The World Is Watching

Is there anyone who does not agree with the wisdom of Golda Meir who said “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”.
Arabs fight against Israeli oppression because they love their children and don't want to see them grow up as slaves under the zionists. . :cool:
Is there anyone who does not agree with the wisdom of Golda Meir who said “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”.
Arabs fight against Israeli oppression because they love their children and don't want to see them grow up as slaves under the zionists. . :cool:

I don't know about that. It seems that the Arabs have no problems suicide and car bombing each other because of their sects, and there are many children caught up in these bombings. If they loved children so much, even though the sects hate each other, can't they restrain themselves from these bombings?

Bring it on, assholes!
This is going to be an interesting thread. The truth is boiled down in the words of Arab Muslims themselves.

"..... the independent Palestinian news agency Ma’an reported. “The only appropriate place to meet with Israel is on the battlefield,” a Brigades spokesmen said, according to Ma’an.

The Al Quds Brigades published these photos of the event on its website:

Image source: Al Quds Brigades​

Image source: Al Quds Brigades​

The State Department classifies Palestinian Islamic Jihad as a terrorist organization.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad are the worst trouble makers in the Gaza strip. In their attempts to always overcome Hamas and show who has the bigger pairs, the usually get their asses kicked so hard they look like target practice boards.
Is there anyone who does not agree with the wisdom of Golda Meir who said “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”.
Arabs fight against Israeli oppression because they love their children and don't want to see them grow up as slaves under the zionists. . :cool:

Yes. The Arabs love their children so much their sick, twisted, diseased mind-set causes them to breed for the purpose of creating litters of hateful little flesh-bots.

Oozing Towards Depravity

by Lori Lowenthal Marcus

We are witnessing a new, depraved level of human morality; one in which the actors and the audience abide extreme distortions of ethics and logic.

How can the heart of a mother become so misshapen that she chooses a vicious, violent death rather than nurturing her babies as they experience their first words, their first schooldays, their first crushes? How can parents complain that their child’s death didn’t result in the death of Israelis, rather than the fact that their child was enticed to kill himself?
Is there anyone who does not agree with the wisdom of Golda Meir who said “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”.
Arabs fight against Israeli oppression because they love their children and don't want to see them grow up as slaves under the zionists. . :cool:

Love is the motivator for struggles for Freedom, so often it can be love for our children.

I was rewatching Les Miserables, I cannot watch that movie without crying. At the end, those who struggled for Freedom in a Revolution are together in Heaven.

And the main story is about a man whose life is transformed through the love of a child. And he said, by loving the child he saw God.

The story of lives transformed through struggles for Freedom like that, it leads me to envy the Palestinian people. They have such opportunities to draw so very close to God.

But the positive point to draw from this is recognizing we all have a choice, to support this beautiful Palestinian struggle for Freedom or turn our backs on it.
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Is there anyone who does not agree with the wisdom of Golda Meir who said “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”.
Arabs fight against Israeli oppression because they love their children and don't want to see them grow up as slaves under the zionists. . :cool:

I don't know about that. It seems that the Arabs have no problems suicide and car bombing each other because of their sects, and there are many children caught up in these bombings. If they loved children so much, even though the sects hate each other, can't they restrain themselves from these bombings?

Hossfly, You keep ignoring the fact there are no suicide bombings in Palestine and I am not presently seeing Arabs blowing each other up in car bombings either.

What we do see regularly in Palestine is Israel blowing up children and innocent civilians in bombings.

OVER 1519 children in Palestine killed by Israel since 2000.
Arabs fight against Israeli oppression because they love their children and don't want to see them grow up as slaves under the zionists. . :cool:

I don't know about that. It seems that the Arabs have no problems suicide and car bombing each other because of their sects, and there are many children caught up in these bombings. If they loved children so much, even though the sects hate each other, can't they restrain themselves from these bombings?

Hossfly, You keep ignoring the fact there are no suicide bombings in Palestine and I am not presently seeing Arabs blowing each other up in car bombings either.

