The Worst President in history has been reelected

Since leftist economic policies are prone to failure
and the Left backloaded most of Papa Obama's "bag of goods"
to take place in the 2nd term..
the wait will not be that long

You have been promising an economic collapse for four years

What is taking you so long?

you have been promising an economic recovery
Granted, one could call Papa Obama's economic performance, a recovery

But then, it would it be the worse in history

Then again,
considering the failure of leftist programs-
poor growth of maybe 2%
and unemployment higher than when he took office-

this might just the best the left can do
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Conservatives think "math," like science, is a liberal invention with a deliberate bias against them!

seems to be working out great for them... :D

You think you won something, Shit for Brains. You are running out of road. We all lost, and that is the truth of it. Great misinformation and smear campaign though. I'm sure Mao and Lenin approve.

No chance. Mao and Lenin would be horrified that Comrade President Obama didn't murder all his oponents, put all registered Republicans in the FEMA work camps and outlaw the Republican party all together. But do keep slugging away with the obvious and ridiculous lies. 2016 is on the way and we need as many lies as the Republicans can dream up.
You DO know conservatives aren't racist the way you've been programmed to believe, don't you?

Doesn't look like.

Take your paranoia medication. Fact of the matter is, the black vote would have been split if it had been two black candidates. If Herman Cain hadn't been a one trick pony, he'd have been a better candidate than "Who is the Real..." Mitt Romney.

Hermann Cain is not fit to run a Pizza stand let alone a country

9-9-9? Give me a break

But he's was good (or crazy) enough to get a part-time spot on the Daily Show.

you have been promising an economic recovery
Granted, one could call Papa Obama's economic performance, a recovery

But then, it would it be the worse in history

Then again,
considering the failure of leftist programs-
poor growth of maybe 2%
and unemployment higher than when he took office-

this might just the best the left can do
The Recoveryless Recovery, ©2012, Barack Obama
*whispers* the DO know rubio is ...brown ye?

You DO know conservatives aren't racist the way you've been programmed to believe, don't you?

Doesn't look like.

Take your paranoia medication. Fact of the matter is, the black vote would have been split if it had been two black candidates. If Herman Cain hadn't been a one trick pony, he'd have been a better candidate than "Who is the Real..." Mitt Romney.

Why do you think the Axelrod machine was commissioned to go after Cain fast and nasty?
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You DO know conservatives aren't racist the way you've been programmed to believe, don't you?

Doesn't look like.

Take your paranoia medication. Fact of the matter is, the black vote would have been split if it had been two black candidates. If Herman Cain hadn't been a one trick pony, he'd have been a better candidate than "Who is the Real..." Mitt Romney.

Hermann Cain is not fit to run a Pizza stand let alone a country

9-9-9? Give me a break

And your "just vote present" boy still isn't qualified to flip burgers. But that's what's wanted here, isn't it, a UN step-n-fechit boy who unquestioningly does the bidding of his invariably white global masters. You wanted it, you got it.
Keep whining that Obama "stole" the election. It really does make for great humor. Not only did your boy in magic underwear get his ass handed to him in every single battleground state... But you guys can't just take a licking and go on about your day without whining.... Good fun... Good fun

I plan on it. And, insofar as magic underwear go? Infatuated with them...are you? Did you have magic underwear put over your head?
Of course you plan on whining about your belief that Obama stole the election rather than enter into a constuctive debate as to how we might find consensus solutins to our problems. I expected nothing more, that's for sure. Old white geezers whining about stuff like that is a surefire guarantee for continued democratic dominance. Keep it up. It makes me laugh AND it makes my party more secure.

