The worst possible outcome of a Trump Win

Good point!

And Trump kept it locked up another 75 years
I'm not sure if that is true. I have heard rumors, that, if elected, Trump has promised to release them, he feels betrayed by Pompeo.

Likewise, RFKjr. will do so as well.

These files were locked up by a law, but that law has expired. Now, they only remain so by executive fiat.

The foremost expert on this, is Dr. Scott.

This is the latest I could find by him. He is a Professor Emeritus from Berkley, older than even Biden I believe. . . not doing so well.

(The italicized are questions posed to him. . regular font are his answers.)

Peter Dale Scott on Trump, the Deep State, the JFK Assassination, the RFK Jr. Campaign, and Life at 95​

By Karen Croft, Special to The Kennedy Beacon, and David Talbot, columnist, The Kennedy Beacon


". . . So, your ideal for social change is something like the Solidarity movement in Poland at the end of the Cold War?

Yes, but I don’t want to define the ideal. People are deeply divided now and I want to help find a way they can be talking to each other again, to agree on a next step.

But that’s what Bobby wants to do, heal the divisions in this country. Maybe he can spark a cultural and political revolution at the same time.

Yes, but not in six or nine months, not in the current election cycle. He will need more time.

But we don’t have that much time! (shared laughter)

Yes, we do, yes, we do. If we don’t, it’s hopeless…

Trump is dominating the headlines again, with many Democrats fearing he will roll through the courts and beat “Sleepy Joe” in the fall. If Trump wins, does the deep state lose?

Trump is two-faced. If he’s reelected in November, he’s promising to abide by the JFK Records Act now and release all the remaining documents. But he could’ve done that a few years ago as president – instead, he caved to the CIA and kept the documents hidden.

He says he kept us out of war, but our troops kept fighting in Afghanistan under him and he crows about how we bombed ISIS to smithereens in Syria.

One fact here: Trump came in promising to vastly increase the military budget, which he did — he vastly increased it. The big spending increase went to Congress, and this was the “Do Nothing” Congress. Did they do nothing? No! It went to the Senate and by a lopsided vote, they increased the war budget even more — proving, if anyone didn’t already know, that whatever sharp differences Republicans and Democrats have, both parties are always going to vote to increase the military budget. We will not solve the real problems of this country until we break that mold.

The JFK Records Act leads us to another big question, because you’ve been doing research on the Kennedy assassination for so long. As another researcher once said, “Peter Dale Scott has forgotten more about the Kennedy assassination than we’ll ever know.” So, the big question is why was JFK killed?

We don’t live in a system like a monarchy. We live in a state of chaos — a kind of Hobbesian state of nature, with different, powerful oligarchs — and they’ve been battling each other in the U.S. ever since they met to draft the Articles of Confederation. And at least one of the states — South Carolina — was there to guarantee the protection of slavery, because in their state at least 60 percent of the people were black. So, this racist system was baked into America at the beginning. It was a kind of built-in conflict at the top level, which is what I think is now running this country, rather than a “deep state.” I was never happy about that term, even though I helped import it to the United States from Turkey, and said so when I wrote about it. It sounds like it’s a “thing.” What we actually live in is a kind of Hobbesian condition of chaos, a new Gilded Age, with greater and greater accumulations of private power.

Yes, but you sidestepped the question – why was President Kennedy eliminated? What made him a target?

Well, he was threatening an end to the Cold War, which was the basis of the military economy that had made America prosperous since 1953. He was threatening to ease us off the war economy, and to deal with problems at home like poverty and racism.

The Cold Warriors who ran the country maintained a constant state of alarm, constant preparedness. The sociologist C. Wright Mills, author of The Power Elite, recognized how they created a national security emergency “without foreseeable end.” He called these men “crackpot realists…In the name of realism they have constructed a paranoid reality all their own.”

A “paranoid reality” that was – and still is – very profitable for the military-industrial complex.

People forget President Kennedy’s 1963 Atomic Test Ban Treaty, which ended all nuclear arms testing above ground. It sounds petty now, but it wasn’t petty then. There had been no treaty with the Soviet Union since 1955 when Washington and Moscow agreed by treaty to respect the neutrality of Austria.

During the debate about the atomic test ban, the Cold War lobby and the media were saying you cannot conclude a deal with the Russians because they are Communists — but JFK did it. And worse than that, Kennedy — rightly — didn’t trust his CIA. So, the president was privately talking to his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and Bobby was privately talking to Georgi Bolshakov, the Soviet representative in Washington, as a back-channel to Khrushchev in the Kremlin. Well, the CIA and the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) knew about the back-channel. And a document that purports to be a DIA document — I think it’s authentic — comes out 12 years later, an analysis that Kennedy is doing something treasonous, illegal. That agency, the DIA, might have helped do him in. Ironically, the DIA was created by Kennedy, who distrusted naval intelligence and army intelligence.

