The World Is Watching

Yes, the world is watching.

The world is watching the daily crimes against humanity the Colonist Occupying Zionists carry out every day in Palestine.

The world is eagerly waiting to behold the coming fall of Zionism.
Yes, the world is watching.

The world is watching the daily crimes against humanity the Colonist Occupying Zionists carry out every day in Palestine.

The world is eagerly waiting to behold the coming fall of Zionism.

Does that come with a jingle?
It's just..... uncanny, how these Islamic terrorist low-lives will swagger about in military uniforms (and those fashionable ski masks) for propaganda purposes.

But when a shooting war starts, they hide like cowards in and among civilian areas with women and children.

The IDF "terrorist low-lives" swagger around in T-shirts bragging about how they shoot pregnant women and children.

I think perhaps there is a solution to this so called "hiding" problem you speak of. Simply arm the palestinians with the same sophisticaated weaponry that the IDF has, maybe even give them a nuclear option.

Has anyone ever met a bully who thought he or she were in the wrong?

Would anyone give weapons to racists, bigots and anti-Semites like the KKK?

No? Then why oh why would anyone provide weaponry to the Palestinians?

Oh and sure I knew a bully who KNEW he was in the wrong.

I knew I was being bad but I knew no one was likely to stop me so I did what I wanted.

Yes, the world is watching.

The world is watching the daily crimes against humanity the Colonist Occupying Zionists carry out every day in Palestine.

The world is eagerly waiting to behold the coming fall of Zionism.

And YOU, Sherri MunneNazi, speaks for the world ?? LOL !

You have ZERO credibility, so shut up, Nazi Shill
The crazed juden bang their heads against the Wailing Wall while sobbing and slobbering in hope that they won't be driven from the land they have stolen. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Sunni Man Sunni Man is online now
Patriotic Muslim American
Member #11674


You can see here one example of how Muslim infiltration in America is facilitated.

He labels himself a "Patriotic Muslim American".

But he is not only a bigot but he would deny Jews their right of worship.

Does he really think Americans accept racism against Jews?

Does he think racism only counts when it's against Blacks?
The crazed juden bang their heads against the Wailing Wall while sobbing and slobbering in hope that they won't be driven from the land they have stolen. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Sunni Man Sunni Man is online now
Patriotic Muslim American
Member #11674


You can see here one example of how Muslim infiltration in America is facilitated.

He labels himself a "Patriotic Muslim American".

But he is not only a bigot but he would deny Jews their right of worship.

Does he really think Americans accept racism against Jews?

Does he think racism only counts when it's against Blacks?
#1) The jews are not a race.

#2) I challenge you to find a post where I have ever advocated denying the jews their right to worship.

#3) You are an Idiot. .... :cool:
The crazed juden bang their heads against the Wailing Wall while sobbing and slobbering in hope that they won't be driven from the land they have stolen. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Sunni Man Sunni Man is online now
Patriotic Muslim American
Member #11674


You can see here one example of how Muslim infiltration in America is facilitated.

He labels himself a "Patriotic Muslim American".

But he is not only a bigot but he would deny Jews their right of worship.

Does he really think Americans accept racism against Jews?

Does he think racism only counts when it's against Blacks?

It's already a known fact that Muslims are intolerant towards other religions. It's in their nature.

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