The Worst President in history has been reelected

After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

How should Republicans respond?

My guess is they will double down on stupid. Obama did not win because he was black. He did not win because he gives free stuff to people. He won because the states are lined up in his favor. You saw it last night, there was only so much Romney could do with the alignment of states.

The Northeast and West are permanently blue. The rust belt is turning that way. That is a major block of electoral votes. Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

Unless Republicans can appeal to Hispanics and young women they will lose more states. Florida will turn permanently blue, so will Ohio. States with large hispanic populations (Arizona, Texas) will turn to Battleground States

This will mean Republicans will be unable to win the White House or the Senate. Republicans will become a second tier party

How will they respond?

Double down on dumb

Actually, I do hope that you are wrong. I hope that they will follow the lead of Republicans like Jeb Bush who understand that they need to include more minorities into the party. While that may mean softening some of their positions, it doesn't mean they need to abandon them completely. We need a more conservative fiscally responsible party to keep the more progressive Democratic Party in check, just as we need the more progressive Democratic Party to keep the far right in check. Complete one sided government would not be good for the US, whether it be Republican or Democrat.

George Bush also understood there needed to be a compasionate resolution to our illegal immigration problem. It is just that his party would not buy it. Instead, they substituted punative programs like the Arizona and Alabama immigration bills, they passed English as an official language bills, they attacked spanish heritage. All to pander to their extremist fringe.
The Hispanic population is larger than the extreme rightwing conservative population. Until Republicans learn that is where elections are won...they will continue to lose at the national level

On a somewhat related note, GW also understood that scapegoating followers of particular religion over what a relative few of its adherents did was not good policy, either. How many Dems have you seen Muslim-bashing in the last 4 years since GW left office?
Can you believe it?

The worst president in history, failed at everything he did and a Muslim to boot.

When Republicans said....Wouldn't you rather have us?

America said....Fuck No

Half of them did, anyway. To bad they weren't smart enough to reject Obama as well.

Seems they were smart enough to realize Republicans are a bunch of tools catering to the whims of the rich

Yep. But not smart enough to notice Dems doing the same damned thing.
You think you won something, Shit for Brains. You are running out of road. We all lost, and that is the truth of it. Great misinformation and smear campaign though. I'm sure Mao and Lenin approve.

Wow.....both Mao AND Lenin

If I had known that, I never would have voted for Obama

Hmmm, I wonder if Mao & Lenin obstructed their governments for 8 years throwing workers out of jobs, and sending factorys to other countrys?

You really need to bone up on the history of Mao and Lenin and how they dealt with the workers (read: proletariat).
seems to be working out great for them... :D

You think you won something, Shit for Brains. You are running out of road. We all lost, and that is the truth of it. Great misinformation and smear campaign though. I'm sure Mao and Lenin approve.

yes we did 'win' something. in spite of the cheating/suppression/alternate/vaginal legislation and anti gay/hispanic/black/women math reality the gop religiously clung to..we won the right to control our bodies and some gay folks can even marry in some states[you guys may want to rethink your aversion to gay marriage as it brought the state of new york 259 million in revenues last year].

and most important of all..'we' won the next supreme court justice pick..maybe 2

oh and the obligatory return playground taunt comin at ya.. um....booger head !!

You are waste deep in bullshit and spin. Don't let me stand in the way of that. Being void of conscience, it's all you have. One body you have zero control over is mine. Your Kangaroo Court, Legislature, and Government wouldn't know Righteous Judgement if it bit you in the Ass. I want no part of it. Clean up your own mess. One step forward, two steps back. The gang that couldn't shoot straight. It's my turn, no thanks. I pass. Clean your own house. You want to deal with me, best to have exact change, up front. You are not trustworthy. ;)
You think you won something, Shit for Brains. You are running out of road. We all lost, and that is the truth of it. Great misinformation and smear campaign though. I'm sure Mao and Lenin approve.

Wow.....both Mao AND Lenin

If I had known that, I never would have voted for Obama

Hmmm, I wonder if Mao & Lenin obstructed their governments for 8 years throwing workers out of jobs, and sending factorys to other countrys?
The answer to that is Yes.
"We The Living" by Ayn Rand. Great read.
Sign the petition for a recount:
Petition for Recount on the 2012 Presidential Election | Petition2Congress


Visit this site. They are keeping a running account of cases of voter fraud and what to do about it:
Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012

VIDEO: Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers
[ame=]Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers - YouTube[/ame]

Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election
[ame=]Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election - YouTube[/ame]

Massive voter fraud discovered in April
[ame=]Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers - YouTube[/ame]

Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting
[ame=]Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting Machines - YouTube[/ame]



Video: Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out on Voter Fraud
[ame=]Vote Fraud - Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out - YouTube[/ame]
This is reportedly the most popular photo on the internet right now:


Rubio did not even run

*whispers* the DO know rubio is ...brown ye?

You DO know conservatives aren't racist the way you've been programmed to believe, don't you?

Doesn't look like.

Take your paranoia medication. Fact of the matter is, the black vote would have been split if it had been two black candidates. If Herman Cain hadn't been a one trick pony, he'd have been a better candidate than "Who is the Real..." Mitt Romney.
*whispers* the DO know rubio is ...brown ye?

You DO know conservatives aren't racist the way you've been programmed to believe, don't you?

Doesn't look like.

Take your paranoia medication. Fact of the matter is, the black vote would have been split if it had been two black candidates. If Herman Cain hadn't been a one trick pony, he'd have been a better candidate than "Who is the Real..." Mitt Romney.

Hermann Cain is not fit to run a Pizza stand let alone a country

9-9-9? Give me a break
You DO know conservatives aren't racist the way you've been programmed to believe, don't you?

Doesn't look like.

Take your paranoia medication. Fact of the matter is, the black vote would have been split if it had been two black candidates. If Herman Cain hadn't been a one trick pony, he'd have been a better candidate than "Who is the Real..." Mitt Romney.

Hermann Cain is not fit to run a Pizza stand let alone a country

Hey, I wouldn't argue the point. I stand behind mine, though.

To judge from this New York Times article, it wasn't just the Romney campaign that believed victory was inevitable -- Boehner and (apparently) some of his troops did, too:

On a conference call with House Republicans a day after the party's electoral battering last week, Speaker John A. Boehner dished out some bitter medicine, and for the first time in the 112th Congress, most members took their dose.

Their party lost, badly, Mr. Boehner said, and while Republicans would still control the House and would continue to staunchly oppose tax rate increases as Congress grapples with the impending fiscal battle, they had to avoid the nasty showdowns that marked so much of the last two years.

Members on the call, subdued and dark, murmured words of support -- even a few who had been a thorn in the speaker's side for much of this Congress....

Aides say this is an altered political landscape that Mr. Boehner did not expect....

Some Republican members appear ready to accede.

"The election was a wake-up call," said one veteran Republican in the House. For many members, "everyone they knew hated Obama. Everyone they knew agreed exactly with them. And then we lost." ...

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