The Worst President in history has been reelected

"Vote Democrat".

Of course, that's only because their biggest problem is political dissent.

I noticed that, just like a typical pimply faced teenager, you ignored post 312 and chose, instead, to shed more heat and less light.

I'm under no obligation to read your pompous horseshit. True story! :lmao:

then don't jump into the middle of a conversation that, according to you, you are under no obligation to read, and try to add your two cents worth when you don't really have a fucking clue what you are talking about.... typical teenage stunt. Go ask your mom for some more popcorn and then STFU.
I'll bet she's proud to be an American for the second time in her life.

She doesn't have to give up the expensive vacations.

Yeah, tell us more about how sour those grapes are.

I've been proud to be an American from the time I was little.

Liberals seem to be proud of their nation only when they get something for free.
"Conservatives" only seem to respect the Presidency when it's a Republican President.

And "Conservatives" definitely only respect Republican military officers.
I'll bet she's proud to be an American for the second time in her life.

She doesn't have to give up the expensive vacations.
Why would she ever have to give up expensive vacations, win or lose?

Because as First Lady, she doesn't have to pay for them.

She gets an Obamaphone with Air Force One attached to it.
You're delusional. Elected officials must reimburse for personal trips on official transportation.

That's what got Republican John Sununu fired as Bush's Chief of Staff. :lol:
Republicans will continue to winlose :eusa_clap: because they don't "get it". For one thing, entitlements are just that. It is something people are ENTITLED to because they and/or their families paid into these programs like SS, medicare, medicaid and many of them paid taxes to help support other programs. None of it is free stuff and none of it is being taken as a hand out.
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After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

Obama received 60,652,149 votes. The US population is 311,591,917.

So your statement should read "...19.5% of the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans."

Just a little perspective. No charge.
that fiqure of 311,591,917 is the total population some are kids who dont vote
Please list all these "mythical" criticisms.....
Obama's a socialist; a marxist; death panels; he's a Kenyan; not one of us; wants to raise taxes on the middle class, etc.

I'll stop there. You get the message.

You want me to list legitimate criticisms of Obama?

Wow, you almost sound like you're getting PAID to talk him down.

If that's true, I want to know who is paying you?

-- Paravani
After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

Obama received 60,652,149 votes. The US population is 311,591,917.

So your statement should read "...19.5% of the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans."

Just a little perspective. No charge.
that fiqure of 311,591,917 is the total population some are kids who dont vote

Hey, think you could remind Obama that kids don't vote the next time a 10-year-old sends him a letter about her two dads?
You think you won something, Shit for Brains. You are running out of road. We all lost, and that is the truth of it. Great misinformation and smear campaign though. I'm sure Mao and Lenin approve.

No chance. Mao and Lenin would be horrified that Comrade President Obama didn't murder all his oponents, put all registered Republicans in the FEMA work camps and outlaw the Republican party all together. But do keep slugging away with the obvious and ridiculous lies. 2016 is on the way and we need as many lies as the Republicans can dream up.

Hey, Oblamer has four more years. Mao and Stalin may not be disappointed yet. But, unlike in Mao's and Stalin's case, Oblamer can TRY to murder his opponents, put all registered Republicans in FEMA work camps and outlaw the Republican party all together. Doubt he'll succeed...though.


Any ideas yet on who this guy used to be?
No chance. Mao and Lenin would be horrified that Comrade President Obama didn't murder all his oponents, put all registered Republicans in the FEMA work camps and outlaw the Republican party all together. But do keep slugging away with the obvious and ridiculous lies. 2016 is on the way and we need as many lies as the Republicans can dream up.

Hey, Oblamer has four more years. Mao and Stalin may not be disappointed yet. But, unlike in Mao's and Stalin's case, Oblamer can TRY to murder his opponents, put all registered Republicans in FEMA work camps and outlaw the Republican party all together. Doubt he'll succeed...though.


Any ideas yet on who this guy used to be?

