The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

I don't recall seeing any documents of Britain transferring any land to Israel.
That's because you didn't read the links, obviously. Google it for yourself. I've already supplied PLENTY of data here.

Besides, if you are NOT aware of that fact, then I feel sorry for you. That's pretty darn sad.
I've seen a lot of "say so" but no documents.

WTF is wrong with you? You don't know history?

Your the one who is clueless about history. Perhaps its you who can't understand what they read.

Nope, go back and read the links. All of the information that he asked for is there. It explains the entire history of the Middle East, you ignorant terrorist.
...In that case kill the terrorist scum that runs Israel that commits genocide without a second thought.
In that case, don't fuss when you've given the Israelis the excuse they need in the eyes of the world, to wipe you out, once and for all.

The Israelis do not commit genocide.

They are merely engaged in a long-term campaign to force Palestinians off their few remaining scraps of land.

The Palestinians may end-up having to pack, and leave, but at least they'll be alive, once they've moved to Jordan or Lebanon.

On the other hand, the Palestinians have long-since sworn to drown the Jews in the Mediterranean.

The latter sounds much more like the stereotypical, classical definition of 'genocide' than any land-squeezing at-issue here.

Penelope is another ignorant uneducated terrorist sympathizer, obviously.

Genocide is mentioned in the Hamas charter. Genocide of the Jewish people is mentioned SEVERAL times actually.

They are not following their charter, haven't you heard the news. Listen to your PM Bibi and we should of been blown up by the nukes he predicted in the early 1990, Israel is the country spreading false propaganda and has been for years.

Hopefully they rectify that error sooner rather than later!!! :D That probably would have best for everyone.
This also makes me wonder what would the ME be like if Israel was not there. It is the ONE country over there that actually has stability and makes important contributions to the world. The ME would be even MORE of a garbage dump than it is now without Israel being there.

And does anyone think that the Islamists would be satisfied then? I doubt it. They would just start fighting with someone else or amongst themselves. In a lot of ME countries, they are very much like primitive cavemen with their own "tribes" and they live by tribal law with MUCH infighting and "honor" killing going on. :rolleyes-41:

How much LONGER do we have to wait for these savages to join us here in the "new" world?
PBel must be losing his marbles. .

The obsession with Jews and general level of paranoia exhibited by ANY these relentless antisemites is indicative of some level of disturbance.

I think what makes antisemitism click with so many deranged people is that there is always an imaginary conspiracy to explain all their problems in dealing with the world, and it is legitimized by the fact that it is so formulaic, thus making it a shared experience.
Obsession with Jews my ass! According to you Israeli suck-offs is the whole fucking world is anti-Semitic and refuse to see that the atrocities of killing basically un-armed people and stealing their ancestral lands is a laughing matter to you ZioNazis!

Anti-Semitism my ass!

There ancestral lands were never in Palestine as the records show, even Winny told the house of commons that the majority were illegal immigrants back in 1939.

The "majority" were not "illegal immigrants" - time for that meme to be put to rest. Even given the notoriously inexact data - the highest estimate for "illegal" Arab immigration is well below any "majority". There was also Jewish immigration, both legal and illegal. The Palestinians have as much "ancestral rights" as the Jews do to Palestine.

MidEast Web - Population of Palestine

No, they don't have any rights. The land was partitioned and given to the Israels by the Brits (who owned the territory by mandate) after the first world war.

Yes, they do have rights. As the indiginous people, occupying that land when it was "partitioned". They absolutely have rights.

Let's put this religious ancestral rights crap to bed for good and focus on why Israel has the land today in modern times. It is because the country who owned the territory at the time, partitioned it in this way.

Absolutely agree. The events of thousands years ago or even almost a century ago..have no rational bearing on modern rights.

The reality on the ground is this:

Israel exists, it's not going anywhere, so deal with it.

The Palestinians exist, they aren't going anywhere, so deal with it.

Right now, the Jews have achieved their state, and it has blossomed.

It is time for their Arab neighbors to accept this and acknowledge it.

