The Worst President in history has been reelected

Rubio did not even run

*whispers* the DO know rubio is ...brown ye?

You DO know conservatives aren't racist the way you've been programmed to believe, don't you?

Doesn't look like.
whether they are racist or not really isn't the issue... the only thing that is important is whether or not they are PERCEIVED to be racist by minority groups that they are trying to win over. Clearly, whether they are racist or not, they did a lousy job of convincing minority groups to join their cause.
Sign the petition for a recount:
Petition for Recount on the 2012 Presidential Election | Petition2Congress


Visit this site. They are keeping a running account of cases of voter fraud and what to do about it:
Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012

VIDEO: Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers
Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers - YouTube

Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election
Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election - YouTube

Massive voter fraud discovered in April
Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers - YouTube

Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting
Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting Machines - YouTube



Video: Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out on Voter Fraud
Vote Fraud - Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out - YouTube

My brother brought up a very interesting point tonight while we were discussing the possibility as to whether or not this election was rigged.

I don't particularly know how everything works in every state but, in my state, the voter walks into their polling location and present their voter registration card and identification card to the individual sitting behind a desk. They have a list of registered voters and they look up your name and if your name is there, you sign a book and they give you a card of which you're supposed to insert into the voting machine. Now, what's to stop these people working at the polling station, if someone doesn't show up to vote, from selecting names from the registered voter list and using that card to cast a vote under this individual's name and forging the name of the voter who didn't show up in the voter book? If the voter never shows up? He/she would never be aware of the fact that someone else signed their name and used the card associated with that name to cast a vote. Shouldn't there be some means by which, after you've signed the voter book, they're able to send by mail a copy of your signature or something like that so, if someone else signs your name, you know whether or not someone signed your name even though you didn't vote? Then, in this case, if you didn't vote and you receive in the mail a copy of your signature of which was placed in the voter book, you would know that someone had signed your name illegally.

And, before anyone makes mention of anyone at the polling station taking a risk that the voter will still show up? Well, if it's like one-half hour to fifteen minutes before the polls close? Chances are, the voter isn't going to show up.
This is reportedly the most popular photo on the internet right now:


I'll bet she's proud to be an American for the second time in her life.

She doesn't have to give up the expensive vacations.
*whispers* the DO know rubio is ...brown ye?

You DO know conservatives aren't racist the way you've been programmed to believe, don't you?

Doesn't look like.

Take your paranoia medication. Fact of the matter is, the black vote would have been split if it had been two black candidates. If Herman Cain hadn't been a one trick pony, he'd have been a better candidate than "Who is the Real..." Mitt Romney.
No paranoia. Just tired of the left's lies.
Would you really take that risk for a handful of votes? Really? and everyone in the polling place would have to be in on the conspiracy.

why can't you righties get it through your heads that a guy you felt was incompetent actually beat YOUR guy at the polls. You can do it... We democrats had to do that just eight years ago.
*whispers* the DO know rubio is ...brown ye?

You DO know conservatives aren't racist the way you've been programmed to believe, don't you?

Doesn't look like.
whether they are racist or not really isn't the issue... the only thing that is important is whether or not they are PERCEIVED to be racist by minority groups that they are trying to win over. Clearly, whether they are racist or not, they did a lousy job of convincing minority groups to join their cause.

We couldn't be heard over the sound of liberals screeching "THAT'S RACIST!!" every time they heard something they didn't like.
Cuz the most popular cable network in the country and virtually all of the talk radio dial was totally in the tank for Obama! LOL

You lost. Suck it up. Be a man... Or, in your case, go ask your mom for an ice cream treat.
Would you really take that risk for a handful of votes? Really? and everyone in the polling place would have to be in on the conspiracy.

A handful of votes? How would you know it's only a handful of votes? You know something we don't? And, handfuls of votes at each voting station adds up. And, sure, everyone in the polling place would have to be in on the conspiracy. I can expect that in leftist dominated areas.

why can't you righties get it through your heads that a guy you felt was incompetent actually beat YOUR guy at the polls. You can do it... We democrats had to do that just eight years ago.

You Democrats didn't do squat eight years ago. To this very day I'm listening to leftists crying about Bush supposedly stealing the election. So, don't give me this crap.
Would you really take that risk for a handful of votes? Really? and everyone in the polling place would have to be in on the conspiracy.