Kennedy gave two important speeches, one day apart in June 1963. In the first one, the so-called Peace Speech, he said we should empathize with our enemy, the Russians. At the height of the Cold War, he said, “In the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.”

And the very next day, he gave his swiftly composed civil rights speech on national TV, responding to the turmoil in the South, including Governor George Wallace, how he stood in the doorway at the University of Alabama to try to prevent two black students from integrating the university. The president told the nation that racial justice was “a moral issue. It is as old as the scriptures and is as clear as the American Constitution.”

I can see, and I believe I’m right in seeing, that there was a kind of retro Southern presence in the military. The Army slow-marched to the University of Mississippi in 1962 and to the University of Alabama the following year, after President Kennedy ordered Army troops to restore order on those campuses.

I could go on, but I won’t go on. There were probably five or six reasons Kennedy was killed —- it was a coalition that killed Kennedy. And it was a coalition that killed Kennedy in a way that they knew the media would have to come in and make it look like it had been a lone nut who had killed Kennedy.. . . "

As stated earlier in this interview, this guy has forgotten more than most people have ever known on this issue.
The end of Democracy as we know it as Trump follows though with his plan to put people in place that are loyal to him and not the country, to replace leadership with Yes men that will do anything he tells them to do.
How will that be the end of Democracy? Currently Garland is the one shitting on the Constitution.
Assume for a moment that we: a) have an election in November and b) that it is free from voter fraud, national emergency, WWIII and Trump overcomes the odds and wins.

The worst result would be that he governs like he did last time; picking Swamp Critters to run things, not rolling back any of the Progressive Jihad in America, leaving the Educational systems, Intel Agencies in tact, removing a few hundred Illegals while leaving their political allies in the USA

In addition, government spending is beyond science fiction, over $7 Trillion!!!!!!!!! proposed. If you look in the dictionary under “unsustainable” you will find the latest Federal budget.

If Progressives had any brains they’d let Trump win. He’s never come out and said he’s going to go after the DC criminals, pedophiles, human and sex traffickers, so why worry??
You will get to experience a good economy and no wars again.
Trump's biggest problems in his first Presidency were due to his inexperience as a politician, lack of knowledge of his cabinet picks and underestimating just how vicious the backlash would be against him. He won't make those mistakes again.

Trump said he'd never read the constitution. He said it was too hard like a foreign language.
I'm not sure if that is true. I have heard rumors, that, if elected, Trump has promised to release them, he feels betrayed by Pompeo.

Likewise, RFKjr. will do so as well.

These files were locked up by a law, but that law has expired. Now, they only remain so by executive fiat.

The foremost expert on this, is Dr. Scott.

This is the latest I could find by him. He is a Professor Emeritus from Berkley, older than even Biden I believe. . . not doing so well.

(The italicized are questions posed to him. . regular font are his answers.)

Peter Dale Scott on Trump, the Deep State, the JFK Assassination, the RFK Jr. Campaign, and Life at 95​

By Karen Croft, Special to The Kennedy Beacon, and David Talbot, columnist, The Kennedy Beacon


". . . So, your ideal for social change is something like the Solidarity movement in Poland at the end of the Cold War?

Yes, but I don’t want to define the ideal. People are deeply divided now and I want to help find a way they can be talking to each other again, to agree on a next step.

But that’s what Bobby wants to do, heal the divisions in this country. Maybe he can spark a cultural and political revolution at the same time.

Yes, but not in six or nine months, not in the current election cycle. He will need more time.

But we don’t have that much time! (shared laughter)

Yes, we do, yes, we do. If we don’t, it’s hopeless…

Trump is dominating the headlines again, with many Democrats fearing he will roll through the courts and beat “Sleepy Joe” in the fall. If Trump wins, does the deep state lose?

Trump is two-faced. If he’s reelected in November, he’s promising to abide by the JFK Records Act now and release all the remaining documents. But he could’ve done that a few years ago as president – instead, he caved to the CIA and kept the documents hidden.

He says he kept us out of war, but our troops kept fighting in Afghanistan under him and he crows about how we bombed ISIS to smithereens in Syria.

