The Worst Person In The World: Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN)


Bachmann has been in office since way before there was ever a Tea Party movement.

Unfortunately, the only people RINO Gas Baggers like you and Jake the Fake consider "intelligent" are career sellout wieners, like Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter.

In fact, it's exactly the kind of unprincipled, waffling wankers like y'all that sent me packing to the LP.

Go join the Democrat Party if y'all wanna play footsie with those fascist pigs.

I have no idea who Olympia Snowe is and I think Arlen Spector is pond scum.

What's the LP?
You should have stopped at "I have no idea".

Check back with me when you have half an idea about anything.

Bachmann has been in office since way before there was ever a Tea Party movement.

Unfortunately, the only people RINO Gas Baggers like you and Jake the Fake consider "intelligent" are career sellout wieners, like Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter.

In fact, it's exactly the kind of unprincipled, waffling wankers like y'all that sent me packing to the LP.

Go join the Democrat Party if y'all wanna play footsie with those fascist pigs.

I have no idea who Olympia Snowe is and I think Arlen Spector is pond scum.

What's the LP?
Olympia Snowe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Libertarian Party
How can you discuss politics with big kids if you don't know who Olympia Snowe is, or at least Google her and lie about knowing her?
Olbermann's "Worst person in the world" segment should be a badge of honor considering many of the good and decent people of the world he picks to ridicule.
How can you discuss politics with big kids if you don't know who Olympia Snowe is, or at least Google her and lie about knowing her?

Unless I'm misunderstanding what online political debate is all about, all you need to know how to do is sling insults and be able to type in all caps. It has little to do with common sense, political knowledge, understanding of political and social theories, or understanding of history. Am I wrong?
Olberscum has the amazing ability to take someones seemingly non controversial remarks and turn them around with shakespearean insults and made up assumptions to make them into the worst person in the world.

Everyone with half a brain knows Bachmann meant reducing the gov down to constitutional levels but Olberscum is going to make every half wit believe that she meant reducing it to the original 13 colonies.

At least Beck gives people the benefit of the doubt.....

Yikes! They are coming out of the woodwork! Poor Minnesota!


If the Male POS Olbermann and Mad Madeline one of the female counterparts of the Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd MARXIST stooges of the EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD Obambo consider anyone the Worst, or close to that.....then make sure you make every effort to vote FOR anyone these delusional twits consider to be the worst, worse, etc., exactly the same order.
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Olbermann's "Worst person in the world" segment should be a badge of honor considering many of the good and decent people of the world he picks to ridicule.

I have never watched his show, Avatar. I might now...that video is hilarious. MSNBC, I presume?
gautama wrote:

If the Male POS Olbermann and Mad Madeline one of the female counterparts of the Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd MARXIST stooges of the EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD Obambo consider anyone the Worst, or close to that.....then make sure you make every effort to vote FOR anyone these delusional twits consider to be the worst, worse, etc., exactly the same order.

Best flamer on USMB, IMO. That was an outstanding insult post.....I am honored to have inspired such poetry.

I make a point of tuning in Olbermann at least once a week just before he goes off when he does his monologue. He is the perfect illustration of an angry miserable hyper-liberal and all you have to do is watch an episode or two to see it. Too.......its better than ever right now and he's never been more miserable as the Nation has collectively rejected all of his ideology in the4 last 20 months........makes it nothing less than a hoot to watch!!!
LOL, leave to Keithy Olbermann to PICK a Woman As the worst person of the world.

Of course it's not Bin Laden or terrorist OR A DEMOCRAT.

no, it's an American Republican WOMAN politician.:lol::cuckoo:

more amazing, people take Keithy seriously.
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Keith Olberdooshbag. There's a reliable source for ya.

What do you have against successful women?

Successful people...nothing

Women in general....nothing

Fucking idijits in the US Congress.....self preservation
and how do you feel about Alan Grayson of FL?

Alan Grayson has my vote.

Talk about a flamming idiot. . Jeeze.

This guy is without doubt the absolute worst of the worst.

I live down here in Florida and can't believe anyone actually voted for this moron.
Keith Olberdooshbag. There's a reliable source for ya.

What do you have against successful women?
Nobody's got anything against successful-women....except (maybe) oldy-moldy/male corporate-board-members....who aren't comfortable with competing-with the fairer-sex....and (possibly) gettin' their asses handed to themselves.

The problem is bubbleheaded/paranoid BIMBOS!!!!!

(....with their deer-in-the-headlights/nobody's home eyes.)

Successful people...nothing

Women in general....nothing

Fucking idijits in the US Congress.....self preservation
and how do you feel about Alan Grayson of FL?

Alan Grayson has my vote.

Talk about a flamming idiot. . Jeeze.

This guy is without doubt the absolute worst of the worst.

I live down here in Florida and can't believe anyone actually voted for this moron.

Once upon a time I knew Florida politics like my own family. I am embarrassed to say I haven't been paying attention....what's with Grayson?

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