the biggest problem in our world today.

I still think we would be better off if we went over there, carpet bombed the place, and took over. We can call it Middle America! :D

Oh goodie another Zionist who is ok with genocide. You people are unbelievable.

Killing terrorist scum is not genocide. It's doing good work. :D

In that case kill the terrorist scum that runs Israel that commits genocide without a second thought.

No, because they are not "terrorist scum." They are defending themselves from the terrorist scum though. I fully support them in their endeavor, as does anyone familiar with the history of the ME and it's volatility and the savages inability to govern themselves efficiently or effectively.
...In that case kill the terrorist scum that runs Israel that commits genocide without a second thought.
In that case, don't fuss when you've given the Israelis the excuse they need in the eyes of the world, to wipe you out, once and for all.

The Israelis do not commit genocide.

They are merely engaged in a long-term campaign to force Palestinians off their few remaining scraps of land.

The Palestinians may end-up having to pack, and leave, but at least they'll be alive, once they've moved to Jordan or Lebanon.

On the other hand, the Palestinians have long-since sworn to drown the Jews in the Mediterranean.

The latter sounds much more like the stereotypical, classical definition of 'genocide' than any land-squeezing at-issue here.
Last edited:
"There ancestral lands were never in Palestine as the records show, even Winny told the house of commons that the majority were illegal immigrants back in 1939.

Let's see how your bullshit differs from the official record. taking the period from 1922 through 1937. As per the Report of the Mandatory in 1937.

Oh dear, the total increase in population through immigration was 281,339 and the Jewish part of that increase was 245,433, the Muslim part was 25,168 and the Christian part was 10,414. Isn't it discouraging that while you yap bullshit, I provide source documentation.

6. The estimated total population has increased in the 15 years from 1922 to the middle of 1937, by 631,272 persons. The increase is due to immigration and to the excess of births over deaths, the allocation of the total increases between these two factors being estimated to be as follows:--

All religions.Moslems.Jews.Christians.Others.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










... - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937 [/QUOTE]

Not a valid document as it was written by a group of ANTI SEMITIC JEW HATERS. The fact that Winny stood up in the house of commons and declared that the majority of arab muslims were illegal immigrants, and he should know as he was there at the time.
Apparently you didn't follow the Protective Edge massacre?

TBH, I don't really care. I see the Muslim religion and the middle eastern countries (with the exception of Israel and perhaps a COUPLE others who are more secular) as being the biggest problem in our world today.

I still think we would be better off if we went over there, carpet bombed the place, and took over. We can call it Middle America! :D

Oh goodie another Zionist who is ok with genocide. You people are unbelievable.

Killing terrorist scum is not genocide. It's doing good work. :D

In that case kill the terrorist scum that runs Israel that commits genocide without a second thought.

No, because they are not "terrorist scum." They are defending themselves from the terrorist scum though. I fully support them in their endeavor, as does anyone familiar with the history of the ME and it's volatility and the savages inability to govern themselves efficiently or effectively.

That's a matter of perspective isn't it. I see Hamas as defending itself and standing up for what is right. Actual people live in Palestine, kids , families,

I have been watching this crap for over 24 years and it gets old. What the US did to Iraq with its sanctions and then the war was horrible, and the Arab Spring was another invention to change all the people in charge. We might have worries from Iran but Iran has never attacked anther country , but we sure have interfered in theirs for the last 70 years. Israel is what is wrong with the ME, and their Zionist people in our gov. and think tanks who think its our duty to defend Israel against the enemies they make and the enemies they claim they have. Now its Syria.

Why is the IDF not in fighting ISIS in Syria?
TBH, I don't really care. I see the Muslim religion and the middle eastern countries (with the exception of Israel and perhaps a COUPLE others who are more secular) as being the biggest problem in our world today.

I still think we would be better off if we went over there, carpet bombed the place, and took over. We can call it Middle America! :D

Oh goodie another Zionist who is ok with genocide. You people are unbelievable.

Killing terrorist scum is not genocide. It's doing good work. :D

In that case kill the terrorist scum that runs Israel that commits genocide without a second thought.

No, because they are not "terrorist scum." They are defending themselves from the terrorist scum though. I fully support them in their endeavor, as does anyone familiar with the history of the ME and it's volatility and the savages inability to govern themselves efficiently or effectively.

That's a matter of perspective isn't it. I see Hamas as defending itself and standing up for what is right. Actual people live in Palestine, kids , families,

I have been watching this crap for over 24 years and it gets old. What the US did to Iraq with its sanctions and then the war was horrible, and the Arab Spring was another invention to change all the people in charge. We might have worries from Iran but Iran has never attacked anther country , but we sure have interfered in theirs for the last 70 years. Israel is what is wrong with the ME, and their Zionist people in our gov. and think tanks who think its our duty to defend Israel against the enemies they make and the enemies they claim they have. Now its Syria.