One fact here: Trump came in promising to vastly increase the military budget, which he did — he vastly increased it. The big spending increase went to Congress, and this was the “Do Nothing” Congress. Did they do nothing? No! It went to the Senate and by a lopsided vote, they increased the war budget even more — proving, if anyone didn’t already know, that whatever sharp differences Republicans and Democrats have, both parties are always going to vote to increase the military budget. We will not solve the real problems of this country until we break that mold.

The JFK Records Act leads us to another big question, because you’ve been doing research on the Kennedy assassination for so long. As another researcher once said, “Peter Dale Scott has forgotten more about the Kennedy assassination than we’ll ever know.” So, the big question is why was JFK killed?

We don’t live in a system like a monarchy. We live in a state of chaos — a kind of Hobbesian state of nature, with different, powerful oligarchs — and they’ve been battling each other in the U.S. ever since they met to draft the Articles of Confederation. And at least one of the states — South Carolina — was there to guarantee the protection of slavery, because in their state at least 60 percent of the people were black. So, this racist system was baked into America at the beginning. It was a kind of built-in conflict at the top level, which is what I think is now running this country, rather than a “deep state.” I was never happy about that term, even though I helped import it to the United States from Turkey, and said so when I wrote about it. It sounds like it’s a “thing.” What we actually live in is a kind of Hobbesian condition of chaos, a new Gilded Age, with greater and greater accumulations of private power.

Yes, but you sidestepped the question – why was President Kennedy eliminated? What made him a target?

Well, he was threatening an end to the Cold War, which was the basis of the military economy that had made America prosperous since 1953. He was threatening to ease us off the war economy, and to deal with problems at home like poverty and racism.

The Cold Warriors who ran the country maintained a constant state of alarm, constant preparedness. The sociologist C. Wright Mills, author of The Power Elite, recognized how they created a national security emergency “without foreseeable end.” He called these men “crackpot realists…In the name of realism they have constructed a paranoid reality all their own.”

A “paranoid reality” that was – and still is – very profitable for the military-industrial complex.

People forget President Kennedy’s 1963 Atomic Test Ban Treaty, which ended all nuclear arms testing above ground. It sounds petty now, but it wasn’t petty then. There had been no treaty with the Soviet Union since 1955 when Washington and Moscow agreed by treaty to respect the neutrality of Austria.

During the debate about the atomic test ban, the Cold War lobby and the media were saying you cannot conclude a deal with the Russians because they are Communists — but JFK did it. And worse than that, Kennedy — rightly — didn’t trust his CIA. So, the president was privately talking to his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and Bobby was privately talking to Georgi Bolshakov, the Soviet representative in Washington, as a back-channel to Khrushchev in the Kremlin. Well, the CIA and the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) knew about the back-channel. And a document that purports to be a DIA document — I think it’s authentic — comes out 12 years later, an analysis that Kennedy is doing something treasonous, illegal. That agency, the DIA, might have helped do him in. Ironically, the DIA was created by Kennedy, who distrusted naval intelligence and army intelligence.

Kennedy gave two important speeches, one day apart in June 1963. In the first one, the so-called Peace Speech, he said we should empathize with our enemy, the Russians. At the height of the Cold War, he said, “In the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.”

And the very next day, he gave his swiftly composed civil rights speech on national TV, responding to the turmoil in the South, including Governor George Wallace, how he stood in the doorway at the University of Alabama to try to prevent two black students from integrating the university. The president told the nation that racial justice was “a moral issue. It is as old as the scriptures and is as clear as the American Constitution.”

I can see, and I believe I’m right in seeing, that there was a kind of retro Southern presence in the military. The Army slow-marched to the University of Mississippi in 1962 and to the University of Alabama the following year, after President Kennedy ordered Army troops to restore order on those campuses.

I could go on, but I won’t go on. There were probably five or six reasons Kennedy was killed —- it was a coalition that killed Kennedy. And it was a coalition that killed Kennedy in a way that they knew the media would have to come in and make it look like it had been a lone nut who had killed Kennedy.. . . "

As stated earlier in this interview, this guy has forgotten more than most people have ever known on this issue.
That's a great rundown of what Trump obviously failed to do the first time.......
Lol. Sure . You are a demented lefty . Are you an American or are you a Democrat?

I am a Veteran. 9 years military experience. Paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne. Combat Engineer. I was born in one state and we moved around following Dad’s job. I have lived many places.

I joined the Army while Reagan was President. I’ve been shot at by enemies. I’ve disabled booby traps intended to kill me and my fellow soldiers. I’ve walked into danger more than once.