A handful of votes? How would you know it's only a handful of votes? You know something we don't? And, handfuls of votes at each voting station adds up. And, sure, everyone in the polling place would have to be in on the conspiracy. I can expect that in leftist dominated areas.

why can't you righties get it through your heads that a guy you felt was incompetent actually beat YOUR guy at the polls. You can do it... We democrats had to do that just eight years ago.

You Democrats didn't do squat eight years ago. To this very day I'm listening to leftists crying about Bush supposedly stealing the election. So, don't give me this crap.

Keep whining that Obama "stole" the election. It really does make for great humor. Not only did your boy in magic underwear get his ass handed to him in every single battleground state... But you guys can't just take a licking and go on about your day without whining.... Good fun... Good fun
Cuz the most popular cable network in the country and virtually all of the talk radio dial was totally in the tank for Obama! LOL

You lost. Suck it up. Be a man... Or, in your case, go ask your mom for an ice cream treat.
You'll have to remind me -- where have I whined about Obama's win?

Oh, yeah -- nowhere.


Bedtime, boy. You have school tomorrow.
Would you really take that risk for a handful of votes? Really? and everyone in the polling place would have to be in on the conspiracy.

A handful of votes? How would you know it's only a handful of votes? You know something we don't? And, handfuls of votes at each voting station adds up. And, sure, everyone in the polling place would have to be in on the conspiracy. I can expect that in leftist dominated areas.

why can't you righties get it through your heads that a guy you felt was incompetent actually beat YOUR guy at the polls. You can do it... We democrats had to do that just eight years ago.
You Democrats didn't do squat eight years ago. To this very day I'm listening to leftists crying about Bush supposedly stealing the election. So, don't give me this crap.

Keep whining that Obama "stole" the election. It really does make for great humor. Not only did your boy in magic underwear get his ass handed to him in every single battleground state... But you guys can't just take a licking and go on about your day without whining.... Good fun... Good fun

I plan on it. And, insofar as magic underwear go? Infatuated with them...are you? Did you have magic underwear put over your head?
A handful of votes? How would you know it's only a handful of votes? You know something we don't? And, handfuls of votes at each voting station adds up. And, sure, everyone in the polling place would have to be in on the conspiracy. I can expect that in leftist dominated areas.

You Democrats didn't do squat eight years ago. To this very day I'm listening to leftists crying about Bush supposedly stealing the election. So, don't give me this crap.

Keep whining that Obama "stole" the election. It really does make for great humor. Not only did your boy in magic underwear get his ass handed to him in every single battleground state... But you guys can't just take a licking and go on about your day without whining.... Good fun... Good fun

I plan on it. And, insofar as magic underwear go? Infatuated with them...are you? Did you have magic underwear put over your head?
Of course you plan on whining about your belief that Obama stole the election rather than enter into a constuctive debate as to how we might find consensus solutins to our problems. I expected nothing more, that's for sure. Old white geezers whining about stuff like that is a surefire guarantee for continued democratic dominance. Keep it up. It makes me laugh AND it makes my party more secure.
Keep whining that Obama "stole" the election. It really does make for great humor. Not only did your boy in magic underwear get his ass handed to him in every single battleground state... But you guys can't just take a licking and go on about your day without whining.... Good fun... Good fun

I plan on it. And, insofar as magic underwear go? Infatuated with them...are you? Did you have magic underwear put over your head?
Of course you plan on whining about your belief that Obama stole the election rather than enter into a constuctive debate as to how we might find consensus solutins to our problems. I expected nothing more, that's for sure. Old white geezers whining about stuff like that is a surefire guarantee for continued democratic dominance. Keep it up. It makes me laugh AND it makes my party more secure.

There's no point in trying to have alleged constructive debate with a leftist as, there IS no debate. It's either agree with the leftist or...forget it. I'd make more progress smacking my head against a brick wall than I would trying to enter into supposed constructive debate with a leftist. And, I've already had constructive debate with leftists on how we might find consensus solutions to our problems and, they didn't listen, they still elected that condescending arrogant punk anyway. And, your delusions that anything is a surefire way to guarantee anything? That's all they are...delusions. Although you like to revel in this win, you forget one thing. While those identifying themselves as Republican/Lean or conservative over the past three years (2009, 2010 and 2011) has increased (with a slight dip in 2011 from 2010 identifying themselves as Republican/Lean), those identifying themselves as Democrat/Lean or liberal has been declining. So, don't count on your dreams of continued Democratic dominance. Just like 2008, I think it's more of a matter of Republicans and conservatives not voting which was key to his re-election, rather than anything special on your part. And the way? Those identifying themselves as moderates has been declining...too.
I plan on it. And, insofar as magic underwear go? Infatuated with them...are you? Did you have magic underwear put over your head?
Of course you plan on whining about your belief that Obama stole the election rather than enter into a constuctive debate as to how we might find consensus solutins to our problems. I expected nothing more, that's for sure. Old white geezers whining about stuff like that is a surefire guarantee for continued democratic dominance. Keep it up. It makes me laugh AND it makes my party more secure.