It is also time for another wrong to be righted: the Palestinian people's right to self-determination needs to be recognized in the form of a state. The Arabs need to quit using them as a paws for their own political ends and get serious about pressuring Palestinian leadership to recognize Israel and Israel needs to stop it's policy of land theft and settlement building. Neither side is going to get the entire territory and I don't think one state is a feasable solution, too much hate and distrust on both sides. So...start with 1967 borders, and negotiate landswaps...maybe.
The obsession with Jews and general level of paranoia exhibited by ANY these relentless antisemites is indicative of some level of disturbance.

I think what makes antisemitism click with so many deranged people is that there is always an imaginary conspiracy to explain all their problems in dealing with the world, and it is legitimized by the fact that it is so formulaic, thus making it a shared experience.
Obsession with Jews my ass! According to you Israeli suck-offs is the whole fucking world is anti-Semitic and refuse to see that the atrocities of killing basically un-armed people and stealing their ancestral lands is a laughing matter to you ZioNazis!

Anti-Semitism my ass!

There ancestral lands were never in Palestine as the records show, even Winny told the house of commons that the majority were illegal immigrants back in 1939.

The "majority" were not "illegal immigrants" - time for that meme to be put to rest. Even given the notoriously inexact data - the highest estimate for "illegal" Arab immigration is well below any "majority". There was also Jewish immigration, both legal and illegal. The Palestinians have as much "ancestral rights" as the Jews do to Palestine.

MidEast Web - Population of Palestine

No, they don't have any rights. The land was partitioned and given to the Israels by the Brits (who owned the territory by mandate) after the first world war.

Yes, they do have rights. As the indiginous people, occupying that land when it was "partitioned". They absolutely have rights.

Let's put this religious ancestral rights crap to bed for good and focus on why Israel has the land today in modern times. It is because the country who owned the territory at the time, partitioned it in this way.

Absolutely agree. The events of thousands years ago or even almost a century ago..have no rational bearing on modern rights.

The reality on the ground is this:

Israel exists, it's not going anywhere, so deal with it.

The Palestinians exist, they aren't going anywhere, so deal with it.

Right now, the Jews have achieved their state, and it has blossomed.

It is time for their Arab neighbors to accept this and acknowledge it.

It is also time for another wrong to be righted: the Palestinian people's right to self-determination needs to be recognized in the form of a state. The Arabs need to quit using them as a paws for their own political ends and get serious about pressuring Palestinian leadership to recognize Israel and Israel needs to stop it's policy of land theft and settlement building. Neither side is going to get the entire territory and I don't think one state is a feasable solution, too much hate and distrust on both sides. So...start with 1967 borders, and negotiate landswaps...maybe.

Wrong. The legal partitioning of the land is completely relevant. The so-called "palestinians" (which everyone know is MADE UP by the Egyptians - the "palestinians" are nothing but Egyptian/Jordanian nomads - LOL), have no "rights" to Gaza or any of the land that Israel occupies.

Israel WON additional land when Egypt tried to attack her. Israel is under NO obligation to give up any land to the Egyptians/palestinians. They attacked Israel over the land, and they lost . . . badly. They will LOSE this time too, and it is their own fault.
This brings me back round to why don't the Palestinians attack the Brits? It's because they are ignorant cowards and bigots.

What would be the point?

That is who is responsible for their current predicament, right? I think it's wonderful that Israel is there in the ME to keep a little bit of sanity amongst the insane and brainwashed over in the middle east. They contribute good things to the world and are good people. I think they should push the palestinians into Egypt and let Egypt deal with them. They are a creation of the Egyptians anyways. :D
Obsession with Jews my ass! According to you Israeli suck-offs is the whole fucking world is anti-Semitic and refuse to see that the atrocities of killing basically un-armed people and stealing their ancestral lands is a laughing matter to you ZioNazis!

Anti-Semitism my ass!

There ancestral lands were never in Palestine as the records show, even Winny told the house of commons that the majority were illegal immigrants back in 1939.

The "majority" were not "illegal immigrants" - time for that meme to be put to rest. Even given the notoriously inexact data - the highest estimate for "illegal" Arab immigration is well below any "majority". There was also Jewish immigration, both legal and illegal. The Palestinians have as much "ancestral rights" as the Jews do to Palestine.

MidEast Web - Population of Palestine

No, they don't have any rights. The land was partitioned and given to the Israels by the Brits (who owned the territory by mandate) after the first world war.