The difference between us is that I view all Americans as American. You do not. I would argue for your constitutional rights. You wouldn’t argue for any rights of anyone who disagrees with you on any issue.

My mates and I were willing to die to protect you. You want to stomp on those who disagree with you. Which of us is really a Patriot?
Trump will take Martha's Vineyard and turn it into a detention camp for illegals awaiting deportation. :muahaha:
And Trump is another Hitler.


People Aren’t Facing Up to the Horrors a New Trump Term Would Bring​

G’bye, NATO. G’bye, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal. G’bye, democracy. He’s telling us plain as day. Why aren’t people listening?​


The Second Coming of Literal Hitler

". . . To folks who know their 20th-Century history, the story-line will be eerily familiar. Like Hitler returning from Landsberg prison, where he wrote Mein Kampf after the “Beer Hall Putsch” …

“[Trump] is coming back with the entire conservative apparatus at his back, having spent four years in the wilderness methodically planning how to permanently alter the political and legal landscape of the country to favor an anti-democratic minority.”

Apparently, Trump’s evil master plan this time revolves around reinstituting “Schedule F” for federal employees, which would allow him to fire anyone with “policy-making authority” and replace them with hate-crazed Nazi fanatics. Brynn explains the utter horror this will lead to.

“… a Trump administration would replace vast swathes of the federal government bureaucracy with sycophants and ideological fellow travelers bent on implementing pro-corporate, pro-religious, and anti-minority agendas. This weaponizes the entire federal bureaucracy against women and LGBTQ people.”

Shortly thereafter, the genocide will begin.

“The right intends to use every power of the government to eradicate anything it considers woke, particularly transgender people.”

According to Brynn, once Trump has mass-murdered all the transgender people, and the gay people, and women, and presumably the Jews, and African-Americans, and whoever else he’s planning to mass-murder, he will fire and replace all the generals and admirals, arrest all his political and personal enemies, and declare himself American Führer for life!. . . "


". . . Selfishly speaking, I can’t wait for it to begin. The global-capitalist ruling classes are not going to let him win again, but they’re clearly preparing to whip the masses into a full-blown frenzy of ass-puckering PARANOIA and MINDLESS HATRED of anyone even marginally deviating from official ideology, and I plan to milk that show for as many laughs as possible. I may not be able to stop what’s coming, but, in the immortal words of a very drunk Jim Morrison, I just want to get my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

Of course, I’ll probably be doing that in my new accommodations in German prison, where I’ll be serving time for comparing the roll-out of the New Normal to the rise of Nazi Germany. For those of you who think I’m joking, I am not.
I am under criminal investigation in Berlin for comparing New Normal totalitarianism to Nazism, which, comparing anything to the Nazis is strictly prohibited in Germany … unless, of course, you’re comparing Trump to the Nazis, in which case, that’s fine …"

Assume for a moment that we: a) have an election in November and b) that it is free from voter fraud, national emergency, WWIII and Trump overcomes the odds and wins.

The worst result would be that he governs like he did last time; picking Swamp Critters to run things, not rolling back any of the Progressive Jihad in America, leaving the Educational systems, Intel Agencies in tact, removing a few hundred Illegals while leaving their political allies in the USA

In addition, government spending is beyond science fiction, over $7 Trillion!!!!!!!!! proposed. If you look in the dictionary under “unsustainable” you will find the latest Federal budget.

If Progressives had any brains they’d let Trump win. He’s never come out and said he’s going to go after the DC criminals, pedophiles, human and sex traffickers, so why worry??

Yoar Orange God added 25% of all of America's debt in four years up until the end of the republic after 237 years when you're Orange God's term ended.

But you didn't know that, did you QsaderFrank.

Because it's much easier living in a fucking precious media echosystem that tells you what you want to hear, snowflake!!


People Aren’t Facing Up to the Horrors a New Trump Term Would Bring​

G’bye, NATO. G’bye, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal. G’bye, democracy. He’s telling us plain as day. Why aren’t people listening?​


The Second Coming of Literal Hitler

". . . To folks who know their 20th-Century history, the story-line will be eerily familiar. Like Hitler returning from Landsberg prison, where he wrote Mein Kampf after the “Beer Hall Putsch” …

“[Trump] is coming back with the entire conservative apparatus at his back, having spent four years in the wilderness methodically planning how to permanently alter the political and legal landscape of the country to favor an anti-democratic minority.”

Apparently, Trump’s evil master plan this time revolves around reinstituting “Schedule F” for federal employees, which would allow him to fire anyone with “policy-making authority” and replace them with hate-crazed Nazi fanatics. Brynn explains the utter horror this will lead to.