What we do see regularly in Palestine is Israel blowing up children and innocent civilians in bombings.

OVER 1519 children in Palestine killed by Israel since 2000.
You're not "presently seeing Arabs blowing each other up in car bombings"

It's not just a matter of "Arabs blowing each other up in car bombings" it's Arabs blowing up other people in car bombings.

Not at all a contradiction - you have no real concern with "Arabs blowing each other up in car bombings", you would just prefer that Arabs blow up Jooooos in car bombings.

Hey, screw those Arabs unless their working to satiate your rabid Jooooo hatreds, right?
Is there anyone who does not agree with the wisdom of Golda Meir who said “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”.
Arabs fight against Israeli oppression because they love their children and don't want to see them grow up as slaves under the zionists. . :cool:

How quickly they forget their own Masada where many current IDF recruits take their oaths.

Parents fight agaoinst oppression so their children won't have to.
Yea, the zionist jews love to play the perpetual victim card. . :cool:

What are you talking about ?? It's the useless Palestinian who whine non stop about being victims.

No need for Zionist Jews to whine. We have a country, the Palis don't (thanks to their war - mongering mindset)

The zionist juden have been whining about being victims for thousands of years.

Their whole culture is built on an ancient tradition of crying and moaning.

Heck, their #1 holy site is call the 'Wailing Wall'. ... :lol: :lol:
Ya right :rolleyes:

A Jihadist Muslim scumbag is gonna tell me what Jewish culture is built on :lol:

At least Jews don't pray to a fake God named Allah hahaha !
Or follow a man named Mohamed who was a rapist pig .

No wonder Muslims are so angry and Violent :lol: :lol:
Yea, the zionist jews love to play the perpetual victim card. . :cool:

Typically pointless.

Israel has taken control of the islamist threat that is ever present. Islamic terrorists that are aided and abetted by a dedicated UN welfare agency that allows them to build tunnels to promote Islamic terrorist acts are dealt with.

It’s actually Islamic terrorist supporters and even cowardly convert wannabes such as yourself who are the whiners and complainers.

True story..........:cool:
The zionist juden have been whining about being victims for thousands of years.

Their whole culture is built on an ancient tradition of crying and moaning.

Heck, their #1 holy site is call the 'Wailing Wall'. ... :lol: :lol:

Heck, you need to actually understand some of the pagan rituals of the politico-religious ideology you converted to before casting stones...... so to speak.

One such ritual is seen on the tenth day of Hajj (the compulsory pilgrimage to Mecca) in a ritual called ramyu 'r rijam, during which Moslem pilgrims cast seven small stones each at three pillars symbolizing evil and the devil. Anthropologists would call this sympathetic magic, which is the ascription of magical properties to everyday acts and objects in an effort to control ones environment.

:lol::lol: ..........True story.........:cool:

I told ya' not to be so stupid ya' moron.
The crazed juden bang their heads against the Wailing Wall while sobbing and slobbering in hope that they won't be driven from the land they have stolen. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Do you need some salve for that chafed spot on your forehead, or possibly an MRI to check for "dain bramage"

:cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

......True story............:cool:
The crazed juden bang their heads against the Wailing Wall while sobbing and slobbering in hope that they won't be driven from the land they have stolen. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Every religions has their unique traditions.

BTW, making fun of another religion's traditions has got to be the most childish thing to do. How old are you, little boy ?
But then again, bashing other religions besides Islam is what Muslims do best (that, and mass murder ;) )
The crazed juden bang their heads against the Wailing Wall while sobbing and slobbering in hope that they won't be driven from the land they have stolen. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Do you need some salve for that chafed spot on your forehead, or possibly an MRI to check for "dain bramage"

:cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

......True story............:cool:

Sunni Troll has got to be the most immature poster here. Only little kids laugh at the things that he finds funny LOL !

Poor little troll he is :cuckoo:

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