The worst possible outcome of a Trump Win

I dont believe you ever vote GOP

Last election. I voted for Kemp, Rafesberger, and many other Republicans. I voted for Warnock over Walker. I’ve written that many times. I voted for Trump in 2016. I sat out 2020 because I didn’t believe one steaming pile of shit was in any way preferable to the other. I admit I was wrong. Biden is absolutely a steaming pile of shit. But Trump is a flaming pile of shit.
Oh I understood the OP. And I think it is wishful thinking that it will be the worst. Trump wanted to declare Martial Law during the riots. He was told he really couldn’t. He won’t be dissuaded again. The Fanboys want him to be a dictator. So he will become one.

Trump is a moron. A fool. A charlatan who will destroy this nation.
How is putting traitors before a military tribunal being a dictator??
Oh I understood the OP. And I think it is wishful thinking that it will be the worst. Trump wanted to declare Martial Law during the riots. He was told he really couldn’t. He won’t be dissuaded again. The Fanboys want him to be a dictator. So he will become one.

Trump is a moron. A fool. A charlatan who will destroy this nation.
He repeatedly offered and suggested National Guard to stop them.

Leftist Governors and mayors let them continue and even told police to stand down.

Trump wasnt the problem. Those idiots were the problem.

He repeatedly offered and suggested National Guard to stop them.

Leftist Governors and mayors let them continue and even told police to stand down.

Trump wasnt the problem. Those idiots were the problem.

And when the Governors refused to call the National Guard Trump wanted to declare Martial Law.
Assume for a moment that we: a) have an election in November and b) that it is free from voter fraud, national emergency, WWIII and Trump overcomes the odds and wins.

The worst result would be that he governs like he did last time; picking Swamp Critters to run things, not rolling back any of the Progressive Jihad in America, leaving the Educational systems, Intel Agencies in tact, removing a few hundred Illegals while leaving their political allies in the USA

In addition, government spending is beyond science fiction, over $7 Trillion!!!!!!!!! proposed. If you look in the dictionary under “unsustainable” you will find the latest Federal budget.

If Progressives had any brains they’d let Trump win. He’s never come out and said he’s going to go after the DC criminals, pedophiles, human and sex traffickers, so why worry??
The worst possible outcome will be American hating democrats burning the country down because the got smacked down . The democrats will kill Trump before they let him win . They are the biggest threat to America and Americans.
Sadly. This election is the first time in my life where I intend to vote nothing but Dem’s. I usually pick who I believe is the best candidate. However this time the candidates will either be MAGA which means untrustworthy and ill suited to any position of trust. Or so marginalized by the lack of MAGA as to be a nonentity.
Lol. Sure . You are a demented lefty . Are you an American or are you a Democrat?
Sadly. This election is the first time in my life where I intend to vote nothing but Dem’s.

Assume for a moment that we: a) have an election in November and b) that it is free from voter fraud, national emergency, WWIII and Trump overcomes the odds and wins.

The worst result would be that he governs like he did last time; picking Swamp Critters to run things, not rolling back any of the Progressive Jihad in America, leaving the Educational systems, Intel Agencies in tact, removing a few hundred Illegals while leaving their political allies in the USA

In addition, government spending is beyond science fiction, over $7 Trillion!!!!!!!!! proposed. If you look in the dictionary under “unsustainable” you will find the latest Federal budget.

If Progressives had any brains they’d let Trump win. He’s never come out and said he’s going to go after the DC criminals, pedophiles, human and sex traffickers, so why worry??
Exactly why I won't vote for him.
Assume for a moment that we: a) have an election in November and b) that it is free from voter fraud, national emergency, WWIII and Trump overcomes the odds and wins.

The worst result would be that he governs like he did last time; picking Swamp Critters to run things, not rolling back any of the Progressive Jihad in America, leaving the Educational systems, Intel Agencies in tact, removing a few hundred Illegals while leaving their political allies in the USA

In addition, government spending is beyond science fiction, over $7 Trillion!!!!!!!!! proposed. If you look in the dictionary under “unsustainable” you will find the latest Federal budget.

If Progressives had any brains they’d let Trump win. He’s never come out and said he’s going to go after the DC criminals, pedophiles, human and sex traffickers, so why worry??
Trump Has Learned His Lesson

Julius Caesar made the mistake of giving amnesty to his proven enemies. His successor, Augustus, looked at the consequences of that tolerance and went after his own enemies with the full extent of his absolute power. "No More Mr. Nice Guy" will be Trump's answer to how he was sabotaged by the moles from the Deep State.
Trump Has Learned His Lesson

Julius Caesar made the mistake of giving amnesty to his proven enemies. His successor, Augustus, looked at the consequences of that tolerance and went after his own enemies with the full extent of his absolute power. "No More Mr. Nice Guy" will be Trump's answer to how he was sabotaged by the moles from the Deep State.
I'll believe that when I see it, not a moment before.

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