Yes, they do have rights. As the indiginous people, occupying that land when it was "partitioned". They absolutely have rights.

Let's put this religious ancestral rights crap to bed for good and focus on why Israel has the land today in modern times. It is because the country who owned the territory at the time, partitioned it in this way.

Absolutely agree. The events of thousands years ago or even almost a century ago..have no rational bearing on modern rights.

The reality on the ground is this:

Israel exists, it's not going anywhere, so deal with it.

The Palestinians exist, they aren't going anywhere, so deal with it.

Right now, the Jews have achieved their state, and it has blossomed.

It is time for their Arab neighbors to accept this and acknowledge it.

It is also time for another wrong to be righted: the Palestinian people's right to self-determination needs to be recognized in the form of a state. The Arabs need to quit using them as a paws for their own political ends and get serious about pressuring Palestinian leadership to recognize Israel and Israel needs to stop it's policy of land theft and settlement building. Neither side is going to get the entire territory and I don't think one state is a feasable solution, too much hate and distrust on both sides. So...start with 1967 borders, and negotiate landswaps...maybe.

Wrong. The legal partitioning of the land is completely relevant. The so-called "palestinians" (which everyone know is MADE UP by the Egyptians - the "palestinians" are nothing but Egyptian/Jordanian nomads - LOL), have no "rights" to Gaza or any of the land that Israel occupies.

Which legal partitioning - there have been multiple ones - do you get to pick and choose?

It doesn't matter what you call the Palestinians. The name might have been a recent term but the people have existed there for much longer. This is a typical argument made for the sole purpose of diminishing the rights of a people.
Israel WON additional land when Egypt tried to attack her. Israel is under NO obligation to give up any land to the Egyptians/palestinians. They attacked Israel over the land, and they lost . . . badly. They will LOSE this time too, and it is their own fault.

Seems to me that if Israel wishes to be part of the international community then it needs to abide by agreed upon codes - laws that Israel itself is perfectly willing to use when needed. But - say that you are right, if someone gains land in war, they are a llowed to keep it. So, they keep Westbank and Gaza, that gives them an extra 4.4 million citizens but messes up the demographics.
This brings me back round to why don't the Palestinians attack the Brits? It's because they are ignorant cowards and bigots.

What would be the point?

That is who is responsible for their current predicament, right? I think it's wonderful that Israel is there in the ME to keep a little bit of sanity amongst the insane and brainwashed over in the middle east. They contribute good things to the world and are good people. I think they should push the palestinians into Egypt and let Egypt deal with them. They are a creation of the Egyptians anyways. :D

So you support ethnic cleansing even though many of them are indiginous the Palestine?
There ancestral lands were never in Palestine as the records show, even Winny told the house of commons that the majority were illegal immigrants back in 1939.

The "majority" were not "illegal immigrants" - time for that meme to be put to rest. Even given the notoriously inexact data - the highest estimate for "illegal" Arab immigration is well below any "majority". There was also Jewish immigration, both legal and illegal. The Palestinians have as much "ancestral rights" as the Jews do to Palestine.

MidEast Web - Population of Palestine

No, they don't have any rights. The land was partitioned and given to the Israels by the Brits (who owned the territory by mandate) after the first world war.

Yes, they do have rights. As the indiginous people, occupying that land when it was "partitioned". They absolutely have rights.

Let's put this religious ancestral rights crap to bed for good and focus on why Israel has the land today in modern times. It is because the country who owned the territory at the time, partitioned it in this way.

Absolutely agree. The events of thousands years ago or even almost a century ago..have no rational bearing on modern rights.

The reality on the ground is this:

Israel exists, it's not going anywhere, so deal with it.

The Palestinians exist, they aren't going anywhere, so deal with it.

Right now, the Jews have achieved their state, and it has blossomed.

It is time for their Arab neighbors to accept this and acknowledge it.

It is also time for another wrong to be righted: the Palestinian people's right to self-determination needs to be recognized in the form of a state. The Arabs need to quit using them as a paws for their own political ends and get serious about pressuring Palestinian leadership to recognize Israel and Israel needs to stop it's policy of land theft and settlement building. Neither side is going to get the entire territory and I don't think one state is a feasable solution, too much hate and distrust on both sides. So...start with 1967 borders, and negotiate landswaps...maybe.