There's no point in trying to have alleged constructive debate with a leftist as, there IS no debate. It's either agree with the leftist or...forget it. I'd make more progress smacking my head against a brick wall than I would trying to enter into supposed constructive debate with a leftist. And, I've already had constructive debate with leftists on how we might find consensus solutions to our problems and, they didn't listen, they still elected that condescending arrogant punk anyway. And, your delusions that anything is a surefire way to guarantee anything? That's all they are...delusions. Although you like to revel in this win, you forget one thing. While those identifying themselves as Republican/Lean or conservative over the past three years (2009, 2010 and 2011) has increased (with a slight dip in 2011 from 2010 identifying themselves as Republican/Lean), those identifying themselves as Democrat/Lean or liberal has been declining. So, don't count on your dreams of continued Democratic dominance. Just like 2008, I think it's more of a matter of Republicans and conservatives not voting which was key to his re-election, rather than anything special on your part. And the way? Those identifying themselves as moderates has been declining...too.

Your party is the party of angry white folks... And that demographic is getting smaller and smaller. Obama had a smaller percentage of the white vote this election than Dukakis had in '88. If your party can't figure out how to reverse that trend, you are doomed.

I worked for several years as a staffer for democrats in a northeastern state legislature. I have witnessed first hand - and routinely - liberals and conservatives having constructive debates and reaching consensus. Just because you don't possess the intellect, or the wisdom, or the patience to accomplish that does not necessarily mean that all politicians are similarly handicapped.
Of course you plan on whining about your belief that Obama stole the election rather than enter into a constuctive debate as to how we might find consensus solutins to our problems. I expected nothing more, that's for sure. Old white geezers whining about stuff like that is a surefire guarantee for continued democratic dominance. Keep it up. It makes me laugh AND it makes my party more secure.

There's no point in trying to have alleged constructive debate with a leftist as, there IS no debate. It's either agree with the leftist or...forget it. I'd make more progress smacking my head against a brick wall than I would trying to enter into supposed constructive debate with a leftist. And, I've already had constructive debate with leftists on how we might find consensus solutions to our problems and, they didn't listen, they still elected that condescending arrogant punk anyway. And, your delusions that anything is a surefire way to guarantee anything? That's all they are...delusions. Although you like to revel in this win, you forget one thing. While those identifying themselves as Republican/Lean or conservative over the past three years (2009, 2010 and 2011) has increased (with a slight dip in 2011 from 2010 identifying themselves as Republican/Lean), those identifying themselves as Democrat/Lean or liberal has been declining. So, don't count on your dreams of continued Democratic dominance. Just like 2008, I think it's more of a matter of Republicans and conservatives not voting which was key to his re-election, rather than anything special on your part. And the way? Those identifying themselves as moderates has been declining...too.

Your party is the party of angry white folks... And that demographic is getting smaller and smaller.

Save your stereotypical BS and sing it to your choir.

Obama had a smaller percentage of the white vote this election than Dukakis had in '88. If your party can't figure out how to reverse that trend, you are doomed.
WOW, a one percentage decrease in white votes for Obama than those for Dukakis? HOLY HELL...WHAT A CATASTROPHY! But, if you want to make comparisons? Obama had a larger percentage of the black vote for this election than Dukakis had in '88. By, 4%. Want to know why? Guess. Additionally, Obama had a 1% increase in the Hispanic vote than Dukakis did in '88. And, really, what the hell is any of this supposed to mean? That was 24 years ago. Further, as long as the media is in the left's pocket? There pretty much isn't any way to reverse that trend. What do you want Republicans/conservatives to do? Stand on rooftops with bullhorns, begging African-Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, etc., to PLEASE join the Republican party? Groveling is unbecoming. And, as long as they're buying the left's BS and, as long as the left has the media in its pocket, there simply isn't anything much my party can do, other than those African-Americans of which are already in the Republican party hopefully having some influence. But, then again, they'll just be called "Uncle Toms" and nothing will probably even come from it. I would have liked to have seen Mia Love beat Jim Matheson in my state and that might have been beneficial. But, it didn't happen.