Why is the IDF not in fighting ISIS in Syria?

A lot of those kids are also terrorists and wouldn't hesitate to kill. That's what they are taught from the time they are babes, to hate and kill. I've no empathy for the terrorists, none whatsoever. The ONLY reason why I care at all about them is because they are such pieces of crap that are a thorn in EVERYONE'S sides in the world.
"There ancestral lands were never in Palestine as the records show, even Winny told the house of commons that the majority were illegal immigrants back in 1939.

Let's see how your bullshit differs from the official record. taking the period from 1922 through 1937. As per the Report of the Mandatory in 1937.

Oh dear, the total increase in population through immigration was 281,339 and the Jewish part of that increase was 245,433, the Muslim part was 25,168 and the Christian part was 10,414. Isn't it discouraging that while you yap bullshit, I provide source documentation.

6. The estimated total population has increased in the 15 years from 1922 to the middle of 1937, by 631,272 persons. The increase is due to immigration and to the excess of births over deaths, the allocation of the total increases between these two factors being estimated to be as follows:--

All religions.Moslems.Jews.Christians.Others.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










... - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937

Israel should take the Gaza strip back and push those "palestinians" into Egypt. That's what they are really anyways. The are Egyptians and Jordanians. None of those people alive today that refer to themselves as "palestinians" have any right to the land they occupy. Israel won it fair and square, but they gave that land to those savage beasts. I think they are being TOO nice. They should get rid of those POS once and for all IMO.

How do you "win" land "fair and square" without contravening the Geneva Convention? The Jewish savages came from Europe invaded the land.[/QUOTE]

very easy if you look at the date of the Geneva conventions and realise that they did not come into force until after the declaration of independence. so the Israelis won the land fair and square and they had a better claim to the whole of Palestine than the any arab muslims ever could have. You see the legal land owners gave the whole of Palestine to the Jewish people OF THE WORLD as their RESURECTED NATIONAL HOME, they did not give it to the arab muslims who had no legal claim since they lost the land in 1099.
I think Egypt should take in the Palestinians refuges once Israel banishes them from the region, and perhaps Egypt would be kind enough to give them some land too. They have PLENTY to spare.

Bottom line, Israel is NOT going anywhere, and they are more powerful than the inhabitants of Gaza. Period and end of story.

Egypt - Location and size Territories and dependencies Climate Topographic regions Oceans and seas
The Egyptians could always carve-off a slice of the Sinai and give that to the Palestinians, instead.

Either as nation-state buffer between Egypt and Israel, or as a semi-autonomous Palestinian Province of Egypt.

Heck, I bet that much of the world would be happy to help pay for relocation, setting them up with infrastructure, and helping them for a couple of decades to get a fresh start, if it meant an end to all that squabbling over a tiny sliver of land that the Jews of Israel are going to get in the end anyway.

That would save a whole lot of wasted time and energy and lives and blood and treasure.
How can Europeans "give" land that is inhabited by indigenous people to other Europeans? That's a crazy concept. The Muslims and Christians attacked no one. They were simply resisting the European takeover of their land and homes. The Christians and Muslims were unsuccessful in defending themselves from the Jewish savages but they certainly had every right to defend themselves.

Eventually there will be peace through demographic changes as happened in South Africa and Rhodesia.

Customary International law that says the legal land owners who won the land as a result of war can dispose of said land as they see fit. The arab muslims received Jordan, Syria and Iraq the Jews received Palestine. The arab muslims in Israel are declining in numbers so the demographics are against them. The arab muslims in Palestine will soon hit saturation point and nature will take over, then we will see famine and disease start to wipe them out starting with gaza.
I think Egypt should take in the Palestinians refuges once Israel banishes them from the region, and perhaps Egypt would be kind enough to give them some land too. They have PLENTY to spare.

Bottom line, Israel is NOT going anywhere, and they are more powerful than the inhabitants of Gaza. Period and end of story.

Egypt - Location and size Territories and dependencies Climate Topographic regions Oceans and seas
The Egyptians could always carve-off a slice of the Sinai and give that to the Palestinians, instead.

Either as nation-state buffer between Egypt and Israel, or as a semi-autonomous Palestinian Province of Egypt.

Heck, I bet that much of the world would be happy to help pay for relocation, setting them up with infrastructure, and helping them for a couple of decades to get a fresh start, if it meant an end to all that squabbling over a tiny sliver of land that the Jews of Israel are going to get in the end anyway.

That would save a whole lot of wasted time and energy and lives and blood and treasure.

It SOUNDS good, but they would probably just fail and find somebody to blame for their failures and continue on with their savage ways.

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