Wrong. The legal partitioning of the land is completely relevant. The so-called "palestinians" (which everyone know is MADE UP by the Egyptians - the "palestinians" are nothing but Egyptian/Jordanian nomads - LOL), have no "rights" to Gaza or any of the land that Israel occupies.

Which legal partitioning - there have been multiple ones - do you get to pick and choose?

It doesn't matter what you call the Palestinians. The name might have been a recent term but the people have existed there for much longer. This is a typical argument made for the sole purpose of diminishing the rights of a people.
Israel WON additional land when Egypt tried to attack her. Israel is under NO obligation to give up any land to the Egyptians/palestinians. They attacked Israel over the land, and they lost . . . badly. They will LOSE this time too, and it is their own fault.

Seems to me that if Israel wishes to be part of the international community then it needs to abide by agreed upon codes - laws that Israel itself is perfectly willing to use when needed. But - say that you are right, if someone gains land in war, they are a llowed to keep it. So, they keep Westbank and Gaza, that gives them an extra 4.4 million citizens but messes up the demographics.

Are you kidding me? Israel should tell the international community to screw. Israel has to worry about HER citizens. That is the priority for Israel. Like it or not, if the "pallys" don't stop with their terrorist tactics, they will more than likely be wiped out.

Israel should push them back into Egypt where they should be. Israel has done many, many acts of kindness and good for those ingrates, and whenever they TRY to treat them like human beings, they pay a price for it. I don't blame them one bit. They would be STUPID to listen to the likes of you.
This brings me back round to why don't the Palestinians attack the Brits? It's because they are ignorant cowards and bigots.

What would be the point?

That is who is responsible for their current predicament, right? I think it's wonderful that Israel is there in the ME to keep a little bit of sanity amongst the insane and brainwashed over in the middle east. They contribute good things to the world and are good people. I think they should push the palestinians into Egypt and let Egypt deal with them. They are a creation of the Egyptians anyways. :D

So you support ethnic cleansing even though many of them are indiginous the Palestine?

Ethnic cleansing? No. War? Yes. The act of lobbing bombs into Israel is an act of war that should be taken seriously when you are a country with citizens who matter to you.

Should they hold back? No, they should not. They should hit them with everything they can. Maybe THEN they will stop.
I don't recall seeing any documents of Britain transferring any land to Israel.
I've seen a lot of "say so" but no documents.

WTF is wrong with you? You don't know history?
Sure I do, and I have never seen any document showing Britain transferring any land to Israel.

It tells all about it in the link. Sorry if you are incapable of reading comprehension, but I can't help you with that.
I could not find your link where Britain transferred land to Israel as you stated.
No, the French and Brits already had control of that "territory." They gave it to Israel,

However I did find this in your link:
The mandate was a legal and administrative instrument, not a geographical territory.
Britain had no land to give away.
...They are not following their charter...
The point is not that they are not (temporarily, for convenience and public relations sake) following their charter...

The point is that it was in the charter in the first place...

The point is the vicious, savage mindset that would put genocide into a charter in the first place...

A renunciation of an element of their charter is all well and good...

But do you really think people are naive enough to believe such a renunciation on the part of minds that (1) fashioned that element in the first place and (2) have no trouble with the idea of lying to nonbelievers?


Who do you think you're kidding?

Nobody above the age of 10, that's for sure.
Apparently you didn't follow the Protective Edge massacre?

Blah, blah, blah. I am sick and tired of this bullshit. I've said it before and I'll say it again.

So, it is 'resistance' and 'war' when Hamas fires rockets and mortars from Gaza into Israel, but 'murder' and 'massacre' when Israel fights back.

Such pure and blatant hypocrisy.
That's what the supporters of Apartheid South Africa said too. LOL
What with the garbage state the SA is now. One must hate africans to promote that "struggle" against "apartheid".

So, you are an Apartheid supporter. I knew it, just wanted confirmation. No wonder you support Israel, today's Apartheid state.

Keep twisting every thing into a tiny pretzel Sara, it is doing well for you. . . . .
Apparently you didn't follow the Protective Edge massacre?

Blah, blah, blah. I am sick and tired of this bullshit. I've said it before and I'll say it again.