I worked for several years as a staffer for democrats in a northeastern state legislature. I have witnessed first hand - and routinely - liberals and conservatives having constructive debates and reaching consensus. Just because you don't possess the intellect, or the wisdom, or the patience to accomplish that does not necessarily mean that all politicians are similarly handicapped.
I don't care what you've seen. And, it isn't that I lack the intelligent nor wisdom. But, I do lack the patience as I just simply find myself tolerating leftists less and less as each second passes. And, the more they laugh and rub folks' faces in the victory? You surely aren't expecting things to get any you? The more they antagonize, the less those they're antagonizing are going to take it. Sorry but...that's just the way things are. Soon, they might find their gloating went just a tad too far. Maybe they'd be wise to figure out when it's time to keep their traps shut.
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What a ridiculous thing to argue over. Bigotry doesn't care about political affiliation.

Pointing fingers and crowing about your suspicions does nothing to support your own cause, either.
I hope this thread winds up in a hundred-year time capsule. Future generations will get plenty of lulz from the former far right. "Wow, there were really people like that back then?"
There's no point in trying to have alleged constructive debate with a leftist as, there IS no debate. It's either agree with the leftist or...forget it. I'd make more progress smacking my head against a brick wall than I would trying to enter into supposed constructive debate with a leftist. And, I've already had constructive debate with leftists on how we might find consensus solutions to our problems and, they didn't listen, they still elected that condescending arrogant punk anyway. And, your delusions that anything is a surefire way to guarantee anything? That's all they are...delusions. Although you like to revel in this win, you forget one thing. While those identifying themselves as Republican/Lean or conservative over the past three years (2009, 2010 and 2011) has increased (with a slight dip in 2011 from 2010 identifying themselves as Republican/Lean), those identifying themselves as Democrat/Lean or liberal has been declining. So, don't count on your dreams of continued Democratic dominance. Just like 2008, I think it's more of a matter of Republicans and conservatives not voting which was key to his re-election, rather than anything special on your part. And the way? Those identifying themselves as moderates has been declining...too.

Your party is the party of angry white folks... And that demographic is getting smaller and smaller.

Save your stereotypical BS and sing it to your choir.

Obama had a smaller percentage of the white vote this election than Dukakis had in '88. If your party can't figure out how to reverse that trend, you are doomed.
WOW, a one percentage decrease in white votes for Obama than those for Dukakis? HOLY HELL...WHAT A CATASTROPHY! But, if you want to make comparisons? Obama had a larger percentage of the black vote for this election than Dukakis had in '88. By, 4%. Want to know why? Guess. Additionally, Obama had a 1% increase in the Hispanic vote than Dukakis did in '88. And, really, what the hell is any of this supposed to mean? That was 24 years ago. Further, as long as the media is in the left's pocket? There pretty much isn't any way to reverse that trend. What do you want Republicans/conservatives to do? Stand on rooftops with bullhorns, begging African-Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, etc., to PLEASE join the Republican party? Groveling is unbecoming. And, as long as they're buying the left's BS and, as long as the left has the media in its pocket, there simply isn't anything much my party can do, other than those African-Americans of which are already in the Republican party hopefully having some influence. But, then again, they'll just be called "Uncle Toms" and nothing will probably even come from it. I would have liked to have seen Mia Love beat Jim Matheson in my state and that might have been beneficial. But, it didn't happen.

I worked for several years as a staffer for democrats in a northeastern state legislature. I have witnessed first hand - and routinely - liberals and conservatives having constructive debates and reaching consensus. Just because you don't possess the intellect, or the wisdom, or the patience to accomplish that does not necessarily mean that all politicians are similarly handicapped.
I don't care what you've seen. And, it isn't that I lack the intelligent nor wisdom. But, I do lack the patience as I just simply find myself tolerating leftists less and less as each second passes. And, the more they laugh and rub folks' faces in the victory? You surely aren't expecting things to get any you? The more they antagonize, the less those they're antagonizing are going to take it. Sorry but...that's just the way things are. Soon, they might find their gloating went just a tad too far. Maybe they'd be wise to figure out when it's time to keep their traps shut.

my guess is that your republican losers will have to listen to democrats gloat over their victory at least until the official start of the new term.... hey, you earned it. :lol:
Since leftist economic policies are prone to failure
and the Left backloaded most of Papa Obama's "bag of goods"
to take place in the 2nd term..
the wait will not be that long

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