Your side won, so let's have you open the "constructive" debate about how best to solve our problems.
The people voted 4 more years of the same. They re-elected the President who now leads into the future for those 4 years. For better or worse, he owns them.
I plan on it. And, insofar as magic underwear go? Infatuated with them...are you? Did you have magic underwear put over your head?
Of course you plan on whining about your belief that Obama stole the election rather than enter into a constuctive debate as to how we might find consensus solutins to our problems. I expected nothing more, that's for sure. Old white geezers whining about stuff like that is a surefire guarantee for continued democratic dominance. Keep it up. It makes me laugh AND it makes my party more secure.

Your side won, so let's have you open the "constructive" debate about how best to solve our problems.

Ok...why can't a deficit reduction plan include a degree of tax increases for the very wealthy? Democrats are willing to cut spending, but there must be revenue increases as well. WHy do republicans, who, as you said, was the side that lost, feel like they can draw a line in the sand about that point? Don't you all think that the wealthy did pretty well during the Clinton administration? Heck... I grew up in the Eisenhower years and my dad did quite well with Ike's marginal tax rates which were WAY higher than any democrat is suggesting they be raised to.

Your turn... and keep it constructive.
Of course you plan on whining about your belief that Obama stole the election rather than enter into a constuctive debate as to how we might find consensus solutins to our problems. I expected nothing more, that's for sure. Old white geezers whining about stuff like that is a surefire guarantee for continued democratic dominance. Keep it up. It makes me laugh AND it makes my party more secure.

Your side won, so let's have you open the "constructive" debate about how best to solve our problems.

Ok...why can't a deficit reduction plan include a degree of tax increases for the very wealthy? Democrats are willing to cut spending, but there must be revenue increases as well. WHy do republicans, who, as you said, was the side that lost, feel like they can draw a line in the sand about that point? Don't you all think that the wealthy did pretty well during the Clinton administration? Heck... I grew up in the Eisenhower years and my dad did quite well with Ike's marginal tax rates which were WAY higher than any democrat is suggesting they be raised to.

Your turn... and keep it constructive.

Yep, increase taxes on wealthy and any special interest group the President believes should be targeted. I expect the conservatives to go along with any and all proposals, except those that think a child born of rape is a 'gift.'

Those nutters aren't in any real party, they are in a world of their own.

No, the real conservatives will go along with anything this administration wants, making it clear they don't want to obstruct the ideological experiment the majority voted for.

Regarding their own ideas, that's for the next election. If these 'progressive ideas' set the economy on fire, I doubt they'll get far. OTOH, if the economy rather collapses, it won't be due to obstruction on the right.
This is reportedly the most popular photo on the internet right now:


I'll bet she's proud to be an American for the second time in her life.

She doesn't have to give up the expensive vacations.

Yeah, tell us more about how sour those grapes are.

Take your paranoia medication. Fact of the matter is, the black vote would have been split if it had been two black candidates. If Herman Cain hadn't been a one trick pony, he'd have been a better candidate than "Who is the Real..." Mitt Romney.

Hermann Cain is not fit to run a Pizza stand let alone a country

9-9-9? Give me a break

And your "just vote present" boy still isn't qualified to flip burgers. But that's what's wanted here, isn't it, a UN step-n-fechit boy who unquestioningly does the bidding of his invariably white global masters. You wanted it, you got it.

Obama is currently the most qualified man in the nation to be president

Get over it
Thank you America for reelecting the Obama. We all know that he's giving away lots and lots of "Free shit" and instead of fighting it, we now want some of it!

In fact, we are so enamored with idea of "free shit" that my wife and I are contemplating getting a divorce. Not because we don't love each other! Nothing would actually change, except on paper. But then she can get a free Obama phone, free section 8 housing (i'd move in with her!), Free Food stamps (SNAP!) , free unemployment benefits (99 weeks!?) , and free healthcare (obamacare!). In 4 years we could really shore up our finances and since it's all free, nobody has to pay!

This isn't cheating or gaming the system is it? I like to think of it as a "rebate" on our taxes......Thank Obama!
Make sure you let us all know which prison you end up in for defrauding the government so we can send postcards. :)

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