The worst possible outcome of a Trump Win

I disagree.

The worst possible result will be, the establishment owned media will whip the populace into a frenzy that will make the BLM & COVID psy-ops look like a minor fad.

You can look forward to mass rioting.

. .. and then? The COG/security establishment will take over.

No more civilian government, ever again.

Welcome to a technocratic police state. Forever and ever.
That will be the result if Biden wins. He's the one throwing people in prison simply because they are Republicans..

The worst possible outcome of a Trump Win​

The end of Democracy as we know it as Trump follows though with his plan to put people in place that are loyal to him and not the country, to replace leadership with Yes men that will do anything he tells them to do.
The end of Democracy as we know it as Trump follows though with his plan to put people in place that are loyal to him and not the country, to replace leadership with Yes men that will do anything he tells them to do.
Yeah. So unlike the glorious 1,000 year democract Reich
The end of Democracy as we know it as Trump follows though with his plan to put people in place that are loyal to him and not the country, to replace leadership with Yes men that will do anything he tells them to do.
Biden is already doing that, you king sized dumbfuck.

MAGA Senator Turns on Trump, “Just Endorsed Worst Deep State Candidate”​


MAGA Senator Turns on Trump, “Just Endorsed Worst Deep State Candidate”​

View attachment 917212

Yeah, exactly!!

He either hasn’t learned a Thing, or, far more likely, is controlled opposition for the ongoing UniParty Bread and Circuses
Tree of Liberty
The COITUS Is What Put the Crack in the Liberty Bell

That Jefferson quote was in response to the tyranny of the Constitution. He objected to one generation (in the horse-and-buggy era) making final laws (including the obstructive amendment process) for all subsequent generations.

No wonder. The Framers who Framed Us intentionally kept Jefferson out of their plutocratic plotting at the Convention Hall because he was too democratic, shipping him off to France.

Daniel Shays should have been the real Founding Father.
The COITUS Is What Put the Crack in the Liberty Bell

That Jefferson quote was in response to the tyranny of the Constitution. He objected to one generation (in the horse-and-buggy era) making final laws (including the obstructive amendment process) for all subsequent generations.

No wonder. The Framers who Framed Us intentionally kept Jefferson out of their plutocratic plotting at the Convention Hall because he was too democratic, shipping him off to France.

Daniel Shays should have been the real Founding Father.
There is an Amendment process and you might notice American civilizations Great Leap Downwards since Wilson figured out how to breach it until FDR killed the process outright
It means nothing unless done.

Martial Law in Times of Civil Disorder | Office of Justice Programs.

And is not as bad as you make it sound. Sometimes you must do extra if riots are burning your city.

National Guard should have been used but leftist idiots let their cuties burn.

usually happen in Red states as they will deploy the Guard
Rap R.I.P.

Old-school Democrat Mayor Daley of Chicago issued an order that looters would be shot and killed, but he had to back down because of the suburbanite race traitors who had taken over his Party.
Assume for a moment that we: a) have an election in November and b) that it is free from voter fraud, national emergency, WWIII and Trump overcomes the odds and wins.

The worst result would be that he governs like he did last time; picking Swamp Critters to run things, not rolling back any of the Progressive Jihad in America, leaving the Educational systems, Intel Agencies in tact, removing a few hundred Illegals while leaving their political allies in the USA

In addition, government spending is beyond science fiction, over $7 Trillion!!!!!!!!! proposed. If you look in the dictionary under “unsustainable” you will find the latest Federal budget.

If Progressives had any brains they’d let Trump win. He’s never come out and said he’s going to go after the DC criminals, pedophiles, human and sex traffickers, so why worry??
If Trump wins, that will be an end to democracy as we know it.
Our Mockracy ended with the Fascist Mar A Lago raid
. .. more than likely, as Ron Paul had pointed out in an interview earlier this year, it happened much, much earlier than that. . .

This is the exact moment the swamp let us all know it ended. . .


. . . and even though, during Trump's admin, he had the ability to declass all the documents related to that? He didn't.

why? :dunno:
. .. more than likely, as Ron Paul had pointed out in an interview earlier this year, it happened much, much earlier than that. . .

This is the exact moment the swamp let us all know it ended. . .


. . . and even though, during Trump's admin, he had the ability to declass all the documents related to that? He didn't.

why? :dunno:
Good point!

And Trump kept it locked up another 75 years
Assume for a moment that we: a) have an election in November and b) that it is free from voter fraud, national emergency, WWIII and Trump overcomes the odds and wins.

The worst result would be that he governs like he did last time; picking Swamp Critters to run things, not rolling back any of the Progressive Jihad in America, leaving the Educational systems, Intel Agencies in tact, removing a few hundred Illegals while leaving their political allies in the USA

In addition, government spending is beyond science fiction, over $7 Trillion!!!!!!!!! proposed. If you look in the dictionary under “unsustainable” you will find the latest Federal budget.

If Progressives had any brains they’d let Trump win. He’s never come out and said he’s going to go after the DC criminals, pedophiles, human and sex traffickers, so why worry??

They have dumped in 12 million dependents, 1.5million criminals up to no good. They have not changed anything for the better.....simply robbing the treasury. Look at Fani spending $800k on her boyfriend and vacations along with it? Then a Court allows it w/o punishment! They have destroyed the country beyond repair and they know it. No matter who gets installed.
He’d expand fossil fuel extraction and the economy would thrive making your other bullshit moot.

It would only thrive if the inner city welfare class went to work, Congress quits spending, Illegal immigrants are removed (worst first), Criminals are actually jailed, 2020 election fraud is punished, Judges are sent packing thru impeachment........on and on and on. You can't keep a Country going on the current path to destruction.//
Trump's biggest problems in his first Presidency were due to his inexperience as a politician, lack of knowledge of his cabinet picks and underestimating just how vicious the backlash would be against him. He won't make those mistakes again.
Uh, no. Trump's biggest problem is that he's an untreated dangerous sociopath.

The guy needs a good shrink, but at this point it's too late.

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