Oh pray tell...why don't you tell us? I was known on AOL's message boards, before they went to AOL Answers, as Grumpy63528. And, before that, I was known as MarvnthMarshn. And, for a while, I was on Yahoo as FoghrnLeghrn. Can't remember if it was spelled like that...though, it's been so long ago. Is any of these your guess?
Republicans will continue to winlose :eusa_clap: because they don't "get it". For one thing, entitlements are just that. It is something people are ENTITLED to because they and/or their families paid into these programs like SS, medicare, medicaid and many of them paid taxes to help support other programs. None of it is free stuff and none of it is being taken as a hand out.

good, then when the Federal government ask to TAX you 60% of your paychecks to keep PAYING for this stuff that isn't FREE...just say, okey dokey
I noticed that, just like a typical pimply faced teenager, you ignored post 312 and chose, instead, to shed more heat and less light.

I'm under no obligation to read your pompous horseshit. True story! :lmao:

then don't jump into the middle of a conversation that, according to you, you are under no obligation to read, and try to add your two cents worth when you don't really have a fucking clue what you are talking about.... typical teenage stunt. Go ask your mom for some more popcorn and then STFU.
I'm also under no obligation to do what you petulantly order me to, boy.

Have you come to grips with your absolute internet impotence yet?

Sure doesn't look like. :lmao:
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Yeah, tell us more about how sour those grapes are.

I've been proud to be an American from the time I was little.

Liberals seem to be proud of their nation only when they get something for free.
"Conservatives" only seem to respect the Presidency when it's a Republican President.
I respect the office of the President. That's part of the reason I oppose Obama.

Meanwhile, you bitching and moaning about the President is particularly funny after the way you disrespected Bush.

Flaming hypocrite.
And "Conservatives" definitely only respect Republican military officers.

Never having worn the uniform, how the hell would you know? :lmao:

Again, you bitching and moaning about military officers is particularly funny after the way you disrespected General "Betray-us".

Flaming hypocrite.
Why would she ever have to give up expensive vacations, win or lose?

Because as First Lady, she doesn't have to pay for them.

She gets an Obamaphone with Air Force One attached to it.
You're delusional. Elected officials must reimburse for personal trips on official transportation.

That's what got Republican John Sununu fired as Bush's Chief of Staff. :lol:
Okay. Let's see where the Obamas have reimbursed the government for their vacations.
After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

Obama received 60,652,149 votes. The US population is 311,591,917.

So your statement should read "...19.5% of the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans."

Just a little perspective. No charge.
that fiqure of 311,591,917 is the total population some are kids who dont vote
Thank you, Captain Obvious. And yet they're still Americans, aren't they? You know, the same Americans the left is claiming have spoken.
Please list all these "mythical" criticisms.....
Obama's a socialist; a marxist; death panels; he's a Kenyan; not one of us; wants to raise taxes on the middle class, etc.

I'll stop there. You get the message.

You want me to list legitimate criticisms of Obama?

Wow, you almost sound like you're getting PAID to talk him down.

If that's true, I want to know who is paying you?

-- Paravani
No one has to be paid to disagree with Obama. :lol:
Because as First Lady, she doesn't have to pay for them.

She gets an Obamaphone with Air Force One attached to it.
You're delusional. Elected officials must reimburse for personal trips on official transportation.

That's what got Republican John Sununu fired as Bush's Chief of Staff. :lol:
Okay. Let's see where the Obamas have reimbursed the government for their vacations.

Two and a half weeks vacation a year and righties still bitch about excessive time off

Did George Bush drive to Crawford
I've been proud to be an American from the time I was little.

Liberals seem to be proud of their nation only when they get something for free.
"Conservatives" only seem to respect the Presidency when it's a Republican President.
I respect the office of the President. That's part of the reason I oppose Obama.

Meanwhile, you bitching and moaning about the President is particularly funny after the way you disrespected Bush.

Flaming hypocrite.
And "Conservatives" definitely only respect Republican military officers.

Never having worn the uniform, how the hell would you know? :lmao:

Again, you bitching and moaning about military officers is particularly funny after the way you disrespected General "Betray-us".

Flaming hypocrite.

Hypocrisy is the chief hallmark of the liberal mind.
Because as First Lady, she doesn't have to pay for them.

She gets an Obamaphone with Air Force One attached to it.
You're delusional. Elected officials must reimburse for personal trips on official transportation.

That's what got Republican John Sununu fired as Bush's Chief of Staff. :lol:
Okay. Let's see where the Obamas have reimbursed the government for their vacations.

Well, if they had been vacations...but those trips Mooshell and the gals (and any number of their gal-pals) made were actually "diplomatic missions". How about Barry reimbursing the American public for using the office of the President and all accouterments to run his campaign for the last three and a half years?
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