So, it is 'resistance' and 'war' when Hamas fires rockets and mortars from Gaza into Israel, but 'murder' and 'massacre' when Israel fights back.

Such pure and blatant hypocrisy.

But it never ceases to amaze me, how easy it is to point that out, and how broadly that is accepted by the public, yet these propaganda shills keep pitching a failed line of thought.

Not exactly indicative of high-order intellectual functioning, is it?
How can we be all wrong when everyday more and more people are agreeing with us:
Columbia, Harvard, Yale anthropologists among 360 backing boycott of Israel

I expect that those in the U.S. "Higher Education" to continue the leftist brainwash with their 'enlightenment'. When I was younger, I should have gone to college, I could have; but for some reason I just couldn't get into it. I felt that there was something wrong with it.

Later, as I progressed through the college of Life, I have learned why.
Obsession with Jews my ass! According to you Israeli suck-offs is the whole fucking world is anti-Semitic and refuse to see that the atrocities of killing basically un-armed people and stealing their ancestral lands is a laughing matter to you ZioNazis!

Anti-Semitism my ass!

There ancestral lands were never in Palestine as the records show, even Winny told the house of commons that the majority were illegal immigrants back in 1939.

The "majority" were not "illegal immigrants" - time for that meme to be put to rest. Even given the notoriously inexact data - the highest estimate for "illegal" Arab immigration is well below any "majority". There was also Jewish immigration, both legal and illegal. The Palestinians have as much "ancestral rights" as the Jews do to Palestine.

MidEast Web - Population of Palestine

No, they don't have any rights. The land was partitioned and given to the Israels by the Brits (who owned the territory by mandate) after the first world war.

Yes, they do have rights. As the indiginous people, occupying that land when it was "partitioned". They absolutely have rights.

Let's put this religious ancestral rights crap to bed for good and focus on why Israel has the land today in modern times. It is because the country who owned the territory at the time, partitioned it in this way.

Absolutely agree. The events of thousands years ago or even almost a century ago..have no rational bearing on modern rights.

The reality on the ground is this:

Israel exists, it's not going anywhere, so deal with it.

The Palestinians exist, they aren't going anywhere, so deal with it.

Right now, the Jews have achieved their state, and it has blossomed.

It is time for their Arab neighbors to accept this and acknowledge it.

It is also time for another wrong to be righted: the Palestinian people's right to self-determination needs to be recognized in the form of a state. The Arabs need to quit using them as a paws for their own political ends and get serious about pressuring Palestinian leadership to recognize Israel and Israel needs to stop it's policy of land theft and settlement building. Neither side is going to get the entire territory and I don't think one state is a feasable solution, too much hate and distrust on both sides. So...start with 1967 borders, and negotiate landswaps...maybe.

Wrong. The legal partitioning of the land is completely relevant. The so-called "palestinians" (which everyone know is MADE UP by the Egyptians - the "palestinians" are nothing but Egyptian/Jordanian nomads - LOL), have no "rights" to Gaza or any of the land that Israel occupies.

Israel WON additional land when Egypt tried to attack her. Israel is under NO obligation to give up any land to the Egyptians/palestinians. They attacked Israel over the land, and they lost . . . badly. They will LOSE this time too, and it is their own fault.

"The so-called "palestinians" (which everyone know is MADE UP by the Egyptians - the "palestinians" are nothing but Egyptian/Jordanian nomads - LOL),"

Only ignorant brainwashed idiots "know" or believe the Zionist propaganda. The Palestinians are and have always been the Christians and Muslims that lived in Palestine since Roman times. Just because some converted to Islam does not make them any less Palestinian.

The Jews were European colonists, and will eventually end up like European colonists in places where the Europeans were not able to destroy the indigenous people. Algeria, Rhodesia, South Africa etc.
“If a foreign power had launched 1,000 rockets into America, we would be pulling the gates of the White House down,” said Hagee. “Let Israel finish the job. Let every rocket be dismantled. Let every tunnel be destroyed.”

Thanks Penelope, this is a parallel that I have posted many times. If someone were to launch 100, 500, 1,000 or 2,000, or 2,500 rockets and mortars into the U.S., we would crush them. So I think it's pretty cool that Israel showed some restraint . . . . .

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