“… a Trump administration would replace vast swathes of the federal government bureaucracy with sycophants and ideological fellow travelers bent on implementing pro-corporate, pro-religious, and anti-minority agendas. This weaponizes the entire federal bureaucracy against women and LGBTQ people.”

Shortly thereafter, the genocide will begin.

“The right intends to use every power of the government to eradicate anything it considers woke, particularly transgender people.”

According to Brynn, once Trump has mass-murdered all the transgender people, and the gay people, and women, and presumably the Jews, and African-Americans, and whoever else he’s planning to mass-murder, he will fire and replace all the generals and admirals, arrest all his political and personal enemies, and declare himself American Führer for life!. . . "


". . . Selfishly speaking, I can’t wait for it to begin. The global-capitalist ruling classes are not going to let him win again, but they’re clearly preparing to whip the masses into a full-blown frenzy of ass-puckering PARANOIA and MINDLESS HATRED of anyone even marginally deviating from official ideology, and I plan to milk that show for as many laughs as possible. I may not be able to stop what’s coming, but, in the immortal words of a very drunk Jim Morrison, I just want to get my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

Of course, I’ll probably be doing that in my new accommodations in German prison, where I’ll be serving time for comparing the roll-out of the New Normal to the rise of Nazi Germany. For those of you who think I’m joking, I am not.
I am under criminal investigation in Berlin for comparing New Normal totalitarianism to Nazism, which, comparing anything to the Nazis is strictly prohibited in Germany … unless, of course, you’re comparing Trump to the Nazis, in which case, that’s fine …"

My god spamacide
Trump will take Martha's Vineyard and turn it into a detention camp for illegals awaiting deportation. :muahaha:
Trump will be forced to sell Mar a lardo due to the liquidity of his 'billions' being held inaccessible due to the ongoing cost of the several Federal indictments against him.

Melania will divorce him for Piers Morgan
Trump will be forced to sell Mar a lardo due to the liquidity of his 'billions' being held inaccessible due to the ongoing cost of the several Federal indictments against him.

Melania will divorce him for Piers Morgan
Then you woke up from your liberal dream cupcake. You know what the 'rich' do when attacked? That's right they make even more money :muahaha: Now go flip your burgers and drop some fries in the frier.
Assume for a moment that we: a) have an election in November and b) that it is free from voter fraud, national emergency, WWIII and Trump overcomes the odds and wins.

The worst result would be that he governs like he did last time; picking Swamp Critters to run things, not rolling back any of the Progressive Jihad in America, leaving the Educational systems, Intel Agencies in tact, removing a few hundred Illegals while leaving their political allies in the USA

In addition, government spending is beyond science fiction, over $7 Trillion!!!!!!!!! proposed. If you look in the dictionary under “unsustainable” you will find the latest Federal budget.

If Progressives had any brains they’d let Trump win. He’s never come out and said he’s going to go after the DC criminals, pedophiles, human and sex traffickers, so why worry??
Trump has historically been quite transparent with his intentions/goals/objectives and pretty much all of those look good to all honorable people both here and abroad.

He has rarely been transparent about how he intends to reach those intentions/goals/objectives however leaving himself a great deal of flexibility in accomplishing them. But his track record for getting them done is pretty darn good and that's why he is so effective on the international stage. The world leaders know he means what he says but have no way to keep him from doing it since he doesn't specify how.
Let's be honest, at this point Democrats don't have a shred of credibility left. Remember when Dems declared Trump was going to start a war with North Korea, ran all over the media fomenting fear? Then unexpectedly Trump instead reached out to North Korea and took the first steps towards peace. Right on cue Dems flip flopped 180 degrees and attacked Trump for extending an olive branch.

ZERO credibility, that's what Dems have.
Assume for a moment that we: a) have an election in November and b) that it is free from voter fraud, national emergency, WWIII and Trump overcomes the odds and wins.

The worst result would be that he governs like he did last time; picking Swamp Critters to run things, not rolling back any of the Progressive Jihad in America, leaving the Educational systems, Intel Agencies in tact, removing a few hundred Illegals while leaving their political allies in the USA

In addition, government spending is beyond science fiction, over $7 Trillion!!!!!!!!! proposed. If you look in the dictionary under “unsustainable” you will find the latest Federal budget.

If Progressives had any brains they’d let Trump win. He’s never come out and said he’s going to go after the DC criminals, pedophiles, human and sex traffickers, so why worry??
Who isn't in the swamp?

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